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Is the Legioss still available anywhere for a reasonable price? NY cancelled my preorder while I was enquiring about upgrades shipping and then refused to honor the original price. Then I got busy with some other goings on and now it seems like it’s either sold out or stupidly priced. 

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It’s been awhile, but I always thought the Inbit came to fix up Earth.

They fixed up the atmosphere, causing it to be much thicker than the Mars Base fleet anticipated (which is why most of them burned up).

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6 minutes ago, Silverstreak said:

Is the Legioss still available anywhere for a reasonable price? NY cancelled my preorder while I was enquiring about upgrades shipping and then refused to honor the original price. Then I got busy with some other goings on and now it seems like it’s either sold out or stupidly priced. 

You could frequently check if Mandarake lists any, though they don't have any listed in stock right now.

Barring that, you're probably better off at this point waiting for a re-release or just get the Zeta when it comes out, unless you have some online retailers based in Australia that were offering them. In which case you use a web monitor to check if any have become available for pre-order due to customer cancellations.

I ordered mine long after all the windows had closed and by chance, was around when one popped up on BBTS and my web monitor alerted me.


6 minutes ago, Mog said:

It’s been awhile, but I always thought the Inbit came to fix up Earth.

They fixed up the atmosphere, causing it to be much thicker than the Mars Base fleet anticipated (which is why most of them burned up).

It seemed to me like that was a combination of a side effect of of them destroying most of civilization which allowed nature to reclaim a lot of areas and possibly a bit of terraforming to help make things more suitable for themselves, but don't quote me on that.

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11 minutes ago, MacrossJunkie said:

Distill Web Monitor. I have it installed for both Chrome and Firefox.

Will that let's say monitor Yahoo Auctions? First glance is telling me that it monitors specific pages, not whole sites? For example could I get it to monitor the entire web or something like Yahoo Auctions for 1/55 VE-1 for example and it will ping me when someone starts an auction? Or Jungle? Or AmazonJP?


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You set it to monitor a specific page. Like a search results page. You can monitor the whole page or a specific element or elements of a page. The more narrow you can restrict it to, the fewer false positives you'll possibly get. For example if you monitor the entire page, if there are ads on the page and they cycle, you will end up getting an alert everytime the ad changes.

I usually pick the element of the page that contains just the search results.

If you have a page for a specific item, but it's not ready for preorder or is out of stock, the I usually just have the part that says preorder or out of stock selected so when is ready to be added to cart, that should change.

I haven't used Yahoo auctions before, but same principle. If no one is selling a taka 1/55 VE-1, then your search results show no listings. So you pick the search result area and if a listing shows up, it will alert you that there was a difference detected on the page.

You can set it to alert you in various ways, like a windows pop up notification, play a ding, or email you.

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6 hours ago, MacrossJunkie said:

It seemed to me like that was a combination of a side effect of of them destroying most of civilization which allowed nature to reclaim a lot of areas and possibly a bit of terraforming to help make things more suitable for themselves, but don't quote me on that.

I just watched Mospeada for the first time recently. I never saw RT, so I went in with a clean slate, so to speak. IIRC, the Inbit were looking for a new home at the urging of a Light force (a bit of Yin and Yang going on here), and they sensed the Dark force in humanity, hence their aggression. But yeah, they were basically terraforming the Earth while conducting experiments on various lifeforms, including dinosaurs, to determine a suitable form in which to live on Earth. My understanding was that the Inbit were energy creatures who had to artificially produce a body in which to live, be it mechanical like the Crabs, or biological. No surprise, they determined that the human body is the most suitable, b/c y'know, hubris and storytelling. My own choice would probably be a shark (apex predator with very long history on a planet that's covered in water). Anyway, they're essentially trying to restore Earth to its natural state, and fighting the humans along the way. But, apparently the Inbit attended the Stormtrooper Academy, as they rarely hit anything they shoot at.  Then again, accuracy is a challenge for our intrepid band of human protagonists as well- it takes an Itano Circus for Stick to take down one fairly close range Inbit in one scene, and he actually laments using all his missiles on one enemy. It must have been an in-joke to the producers that this hardcore military guy can't shoot for sh!t. 

The characters were ok, but nothing to really write home about. Ray was probably the most likeable, given his carefree personality, although he was assigned the role of "Peeping Tom" pervy dude.  Always gotta be one.:rolleyes: Yellow - IDK- he/she made for a good distraction when the others needed to pull off a clandestine mission, and in his more philosophical moments, I liked him. I think he was also the most proficient fighter in the group as well. Mint was annoying. Jim was serviceable. Stick, appropriately named b/c he had one shoved firmly in his ass was a stereotypical hardcore single-minded military dude, all mission, little substance. Houquet was the typical tough chick with a soft heart. Aisha was an interesting character that didn't get near enough exploration- it would have been a neat turn in the show had they presented the second half through her perspective and thoughts. Alas, no. She was essentially a human pet. Solzie was the sterotypical alien chick who falls for a human dude, but I did like how they showed her character taking a bit of time to change her mind about fighting humans- she wasn't an immediate convert to the human cause. The appropriately named Battlar was Stick on the Inbit side, a two-dimensional kill-em-all military type with little substance beyond.

The Ride Armor started out as the driving gimmick , but towards the middle, and more so towards the end, the Legioss takes more precedence, and finally the Tread makes an appearance toward the last few eps. As a toy commercial it did a pretty good job of showcasing the Mospeada and Legioss, as there are plenty of battle scenes to show them off. As a narrative, it's a bit slow-going when they're not in battle, as it's mostly about the band of unlikely heroes traveling from town to town looking for fuel (HBT), tangling with other humans, and making their inexorable way from South America to North America to find and destroy the Inbit home base, Reflex Point. There were a few cool ideas, but honestly, it doesn't feel like they were trying to make it anything more than what it is- a fairly bland us-vs-them tale with some cool mecha thrown in to sell toys.

Edited by M'Kyuun
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5 hours ago, MacrossJunkie said:

You set it to monitor a specific page. Like a search results page. You can monitor the whole page or a specific element or elements of a page. The more narrow you can restrict it to, the fewer false positives you'll possibly get. For example if you monitor the entire page, if there are ads on the page and they cycle, you will end up getting an alert everytime the ad changes.

I usually pick the element of the page that contains just the search results.

If you have a page for a specific item, but it's not ready for preorder or is out of stock, the I usually just have the part that says preorder or out of stock selected so when is ready to be added to cart, that should change.

I haven't used Yahoo auctions before, but same principle. If no one is selling a taka 1/55 VE-1, then your search results show no listings. So you pick the search result area and if a listing shows up, it will alert you that there was a difference detected on the page.

You can set it to alert you in various ways, like a windows pop up notification, play a ding, or email you.


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3 hours ago, M'Kyuun said:

I just watched Mospeada for the first time recently. I never saw RT, so I went in with a clean slate, so to speak. IIRC, the Inbit were looking for a new home at the urging of a Light force (a bit of Yin and Yang going on here), and they sensed the Dark force in humanity, hence their aggression. But yeah, they were basically terraforming the Earth while conducting experiments on various lifeforms, including dinosaurs, to determine a suitable form in which to live on Earth. My understanding was that the Inbit were energy creatures who had to artificially produce a body in which to live, be it mechanical like the Crabs, or biological. No surprise, they determined that the human body is the most suitable, b/c y'know, hubris and storytelling.

Thanks for that explanation. I had no idea what they were talking about at the very start of the first episode. This clears it up better for me.

3 hours ago, M'Kyuun said:

But, apparently the Inbit attended the Stormtrooper Academy, as they rarely hit anything they shoot at.  Then again, accuracy is a challenge for our intrepid band of human protagonists as well- it takes an Itano Circus for Stick to take down one fairly close range Inbit in one scene, and he actually laments using all his missiles on one enemy. It must have been an in-joke to the producers that this hardcore military guy can't shoot for sh!t.

2 hours ago, Mog said:

Yeah, Stick never left anything to chance the way he fired off missiles.

He was shootin’ ‘em like he needed to get rid of a surplus.

