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Why God Why?

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Heh... actually Evangelion was raped by a New Zealand movie design house.

Seriously though... didn't you expect this? There is absolutely no way that they would make a movie about EVA that mirrored the original anime. And why is that necessarily a bad thing?

The anime will always be what is, just as the movie will be whatever they make it to be. Why must every fan of the original material take such offense at changes?

I guess it wouldn't be the internet if people didn't grouse about "the atrocities the movie company did to my beloved (Evangelion, LotR, Spiderman, X-Men, whatever, whatever).

Just remember that you originally like the anime and leave it at that. If you don't really care, then whatever WETA or ADV do really isn't going to upset you.

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Nah, American movie companies don't suck per se, it's those inside the movie companies who think that American audiences won't go to a movie if the names are hard to pronounce. Further, they have a stereotype in mind that the normal (read: non-anime-fan) audiences want to see people like them on the screen. And, sadly, the major movie audience is young, white, teen males. Why else do "Spirited Away," "Tokyo Godfathers" and "Cowboy Bebop" languish in art houses while the latest Bruckheimer-Bey explodathon (and don't get me wrong, I like action movies) gets all the screentime in all the other popcorn palaces?

And look on the bright side: The producer of "Schindler's List" (of all people) bought the rights to do a live-action "Lupin III" and Monkey Punch put in a clause in the contract forbidding them to change the names. So, while there might not be a live-action Asuka Langely (if the live action Eva ever gets out of pre-production purgatory), there will be a live-action Daisuke Jigen, Ishikawa Goemon XIII and Fujiko Mine.

Edited by Pat Payne
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A- Old news. :p

B- The designs are being done By Weta, the company that did the designs for LOTR. So, you can't blame everything on the American Movie companies. Those New Zealanders will have to be held responsible too!

Personally, I don't care about name changes and stuff like that. I'm willing to see what happens with the movie.

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I'd imagine GAINAX would have some say in the name changes. They don't seem to have a problem with it as far as I know.

and wetaworkshop is from New Zealand btw. Whos releasing the movie?

ADV is making the film, check out this thread Here.

As for the name changes, why would anyone other Anno himself care? So Asuka is Kate. Rei is Ray. Misato is Susan. Big whoop. They're making a movie in English, they want to use English names. They'll probably use English actors. I'm still shocked that anyone is surprised by this. If New Line thought they would have made more money by changing Gandalf to Bob, I'm sure they would have done the same thing.

They'll also most likely make them all a bit older. And things will look different. And the story will be different. And lots of other changes.

But none of this really matters. What matters is if they can tell a compelling story. And that remains to be seen. Everything else is just semantics. Spartacus would have been a great film if his name was Marcus. You see my point?

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It's Japan's fault for not building their film industry up as much as their anime industry. Once they see how much money there is to be made, I think they'll think it over.

I wish the American Studios (or Weta) would consider properties that's not already being burned out.



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well my complaint was basically .... live action anime is BAD ...and this just proves it....and please you can say what you want about "maybe itll have a great plot etc etc " ...the point is ...this is america....when you live in america and you take something that is not so popular and make it into something popular but far from the original.....well just ask anyone what happens to fans of the original

This isnt spiderman ...spiderman is a large part of the culture as are american comic book culture in general ... if spiderman would have sucked they would have made a different interpretation in 5 years

things work a little differently

I mean if they want to do an evangelion movie..and change all teh characters ....and americanize it up...then at least change teh name and robot designs and call it "robotika " or "cybergun" or another dumb name more in tune with live action b movies. All this really proves is lack of originality on movie studios shoulders.

There is just no reason to make animation into live action other then trying to milk a franchise...thats IT! Its simple... if anyone really appreciated and enjoyed the artwork and animation and story then release it as is subtitled in a movie theater. As it was intended.

And saying WETA IS WORKING ON IT! THEY MADE LOTR really means nothing to me ...yippy wow.. i love lotr but that doesnt impress me.

Its all about the $$$

Anyway hopefully this movie never makes it out of pre production and just becoems another case of the live action akira ( thank god that choked on itself and died)

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P.S.- Regarding your comment about how it's "All about the $$$", do you understand the entertainment industry?

Sure, projects like Evangelion, Macross and Cowboy Bebop are a true labor of love for their creators, but do you think for a second the creators would've even bothered if they thought there was no profit to be made?

