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arc - It might help to make sure all your drivers are up to date. That has worked for me a few times in the past. The only other explanation is that the demo was a much smaller level than the full version. However, with your powerhouse rig, it should be able to handle anything.


All my drivers are up to date... here is the funny thing though: all I did was switch the renderer from normal to "paradise" and bam the thing runs smooth as milk now... and it evel looks better than it did before! :blink:

I have no idea what was bottlenecking it so I am keeping an eye on that patch release date.

  JsARCLIGHT said:
I am keeping an eye on that patch release date.

The 1.1 patch is already out, and available from a gazillion game file sites. There's supposedly talk of a 1.2 patch, but I don't know anything about it.

I absolutely love this game. You can defenitely feel the freedom that the game engine allows. No more "rails" guiding you from checkpoint to checkpoint. The enemy AI can actually be fooled, and has to rely on its senses to find you, not some lame 6th sense games like Call of Duty featured. And while it may be a failure in real life, I can tell you that the OICW rocks in Far Cry. :ph34r:


I'm having too much fun flashbanging the twerps in the carrier.

Fsssssss.... BOMF.... Ahh! My eyes! :lol:

The only thing I don't like about this game was the same thing that pissed me off to high heaven about Halo on the PC: the vehicles. At slow speeds they seem like they are stuck in cement and at fast speeds they boarder on the "slipping on the ice" feeling. I must admit that after you grease that first base and get your hands on a Hummer the game gets a bit more fun... but it mainly is fun to just sit there far away in the Hummer and lob rockets at things and then finish them off with the 50. I've found using the vehicles as sort of "mobile bunkers" works sort of well... until the thing takes like four bullets and explodes on you :angry: .

Anyway... what was everyone's take on the "intro" movie. I liked it, very jangly and "trendy".

... and I'm guessing those spooky nightmare things are going to be coming after me later in the game, no? :ph34r:


The guys on the carrier aren't that bad, once you take out the minigun. I too used a couple of flashbangs, and kept moving from box to box. Plus that "lean" function really comes in handy.

The vehicles are a little so-so in their control, but they're no worse than those of any older console game. In a game like Far Cry I'll let sloppy vehicle control slide, but the more sim oriented Joint Ops had better improve it. The hang glider is just too cool for words, though. I'm going to have to replay that level just to see where I can go with it, instead of simply going from point A to point B.

Those beasties in the intro (which is completely different from what the early trailers had shown) do indeed show up later on. I haven't really fought more than one or two (and that was at medium range) but I forsee them being tough. I do like the soundtrack of the intro and the game, however.


Kind of another minor gripe I feel I have to add:

While playing the game today I noticed that "bullet hit location" is very, very off in this game. Outside of using one of the scoped weapons it is almost impossible to line up a headshot or center of mass shot on a target. Even when your stupid crosshair is right there dead bang center mass on a target you can still miss by a mile. I'm not talking about the annoying "drunken sway" that your player seems to have when aiming weapons, I'm talking about the randomness of the bullet hits. I can live with the dancing aiming reticle as that (sort of) tries to approximate real life aiming variables but when they couple that with yet another random location hit generator for the acutal shot it makes accurate aim with anything but the sniper weapons a chore.

Case in point: approaching the carrier, there are a few guards stationed on it's deck. I sat a good distance away with my M4 on single shot in prone position with the (really poorly done) "aim" feature on and meticulously lined up my shots... only to have a great percentage of them (>75%) MISS!

Either your player is the worst shot on the planet or he really, really needs to break out a multitool and adjust all his weapon sights. :(


I had trouble running it at first with a Radeon 9800pro, but that was because I only had 256 megs of ram, I bought a gig, and now it runs totally smooth with all options. So, make sure you have enough ram too.


Hey another Raedon user! :lol:

I also have the 9800 pro and 2 gig of ram in my (used to be) new home box, so it was not memory holding me back but something else that I have yet to figure out...

Is anyone else having trouble with the top of the carrier/helepad fight? I played that part about twenty times last night and keep getting murdered by the chopper. Is the chopper beatable with normal weapons? I swear I emptied five or six magazines from the FNP90 and M4 into that thing to no effect, didn't even kill the door gunner. :blink:


You're still having problems with the carrier, JsARC? You can beat the chopper simply by hitting the door gunner. Once he's dead, he'll fall out the door and the chopper will fly away. One time, I actually managed to knock out the chopper itself, but I couldn't tell you how I did it.


Yup I'm still going round and round with that damn blackhawk. I have tried shooting the door gunner more times than I think I should admit to... last night I even had the bastard square in my sights and still did not manage to kill him... or even HIT him for that matter (please read my about pissy post about the game's fooked up aiming to understand my frustration). Everyone I have talked with basically tells me the same thing: kill the door gunner. It's a lot easier said than done on the harder game settings and that damn wiggly aiming reticle is pissing me off! :angry: I have max health, max armor, max ammo and max pissed off factor on my side when my save point kicks in at the ladder to the flight deck... that darn chopper has the fact it can kill me dead in one solid burst and a horde of goons on the deck on it's side.

