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Woooooohooooooo!!!!! I just got my W-2 forms!!!!!!!

Hmmmm....what shall I buy *drools* *giggles* *rubs hands* :lol:

A couple of 1/48's

an MPC

Oooooh... Alternators!!!!!!

Thanks for reminding me. ;)


I'm actually getting a refund this time and it's a big refund. This is the first time since I've been married (6 yrs). I had a ton of deductable expenses last year and the tax relief helped me a lot. It's too bad I need that money to pay bills, though. I would love to put some cash down for the new 1/48's and the new Optimus Prime.


oh yeah, I totally forgot about the whole tax refund thing. It's like putting money away for a whole year and then getting it back in the beginning of the new year. Man oh man I can't wait to update my collection already. :p:D:lol:


I should actually be able to save a large portion of my tax return finally this year. If Yamato ever ships the YF-19 of a 1/48 CF, then it will deplete some of the savings, but other than that I have everything else I wanted to buy covered already, Q-rau included.

Good, because I really need to start saving something.


I got my tax workup from my accountant a week or so ago. Filed the paperwork this week. I'm a stickler for getting my taxes done ASAP so I don't have to fight for accountant time and stand in line. My tax paperwork was almost nine pages this year...

Needless to say, Dubayah was right: the rich do get richer with him around. :p

When I get my check I'm planning on banking most of it, spending some of it and getting around to finally buying that top hat and monicle...


Oh God! I forgot about one benefit of being in the U.S. Army Reserves: College loans!!!!!!!!!!!

According to my military contract, I can get a student loan of $10,000 and the Army will pay if off a year later. All you army guys confirm this for me please ;)

Of course, I'll never spend that much on toys, but I wouldn't mind putting a G on some Valks he-he. :rolleyes:

I got my tax workup from my accountant a week or so ago. Filed the paperwork this week. I'm a stickler for getting my taxes done ASAP so I don't have to fight for accountant time and stand in line. My tax paperwork was almost nine pages this year...

Needless to say, Dubayah was right: the rich do get richer with him around. :p

When I get my check I'm planning on banking most of it, spending some of it and getting around to finally buying that top hat and monicle...

me too!

Assuming I get somewhere between $1500 to $2300 in returns, I'll spend $700 on my car(gotta replaced that stupid side mirror, a 30,000 mile tune up, air filter, rotate tires, etc), $700 on toys?!? and put the rest on my savings account.

$700 on toys? Jesus. Is the economy still down? what's the jobless stats again?

Posted (edited)

As the resident, grumpy, free-market conservative around here, I must remind all of you:

Tax refunds are a friggin' scam. Remember, this is money that you should have had all year. . . but the government overcharged you. Yet, do they pay you the interest on the money that you loaned them and that they "held" for you all year? Nope.

Now, I'm not as bitter about this as I may seem. I actually like the money-bomb that my tax refund usually drops on me this time of year. But, well. . . nobody should consider their tax refund to be some sort of gift from Uncle Sam.


Edited by Hurin
Posted (edited)
When I get my check I'm planning on banking most of it, spending some of it and getting around to finally buying that top hat and monicle...

When you do, spend a few bucks on a dictionary, and make sure to put in your monicle when you look up the word "monocle" :lol:

Tax refunds are a friggin' scam. Remember, this is money that you should have had all year. . . but the government overcharged you. Yet, do they pay you the interest on the money that you loaned them and that they "held" for you all year? Nope.

Well, that's why there's the W-4 form. You can control your deductions and get back more at the end, or more week to week. Of course, the government is scamming you to some degree, that's what government does. But you do have some control over it.

Edited by Mechamaniac
Of course, the government is scamming you to some degree, that's what government does. But you do have some control over it.

Emphasis on the word some.

By no means enough.



Just realized that we're veering this topic dangerously close to the politics precipice. So, I for one, will shut up now. :)



What country doesn't tax you? what? you think your special?

I also agree that taxes is really just money you own all year, but I'm the type of person who blows money everyday. It's nice to get a large sum back once a year despite the lack of interest. Besides, banks don't pay that much interest on your savings unless you have a CD account. In fact, you lose money putting your hard earned mullah in a savings account(monthly fees, overdraft, bill pay, etc).

You don't want to pay taxes? move to Texas and shop at your local military PX(tax free).


The tax system is not a scam. Deductions are designed around averages. Most of the years I was married, I had to tell them to take much more money out of my paycheck and I still owed at the end of the year because my wife also worked. That's why I was happy to get money back this year and relieved that I don't have to write another big check.

For reference, a dual income family pays more taxes than two single people making the same amount of money. That's why it is killed the marriage penalty tax. However, that all changes when you have kids.

To keep this thread on track, I will say that one of us should figure out a way to write off our toy purchases as a deduction. Maybe one could set up a fake business of some sort and make toys a business expense. :lol:

When you do, spend a few bucks on a dictionary, and make sure to put in your monicle when you look up the word "monocle" :lol:

Me spel baad when me post things kwik.

