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1 minute ago, 505thAirborne said:

So, to MoShow Toys, here's my deal to you, make a Ride-Armor like the original designs from the 80's TV series and I am on board with a big bag of $$$. 

THIS!!! I'm also in for the OG design. And I'm willing to complete the 4 riders if they're going to do it. :yahoo:

Also, what's stopping them, right? I mean it's already under Robotech. I don't think they will have problems using the original design at this point, right? Also, they don't need to rip off Sentinel's 'Mospeada' design when they have the original 'Robotech' design to follow. :spiteful:

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6 minutes ago, no3Ljm said:

THIS!!! I'm also in for the OG design. And I'm willing to complete the 4 riders if they're going to do it. :yahoo:

Also, what's stopping them, right? I mean it's already under Robotech. I don't think they will have problems using the original design at this point, right? Also, they don't need to rip off Sentinel's 'Mospeada' design when they have the original 'Robotech' design to follow. :spiteful:

If, and that's a mighty big if... should MoShow ever go that route, unlike every previous company they need to go full CM's. They were the only company who did everything minus the Dark Tread/Shadow Beta. Besides the original 4 characters bikes, I want a Dark grey Ride-Armor. 

While I don't like knowing my $$$ goes to Robotech/HG I'm willing to look the other way for some accurate Cyclones, especially at that size. B))

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11 minutes ago, 505thAirborne said:

So, to MoShow Toys, here's my deal to you, make a Ride-Armor like the original designs from the 80's TV series and I am on board with a big bag of $$$. 

I know there’s some noticeable differences, but isn’t the Sentinel versions pretty damn close to the original designs?

Biggest changes would be:

* Getting rid of the HUD lines on the visor;

* Removing the mudguard on the front wheels;

* Adding cloth to cover each figure’s torso;

* Changing the bike headlights on Stig and Rey’s rides;

* Sanding off the grey bits on Yellow’s missile bay covers; and

* Repainting Houquet from that horrid hot pink to cherry red.

Am I missing anything else? :unknw:

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10 hours ago, tekering said:

As much as it's off-topic here, I can't ignore this:


It appears in both the first and the fourth Bubblegum Crisis OAVs.


We now return you to your regularly-scheduled transforming motorcycles. 😉

Oh, wow, I did not remember that at all! The only KS I remember having a MotoSlave was Priss, probably b/c she was most featured with it. Actually, she had two different models if memory serves; the second one had a sentient A.I. IIRC which surprised Priss but proved pretty useful in battle. Been probably 5 or 6 years since I last watched it, and I have trouble remembering what I did ten minutes ago, so thanks for setting me straight and forgive my semi-senility.

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Wow big week in this thread!  Tlead for sentinel is a must get for me...at least the blue one.  I will probably get all of them haha.  The moshow stuff looks kinda really good but I already got a full crew with sentinel and in a common figure size.  Wonder if moshow will make the core 4 bikes?  If they can and they releases are good...I might bite.

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I think Sentinel will make the blue Tread a fairly basic offering with minimal accessories with the hope it sells really well. If it does sell well, I think they'll include numerous accessories with a green follow-up to incentivize people to get that one. I doubt we'll ever get a red one since it never appeared in Mospeada. Though, if they were smart, they would run off like 50 red ones for convention exclusives while they were making the green ones. I know i'd go full pokemon on them! It's also possible Sentinel will finally make an accessory kit for the Legioss and maybe that would include some Tread option parts.

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2 hours ago, Mog said:

I know there’s some noticeable differences, but isn’t the Sentinel versions pretty damn close to the original designs?

Biggest changes would be:

* Getting rid of the HUD lines on the visor;

* Removing the mudguard on the front wheels;

* Adding cloth to cover each figure’s torso;

* Changing the bike headlights on Stig and Rey’s rides;

* Sanding off the grey bits on Yellow’s missile bay covers; and

* Repainting Houquet from that horrid hot pink to cherry red.

Am I missing anything else? :unknw:

The designs that Sentinel are using are close/similar to the TV originals but for me, I want essentially what Beagle/Toynami made for their Cyclones, for me that was as close as we got to getting a TV Accurate Ride-Armor and that's what I want to see a company like MoShow take a swing at, because from what I can see in those videos, that looks like a mighty solid toy without the perfection transformation headache. 

Below is an old picture of my Rand Cyclone, this is what I want, simple, clean lines and above all, what I grew up with watching on weekdays after running home from school in time to watch & record RT on VHS. B))


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3 hours ago, Mog said:

I know there’s some noticeable differences, but isn’t the Sentinel versions pretty damn close to the original designs?