I'm basically replaying the level now trying to hit that darn door gunner... or should I say I'm trying to find a spot on the deck that is not blanketed with gunfire that I can breathe for a second and line up a shot on that door gunner...

I'm not so much mad at the game as I am at the shitty CA your character is walking into.

  JsARCLIGHT said:
Yup I'm still going round and round with that damn blackhawk. I have tried shooting the door gunner more times than I think I should admit to... last night I even had the bastard square in my sights and still did not manage to kill him... or even HIT him for that matter (please read my about pissy post about the game's fooked up aiming to understand my frustration). Everyone I have talked with basically tells me the same thing: kill the door gunner. It's a lot easier said than done on the harder game settings and that damn wiggly aiming reticle is pissing me off!  :angry: I have max health, max armor, max ammo and max pissed off factor on my side when my save point kicks in at the ladder to the flight deck... that darn chopper has the fact it can kill me dead in one solid burst and a horde of goons on the deck on it's side.

I'm basically replaying the level now trying to hit that darn door gunner... or should I say I'm trying to find a spot on the deck that is not blanketed with gunfire that I can breathe for a second and line up a shot on that door gunner...

I'm not so much mad at the game as I am at the shitty CA your character is walking into.

Go up the ladder, burst fire at the door gunner (I'm playing on a harder difficulty too)

Another strat is to go DOWN the ladder and backtrack, shoot it while its still hovering below deck... that is even easier. But I've done both. :)

After you do that, go to the left of the ladder and take out the two bozos there, then you're free to take out the rest on the other side(Personally, I used the gatling gun)

To blow up the chopper itself, simply don't hit the gunner... only hit the chopper. After about 3 mags it goes...


I finally got that bastard door gunner... no thanks to skill, aiming or actual "being good at the game" but due to old fashioned run up the ladder, point the gun at the chopper (no aiming) and hold down the trigger until the guy falls out the door. In other words: dumb luck. I ran that same path twenty some odd times before but this last time all it took was one stray bullet from an unaimed burst that killed him... a freaking lucky shot. The rest of the doorknobs on the deck were chicken feed after that.

Just goes to show that actually trying to aim and make accurate shots in the game fails next to standard "spray and pray" logic.

Makes me feel stupid for approaching the game the way I am... you know, trying to save ammo, be all stealthy and move from cover, aim and fire for effect like commandos do in the real world. I need to quit playing MGS: Twin Snakes.

  • 2 weeks later...

So has anybody else beaten this game yet? The last level was frustrating as hell, but I enjoyed every minute of it. This game was one of the best gaming suprises in a long time. It will likley be one of my favorites for some time, especially since Soldner and Joint Ops are both looking kind of "Meh" to me.


Far Cry is the best game I have played in a very, very long time. There have been so many times in the game where it has just blew me away. The graphics alone are pretty impressive but there is so much more. It feels similar to playing Half Life for the first time where you just knew it was on a whole different level than other games.

I think I am near the end but it is hard to say. I have played through a lot of levels and just beat the boss in the helicopter while standing on a sinking boat (very cool). Now it looks like I have to plow through an island full of monsters. No problem - bring em on!


A few days ago I cleared the first "island" and am now on the second island (the one at night). I keep getting killed either by roaming tri-gens or by getting ganged up on by troops. I'm trying to "solid snake" my way through the level and pick off as many guys as I can without being seen and having to engage in a stand-up fight.

Oh and the Jackhammer is the perfect tri-gen whacker. :ph34r:


One of my favorite tactics was to snipe 2 or 3 mercs from extremely long range, then circle around behind them while they try to flush me out. There's a few levels where you can successfully "Solid Snake" the entire level without firing a shot, but I think my favorites are the levels where you get a jeep or a boat and just blast through the entire level.


One of mt favorite tricks is to spook a heard of tri-gens or mercs and get them to follow me back to a point where I have stashed a Humvee, Boat or Minigun and just hose them when they round the corner or crest the hill.

Good times.... good times... :lol:

  • 3 weeks later...

Ubi Soft has just opened the "Mod" section of the Far Cry site. They spotlight the Korean War mod "The Forgotten War." Some of the stuff they have planned sound very very interesting, such as allowing the commies to command an entire AI squad, so that they can accurately simulate the 10 to 1 odds in some of the famous battles. Plus tanks, aircraft and destructible terrain!

Read about it HERE


And let's not forget the requisite STAR WARS mod.


I really like Far Cry, but some parts are too hard. I eventually resorted to cheating to get past the level where you have to get across the lava floes while dodging a million Fatboys.

One of my favorite tactics is to swim in the water, pop up to kill guys, and sink back in, so they lose you. Very SEAL-esque.

One thing that would kick ass, though, would be co-op play. Imagine being a whole squad of guys attaking a merc base.


I like it that Far Cry is "too hard". I like it that the game has me frustrated on several parts, because when I get all worked up and angry at a game that is when it really gets rewarding if you beat that really hard part.

For me it was that damn chopper on the deck of the carrier. Once I got passed that point I started playing the game a bit differently, I learned from the frustrating parts that kept pissing me off and as the Marine Force Recon says: I adapted and overcame.