To say that Evangelion is being made into a live-action movie simply because the Americans want $$$ is the same as admitting it was made in the first place because the Japanese want $$$.

I'm willing to suspend judgment until more info is released. If it dies in pre-production, no skin off my back. But if it doesn't, I'll still give it a chance.

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P.S.- Regarding your comment about how it's "All about the $$$", do you understand the entertainment industry?

Sure, projects like Evangelion, Macross and Cowboy Bebop are a true labor of love for their creators, but do you think for a second the creators would've even bothered if they thought there was no profit to be made?

To say that Evangelion is being made into a live-action movie simply because the Americans want $$$ is the same as admitting it was made in the first place because the Japanese want $$$.

I'm willing to suspend judgment until more info is released. If it dies in pre-production, no skin off my back. But if it doesn't, I'll still give it a chance.

I'm in the same boat..

I don't much like the character designs, but I WILL admit to liking the minor tweaks to the Evas themselves. 01's head looks terrifying.

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AHHH they Macek-ized the names! :angry:

Though seeing an Eva in live action would definatly make it look more scary since now it looks real...

The city and mech shots were nice.

What I don't care for is how they made the pilots look 2x as old with some weight problems. Is EVA really the same without its evil sex-bomb teens?

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What I don't care for is how they made the pilots look 2x as old with some weight problems. Is EVA really the same without its evil sex-bomb teens?

I don't know....do you think Hollywood is ready for 14 year old kids masturbating over comatose girls?

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What I don't care for is how they made the pilots look 2x as old with some weight problems.  Is EVA really the same without its evil sex-bomb teens?

I don't know....do you think Hollywood is ready for 14 year old kids masturbating over comatose girls?

Well, they can leave that juicy little morsel out. :)

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I'll address your points one by one, Neko.

well my complaint was basically .... live action anime is BAD ...and this just proves it....and please you can say what you want about  "maybe itll have a great plot etc etc "  ...the point is ...this is america....when you live in america and you take something that is not so popular and make it into something popular but far from the original.....well just ask anyone what happens to fans of the original

What does happen to fans of the original? Do they get attacked on the street by giant monkeys? No, mostly they just complain endlessly about trivial changes from the source material and refuse to be open minded.

This isnt spiderman ...spiderman is  a large part of the culture as are american comic book culture in general ...  if spiderman would have sucked they would have made a different interpretation in 5 years

things work a little differently

Seems to me that Spiderman gets the worse end of the stick on that deal. If they make a bad movie, folks will trash it and that'll be the end of that. Poor Spidey would get put through the ringer endlessly. It's not as if a bad movie will somehow ruin the anime that came first.

I mean if they want to do an evangelion movie..and change all teh characters ....and americanize it up...then at least change teh name and  robot designs and call it "robotika " or "cybergun" or another dumb name more in tune with live action b movies.  All this really proves is lack of originality on movie studios shoulders. 

I agree with you there, but I think I'm less surprised by it than you seem to be. Hollywood is anything but original... but occasionally they crank out a few good movies - both based on licenses and original screenplays. But do you really think if they changed just the names (Asuka to Kate, and so on) and the title (let's go with Cybergun Robotika) that they wouldn't get sued for everything else by Gainax? Doesn't the mecha appear similar? The city designs? The character looks and outfits?

It seems like they're being fairly true to the source material, if you ask me. They changed some names and some ages. I wouldn't have much trouble guessing that Cybergun Robotika was clearly based on NGE from what I see here.

There is just no reason to make animation into live action other then trying to milk a franchise...thats IT!  Its simple... if anyone really appreciated  and  enjoyed the artwork  and animation and story then release it as is  subtitled in a movie theater. As it was intended.

Yeah! And they should never make movies based off of books, either! That Silence of the Lambs was crap! So was Gone With the Wind, the Wizard of OZ, LotR, and about a million others! They shouldn't base it off of comic books neither! That Spiderman and X-Men were universally hated by everyone!

What makes anime so different? Why shouldn't they try to bring these stories to the bigger market of live action film? What makes anime so uniquely special that it simply CANNOT ever be adapted to another form? Are these stories untellable in film? Not really. Not anymore with CGI being what it is.

