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welome to macross world Doctor Reggae. i am really waiting for hound right now, I may want to get the import version over the US version but i am definetly getting him. :)

  zeo-mare said:
welome to macross world Doctor Reggae. i am really waiting for hound right now, I may want to get the import version over the US version but i am definetly getting him. :)

Thanks for the welcome, zeo mare...I've been lurking for a while, and I enjoy what I see.

I checked my Walmart for Silverstreak, and they've got nothin'. He's been seen in Walmarts in North Carolina and Massachussetts or Connecticut, I think...I'm in Ohio, and this part of the state tends to drag when it comes to getting new stock.

I've somehow resisted getting the Binaltech versions, but it's getting harder and harder to resist.



I agree with you on getting the binaltech i have been holding off and I got the USA versions instead, but after handling the masterpeice Prime which has a lot of diecast I am really tempted on the Binaltechs most likely I am going to get Hound first.


I've got 2 quick dumb questions:

What is the difference between the Subaru WRC & the WRX?

& other than 1 is the Japanese version & the other is the U.S. version, what is the difference between the Binaltech & Alternator Transformers?

  Mechwolf said:
I've got 2 quick dumb questions:

What is the difference between the Subaru WRC & the WRX?

& other than 1 is the Japanese version & the other is the U.S. version, what is the difference between the Binaltech & Alternator Transformers?

someone correct me if im wrong but i believe the wrcs are the official subaru rally cars so it would have more in common with the sti, while the wrx is a mid-level comsumer sedan better than the impreza but not as good as the sti


o and the difference between the binaltech and alternators is obviously the package, and the binaltech have a good amount of diecast and paint while the alternators are colored plastic

  Doctor Reggae said:
I'm in Ohio, and this part of the state tends to drag when it comes to getting new stock.

Tell me about it. It's gonna drive me nuts when Meister comes out.

I've started picking up some of the Energon figures, my local Wal-Mart only has the first wave toys, and they're not restocking them. I had to go all over Colombus before I found someplace with Arcee. I've heard that wave 2 hasn't made it to the Dayton area, yet.

I don't think Siverstreak has been seen anywhere in this state.

  Greyryder said:
  Doctor Reggae said:
I'm in Ohio, and this part of the state tends to drag when it comes to getting new stock.

Tell me about it. It's gonna drive me nuts when Meister comes out.

I've started picking up some of the Energon figures, my local Wal-Mart only has the first wave toys, and they're not restocking them. I had to go all over Colombus before I found someplace with Arcee. I've heard that wave 2 hasn't made it to the Dayton area, yet.

I don't think Siverstreak has been seen anywhere in this state.

I haven't really seen Arcee or Insecticon in any Walmarts up here, but they're all over the Meijers stores in this area. I did pick up E-Demolishor at the Walmart on Central Avenue in Toledo about two weeks ago and have seen E-Mirage around as well, so we're getting new Energon stock at least.

Mechwolf, the Binaltechs cost about twice as much as the Alternators do, but if you decide to get them, they're usually worth it. I have Binaltech Smokescreen and Sideswipe, and although I have to buy the Alternator versions from now on for monetary reasons, the BT's are REALLY solid toys.


The two-color RX8 release is terrible. If they must do color variants they should be released and sold separately. Hell, even give it a different name, like the lame smokescreen and silverstreak, or sideswipe, sunstreaker and deadend nonsense. Even smokescreen was initially offered as distinct versions, cars 7 and 8, by many websites, but I haven't seen that yet for Jazz/Meister. I really hope there is a distinction made for ordering purposes and the colors aren't shortpacked.


I'll have to start checking the Meijers around here.

I've heard that the Red Miester is going to be somewhat limited, but that Takara is treating the two versions the same. They're basically trying to make the red one a chase figure. I imagine once they have the stock in hand, that most on line stores will make them seperate items for order. I stick with the Alts, because I don't care enough about die-cast to pay the extra for the BTs.

