Thom Posted June 17, 2023 Posted June 17, 2023 Great job! I love the design and I want a model of it. Quote
wm cheng Posted June 17, 2023 Posted June 17, 2023 Thanks! There's going to be a few more of my ships coming in this season (look for the Macross stuff I've snuck into the designs😜) Looks like others are liking this design as well! Quote
Thom Posted June 17, 2023 Posted June 17, 2023 On 6/17/2023 at 7:05 AM, wm cheng said: Thanks! There's going to be a few more of my ships coming in this season (look for the Macross stuff I've snuck into the designs😜) Looks like others are liking this design as well! Expand I don't like when articles postulate what they know is not happening. Is it this? Could this be why this is this? Are they rebooting this? I like the part about wishing this was the actual Discovery from the STD () as he is right. Reworked slightly and a little larger and this would be a good Discovery. Quote
Dobber Posted June 17, 2023 Posted June 17, 2023 (edited) On 6/17/2023 at 7:05 AM, wm cheng said: Thanks! There's going to be a few more of my ships coming in this season (look for the Macross stuff I've snuck into the designs😜) Looks like others are liking this design as well! Expand TrekYards is also covering your design William. They really like it too.👍 They are confused by the designation as a Crossfield class, though. Did you have any input into that? Chris Edited June 17, 2023 by Dobber Quote
wm cheng Posted June 17, 2023 Posted June 17, 2023 (edited) Nope, that was scripted. I think they didn't want to design a new ship and just wanted to re-use the old asset (alot cheaper), but I convinced them the Disco language is so foreign to SNW universe and I wanted to get a chance to design something special for the show. They had offered me work on Discovery when it first came to Toronto, but I had turned it down because of the crew they got (and I had warned them about the problems but they weren't going to listen to me) and I knew to stay away from it ever since. Thanks @Dobber for the YouTube link! Edited June 17, 2023 by wm cheng Quote
Dobber Posted June 17, 2023 Posted June 17, 2023 You bet….you should try and reach out to the guys at Trek Yards. They love all things ships and would probably love to pick your brain or see if you have better images. Like you said they too thought the image was too dark. Lol Chris Quote
Seto Kaiba Posted June 19, 2023 Posted June 19, 2023 Still rewatching season one... and I am still blown away every single episode by how much better this is than anything else the franchise has produced since Enterprise went off the air. I am not merely enjoying this, I am having a fantastic time with this. This is everything new Trek should have been from the start. It looked great on a 1080p computer monitor, but it looks amazing on a proper QLED set. The set design is amazing, the characters are engaging, the stories are fun and exciting... in almost every respect this really did feel like the show that could do no wrong. Quote
sh9000 Posted June 21, 2023 Posted June 21, 2023 (edited) Season 2 preview. Looking forward to episode 2 tomorrow. Edited June 21, 2023 by sh9000 Quote
derex3592 Posted June 22, 2023 Posted June 22, 2023 @Seto Kaiba - Question -- Before I start watching Season 1 of this, which I'm very excited to do, do I need to know anything about what happened in Disco when the Enterprise crew was on that show? Because I could NOT watch Disco...I tried... I guess I'm asking where in time line does SNW take place? Quote
pengbuzz Posted June 22, 2023 Posted June 22, 2023 (edited) ... Edited July 21, 2023 by pengbuzz Quote
Thom Posted June 22, 2023 Posted June 22, 2023 On 6/22/2023 at 1:42 PM, derex3592 said: @Seto Kaiba - Question -- Before I start watching Season 1 of this, which I'm very excited to do, do I need to know anything about what happened in Disco when the Enterprise crew was on that show? Because I could NOT watch Disco...I tried... I guess I'm asking where in time line does SNW take place? Expand No. There is some dialogue alluding to the events of Disco S3 but nothing you have to watch that for. Quote