And saying  WETA IS WORKING ON IT! THEY MADE LOTR  really means nothing to me ...yippy wow.. i love lotr  but that doesnt impress me.

Well... you have me stumped there. I like it when talented people work on movies.

Its all about the $$$

Anyway hopefully this movie  never makes it out of pre production and just becoems another case of the live action akira ( thank god that choked on itself and died)

Of course it's all about the $$$. The original anime for NGE was also all about the $$$. If it had bombed on Japan TV, do you think we'd be discussing it here now? Sure, the creator had an artistic goal, but there's plenty of evidence that it was made to be profitable to boot.

They are going to make live action movies based on your precious anime. It will happen and some of it will be bad, some of it might be good. Comic book fans said the same thing, so did book geeks. Both were proven wrong by talented directors, screenwriters, actors, etc...

Why have such a knee jerk reaction to it? Why not wait to hate it after you see if it'll really suck all by itself?

Edited by Blaine23
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i'm cool with it all as long as they keep Shinji a japanese kid. i guess you could argue away the asianess of all the other characters except shinji and his dad. masato doesn't look asian as originally drawn per se and even rei isn't techincally "japanese" lol. when is the last time you've seen an asian teenager boy carry a film? and then why bother having the setting in toyko if it won't keep any type of asian basis in the area? big big kudos to the RL film if shinji stays asian is all i'm saying.

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I just think it's this board...or something. It seems like all anyone does on this board is put down movie ideas before they're even in development. i.e.: Aliens vs Predator...others that I can't even think of as of the moment. And I can't think of a live-action movie that was based off an anime. Could we seriously stop all this bashing bs? It's getting really old and annoying. Just wait for the finished product and then bash away maybe?

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What I don't care for is how they made the pilots look 2x as old with some weight problems. Is EVA really the same without its evil sex-bomb teens?

In defense of the costume designer, that's basically what almost all costume concept illustrations look like. The over-emphasize the pose and other such tricks.

I doubt the actual actor him/herself will look anything like the illustration.

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I still say it's too early to raise a bitch storm when the thing is only in pre-production. I've commented on the concept art too, both for the good and bad aspects, but it's not really worth losing sleep over. If they change the names I won't be very happy about that, and how old the girls look currently does not seem right at all, especially Misato/"Susan."

The thing is, ALL of ths is CONCEPTUAL ART, and nowhere near finalized designs. Most of this looks like they are heading in the right direction, but there are sure to be revisions as this thing progresses. Fan input will play a part I'm sure, as well as ADV and Gainax who hold the reigns. All of those pics were from WETA, and are not written in stone. It's way to early to declare the movie will instantly suck. There are talented folks working on it right now, so let's see what they can offer as time goes on. I know G-savior and other live action adaptions have left a sour image for lots of people, but even recent comic book adaptions have gone remarkably better than those of old, and studios are actually putting real effort into those films now. There are still high hopes that Eva will come out ok in the end. Some things may, and likely, will be tweaked, but that's to be expected.

"do you think Hollywood is ready for 14 year old kids masturbating over comatose girls?" and such like that are irreleavent comments (no offence), because we all know there is no way in hell that will make it into the movie anyway. Even if they are 14 in the movie, the characters were not pouncing on each other in the show in the first place. OK, Shinji accientally tripped over bath towel draped Rei, big deal. Don't have to include that scene anyway. Asuka hit on Kaji, so what? If the ages are increased to 16-19 then fine, larger talent base to draw from. If they change some of the names because lots of Americans can't even speak their own language properly, and will have no chance at pronouncing them right, then we'll see. The film may kick ass yet.

It's too early for battle flags.

Edited by Anubis
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*sigh* another potential idea blown out of the water before it's truely given a chance.... someday people will learn.

There is every bit the possibility that this movie will kick ass. I only watched 5 or so episodes of the series (really wasn't that impressed), but I'm excited to see what a live-action version could be like. Sure some things will be different.... ANY time a movie is adapted from some previous form of media SOMETHING IS GOING TO CHANGE. Not all changes are bad (I was a bit miffed that Saruman was written out of the third LOTR movie, but I understand why they did it), and if you guys would open up enough to see, you MIGHT actually enjoy it when it comes out.

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Wow, Ray (Rei) has a fat ass! :huh:

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