  Doctor Reggae said:
I checked my Walmart for Silverstreak, and they've got nothin'. He's been seen in Walmarts in North Carolina and Massachussetts or Connecticut, I think...I'm in Ohio, and this part of the state tends to drag when it comes to getting new stock.

By chance, you wouldn't happen to know which Wal-Marts in North Carolina...?

  Axelay said:
  Doctor Reggae said:
I checked my Walmart for Silverstreak, and they've got nothin'.  He's been seen in Walmarts in North Carolina and Massachussetts or Connecticut, I think...I'm in Ohio, and this part of the state tends to drag when it comes to getting new stock.

By chance, you wouldn't happen to know which Wal-Marts in North Carolina...?

Go here:


and look through the sightings! section.


  NERV said:
  Mechwolf said:
I've got 2 quick dumb questions:

What is the difference between the Subaru WRC & the WRX?

& other than 1 is the Japanese version & the other is the U.S. version, what is the difference between the Binaltech & Alternator Transformers?

someone correct me if im wrong but i believe the wrcs are the official subaru rally cars so it would have more in common with the sti, while the wrx is a mid-level comsumer sedan better than the impreza but not as good as the sti

ok here I come to correct all of you.

Subaru WRC is a rally car. It is a Race car. Think what is teh difference between a Pontiac GTo vs a Nascar Pontiac GTO? well duh one is a race car while the other is not.

WRC stands for World Rally Championship.

The WRX is not better than an Imprezza. The WRX is an Imprezza. Imprezza is the model of car. The WRX is a trim level. Like Integra. You have RS, LS, GSR, and Type R.

The WRC has nothing in common with the STI. Everything has been changed on the rally car. Such as Front mounted intercoller, stripped out interior, full frame roll cage. Even the spoiler is different. But yes the STI does have more in common with the WRC than the regular WRX however it is no where close to the Rally car.


Some people have speculated that Hasbro and/or Takara will rename the red RX-8 as Cliffjumper. I'm ambivalent either way, as I tend to avoid repaints now, but I'll probably make an exception in the case of the Alternators. The Dead End repaint of Sideswipe looks awesome, and there's a rumor that they're going to repaint (and maybe slightly retool) the Tracks Camaro as Wheeljack.

  Opus said:
  Axelay said:
  Doctor Reggae said:
I checked my Walmart for Silverstreak, and they've got nothin'.  He's been seen in Walmarts in North Carolina and Massachussetts or Connecticut, I think...I'm in Ohio, and this part of the state tends to drag when it comes to getting new stock.

By chance, you wouldn't happen to know which Wal-Marts in North Carolina...?

Go here:


and look through the sightings! section.


http://tformers.com/article.php?sid=2975 is another thread where people are reporting in sightings of Silverstreak. Axelay, the NC Walmart in question was in Statesville.

Hope this helps!

  Doctor Reggae said:
Some people have speculated that Hasbro and/or Takara will rename the red RX-8 as Cliffjumper. I'm ambivalent either way, as I tend to avoid repaints now, but I'll probably make an exception in the case of the Alternators. The Dead End repaint of Sideswipe looks awesome, and there's a rumor that they're going to repaint (and maybe slightly retool) the Tracks Camaro as Wheeljack.

1. Tracks is not a camaro. He is a Corvette.

2. I dont think anyone will call Meister as Cliffjumper. Take a close look at Meister's head. And go to Toys R Us and look at the reissue Jazz figure cover art. The Dreamwave image shows the heads as identical. A feature nicely done in the Binaltech line. Dead End should have been Sunstreak. Mostlikely he will be a repaint (im just guessing)


I don't know why they did that, but they should've kept sideswipe as a lambo, just an up to date version. And then they can either repaint that and call it sunstreaker or redesign it which would even be better! :p:D:lol:


I've wondered why they didn't use the Lambo design too. Nothing against the Viper, of course. And considering Dead End's head sculpt, has there been any official confirmation of a Sunstreaker repaint?

Solscud, you're right...Tracks is a Corvette. