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I don't know why I would bother watching the series if the mini made you so miserable. Let me tell you now that in the series, you're going to get more of what you saw in the mini, so just save yourself some time.

The Gaius Baltar character in the new series is probably one of the most interesting characters. He's completely insane. Or maybe he isn't. Reality and fantasy becomes a complete blur to him and somehow he manages to get thru it. I'd say there's definite depth to the characters and it becomes more evident as the series moves along.

As for shows ripping off one another, I suppose you can say BSG ripped off Star Wars, but does it stop there? Remember that SW is taken from a lot of other sources, so I don't see the point of arguing that angle, regardless if it's SW or not.

  Mechwolf said:
At what point in Star Wars did the Rebel Alliance or the Galactic Empire fight an race of machines hellbent on the destruction of all organic beings in the universe?

The Borg are rip-offs of the Original BSG Cylons...

There was a lawsuit brought up by Lucasfilm against Universal Pictures back in the 70's when Battlestar Galactica first aired stating some similarities between the first movie (Star Wars) and the pilot episode. I vaguely remember what became of it, but I think Lucas lost.

If anything, the Borg from Star Trek are very blatant rip-offs of the Cybermen, and possibly the Daleks, from the British sci-fi series Doctor Who. If you were to put the two races together side by side, their modus operandi would exactly match.

Example: Borg: "Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated..."

Cyberman: "Why do you resist when it is useless to do so? You will

become one of us. It is futile to resist."

All in all, I think I will give the new series a chance. Even after blasting the movie, which since it aired I have rewatched. It kind of grows on you like a fungus.


Well, I plan on pickin' up my DVD set tonight. Now if they would release something for Space: Above and Beyond..... :)

Posted (edited)

context man! context! :lol:

arguing that angle...

I didn't think much of SAAB. *gets ready to duck* :unsure:

Edited by >EXO<

*looks at Exo evilly* I'll be sure not to pass that little comment onto all the marines I know becuase we're friends, but watch the company you say such things in.


Oh come on...insult SAAB and you're insulting the present day real-world marines? Puh-leeze. Besides, there's members of this very board who've served and have been critical of their fictional brothers in arms. I believe it was Noriko who panned the fundamental skills of the Colonial Marines, for example.

Well, I plan on pickin' up my DVD set tonight. Now if they would release something for Space: Above and Beyond..... :)

We can only hope. My biggest regret about that series is there is no real conclusion to it, it just stopped. I always kinda wished someone would pick it up in novels or that a movie would be made or something, I however doubt it since it hasn't even been released on DVD.

Posted (edited)
  bsu legato said:
Oh come on...insult SAAB and you're insulting the present day real-world marines? Puh-leeze. Besides, there's members of this very board who've served and have been critical of their fictional brothers in arms. I believe it was Noriko who panned the fundamental skills of the Colonial Marines, for example.

Gotta agree with you I love SAAB, but i have a few problems with the way things are done aboard the Sara and within the Wildcards.

P.S. I do however like the new BSG

Edited by Coota0
  >EXO< said:
The Gaius Baltar character in the new series is probably one of the most interesting characters.

I'd take that even further by saying that Baltar is one of the most dynamic and interesting characters on TV today. The man is so slimy and obviously self-centred that you have to loathe him. On the other hand, you just have to admire how carefully and completely each one of his actions is designed to give himself the most benefit.

Even just going by what we see in the miniseries, it'll be great to watch as he plays everyone off of everyone else to his maximum benefit.

  Noriko Takaya said:
If anything, the Borg from Star Trek are very blatant rip-offs of the Cybermen, and possibly the Daleks, from the British sci-fi series Doctor Who. If you were to put the two races together side by side, their modus operandi would exactly match.

That aside. I really don't expect the new BSG series to go very far. Not much more longer then Space Above and Beyond did. People are tired of ship based material. Why do you think Stargate was so popular!!!!!

VERY unlikely that it came from Doctor Who, though I won't deny it's influence. Fred Saberhagen's Berserker book series started in 1969 and Issac Asimov's materials started in the 1940's. It was the time period between 1940's-1980's was ruled by the giants of fiction where the question of "What makes us human?" was explored in the early days of mass market electronics. That's where they most likely got their ideas from.

  >EXO< said:
forget the old series. You won't be able to enjoy it. When I first saw it all the changes bug me. But I saw it again and it's a brand new series to me now.

