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  Gaijin said:
UK DVD Release will have 46 mins of deleted scenes for 1st season...we can assume the US release will feature the same.

You know what happans when you assume right?? you make an Asss outa you and me :lol:

The Stargate DVD releases are VASTLEY different from the US versions and the Farscape DVD's too the Buffy and Angel UK versions are mirrors of the US ones but they are the only example that I can think of every thing else is different

Posted (edited)

Other examples would be CSI and CSI Miami which the Brist break up into two Season Sets (The complete season is sold in two different volumes) while the US sells the Complete Season.

As is the Case with BSG The Brits are breaking up season one into 2 sets.

The US one will be complete most likely. so you can have 2 sets with features or one set with no features its up to you

Apprently Im wrong as http://discshop.com/dvd/product_body.asp?pf_id=77041 this shows. Its the complete Season 1 All 13 eps I dont know why Amazon UK is calling its Season 1 part 1 but I still think that the US version will not be the same as the UK

Edited by Otaku-Smeghead

There's really no doubt the scenes will be in the US release...they're already on Sci-Fi's website. What would be interesting is if they were edited back into the episodes as a sorta "Director's cut" version of the show. The UK release of the Mini did not have deleted scenes...the US version, with more time and of course, as incentive to purchase it in your country did.

Since the UK release will come out before the US one, the US one will probably have a few things the UK one won't...


season 2 shooting starts end of March...first 10 episodes start in July 2005, then next 10 a lil later...I believe that Stargate show uses this broken in half type scheduling/shooting as well.


Yeah Stargate since Season 6 and its inception on Scifi shoes new eps in the summer then is on break till the new Year.

The UK Sg1 Discs have more features then the US ones The Previw on Atlantis comes to mine. UK season 7 had a Feature on SG Atlantis US Season 7 did not

Posted (edited)

In the case of the US Mini DVD, we got more features than the Brits. All of the deleted scenes in the series will also likely make it to the US DVD's though some are hoping for the scenes to be edited back into the shows.

Sci-Fi's website has a multitude of videos/features on the show and it's hoped that they will find their way onto the DVD's as well, along with Ron Moore's commentary "podcasts" on the shows.

The UK version is expected to get the deleted scenes but nothing more.

And Friday's episode was great...as about as humorous as you could get in their dark crappy world I expect. Anyone notice that this episode containd the disclaimer 'not for younger viewers' message before the 1st act started?

I suspect it was the Baltar/Six scene...and the legs/her bent over the table shot. :D

I'm told the last 4 eps are super kick ass....can't wait.

Edited by Gaijin
  Gaijin said:
I suspect it was the Baltar/Six scene...and the legs/her bent over the table shot. :D

you mean this one?

can anyone point me to an mp3 of the intro?



lol it was a great episode in my opinion, poor Baltar can't catch a break but I guess he deserves that.

How he had to keep stoping and restarting tests that would take 11 hours to conclude and he had lil close to 46 thousand people to do "61 years....bloody hell"

And then Starbuck catches him with his pants down, :lol:


Tonight's episode airs 30 mins later than usual, so adjust accordingly. The recast after will be one hour later than usual. This is supposed to be one action packed space battles galore episode.

Also, the UK DVD S1 has gotten some reviews with the only the deleted scenes being extras, most likely because of time restraints. US release hopefully gets that and the features/commentaries. The UK release was confirmed having 5.1 sound and well...not much else other than it having the UK theme. Guess they will keep the openings separate.


I'm sort of curious about that as well...there a special that's going to last a bit too long or something?


Stargate SG-1 is going to be 90 minutes, as opposed to 60

that is why everything is later thank usual.



That was a good episode despite the fact I missed the first 30 minutes. But 1 thing did get to me...it was during the final fight as Strike 1 group was down on the hard deck. The Asian guy is trying I suppose but a bullet shot thru his cockpit and yet....he didn't actually go pop. You'd think his helmet would atleast go SPLAT in red due to the fact that an opened wound or what not in space would cause your blood to boil and explode....yet there he is, grabbing his chest and finally just dying there after saying a line......he should have litterally gone POP! Then the girl next to him just combusts....I felt sorry for some of those guys they had REALLY flashy deaths but damn that still sucked none the less.