Seto Kaiba Posted June 22, 2023 Posted June 22, 2023 On 6/22/2023 at 1:42 PM, derex3592 said: @Seto Kaiba - Question -- Before I start watching Season 1 of this, which I'm very excited to do, do I need to know anything about what happened in Disco when the Enterprise crew was on that show? Because I could NOT watch Disco...I tried... I guess I'm asking where in time line does SNW take place? Expand Not really. Because Discovery's second season ended with an in-universe "and let us never speak of this again, on pain of death" on Starfleet's part, the references to Discovery are few and either kept deliberately minor or intentionally vague. Strange New Worlds does make occasional references to the events of Discovery's second season, but anything important enough to be more than fanservice is explained in context in the series well enough that watching Discovery is not necessary to understand it. Pike's character arc is driven by an event he experienced in Discovery's second season, and there are some allusions to the Discovery being recorded as lost with all hands in the battle at the end of its show's second season. That aside, it's mainly just nods to the official story that the USS Discovery was lost in battle at the end of Discovery S2 and Spock at one point acknowledges the existence of his "sister" but goes no farther than that. The end of Discovery's second season and the start of Strange New Worlds's first season are separated by somewhere around a year of in-universe time, with the former ending in 2258 and the latter starting in 2259, a bit over five years before the start of James T. Kirk's tenure in Star Trek's original series in 2265. On 6/22/2023 at 2:12 PM, pengbuzz said: I recall you didn't have much optimism for the show originally (unless I am mistaken, which I could be). I take it that your opinion has taken a different path? Expand I was rather guarded about it, since Discovery was such a mess and Anson Mount's Captain Pike was the one bright spot in its second season... but Strange New Worlds has exceeded even my wildest expectations to the point that I'd call it a worthy addition to the prime timeline and quite a bit better than many of that timeline's later offerings. It's full on "I came expecting copper and I found gold". Quote
Thom Posted June 23, 2023 Posted June 23, 2023 So I would day that Season 2 Episode 2 was the season premier that we were needing! In a complete 180 from last week, this was an outstanding episode! No space battle or phaser fights, just a straight drama that was extremely well written and acted. And the resolution is believable rather than some writer pulling a sneak-move at the end. This is the caliber I've come to expect from this show and I'm really hoping S2 E1 was just as light stumble before the sprint! Quote
pengbuzz Posted June 23, 2023 Posted June 23, 2023 (edited) .... Edited July 13, 2023 by pengbuzz Quote
F-ZeroOne Posted June 23, 2023 Posted June 23, 2023 (edited) "Strange New Worlds" has one quantity that has been somewhat lacking in some other shows lately - fun. Above anything else, the show is just great fun. One could perhaps quibble (Tribble?) with certain elements, but its just plain enjoyable. One season one episode feels like it could almost have been an original series script that somehow didn't get used. Edited June 23, 2023 by F-ZeroOne Quote
sh9000 Posted June 23, 2023 Posted June 23, 2023 I haven't watched any episodes of Discovery and don't plan to. I've enjoyed all of season 1 of Strange New Worlds and so far both episodes of season 2. Got a nice Mystique vibe from Una. Quote
Thom Posted June 23, 2023 Posted June 23, 2023 On 6/23/2023 at 8:26 PM, sh9000 said: I haven't watched any episodes of Discovery and don't plan to. I've enjoyed all of season 1 of Strange New Worlds and so far both episodes of season 2. Got a nice Mystique vibe from Una. Expand I will say that season 2 was alright, probably more because Mount was on it. It also had a weighty ending where the crew was making a big sacrifice, and they didn't pull the rug out like they did with season 3. Quote
Seto Kaiba Posted June 23, 2023 Posted June 23, 2023 On 6/23/2023 at 7:39 PM, F-ZeroOne said: "Strange New Worlds" has one quantity that has been somewhat lacking in some other shows lately - fun. Expand This. A big part of what sets Strange New Worlds apart from previous Secret Hideout Trek offerings is that the abject misery that defined Discovery and Picard has been replaced with good humor. Star Trek's trademark optimism and idealism is back, and instead of being miserable bastards who hate themselves and/or each other the characters all clearly like their jobs and they people they work with. That easy camaraderie and the sense of humor they have about the situations they find themselves synergizes nicely with the lighthearted tone and writing style to make the whole series just great fun. Quote