Yeah, I thought everyone's aim was hilariously bad. Literally the safest place to stand was right in front of each other's aim. In many scenes. the protags literally stood still right in front of the inbit and didn't get hit. Same goes for the reverse. There was a scene in an early episode where they're in a forest and a giant monolith of a bear shows up. They're literally standing a meter and a half away, practically point blank range given the bear's size and it's not moving around... just standing up with its arms out to helpfully present the largest target possible for them, and they still can't hit it. It took the inbit coming along, firing... and missing, to resolve the standoff.

And yeah, what's with Stick blowing his entire load (of missiles) in a single altercation as if he had an unlimited supply? And apparently he does have an unlimited supply because he magically gets them all back. I think Stick has a dimensional item storage compartment up his ass and that's where he "Sticks" all his missiles for the Legioss and ride armor.

Ray: Stick, where did you get a full set of replacement missiles? We weren't carrying any. Did you somehow just pull them from your ass?

Stick: Why yes. Yes I did. Want one?

Ray: Ah... no, I'm good... thanks...

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That's an interesting point; while HBT is a finite resource that they need to beg, borrow, and steal (often the latter), missiles seem to replicate magically and infinitely, as I can't recall their ever looking for spare ammo. Infinite ammo has been a trend in tv and movies forever, though, so I give it a pass.

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55 minutes ago, MacrossJunkie said:

Thanks for that explanation. I had no idea what they were talking about at the very start of the first episode. This clears it up better for me.

Yeah, I thought everyone's aim was hilariously bad. Literally the safest place to stand was right in front of each other's aim. In many scenes. the protags literally stood still right in front of the inbit and didn't get hit. Same goes for the reverse. There was a scene in an early episode where they're in a forest and a giant monolith of a bear shows up. They're literally standing a meter and a half away, practically point blank range given the bear's size and it's not moving around... just standing up with its arms out to helpfully present the largest target possible for them, and they still can't hit it. It took the inbit coming along, firing... and missing, to resolve the standoff.

And yeah, what's with Stick blowing his entire load (of missiles) in a single altercation as if he had an unlimited supply? And apparently he does have an unlimited supply because he magically gets them all back. I think Stick has a dimensional item storage compartment up his ass and that's where he "Sticks" all his missiles for the Legioss and ride armor.

Ray: Stick, where did you get a full set of replacement missiles? We weren't carrying any. Did you somehow just pull them from your ass?

Stick: Why yes. Yes I did. Want one?

Ray: Ah... no, I'm good... thanks...


I can actually picture that scene, voices and all. 

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16 hours ago, MacrossJunkie said:

You could frequently check if Mandarake lists any, though they don't have any listed in stock right now.

Barring that, you're probably better off at this point waiting for a re-release or just get the Zeta when it comes out, unless you have some online retailers based in Australia that were offering them. In which case you use a web monitor to check if any have become available for pre-order due to customer cancellations.

I ordered mine long after all the windows had closed and by chance, was around when one popped up on BBTS and my web monitor alerted me.


It seemed to me like that was a combination of a side effect of of them destroying most of civilization which allowed nature to reclaim a lot of areas and possibly a bit of terraforming to help make things more suitable for themselves, but don't quote me on that.


15 hours ago, MacrossJunkie said:

You set it to monitor a specific page. Like a search results page. You can monitor the whole page or a specific element or elements of a page. The more narrow you can restrict it to, the fewer false positives you'll possibly get. For example if you monitor the entire page, if there are ads on the page and they cycle, you will end up getting an alert everytime the ad changes.

I usually pick the element of the page that contains just the search results.

If you have a page for a specific item, but it's not ready for preorder or is out of stock, the I usually just have the part that says preorder or out of stock selected so when is ready to be added to cart, that should change.

I haven't used Yahoo auctions before, but same principle. If no one is selling a taka 1/55 VE-1, then your search results show no listings. So you pick the search result area and if a listing shows up, it will alert you that there was a difference detected on the page.

You can set it to alert you in various ways, like a windows pop up notification, play a ding, or email you.



i had checked Manda and Jungle just before posting here, but no luck. I’ll definitely give a web monitor a go.

