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Too many to choose from. Off the top of my head?

Lum, Ataru Moroboshi (da yin and yang), Susumu Kodai (Derek Wildstar), Motoko Kunsanagi, Hikaru Ichijo, Spike Spiegal. and Optimus Prime.


One word:



But in the background: Briareos ( Appleseed ), Max Jenius, Captain Goto ( Patlabor on TV and the absolute coolest leader under pressure of all time ), Yomiko Readman ( Read or Die - boy, do I know that "doesn't notice anything at all when reading" thing! ), and special honouary mention to Bloody Mary ( aka Commander Makara in Star Fleet/X-Bomber )...


wile e coyote... Not really anime but he goes fast and blows up a lot... which has been a prevalent theme in my life :rolleyes:

vash the stampede was pretty cool.

Kaneada was cool

violator made me laugh :lol:

what was the name of the rabbit/spaceship in tenchi?

the maxx... always love the psycho's :rolleyes:


i think that bunny from tenchi was named ryo-oh-oki? something like that.

anyhow my fave char would be Nausicaa for a gal, Speed Racer (sorry dont remember his japanese name) for a guy.


ohhh... funny ones.....



stewie [from family guy]

bender [futurama]

cheshire cat [alice in wonderland]

toady [from gummy bears] "dukie wookums!!!"

grandpa [from jackie chan adventures] "and another thing...."

team rocket [from pokemon]


Deunan (Appleseed)

Ana and Uni Puma (Dominion)

Manji (Blade Of The Immortal - non anime, maybe someday <_>


Some favorites:


Madoka (K.O.R.)

Yomiko Readman (R.O.D.)

Tina (Ai Yori Aoshi)

Lafiel (Crest/Banner of the Stars)

Jet (Cowboy Bebop)

Bender (Futurama)

Seijuro Hiko (Rurouni Kenshin)

The cabbit's name is RYO-OHKI.

  kanata67 said:
what was the name of the rabbit/spaceship in tenchi?

Ryou Ouki

Some of my favorites: Petit Charat, Shiro Lhadatt, Yang Wen Li, Justy Ueki Tylor, Shibahime Tsubasa, Ayumu Kasuga, and Goto Kiichi.


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