Posted (edited)
  Hikuro said:
That was a good episode despite the fact I missed the first 30 minutes.  But 1 thing did get to me...it was during the final fight as Strike 1 group was down on the hard deck.  The Asian guy is trying I suppose but a bullet shot thru his cockpit and yet....he didn't actually go pop.  You'd think his helmet would atleast go SPLAT in red due to the fact that an opened wound or what not in space would cause your blood to boil and explode....yet there he is, grabbing his chest and finally just dying there after saying a line......he should have litterally gone POP! Then the girl next to him just combusts....I felt sorry for some of those guys they had REALLY flashy deaths but damn that still sucked none the less.

I think its the extreme temperatures in space that causes blood to boil. this is all speculation of course but it seems to me if the cockpit were pressurized the air would escape through the bullet hole in the canopy and since his space suit is assumably temperature regulated it would happen just like it was shown.

Edited by Opus

Tonight was awesome...only thing was the intro theme...what was that? It wasn't the UK theme, our US theme, it was some weird sounding edit.

Damn, Zoic knows their stuff. Loved the battle.

Guest Bromgrev
  Opus said:
You'd think his helmet would atleast go SPLAT in red due to the fact that an opened wound or what not in space would cause your blood to boil and explode...

I think its the extreme temperatures in space that causes blood to boil. this is all speculation of course but it seems to me if the cockpit were pressurized the air would escape through the bullet hole in the canopy and since his space suit is assumably temperature regulated it would happen just like it was shown.

It's not so much boiling as nitrogen bubbling out of solution due to lack of external pressure. It's actually those shows where people do go SPLAT which are less realistic - I'm talking willing suspension of disbelief, of course! :blink:


Loved the episode also!! Good to see them finally give us a good battle episode. I now it's a drama first, and I've been loving it!, but it's good to see a "Big-Mac" episode finally, as was said on the Pod-cast!

Yeah, I noticed that new theme music also.....I thought it sucked. <_< . I liked the old one much better, and the UK version even more. ;)



Since I missed the first half I can't comment on the opening or really how the first half commences. BUT! I did record the second airing lastnight (whew I actually got the watch SEED without it interfering cause of the funky SG-1)

So sometime when I get home from my Saturday work experince, I'll be watching it!

  Bromgrev said:
  Opus said:
You'd think his helmet would atleast go SPLAT in red due to the fact that an opened wound or what not in space would cause your blood to boil and explode...

I think its the extreme temperatures in space that causes blood to boil. this is all speculation of course but it seems to me if the cockpit were pressurized the air would escape through the bullet hole in the canopy and since his space suit is assumably temperature regulated it would happen just like it was shown.

It's not so much boiling as nitrogen bubbling out of solution due to lack of external pressure. It's actually those shows where people do go SPLAT which are less realistic - I'm talking willing suspension of disbelief, of course! :blink:

If they'd wanted to be really realistic, they'd have showed Chuckle's cockpit and helmet visor frosting over almost immediately. As big a whole as got punched in his flight suit, with zero external pressure, he wouldn't have even gotten out that 'Oh Frak!' before he was unconscious.

But it was a good TV death. Adieu, Chuckles!


Chuckles wasn't chucklin after that was he?

A co-worker whose only seen bits and pieces is sorta interested in wanting to catch the series, sadly he doesn't have a fast internet connection, and since I know episodes can be downloaded thru bit torrent and what not, anyone know of some sites? I wouldn't mind brushing up since I seem to miss half of nearly every episode cause of something.


You should tell him just start with the mini series DVD and give him a copy of your recorded episodes to watch...


I only started recording them since last week and after each week I rewind the tape and record over the last one lol

  Hikuro said:
I only started recording them since last week and after each week I rewind the tape and record over the last one lol

He's sol then. :lol:

I DVR'd and DVD recorded everything so far. :D Only 3 more eps to go...and I hope the US Box set comes out with more extras than the UK one.

  Bromgrev said:
  Opus said:
You'd think his helmet would atleast go SPLAT in red due to the fact that an opened wound or what not in space would cause your blood to boil and explode...

I think its the extreme temperatures in space that causes blood to boil. this is all speculation of course but it seems to me if the cockpit were pressurized the air would escape through the bullet hole in the canopy and since his space suit is assumably temperature regulated it would happen just like it was shown.

