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  Kin said:
I always llove the sound of the first series... launch the fighters... POW (ala Super Valkyrie) :lol:

Yeah, I remember the noise the Vipers made launching was very loud and really impressed me when I saw the theatrical release of the first Battlestar Galactica movie back in UK in 1978.


  CoryHolmes said:
  Major Johnathan said:
Sci-Fi is just so predictable these days.  Too many formulas that everyone borrows from. <_<

Go watch Firefly for a good change of sci-fi pace.

Best. Sci-Fi. Ever. :)

  Gaijin said:
  CoryHolmes said:
  Major Johnathan said:
Sci-Fi is just so predictable these days.  Too many formulas that everyone borrows from. <_<

Go watch Firefly for a good change of sci-fi pace.

Best. Sci-Fi. Ever. :)

It's funny, but I used to praise SG-1 for its witty dialog and top-notch writing. Now that I've seen Firefly, SG-1 just looks flat and dull.

And who dares to knock SAAB? Watch out, or I shall be forced to smacketh thee :)

As someone who simply cannot stand the original BSG, this miniseries completely surprised me. It had a serious tone and great attention to detail, such as the briefing rooms and such. Most sci-fi shows just gloss over that part. And since I have total apathy regarding the original in my favour, I have absolutly no issues with the female-ized characters. While I found Starbuck to be a tad over-the-top for my taste, that just shows there's room for character development throughout the series.

All in all, things are looking up for this series.


I always liked the original BSG, but I like the new one, too. I apreciate them both for what they are. Glad to see that they kept the classic Viper design, though. Those Mk.VIIs looked like crap.

My one and only problem with the new Starbuck is that they're trying to make her like the original, but they keep forgetting that the original Starbuck was a womanizer. She comes across almost likeshe's trying to be something she's not. Still, it's nice to see at least one fighter pilot, who acts like a fighter pilot.


Wow, just saw the Summer 2004 Wonder Festival report on the Japanese IT Media site and it looks like there are going to be some Battlestar Galactica original series trading figures made. See: -


Cylon Raider




Not sure whose making these, I would guess either Konami or Takara? No idea of price or release date either.


  Dobber said:
3. As for the design of the new Galactica. Galactica.tv forums has had lengthy discussions(spelling) on it. In short, She's supposed to look ribbed, something to do with how it can obsorb more damage....the techno people there rival the people here in thier discussions!! :p If you are interested you should check out the site.


Still not sure that I buy the theory that the Galactica is supposed to looked ribbed.

The fact that there is hull plating at seeming random areas covering the ribs leads me to think that some of the plating has been removed for the decomissioning process.

And if the ribs are supposed to absorb more damage, then surely having armor plating over the ribs would add even more protection.



Just wondering is the Battlestar Galactica PS2 game worth buying? I've read a few reviews that say it's quite difficult and the frustration level is high.

I saw it selling on amazon for around US$20, so I'm thinking of getting it, as I like flying games like the Ace Combat series and I like Galactica. However, I hate games with a high frustartioon factor as they raise my blood pressure, cause me to fly into a rage and hurl my gamepad at the wall :p .

Comments/opinions please.


  Graham said:
Just wondering is the Battlestar Galactica PS2 game worth buying? I've read a few reviews that say it's quite difficult and the frustration level is high.

I saw it selling on amazon for around US$20, so I'm thinking of getting it, as I like flying games like the Ace Combat series and I like Galactica. However, I hate games with a high frustartioon factor as they raise my blood pressure, cause me to fly into a rage and hurl my gamepad at the wall :p .

Comments/opinions please.


the game isn't bad but its not good either. Its main problem is lack of change, it gets old fast.

  • 3 months later...

Reviving old thread...bought the DVD today of the mini series and finally watched it in full. I liked it. Loved the Serenity cameo. Looking forward to the series in January.


I've been downloading the new episodes and I'm totally into it now. It's the sci-fi series I've been waiting for in a long time. I can't wait to see more but they took down the torrent site I've been getting it from... I guess I have to wait until March to pick up where I left off.... but for now I'll watch the series over again from the start.


the first season has come and gone in england and i loved it. i cant wait till the next one. the game is ok as well its supposed to be a prequel to the new tv series and accounts for the first war in which capt adamma is a viper pilot. where is season 2 already. i dont want to spoil anything for anyone. i dont know if its all out on tv in the states yet.

  Gaijin said:
Reviving old thread...bought the DVD today of the mini series and finally watched it in full. I liked it. Loved the Serenity cameo. Looking forward to the series in January.

Thinking of getting this myself as I really liked what they did with this mini-series. Any good extras within the set?

  HWR MKII said:
the first season has come and gone in england and i loved it. i cant wait till the next one. the game is ok as well its supposed to be a prequel to the new tv series and accounts for the first war in which capt adamma is a viper pilot. where is season 2 already. i dont want to spoil anything for anyone. i dont know if its all out on tv in the states yet.

Are they done with the airing in the UK? I read somewhere that they ordered 6 more episodes.

Any Macross fan should definitely check this out. It has great similarity between the episodes where they trying to bring the Macross back to earth with the Zentraedi close behind.


The new BSG in the UK starts back up for the second half of the season on January 3. Exo when I get back I will send you the torrent site I use, it has links to all the different sites and shows, etc... I am also really digging this new series, it is very cool.


I see commercials of it coming in Janurary on Sci/fi...I watched BSG last year thought it was really interesting thus far....never had the heart to play the game cause I wasn't sure if it was any good....so maybe I'll rent it and give it a shot with my ace piloting abilities :p

  Gaijin said:
Reviving old thread...bought the DVD today of the mini series and finally watched it in full.  I liked it.  Loved the Serenity cameo.  Looking forward to the series in January.

Thinking of getting this myself as I really liked what they did with this mini-series. Any good extras within the set?

No real extras other than a making of that was not bad (they talked to Richard Hatch and Dirk Benedict about their feelings on the new show and altering of the original), and a commentary track along with some deleted scenes. Pretty much that was it.

It does have a Dolby Digital 5.1 track which was ok. And the video was in 1.78: 1 widescreen so it fits perfect on my 16:9 LCD TV. Video quality was ok but still pretty grainy. Think that was mostly intentional but who knows.

All in all, I enjoyed it for what it was. I'll watch the series in Jan. Wish Sci-Fi channel was in HD...SD shows look like crap on an HD set.

  Hikuro said:
I see commercials of it coming in Janurary on Sci/fi...I watched BSG last year thought it was really interesting thus far....never had the heart to play the game cause I wasn't sure if it was any good....so maybe I'll rent it and give it a shot with my ace piloting abilities :p

The game was alright...but kinda hard.

  Gaijin said:
  Hikuro said:
I see commercials of it coming in Janurary on Sci/fi...I watched BSG last year thought it was really interesting thus far....never had the heart to play the game cause I wasn't sure if it was any good....so maybe I'll rent it and give it a shot with my ace piloting abilities :p

The game was alright...but kinda hard.



I saw the comercials on Sci Fi and can't wait to see it. It looks really interesting and since I watched the first one I definetly want to see this one as well.


not trying to spoil it but BLEED CYLON RAIDER BLEED!!!! didnt see that plot twist coming. you all know they are copying humans but theres more to it than even that.


We kinda guessed it a while back... didn't think they'll reveal it so soon and so graphically.... haha...

Cool episode... Starbuck's a kick ass pilot.

It also makes you wonder what they will risk for one pilot vs. one ship.


I'mah rent the game tonight then after work ^_^ I got a 3 day weekend starting tomorrow, not like I got anything better to do...(cough cough)


I'm gonna watch it, loved the original series.

My only hope is they don't abuse the Cylon infiltrator plot device too much. That'll get real old fast... :ph34r:


forget the old series. You won't be able to enjoy it. When I first saw it all the changes bug me. But I saw it again and it's a brand new series to me now.

  >EXO< said:
forget the old series. You won't be able to enjoy it. When I first saw it all the changes bug me. But I saw it again and it's a brand new series to me now.

Yeah...I have sworn off the old series....it was perfect for me as a 9 year old...I'm afraid now I'm to jaded and cynical to enjoy it...


After watching the new mini-series (a year after everyone else), I have high hopes for the regular series.


I love the new series and I recently rewatched my VHS copy to remind myself how much I liked it. I personally liked how they made Adama more of a ass kicker and less of a religious zealot. I still love to watch the old series but this is a more mature Battlestar Galactica.


I thought the Mini kinda sucked. New Adama an ass kicker? A lame ass more like it. The special FX were awsome, but they rarely had any good medium range shots so that what was happening could be clearly seen. Most action scenes were either close-up reaction shots, or extreme long distance shots. & to the best of my memory the Cylon Baseships were giant Jacks.

