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ThreeZero ROBOTECH (Macross) Toys


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45 minutes ago, Froy said:

There is a couple of moments in the video where the arms appear to be flush with the legs hight.





39 minutes ago, treatment said:


Yeah, but still seems to look mistransformed, tho. 

Head-gap and all that...

I believe, arms looks flush with legs here because the arms are not where they are supposed to be. Once slid further forward to butt against the head, I believe the forearms will then droop because of the bump caused by the waist rotation T-bar sticking up into the forearms' space. The arms currently do not droop in the above couple of pics because the shape of the shoulders allow clearance for the T-bar.



From the older video couple pages back, this is how the arms are supposed to be, but unfortunately from this angle we can't really tell if the forearms are lower than the legs.


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2 hours ago, MKT said:


I believe, arms looks flush with legs here because the arms are not where they are supposed to be. Once slid further forward to butt against the head, I believe the forearms will then droop because of the bump caused by the waist rotation T-bar sticking up into the forearms' space. The arms currently do not droop in the above couple of pics because the shape of the shoulders allow clearance for the T-bar.



From the older video couple pages back, this is how the arms are supposed to be, but unfortunately from this angle we can't really tell if the forearms are lower than the legs.


I've transformed one of mine only once, and I believe the forearms were flush if not slightly recessed.  The figure has excellent heft, and the one I transformed was absolutely rock solid in fighter mode.  Hasbro/Takara...pay attention!

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I would say it is almost flush with the arms and legs. It’s not as flush as Yamato. It doesn’t bother me.  It’s good, but reminds me of how the DX arms don’t super lock into place. Like they don’t really droop…but it’s not quite as good as locked in place as Yamato/arcadia was. I still really like it. Just my opinion for what it’s worth.

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Are the extra filling parts for the torso optional or required for transformation?

The video says required... I am concerned the extra parts are required to keep the arms in position (so they don't slide down)...


Image vf.jpg

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6 hours ago, Cherude said:

Are the extra filling parts for the torso optional or required for transformation?

The video says required... I am concerned the extra parts are required to keep the arms in position (so they don't slide down)...


Image vf.jpg

My arms stayed up - the correct position - in battroid mode w/o the fillers just fine.  I wasn’t looking for a locking mechanism to keep the arms in place w/o the fillers, however, so I can’t say if there is one. 

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54 minutes ago, CF18 said:

Another review from Hong Kong.


Well this review’s better than the previous ones. He still gets couple of stuff wrong though, but for most part, everything is shown straightforward & clear. This is really mini-DX, and then some.

The only complaint he has, and it’s a minor one, is near the start of video when he says the moving nacelles at the nose are somewhat loose and a bit ill-fitting.

He also shows a new backpack brace locking mechanism for Battroid.

i was a bit concerned that the legs are not able to bend forward enough for a deep Gerwalk pose (something KC’s & to some extend the HMR struggle with), but thankfully in the next few seconds he proceeded to show just how far forward the legs can really bend. :good:


There’s also another new Korean review, this one’s more than 2 hours long lol. I’m only partway through it..


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I waited too long so I cancelled my Preorders and bought something else.. looks nice but I've become price sensitive about the these things. I hope everyone enjoys them.

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10 hours ago, CF18 said:

Another review from Hong Kong.


Great camera work and great poses esp. the braking GERWALK pose. Didn't understand anything though :p

9 hours ago, MKT said:

Well this review’s better than the previous ones. He still gets couple of stuff wrong though, but for most part, everything is shown straightforward & clear. This is really mini-DX, and then some.

The only complaint he has, and it’s a minor one, is near the start of video when he says the moving nacelles at the nose are somewhat loose and a bit ill-fitting.

He also shows a new backpack brace locking mechanism for Battroid.

i was a bit concerned that the legs are not able to bend forward enough for a deep Gerwalk pose (something KC’s & to some extend the HMR struggle with), but thankfully in the next few seconds he proceeded to show just how far forward the legs can really bend. :good:


There’s also another new Korean review, this one’s more than 2 hours long lol. I’m only partway through it..


Mini-DX comment is very welcome news. I don't have a DX VF-1 'cause of the ridiculously inflated price plus I don't really have any space for a 1/48 collection. HK review is better than the Korean one even if the latter is 2 hrs. long. Too bad the HK reviewer didn't have a Yamcadia 1/60 v2 during the comparison part. I'm now even more excited to get the VF-1S... if I weren't already tired of the VF-1J scheme and have had very bad luck with yellowing VF-1J valk toys, i'd get this one too.

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So far, all I'm seeing is ThreeZero reknowned craftmanship, especially the smoothness in the transformation. Really liking it!!!

I'll say it again, if they bring this out in grey or some stealth/low vis camo, I'm all in. 

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So far the nitpicks I have:

1. The double hinged elbow design, they are visually very prominent, and I much prefer the more elegant, semi-hidden 2nd joint solution employed by Yamcadia / DX.

2. The gun looks to be extremely glossy, and in several higher gloss levels than the whites of the valk. It especially sticks out in comparison to the all-metal feet thrusters lol.

3. The panel lining at the wings look weird. Something looks quite off there. I think there's not enough lining detail at the wings, and whatever that's there sticks out too much.