Me have enouff moneey that me not need to spel rite. Me biy dichunary, lite on fier weth hunnert dolar bil and burnn it just too waach it buurn. :p

Seriously though, in all actuality your tax dollars go to pay for stealth bombers, highways, pork projects, kickbacks and slush funds... I like to think that that MO National Guard F15 I see scream overhead every now and then keeping me safe is 1/10000 mine. :lol:


"Scam" may have been a poor choice of words. What bothers me are those who seem to think that the government is somehow granting them a boon when it gives them back their own freakin' money. Yes, you should be happy that you got it back. . . but when people act like the government is giving them money. . . that's a screwed up way of looking at it when it was money that you earned.

As for

What country doesn't tax you? what? you think your special?"

Huh? Where the hell did that come from?

You don't want to pay taxes? move to Texas and shop at your local military PX(tax free).

Again. . . huh? Where does discussion of the nature of a tax refunds swerve into: "Do you think you're special!?! What! You don't wanna pay taxes, tough guy?!?"

I'm done here. No, really! :)


"Scam" may have been a poor choice of words. What bothers me are those who seem to think that the government is somehow granting them a boon when it gives them back their own freakin' money. Yes, you should be happy that you got it back. . . but when people act like the government is giving them money. . . that's a screwed up way of looking at it when it was money that you earned.

As for

What country doesn't tax you? what? you think your special?"

Huh? Where the hell did that come from?

You don't want to pay taxes? move to Texas and shop at your local military PX(tax free).

Again. . . huh? Where does discussion of the nature of a tax refunds swerve into: "Do you think you're special!?! What! You don't wanna pay taxes, tough guy?!?"

I'm done here. No, really! :)


It's your job to pay taxes PERIOD.

Don't be a whinning-pampered-ass-BURGEOIS-liberal(hypocrites)-Valk collector and MAN UP!

You can't run a country without taxes. Yes, sometimes it's questionable and appaling with what they do with our hard earned money(I get pissed off looking at my pay stub), but there's also alot of good things they spend it on.

It's your job to pay taxes PERIOD.

Holy crap dude.! It is disturbing how widespread this thinking has gotten. Instead of the government letting people live their lives and enjoy the fruits of their labor while (grudgingly) paying as little in taxes as possible. . . some now consider the people to be nothing more than the means for the government to aquire more funding. That is completely backwards. It is not my job to pay taxes PERIOD. It is the law. . . so I am obligated to do so. . . but it ain't my friggin' job. . . nor does being the law of the land make over-taxation (or any other act of government) intrinsically moral.

Don't be a whinning-pampered-ass-BURGEOIS-liberal(hypocrites)-Valk collector and MAN UP!

Other than that dude, I'm not going to touch this. Why don't you settle down and stop calling people names just for expressing an opinion.

It happens to be my opinion that we are over-taxed and that our government should do less and tax us less. There is a long and distinguished shool of political thought that feels the same way. Deal with it. But until you can actually have a conversation or argument without calling names . . . don't bother starting one.

But, this is neither the time, nor the place. Personally, since we've so obviously started talking about politics (not allowed), I hope this thread gets locked.



I hope I get one this year. I didn't last year. I actually had to pay MORE taxes last year because the guy who set up my payroll is an idiot (gave me too many deductions).

So what am I going to do with it? Dunno yet. I got a healthy bonus and a good raise last year, so I'm good for dough and all I need. I might splurge on a Monster or something.

Vostok 7


mods flexing muscles are sexxay.

and yep this is turning political, so instead of commenting on taxes as an issue, i'll just comment that if i get any kind of return i'll be pumping it into ye olde debt management account *cry*

When I get my check I'm planning on banking most of it, spending some of it and getting around to finally buying that top hat and monicle...

Shall we call you Mr. Peanut?

So what am I going to do with it? Dunno yet. I got a healthy bonus and a good raise last year, so I'm good for dough and all I need. I might splurge on a Monster or something.

Vostok 7

Yeah, getting back to "what are we going to do with it".

Every year, my wife and I throw ours at debts hither and thither. This year, I decided that we shall have fun with this one.

What does Mechamaniac call fun?


And if I get a good price, a Hilkaru 1S Strike to go on top. :D

Posted (edited)

Pretty stuff, MM...

I was tempted into throwing mine and the old lady's (love saying that) tax returns into a downpayment on a Flat panel WEGA...

Yet, she has already chosen to throw hers into a treadmill from Sears. So, it looks like I'll putting my tax return into this little fellow below. I'll be picking him up in 2 weeks.

Now if I can just figure out a way to keep him MIB... :lol:


Edited by Blaine23
Posted (edited)

Because this post came after the warning by the moderator, I am being forced to remove it. I would like the record to show, however, that the deleted post did not --unlike those posts to which it responds-- contain any personal attacks or anything otherwise inappropriate (save that it continued a debate that was political in nature). Its only crime was that it had the ill-fortune to be posted after I missed the Moderator's warning. :)

Personally, I don't think the content of posts should be changed in this manner to the extent that the "record" of what was said is permanently changed (while leaving other posts untouched). But I'm being given no choice. <_<


Edited by Hurin

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