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Posted (edited)

Since I don't own one or seen one in person or physically held one, can you smarties give me your feedback as to which of the 4 toy makers produce the best Alpha Fighter. I believe there's CM corp, Toynami, Brave and Aoshima.

What are their pros and cons between the 3, QC, worksmanship, paint or tampo apps etc.

Edited by azrael

Thanks for the vid!

I also checked out CollectionDX Toynami MPs and that looks to be of higher grade. The CMs seems filmy and made of cheap plastic and not as well fitted like the Toynami


The problem with the Toynami is that the factory which produced them couldn't be up to the engineering standards. I transforrmed my first-edition Blue Alpha once in each direction and have left it alone.

That being said, I also prefer the proportions of the Toynami compared to the CMs, which took a few more liberities in its design.


The Toynami parts don't lock completely after transforming into either mode due to poor design. They also feature the crumbling fists which appear to made out of old rubber rather than plastic. They do look better in robot mode in my opinion than any other company's version but if you want to leave it in fighter mode, each release appears to have an arched back when in fighter mode which makes it look broken. Of course, if you want a Beta, the Toynami is the hands down winner which means you HAVE to buy their version of the alpha.

  On 1/16/2012 at 1:55 PM, Agent-GHQ said:

Thanks for the vid!

I also checked out CollectionDX Toynami MPs and that looks to be of higher grade. The CMs seems filmy and made of cheap plastic and not as well fitted like the Toynami


Dude, Josh's Toynami toy fell apart. None of the three CM's toys I own ever destroyed themselves like the Toynamis did.

  On 1/16/2012 at 1:55 PM, Agent-GHQ said:

Thanks for the vid!

I also checked out CollectionDX Toynami MPs and that looks to be of higher grade. The CMs seems filmy and made of cheap plastic and not as well fitted like the Toynami

Believe me, I own all of the CM'S Legioss releases and allow me to correct you, the plastic quality and construction are very good. CM's legios lacks pegs to keep it together in fighter mode, but other than that (lineart deviation liberties aside) it's a fantastic toy.

Can't say the same of the toynami legioss.


Toynami's superposeables are great! Yes, they don't transform but they make the other toys battloids look like a bunch of pieces put toghether.


I own a Toynami. (One. Is. Enough.). I don't mind it too badly, it's an ok toy, disregarding the price tag.. common problems: problematic fit, usually too tight/ little leeway in tolerance, which ends up being difficult to get things to lock. There's a knack, but you have to pay attention to get it right.

Crumbling hands. Just holding the rifle in 'Bot mode will cause it to crumble over time. I just need time to find a plastic replacement and I'm good.

Too heavy. Too much die-cast in the wrong places. Paint chip will occur, of course.

The good point? Looks decent to good if you get it to transform right. Good proportions, a decent compromise. CM compromises IMO more to achieve a certain look in fighter, Toynami balanced the three modes roughly right. With a better manufacturing and material design choice, it could have been a lot better.


I had all 3 Alphas. Now I have zero! They first one sucked really bad and unlike other companies that improve their products with every release, these gradually got worse. Didnt they recall the last one?


Toynami Legioss/Alphas are crap. They will implode on itself. You have to handle it gently and that incurs a risk of destroying it. Landing gear doesnt give the fighter mode enough clearance esp in the midsection as it sags. The Toynami Beta is a lot better. But you put crap (Alpha) with great (Beta), you still get crap. Proportionally, Toynami is better and some cool gimmacks like the folded up cyclone and compartment for it. Making the arms extend, move, etc were bad. If it was manufactured well and did a little more design/engineering work, it would have been a good toy.

CM's are nice and more solid but less proportional, plus the I didnt like the added accessory to make the alpha-beta hookup. There wasnt a cheap feel to it.

The old Gakkens were rock solid save for the antennas breaking but overall nice proportionals with rock solid transformation. It was the fact we didnt have the beta/Tread toy for it.

  On 1/16/2012 at 5:29 PM, VF5SS said:


Dude, Josh's Toynami toy fell apart. None of the three CM's toys I own ever destroyed themselves like the Toynamis did.

I saw the video of him presenting the blue Beta Toynami and he stated that the toynami is better. When he showed the toynami combine Beta and Alpha, it appears solid than the CMs
  On 1/16/2012 at 5:31 PM, Ignacio Ocamica said:

Believe me, I own all of the CM'S Legioss releases and allow me to correct you, the plastic quality and construction are very good. CM's legios lacks pegs to keep it together in fighter mode, but other than that (lineart deviation liberties aside) it's a fantastic toy.

Can't say the same of the toynami legioss.

How does the CMs feels when held in your hands tho in all modes? Any die-cast?
  On 1/16/2012 at 6:13 PM, Lynx7725 said:

I own a Toynami. (One. Is. Enough.). I don't mind it too badly, it's an ok toy, disregarding the price tag.. common problems: problematic fit, usually too tight/ little leeway in tolerance, which ends up being difficult to get things to lock. There's a knack, but you have to pay attention to get it right.

Crumbling hands. Just holding the rifle in 'Bot mode will cause it to crumble over time. I just need time to find a plastic replacement and I'm good.

Too heavy. Too much die-cast in the wrong places. Paint chip will occur, of course.

The good point? Looks decent to good if you get it to transform right. Good proportions, a decent compromise. CM compromises IMO more to achieve a certain look in fighter, Toynami balanced the three modes roughly right. With a better manufacturing and material design choice, it could have been a lot better.

How is die-cast on the legs a wrong place.....??? I mean, in bot mode shouldn't it be in the legs for a balanced stance just like gravity. You know that top heavy vs low heavy. Is the hands really that bad cuz the video review looks okay to me and I don't recall in the video review saying its bad
  On 1/16/2012 at 6:15 PM, jenius said:

Anymoon has reviews of all existing legioss and alpha toys... including videos and line art comparisons.