But these are just minor nitpicks. On other hand, some stuff I like:

1. The finishing of the valk. The effect of the coating (assuming what a previous reviewer in video said is true) used reminds me very much of KC's recent releases of the Vermillion Squadron. KC's Rick 1J has this subtle sheen to it that sort of makes it look more like painted metal instead of gloss plastic, and I'm kinda seeing the same effect here on Threezero's. Although, the panel lining looks better done on KC's item mainly due to colour of the wash.

2. As mentioned before, any coating at all should be advantageous to stave off yellowing from oxidation. 

3. The cockpit canopy has excellent clarity, with just the right amount of grey tint? Not unlike the DX.  Preproduction samples weren't so, they showed semi-frosted items, and I'm glad they turned out as they are now. Everyone has an area of OCD for their toys, and this is one for me lol. It was also why I was slightly disappointed with Sentinel's Legioss in that area - there's some blurriness to their cockpit canopy that's not dissimilar to the old Yamato 1/48 VF-1. 

I didn't finish watching Korean review, just fast forwarded to bits of it. I guess the review was a recorded, unedited live-stream hence the length. Reviewer was amusing to watch at first, because he looks like a caricature character - I'm thinking of a comedic yakuza lol. But he does mis-transform it quite a bit as well, and in Fighter mode he makes exactly the same mistake of not pushing the arms in towards the head, leaving that huge gap in-between. All the while he was making all kinds of satisfied squawks, humming some tune (maybe from Space Gandam V, since he made a lot of references to that show lol). Every now and then he would exclaim that he overlooked something in the transformation, proceeded to fix those, but never got to that head-arm gap! Grrrr... :aggressive:

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1 hour ago, MKT said:

2. As mentioned before, any coating at all should be advantageous to stave off yellowing from oxidation. 

It's not the elixir against yellowing. Helps preventing finger print oils eventually spreading yellowing through plastic and on water slide decals, but that's about it. 

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3 hours ago, Raikkonen said:

It's not the elixir against yellowing. Helps preventing finger print oils eventually spreading yellowing through plastic and on water slide decals, but that's about it. 

Agree it’s not foolproof.. I’m just inclined to believe it provides additional protection to retard the process in some way.

Nothing can be done though if the underlying plastic formulation’s plain bad.

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22 minutes ago, MKT said:

Agree it’s not foolproof.. I’m just inclined to believe it provides additional protection to retard the process in some way.

Nothing can be done though if the underlying plastic formulation’s plain bad.

This is the thing. It's all down to the quality of plastic/paint. 

And Lego and Bandai are probably the worst lol.

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Watched the video with the mistransformed f-mode again and checked the measurements. Fighter length is about 25 cm. and wingspan is about 23cm. I measured one of my 1/60 v.2s and the measurements are very close. Of course the proportions will be different but it's good to know that it won't look small when beside a 1/60 v2 in f-mode.



But battloid is only around 21cm. to the top of the head based on the screenshot. It's about 1cm. shy of my 1S Max in battroid mode. -_-


Maybe it can cheat with the extendable leg gimmick. :rolleyes:

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Two things sticking out to me in particular:

- Those are some pretty gnarly looking elbow joints, flexibility aside.
- I can't un-see the upper wing panel lines duplicated on the underside. :rolleyes: At least they didn't double up the NO STEP Markings.

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4 hours ago, Chronocidal said:

Two things sticking out to me in particular:

- Those are some pretty gnarly looking elbow joints, flexibility aside.

Their double joints philosophy is a massive fail. The deal breaker for me with their Ironman line. However as bad as that elbow. 

image.png.18d6495c71309cbb5c7bafdf621f80d7.png image.png.0a1634d9c987b2f495ccdec0dd0e4630.png

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The white arrows on the legs point to the hidden buttons to release the leg and feet extensions. Definitely good to know when transforming. When I first started with mine I thought the joints were so tight that’s why the feet wouldn’t come out. 

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7 hours ago, Chronocidal said:

Two things sticking out to me in particular:

- Those are some pretty gnarly looking elbow joints, flexibility aside.
- I can't un-see the upper wing panel lines duplicated on the underside. :rolleyes: At least they didn't double up the NO STEP Markings.

Wings can’t have similar panel lines on their underside?

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2 hours ago, 26662 said:

Wings can’t have similar panel lines on their underside?

Not when the upper surface of the wings have spoilers that only exist on the top side by design.  

Hasegawa went ham and just copy-pasted most of the panel lines of an F-14's wing, but Yamato/Arcadia and Bandai both changed the spoilers into a blank panel on the underside of the wings.

Unfortunately, the panel lining just makes it stick out more than it would otherwise.

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Maybe I'm missing something here, but do the elbows just not rotate at the forearm joint at all?  All the pictures seem to show them stationary, with all of the motion happening with the skinny extension piece. :blink: 

That video seems like it confirms it.. the entire lowest segment of the arm looks stuck permanently in the forearm armor, despite being curved as if it's supposed to rotate.

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1 hour ago, Chronocidal said:

Maybe I'm missing something here, but do the elbows just not rotate at the forearm joint at all?  All the pictures seem to show them stationary, with all of the motion happening with the skinny extension piece. :blink: 

That video seems like it confirms it.. the entire lowest segment of the arm looks stuck permanently in the forearm armor, despite being curved as if it's supposed to rotate.

It's pretty much obvious from this. 


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