Oh, don't worry... I meant that more as a good thing than anything else :lol:

I know this and the original series are two whole different things. I had that mindset when I saw the miniseries back in December (03)...

In fact, the only thing that bugged me was, as posted previously, the possibility of Cylon infiltrator plot device abuse. It happened once, and they already hinted at the end of the pilot (?) episodes that it was going to happen AGAIN. They can only do it so much before it gets old... :ph34r:

Posted (edited)

There were some trailers for the series and a short clip of Helo (Boomer's co-pilot that got left behind) being chased by Cylons in a forest.

Boomer teaser

Season 1 Trailer

Preview Clip Cylons Chase

The season 1/Boomer trailers for the series already show the "paranoia" and fear/anger of the crew of Galactica over the fact that there may be Cylons among them. I'm looking forward to it.

Edited by Gaijin
Posted (edited)
  >EXO< said:
MWUAHAHA! I've seen those episodes!  Now I'm addicted... :rolleyes:

Grace Parks/Boomer is a cutie.

Mmmmmmmmmmm...Grace Park. :D

Edited by Gaijin
  >EXO< said:
MWUAHAHA! I've seen those episodes! Now I'm addicted... :rolleyes:

Grace Parks/Boomer is a cutie.

exo are you talking about Torrents cause I just found out that Suprnova.org is DEAD no more torrents from them. So where are you getting the Eps?


yup... Suprnova...

for some reason I can still get in here at home but the downloads are hella slow...

If I type it in at work, it won't let me in... :(


I should be home tomorrow, my Japan trip was cancelled due to a nasty stomach bug, when I get home I will post up my torrent sites, all very nice. And while I agree that Grace Park is a cutie I'll take Starbuck and Six any day of the week, mmm Starbuck, Six sandwich.

Posted (edited)

Yeah... 6 doesn't do it for me... even though she's suppose to be the sexpot. :(

Edited by >EXO<
  >EXO< said:
Yeah... 6 doesn't do it for me... even though she's suppose to be the sexpot. :(

Hey, you gotta see Six as Farrah Fawcett( she did a Charlie's Angels bio pic). She had to wear fake nipples. :lol:


I heard that the opening music will be changed from the UK ones. Having not seen the UK ones (and don't care to watch TV or movies on my computer anyways), does anyone know if this is going to be the case?

What IS the opening music in the Skyone versions?

  Graham said:
Wow, just saw the Summer 2004 Wonder Festival report on the Japanese IT Media site and it looks like there are going to be some Battlestar Galactica original series trading figures made. Not sure whose making these, I would guess either Konami or Takara? No idea of price or release date either.


Konami is making them. I think they are trading figures. supposed to be coming out in march. Here is a link. Click here.

Joy Ride the company that make the OCC bikes are also making Battlestar Galatica stuff. Click here.


the UK music starts out slow and instrumental then picks up and has a tribal drum beat to it by the time the credits end and the show starts.

im gonna watch it tonigt!!! :p

  vt102 said:
Konami is making them. I think they are trading figures. supposed to be coming out in march. Here is a link. Click here.

Nice... not a bad price either :o


Found a clip of the music...similar to the Mini with the Taiko drums. Hope it stays intact for the US.

  Knight26 said:
I should be home tomorrow, my Japan trip was cancelled due to a nasty stomach bug, when I get home I will post up my torrent sites, all very nice.

Knight the wait is killing me! :D


Hmmm....both Sci-Fi & NBC will be re-airing the mini-series though the NBC version will be cut down for time. Also, Universal HD (The old Bravo HD) will air the show as well...grrrrr, no Universal HD on Time Warner Cable. :angry:

Wish it was on a High Def station I could catch...Sci-Fi analog station on my digital cable looks like crap.


i just watched last nights one, and have to say that so far this has been one of the best series of the (last) year :)

I was rather worried at first about the changes from the original one, but so far most of the changes haven't been for the worse.

From what I remember of the old series there wasn't a great deal of ongoing story, the new one seems to have a well thought out ongoing storyline (or four).

i've got the opening credit's music as a video clip if anyone wants it (about 8mb), but it's not great quality as it's recorded from the video out on my digital cable and i've not had much experience compressing my TV' cards mpeg2 output to divx.


So, now Boomer's Female AND Asian to boot. Oh well, I still have Sisko and Lando to look up to for black sci-fi role models :D

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