lechuck Posted June 24, 2023 Posted June 24, 2023 So after having watched episode two, I have to say that the ending is kind of depressing when you take the further Trek timeline into consideration. In 100+ years the status quo on the subject matter didn't really change that much in Starfleet (see DS9). Quote
Seto Kaiba Posted June 24, 2023 Posted June 24, 2023 On 6/24/2023 at 6:49 PM, lechuck said: So after having watched episode two, I have to say that the ending is kind of depressing when you take the further Trek timeline into consideration. In 100+ years the status quo on the subject matter didn't really change that much in Starfleet (see DS9). Expand A bit... but, in context, it's not exactly surprising either. Not only were the Eugenics Wars/WW3 the most destructive conflict in human history by an enormous margin, but Humanity's had a lot of conflicts that validate their decision to ban genetic augmentation in the time since. Pre-Federation Earth had a couple run-ins with groups like the Suliban cabal and its genetically augmented soldiers, or Dr. Arik Soong's rather foolish attempt to prove that augments were evil psychos by nurture not nature that resulted in multiple massacres and nearly started a war with the Klingons in Enterprise before the doctor conceded it was nature after all and began attempting to engineer it out of them. Or Kirk's USS Enterprise finding Earth's greatest dictator floating around in Star Trek: the Original Series and his misguided revenge in the Wrath of Khan. The Federation's own attempts to do benign genetic enhancement (e.g. TNG "Unnatural Selection") unintentionally led to mass death. So it seems that every time human attitudes have started to thaw towards genetic engineering, they've run into a situation that's made them say "Oh yeah, that's why we don't do that." Like they said at Bashir's trial, for every benevolent augment there's the possibility of a non-benevolent super-intelligent madman. The various Doctors Soong couldn't even seem to solve that problem in their switch to AI development, with any Soong-type android or bio-android having at best a coin-flip's chance of being either a saint or card-carrying genocidal villain. Quote
sh9000 Posted June 30, 2023 Posted June 30, 2023 I liked episode 3. Crazy outcome. Also bought season 1 on blu-ray. Quote
Dangard Ace Posted June 30, 2023 Posted June 30, 2023 Just finished watching Eps 3. So much Toronto in it. I enjoyed watching my hometown being recognized as Toronto instead of a stand in for New York. and shit always be blowing up in Scarborough. Quote
Seto Kaiba Posted June 30, 2023 Posted June 30, 2023 SlashFilm's plaudit for Strange New Worlds is... well... technically correct. "The best Star Trek show in decades". It's not wrong, it's just... not exactly great praise consider how the other Star Trek shows of the last 25 years did. Voyager ended on a ratings low note. Enterprise got cancelled due to poor ratings caused by audience fatigue, Discovery flopped, Picard flopped, Prodigy didn't perform up to expectations, and Lower Decks is just sort of... present. It's way better than just "the best of a bad lot". It stands head, shoulders, knees, toes, eight Enterprises, and a whole rogue planetoid above everything that's come out since Voyager ended. I picked it up on digital library instead of physical media, but I've been enjoying the hell out of rewatching it. Probably the best fourteen or so bucks I've spent all year. Quote
Chronocidal Posted July 1, 2023 Posted July 1, 2023 You know what throws me a little about this show? I feel like the guy they got to play Kirk actually looks more like the original Pike, Jeffrey Hunter. Quote
sh9000 Posted July 8, 2023 Posted July 8, 2023 Cool. I still need to watch episode 4. I'm all caught up with Secret Invasion though. Another show I'm also enjoying. Quote
Thom Posted July 12, 2023 Posted July 12, 2023 This does look like a fun one! But even though I am enjoying these (well except for the first one) will we be going to these Strange New Worlds soon? Quote
Thom Posted July 14, 2023 Posted July 14, 2023 I liked most of it. Seeing Spock dealing with being fully human was fun, and I liked how they did it. Having the aliens act like a disinterested company help deck was funny. Some things were done a little over the top, but this was partly meant as a light-hearted episode, so that was fine. The ending... Reveal hidden contents ...could be seen a parsec away. A shame though, I think it should have left Spock and T'Pring together and Chapel with having sacrificed her own feelings for him without him knowing. Would have been a lot more poignant that way. Quote
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