Biggest changes would be:

* Getting rid of the HUD lines on the visor;

* Removing the mudguard on the front wheels;

* Adding cloth to cover each figure’s torso;

* Changing the bike headlights on Stig and Rey’s rides;

* Sanding off the grey bits on Yellow’s missile bay covers; and

* Repainting Houquet from that horrid hot pink to cherry red.

Am I missing anything else? :unknw:

Entire shape of the forearm and thigh guards and handlebar covers, Yellow's tiny windshield, probably a lot more when you look closely.

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Surprised no one picked up on the bicep armor the Sentinels have but that the original show never had.

Considering how snake-bit these Mospeada toylines have been, I’m just glad to have the main four’s Ride Armors up on display after all these years.

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1 hour ago, Shawn said:

Is it me, or did they match many of the Tread angles for the pics :)


^^Pretty much.

It’s also shows off that the design has fewer gaps and some of their improvements to the cockpit and connecting boom.

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On the Tread, it does look like the cockpit disappears deep inside the chest, and the top panel where the head is needs to open up to do so. The cockpit can then either swivel or slide all the way in under the head panel. I'm hoping the latter, because then it maintains the proper pilot alignment like what they did for the Legioss.

The boom is a bit of puzzle, because even if it is shorter than other toys before it, it still shouldn't be able to wholly retract into just the crotch housing. But seeing that the boom has a folding joint, I'm guessing the boom retracts out the other end into the butt booster piece, and the folding joint is to accommodate the butt housing's articulation.

The Tread is gonna be heavy, and I hope the landing gears are now metal instead of Legioss's plastic ones.     

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wow that TLEAD ilooks pretty damn good!  who knew that MOSPEADA toys were what the doctor ordered for me this/next year.  definite buy.  also need an extra blue legioss now.  where can you still get those?  haha.    not gonna  lie though, that moshow ride armor...eh...cycline - despite being not super accurate looks really good to me.   these 2 instantly have become my most wanted collectibles coming up....  i've been wandering the TF landscape for a few years and only popping in for the occasional DX chogokin valkyrie - these MOSPEADA toys are  a super welcome change of pace.  the TREAD is OMG good looking.  don't get me wrong, i love my old toynami beta (the best thing they ever made?) and even the CMs one is kinda special to me, but this looks quite a bit better than both of those.  don't let me down sentinel!

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On 9/19/2024 at 3:32 AM, tekering said:

As much as it's off-topic here, I can't ignore this:


It appears in both the first and the fourth Bubblegum Crisis OAVs.


We now return you to your regularly-scheduled transforming motorcycles. 😉

Yeah, I was keeping quiet, but definitely remembered that.


FWIW, my BGC figs are the only Yamoto items that I legit play with here and there, and not just have as display pieces.

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On 9/20/2024 at 9:16 AM, RavenHawk said:

Yeah, I was keeping quiet, but definitely remembered that.


FWIW, my BGC figs are the only Yamoto items that I legit play with here and there, and not just have as display pieces.

My Linna fig is way too fragile to handle, as her arms fall off at the merest provocation, including gravity. There's just not enough friction generated by the little nubs onto which her arms attach, and I wish they'd mushroom pegged them or found some other more permanent means of attaching them. As for the Motoslave, it's a bit of a fiddly toy, although without Linna inside, it's more fun to handle. I keep Linna inside it for display purposes, so I try not to touch it lest her arms detach themselves. I'd love for Sentinel to do a slightly upscaled version with better joints in the Knight Saber figs. The Motoslave is one of my absolute favorite transforming motorcycle designs, even if, practically, it requires some partsforming. As a motorcycle-cum-mecha-cum exosuit, it's just an elegant, beautiful design and I'd love to have a robust definitive toy or model of it, preferably toy.

Digressed a bit, but back OT, at least generally Mospeada, I'm still loving my Arcadia Proto-Garland, which I got a couple years ago. It was a long-time grail finally procured and I remain enamored with it. I wish they'd been able to realize it without resorting to the truncated Shogo fig like the original Yamato's managed to do, but the Proto-Garland itself is a thing of sheer beauty. As much as I like transforming motorcycles, I've never cared for the Ride Armor design from Mospeada. I think I'd like it better if, like the Motoslave, it was a fully realized and complete exosuit or better, mech, but it's essentially gauntlets and a big backpack for the rider and it just doesn't grab me the same way the Garland or the Motoslave do.