You have to admit though, if the game was easy you would hate it for being too easy. Also, Far Cry is one of the few FPS games out there in which stealth, tactics and patience pay off more than rushing people guns blazing. It's more realistic that way... if you discount the mutant hell beasts and super body armor that is.

  JsARCLIGHT said:
It's more realistic that way... if you discount the mutant hell beasts and super body armor that is.


Speaking of realism anyone here pick up the new splinter cell game yet?

Posted (edited)

Man, I just need to blow off some steam but I hate, hate, HATE that FUXXING WOMAN! And I HATE the GOD-DXXM DESIGNERS for putting her in this otherwise awesome game.

So much for Solid Snaking a level when she follows right behind me and refuses to do anything other than stand around like a dumb ass with her finger up her ass! FXXXING A! all I do is snipe one, ONE fricken guy! and every knows just where I am since she's right behind me like a fricken flag pole. If I run, she doesn't keep up, if I hide, she doesn't, if I sneak, she doesn't. I wish I could put a fricken bullet in her just to be rid of her.

Add to that the fact that she likes to carry NO equipment, not wear camo, and generally look like an old Boar's Nest extra and I seriously hope the designers put her in as "Action Movie Kitsch," otherwise they must be about 10 years old. Their little skin scene left me thinking about a recent article on how video games rot your brain. I mean, really. For a game that plays everything else close to reality, their idea of women is pulp male fantasy.

Maybe they just wanted to make us feel like a misogynist action movie star.

Oh, and did I mention she must only shoot when she fricken feels like it. I try to go all Rambo style instead, but now she lags behind and flipping hangs out with the ENEMY! So now I have to fire at the guy standing right next to her, yet she still doesn't even LIFT a FUXXING FINGER except to say, "Look out!" or "We've got enemies right on top of us." BAH!

EDIT in>> Or how about cleaning out a whole enemy camp only to find I can't go to the next level because the "thing" she's suppose to see at the end of it, she can't because she's stuck on a fence about half the level back and is not moving. Even shot her in the ass but she still just kept standing there. The most beautiful thing was when she said, "We haven't got much time, we'd better split up." I jumped up and hugged my wife who'd been listening to me curse so. Too bad it didn't last. :angry:

Almost worth the price of airfare just to go see the developers and punch them in the head.

Edited by LePoseur

I completed it in about 4-5 days total playing time. I have a few gripes with inconsistent AI and the difficulty level noticably jumping when I neared the final levels.

The AI on challenging (even with the autobalance on) was impressive but when they either run from a nade or stand there depending how they feel during that level retry, gets annoying. Hiding in bushes however was totally fun, especially when using the silenced MP5. Best part of the game IMO.

The difficulty towards the end jumped very high, almost to a point to where I thought I had actually put the game on realistic (which by the way is almost impossible to play) and made it that far. A few physics in the game changed towards the end too. The rocket launchers used throughout almost the entire game has a slow, "dodgeability" to them. Later on when you enter one of the last complexes, they are lightning fast and almost unnoticable before you get hit by one and die.

A few other things bothered me; shooting a guy with an entire M-16 clip, clearly hitting his head 70% of the time and him not dropping because he had armor on was, to say the least, highly lame. Also, sniping with the 50 cal, holding your breath, prone and hitting someone in the head and not killing them got a tad annoying and made me want to smash my keyboard to tiny,smoldering, smithereens.

I give the story a C. It was OK but nothing that makes me want to play through again. I had a great time playing it through and it's been a long time since I played a game that actually scared the hell out of me in parts. You who've finished it know about that certain first meeting with the Trigen I'm talking about. Multi-player is awesome though.

Story and my personal problems aside, this game SHINES in multiplayer. I have never had so much fun running to the top of a mountain, sighting someone with a set of sound-nocs and smiping them from so far away they can't even imagine where it came from.

The game itself in it's single player form I give an B+. There are a few things they could patch out/in and it would bring this to a clean A+.

Multiplayer: A+ Nuff' said.

The weapons, how they react when used, the vehicles (short of

"boss" vehicles) all A+

The voice acting and voice to pixel meshing needs some SERIOUS work. I think they pulled people off the street, gave them hot meals and said "voice this game". F

Graphics and eye candy I'd give an A+ if I didn't need a X-14 Government Super Computer to run it on medium to very high. Low settings are still visually stunning though. I give it a B+ here.

Keep in mind I am running a near new Alienware with a P4 2.8 HT and an ATI 9800 FireGL Vid card and I chunk up with it on any of those setting. It's a bit demanding.

I recommend FarCry to anyone who wants a great FPS to play through once for something to do and enjoy.

I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone looking for an awesome FPS to play in multiplayer

  LePoseur said:
Maybe they just wanted to make us feel like a misogynist action movie star.


You just may have something there. What really annoyed me was how she'd push me out of cover, run out into the open blocking my shots and drawing attention, all the while shouting "Look out Jack!" and "These guys are good!".

Really fun game though, petty annoyances notwithstanding.

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