It's not so much boiling as nitrogen bubbling out of solution due to lack of external pressure. It's actually those shows where people do go SPLAT which are less realistic - I'm talking willing suspension of disbelief, of course! :blink:

A couple of thoughts on the human body and explosive decompression:

The question is, what happens to the human body in a vacuum?

Nope, the body won't blow up. Your blood won't boil, either.

There are a number of things about being in space, in a vacuum, which could cause harm to the human body. You wouldn't want to hold your breath. This would cause lung damage. You would probably remain conscious for several seconds, until the blood without oxygen reaches your brain.

It would be pretty darn cold, but the human body doesn't lose heat that fast, so you'd have a little time before you froze to death. It's possible you could have some problems with your eardrums, including a rupture, but maybe not. It would be worse if you had a cold, and were stuffy headed, with no way for the pressure to equalize.

You could get a bad sunburn, and you might actually swell some, but not to Arnold Schwarzenegger, "Total Recall" proportions. The "bends" are also possible, just like a diver who surfaces too quickly.

While your own normal blood pressure will keep your blood from boiling, the saliva in your mouth could very well begin to do so. In 1965, while performing tests at the NASA facility now known as Johnson Space Center a subject was accidentally exposed to a near vacuum (less than 1 psi) when his space suit leaked while in a vacuum chamber. He did not pass out for about 14 seconds, by which time unoxygenated blood had reached his brain. Technicians began to repressurize the chamber within 15 seconds and he regained consciousness at around the equivalent of 15,000 feet of altitude. He later said that his last conscious memory was of the water on his tongue beginning to boil.

The human body is amazingly resilient. The worst problem would be lack of oxygen, not lack of pressure in the vacuum. If returned to a normal atmosphere fairly quickly, you would survive with few if any irreversible injuries.

There have actually been cases of parts of astronauts bodies being exposed to vacuum, when suits were damaged. The results were negligible.

Also, go to this link for a bunch of gobble-de-gook on the subject.



Damn you just gotta think that's scary as hell if your suit rips while fixing a telescope, or something. I knew for one that you wouldn't wanna hold your breath. I was told that if anything you wanna take one huge breath and let it all out as quick as possible. However due to the fact your lungs carry small pockets of 02, you can't completely run out of air in an instant. This is why people wont choke and die after not getting air for say 30 seconds.

If it wasn't the fact you couldn't breath and your chances of death were extremely high if something bad happened in space, I'd probably had pushed to being an astronaunt :p ..........not.

I got to watching the first half of the show and all this god talk with Six and Baltar is making me think to much : / espically the "He doesn't speak to you in words".....it really makes you think "Do you control your destiny or is your destiny controled by something higher then yourself?" Or "Do you believe your fate is what you make of it? Or do you believe your fate is inevitable?"

Like Baltar said at the end, "I was....I AM a tool of God" and why would the Cylons have a facination with God or Gods? If they curse Humans for being weak, and want to destroy them, why would they create a human form? Why would they take up Human culture? It's just odd to me that a Machine who hates its creator would strive so much to better him and yet LOOK like him in every way.

I really gotta find the DVD's of the first Two season...man I can't wait for a third season too! This is by far so much better then the 80's one in my opinion, I was pretty much sold by the pilot :p

Oh yeah, I picked up the PS2 game this afternoon during my lunch break (18 bucks). Of course I'm noticing, yeah it does carry the old school stuff, and some of the new school stuff, but...why is it that makes me think it is its own lil story which is parrelle to the others?

In the last episode didn't Adama talk about his father being a lawyer? Yet in the game book, Adama's father was a Military officer? Also there's more then one starbuck? The one we come to know as a femmie bastard, and then the one in this video game?

<_< I guess I really just need to play it and get some of my own questions answered if any.



I just got done watching the whole series. I'm blown away by it.

I'm just chiming in to let anyone who hasn't seen it yet, watch it. It's the greatest sci-fi show to come along in years. The acting is great (for the most part). The story is great. The action sequences are great. It's the total package.


I like to think of it as your common Burrito.

Your Tortilla is the idea, your meat is the action, your cheese, lettus, onions, tomatoes are the variety of characters, and your beans are the comedic relief :p, wrap that together and you got a good series in the making.

Posted (edited)

I think she IS Preggers, wasnt that her whole mission? She did get the light up spine thing, I think that Cylons of that type get it when they "get off"


Edited by twich
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