A more mature Battlestar Galactica? If by that you mean that it is an overly melodramatic Star Trek-ified dumbed down to the lowest common denominator version of BSG? Then yes it is a 'mature' BSG.

Don't get me wrong, the original BSG was hokey & silly alot of the time, but it wasn't some lame concoction of recycled & regurgitated plot devices from other sci-fi movies & films. & at least it had 2 main black characters.

Other reasons i dislike the Mini...

Adama was a lame ass with little leadership ability.

'Apollo' was a whiney little nancy boy.

Tigh was a shithead with a drinking problem & even bigger attitude problem.

The Cylons, while cool looking, are playing the "I want to be human" card while killing that which they are emulating, as well as being an overused plot device from The Terminator. At least they could have left the machine Cylons as products of the real reptilian Cylons attempt at competing with the human form. I was really wanting to see Reptilian Cylons in action.

Anyways, I will give the series a shot & see what develops. But even if it winds up being really good, you guys & gals must realize that Skiffy will most probably yank it before it finishes what ever story it hopes to convey. Never forget what Skiffy did to Farscape. I'm especially concerned since the same network that yanked the original BSG now owns Skiffy.

  Mechwolf said:
Don't get me wrong, the original BSG was hokey & silly alot of the time, but it wasn't some lame concoction of recycled & regurgitated plot devices from other sci-fi movies & films. & at least it had 2 main black characters.

No, it was a plain in your face rip-off of Star Wars. They even gave Adama Jedi like powers. I won't mention Count Ibley aka Lucifer, Mephisto, and The Devil. Listen, the mini-series showed the realism of a race of people on the verge of extinction and prepared to do anything to survive.

Posted (edited)

At what point in Star Wars did the Rebel Alliance or the Galactic Empire fight an race of machines hellbent on the destruction of all organic beings in the universe? It amazes me that people who are unable to think of valid reasons to not like the original BSG always fall back on the "BSG ripped off Star Wars" arguement. All becuase half the SFX people who worked on SW also worked on BSG.

If you didn't like the original BSG becuase of hokey dialog, or of the vaguely Christian/Mormon undertones, I can dig that. But to not like BSG because it "ripped off SW" is not just a poor excuse, but a false one as well.

I don't remember Adama having a Lightsaber, or being a Force user or using Jedi mind tricks. Sure he had limited teleknesis, but there are many sci-fi & fantasy stories that had characters with such abilities long before SW.

Listen, the Mini showed us how a crappy former ST:TNG writer can screw up a moderate sci-fi franchise with lame plot devices, boring, uninteresting & mainly annoying character development & worn out Star Trek cliches. Ronald Moore stated that with this series he wanted to do the 1st realistic sci-fi series. What he failed to realize is that Babylon 5 beat him to the punch 10yrs ago.

And if you want to talk about "plain in your face rip-offs", DS9 was a huge rip-off of Babylon 5. The Borg are rip-offs of the Original BSG Cylons, & the Mini is a space-opera rip-off of The Terminator. Hell, thay ripped-off the neural clone plot device from Farscape in the Mini!

Edited by Mechwolf

The original BSG was childish...plain and simple. Rewatch it. I loved it...but it's a story about genocide and the actors are all merrily on there was through the universe with nearly no emotion. I loved it...I'm not getting at it, but lets not put it on a pedestle. The new one tried to have a point. It tries to have emotion beyound anger and tries to make the chharacters real. Baltar, for instance...old series...evil... (for what reason you ask...who knows...just evil) New series...they try to give the character depth.

Posted (edited)
  Mechwolf said:
At what point in Star Wars did the Rebel Alliance or the Galactic Empire fight an race of machines hellbent on the destruction of all organic beings in the universe? It amazes me that people who are unable to think of valid reasons to not like the original BSG always fall back on the "BSG ripped off Star Wars" arguement. All becuase half the SFX people who worked on SW also worked on BSG.

First of all, I love the original series; I still watch my taped episodes. You have to admit if it wasn't for Star Wars there wouldn't be a Battlestar Galatica. Geez, the show was created to capitilized on the Star Wars crazed of the late seventies. C'mon, didn't the Cylons have a slight resemblence to the Stormtroopers? Just because certain specifics wern't copied doesn't mean it wasn't inspired by it. The old show was a bit more racially diversed and that was good thing. I really liked Herbert Jefferson's Boomer. He had a quick wit that made him more interesting to me than other characters. As the new show continues, I hope we'll see more characters of African descent.

Edited by terry the lone wolf
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