As to the upcoming Tread, looking forward to it and all the intricacies and engineering touches Sentinel brings to the fore, as they did with their incredible Legioss design. I'm still in awe of that figure, as the Legioss was way overdue for an update, but they went beyond mere update and innovated some great solutions resulting in what is easily the best transformable representation of that design. I hope for, and kinda expect at this point, the same in their Tread. So far, just from the marketing pics, it looks to outdo all previous attempts. After showing off their prowess at making incredible transforming toys, I'd love to see them take on Dorvack and BGC designs at some point. Mugen's Calibur and Ovelon's Gazette helicopter are two great designs that beggar for innovative updates, and even if Takara does them as future Roadbuster and Whirl figs, I fear they just won't be faithful to the OG designs with too many liberties taken. I'd really love to see what Sentinel would do with G1 Starscream, but that'll never happen so I can only try to imagine how they'd attempt it if they tried to make his F-15 mode more accurate to the actual aircraft, unlike the obnoxiously atrocious MP-52. 

Edited by M'Kyuun
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Considering its size, it would be great if the Ride Armor from Moshow Toys had articulated fingers.

The elephant feet look a bit strange, maybe for more posing stability (?)

For the rest, this toys looks great. Also, it does not have weird pants/pyjamas, so that's much better ! 😀


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4 hours ago, manfred17 said:

Considering its size, it would be great if the Ride Armor from Moshow Toys had articulated fingers.

The elephant feet look a bit strange, maybe for more posing stability (?)

For the rest, this toys looks great. Also, it does not have weird pants/pyjamas, so that's much better ! 😀

Sad to say the fingers are not articulated. Aside from the fist, it will include 4 sets of posed hands.



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12 hours ago, manfred17 said:

Considering its size, it would be great if the Ride Armor from Moshow Toys had articulated fingers.

The elephant feet look a bit strange, maybe for more posing stability (?)

For the rest, this toys looks great. Also, it does not have weird pants/pyjamas, so that's much better ! 😀


I think they did that to balance the armor mode... It's catch-22... Feet too small in full armor or too big as a rider and vice-versa.

Have not been a fan of the parts-forming, but the video showing the articulation parts-forming allowed is convincing. The details are spectacular and maybe it's blasphemous, but I like the tweaks to the design. The piston on the shin looked funny until I saw the piston on the heel and mechanically, that makes sense to me. It also makes for a more convincing approach to the launching when transforming into the full armor - I think you NEED that kind of thrust and power to get that air time.

Derpy face isn't as derpy now. This will make a fantastic display piece and with the tweaks remain a bit more sustainable/less prone to break down over time.

This will make a great filler while I wait for Eagle (if it ever comes).

I'm not at all surprised this has sold so well - this price point in today's day and age is a breath of fresh air when similarly-appointed figures are going for 300 +. Not quite Sony PS1 vs Sega Saturn price announcement-level, but it definitely caught enough attention to sell out! 

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7 minutes ago, Chronocidal said:

I think they're just a sub-brand attached to ShowZ Store, so I believe they're perfectly fine.

Thank you much! I just PO’d it :)

Edited by PNW_Sweetie
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While I'm still not a fan of this "Re-imagined" design of the Ride-Armor... this particular shot does look pretty damn cool. 


And I make Zero apologies for being the broken record on this, IF, if MoShow Toys made a TV series original design Ride-Armor/Cyclone with this much detail and this poseable, sign me up & insert the Futurama meme of Fry! 


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4 hours ago, PNW_Sweetie said:

Please pardon my ignorance as I’ve never ordered from them, they’re legit correct?

Yup, Gundamit is legit as @Chronocidal's reply. I ordered from ShowZ directly before but now since they moved Gundam and other mecha stuff to their Gundamit site, I used that too. :good:

3 hours ago, jenius said:

I'm a little shocked it's not available at more places yet, it seems like it could start shipping soon from all the different sample pics.

What's weird is that seeing 'Crunchyroll' on their promo banners and such, they haven't placed the product yet on their webstore site.

Toynami on the other hand just recently put the product on their store page: 


2 hours ago, 505thAirborne said:

While I'm still not a fan of this "Re-imagined" design of the Ride-Armor... this particular shot does look pretty damn cool. 


And I make Zero apologies for being the broken record on this, IF, if MoShow Toys made a TV series original design Ride-Armor/Cyclone with this much detail and this poseable, sign me up & insert the Futurama meme of Fry! 

I actually liked that kind of pose. Esp for Houquet. :wub: 



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