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DHL came in today with my eta. Shoulders were ultra stiff but a super tiny application of wd-40 to just overcome the friction allowed the shoudlers to come loose and now they move freely, albeit a lil tight. I just left the intake covers in the box to avoid the frustration

Edit: I just realized I didn't move the croth vtol thruster back down. oh well 


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I got a response from Sentinel and it sounds like they are going to send me a replacement hand! Knowing my luck it'll be the wrong hand but we'll see. :D

That's pretty cool of them though. Especially since they're shipping to the US. I would have been glad to pay for the part + shipping if they asked me to.

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Could someone please tell me if Japan Post is still suspending shipping to the USA? My Legioss order through Anime Export still hasn't moved, and they have not yet responded to my inquiry about it. Their site has a blurb about Japan Post suspending overseas shipping, but it's dated April 24th. I'm becoming increasingly concerned about the lack of response, and am not sure what recourse to take.

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49 minutes ago, Axelay said:

Could someone please tell me if Japan Post is still suspending shipping to the USA?

Yes, I'm afraid they are.  They're dealing with a backlog of several months, and they've got their hands full just accepting incoming packages from overseas.

When the situation changes, you'll be able to read about it here.

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I recasted the legioss pilot. There was no way to get resin ball joints to work at this size or at my skill level so I just posed and glued the copy to get it to sit in there. 


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Morning!  So After 5 or 6 transformations of My Sentinel Legioss, I'l a lot less scared to transform it! Still a bit 'fiddly' but overall i think its not bad. Visually.. its a work of art in all modes.


Question: Anyone know when the pre-orders start for the Red Zeta type? I have to have it now that i've fallen in love with this one.


Also, anyone tried nail polishing the joints on the little pilot dude? Not sure it will help since its so rubbery.



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20 hours ago, Perxion said:

Hi guys, my channel grew a lot in the last month. 
And I wanted to thank you with this little animation of the Tread.


Dude you are amazingly talented!!


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1 hour ago, davidwhangchoi said:

I need alpha fighter bad! i want to join the 3rd expeditionary force.

but i had to cancel my hlj when the pandemic hit in march. 


Scott is my favorite bc his has 21 written on it.   

Sentinel did a second run of their very popular Stick / Ray mospeadas shortly after release so hopefully they do a second run of stick's legioss too in the same manner since it's sold out just about everywhere

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1 hour ago, Duymon said:

Sentinel did a second run of their very popular Stick / Ray mospeadas shortly after release so hopefully they do a second run of stick's legioss too in the same manner since it's sold out just about everywhere

i saw a restock of the 1/48 on hobby search last week monday/tuesday morning. it was up for 15 mins and i missed up bc my initial saved address was too complete. It included the  additional 4 digits of my zip code and that was not acceptible for HS. i had to go in to my account and change my address and when i went back. sold out. I nver had issue checking out prior with my address already stored correctly....

 i found i out why. I never used this account ever.  i logged in with the wrong e-mail i once registered a long time ago and forgot about it. the  misfilled the address with this account i never used.   drat!  literally it was open for 15 mins and i couldn't believe it. 


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3 hours ago, davidwhangchoi said:

I need alpha fighter bad! i want to join the 3rd expeditionary force.

but i had to cancel my hlj when the pandemic hit in march. 


Scott is my favorite bc his has 21 written on it.   

new listing at Amazon,jp 3rd party seller have some that will shipped to the USA.   It's not MSRP but probably the best shipped price now.   Its shipped 31,620 yen  ($297 USD) Only 14 left in stock - order soon.



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14 minutes ago, F360 said:

new listing at Amazon,jp 3rd party seller have some that will shipped to the USA.   It's not MSRP but probably the best shipped price now.   Its shipped 31,620 yen  ($297 USD) Only 14 left in stock - order soon.



i saw a few carry it at 27500YEN  on amazon jyp (not shipping to the US though) right when hobby search open theirs, coincidently for the same 27500. i think i'm going to wait for a reprint as Duymon advised and hope for some improvements.

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20 minutes ago, davidwhangchoi said:

i saw a few carry it at 27500YEN  on amazon jyp (not shipping to the US though) right when hobby search open theirs, coincidently for the same 27500. i think i'm going to wait for a reprint as Duymon advised and hope for some improvements.

I was going to suggest, keeping a eye on BBTS also since they did not get their stock yet, so there might be more opening too. 

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