Thanks. I finally got around to that and I'm leaning more on the Toynami
  On 1/16/2012 at 6:44 PM, VF5SS said:

Line art comparisons are lame.

Care to elaborate???
  On 1/16/2012 at 6:51 PM, >EXO< said:

I had all 3 Alphas. Now I have zero! They first one sucked really bad and unlike other companies that improve their products with every release, these gradually got worse. Didnt they recall the last one?

All the companies????
  On 1/16/2012 at 7:10 PM, Godzilla said:

Toynami Legioss/Alphas are crap. They will implode on itself. You have to handle it gently and that incurs a risk of destroying it. Landing gear doesnt give the fighter mode enough clearance esp in the midsection as it sags. The Toynami Beta is a lot better. But you put crap (Alpha) with great (Beta), you still get crap. Proportionally, Toynami is better and some cool gimmacks like the folded up cyclone and compartment for it. Making the arms extend, move, etc were bad. If it was manufactured well and did a little more design/engineering work, it would have been a good toy.

CM's are nice and more solid but less proportional, plus the I didnt like the added accessory to make the alpha-beta hookup. There wasnt a cheap feel to it.

The old Gakkens were rock solid save for the antennas breaking but overall nice proportionals with rock solid transformation. It was the fact we didnt have the beta/Tread toy for it.

Looks like they all have their flaws. As I watched the video reviews, I think I like the Toynami more overall.

I don't expect Yamato to take on the Mospeada line in the near future, so I'll bite on these Toynami as its the only toys to date that is affordable compared to the vintage leader class sized Gakkens


Jeez don't the stardestroyer.net post breakdown, mang.

I will answer your questions.

I meant to say, Josh's Toynami Legioss broke. He basically glued it together in armo fighter mode and never touches it. Yeah the CM's combination is terrible but they barely use it in the show so who cares. At least both toys are equally solid.

The CM's toys feel like solid plastic with ratcheted joints aplenty.


check my review

Also line art comparisons are lame because line art is only the beginning of a design not the entirety of it.

Also you guys need to realize the Legioss and Tread are basically the Destroids of the show.


Don't quote me on this, but I heard that the newly issued Shadow Fighter (the Maia version) from Toynami was pretty solid compared to previous alphas (I heard they switched factories), but that's really only if your into Shadow Chronicles stuff....and don't mind the lack of a corresponding beta..


Well, basically the die-cast problem on the Toynami boils down to two area -- they have diecast in the chest area, which adds weight for no real reason I can see, and that there's really too much die-cast in the legs. Two areas of heavy stuff connected by pins to hold together in Fighter mode... not a great combination.

Not to mention the paint chip problem especially on the legs where you have a lot of rubbing when trying to get it to lock together, plus plastic missile cover to pry open etc. Of course, the whole business of why die-cast to begin with, when a totally plastic solution is probably adequate...


Agent skip the Toynami one. If you are mainly basing this on pics don't I have the Blue and Green Alphas, the blue is a broken piece of crap, the green i treat like a patient in intensive care so it doesn't break only because I have the beta for it and they look nice together but looking back i probably would've went for the CM ones.


here's everything that's busted on my tonamic MP blue alpha

thigh extensions don't click into place so it's constantly collapsing in 'bot mode.

elbow pegs on right arm sheared right off

both chest ratchets crumbled, causing the intakes to spin freely

thumb on right hand fell off when plastic around the pin crumbled

but other than that, it's perfect.


As far as I know only one company made "alphas" lol. I just had the toynamis. Bought the blue one. Thought the QC was crap but I pre ordered the green and red anyway thinking they would do the fixes since ppl were so vocal about it. But the two that came after fell apart faster than the first.

The CMs were more solid but I think it looks like crap. They really took away everything I liked about the legioss design and added some weird compromises that I just don't agree with. If you can get passed it aesthetically, Id say get the CMs. If not skip both.

Concerning the toynami tlead. I love the solidness aside the 80s engineering but I didn't like the Gakken style cockpit drop down in soldier mode.

  On 1/17/2012 at 2:02 AM, Ignacio Ocamica said:

Get CM's gang ;)

Is Brave and CMs the same Co.? The CMs green is an awful choice of green!!! I think I like the asethetic of the toynami better and the Beta looks like more solid with ratchets. Man...... I guess you just can't have one without the other.

I'll probably start off with the Toynami and get a feel of it in my hands. I think that all these breakage is associated with the amount of force and pressure during transformation. I mean, even if you have gorrilla sized hands and be gentle may not have caused breakage


Well, the collectionDX review seemed to be somewhat upbeat on the Maia shadow fighter review (as in, it is a more solid release due to factory change), so if you do go with the Toynami, get that one! Maybe if your good with painting, you can paint a beta to match as well

Good luck to you man, but trust me it's not like saying I broke a Vf-1 v.2 because of gorilla hands, these issues are rampant among the toynami Alphas. The Betas though are awesome and I haven't had any issues which is the true tragedy of it all that only half of it is great but the other half is a giant mistake they never fixed or learned from.


You know I see a CMs set for the green one at $115- shipped and the blue CMs for $150 shipped. I'll probably cave in on those too and see how they are in the hands


I had the Blue and Green and Toynami Alpha toys, bought when they were first released.

Parts fit was bad, finish could have been better and both ended up braking in various places. I eventually threw both of them away in disgust. Shoddy, shoddy, shoddy. Do not recommend.

No experience with a CM's may try to track one down.



But it's only the Beta, it's not a combo deal, the Alpha makes it almost not worth it at all. I know it seems you are set on the Toynami ones and we are only telling you because we care to not see you waste money on a terrible product. Trust us it's for your own good lol.

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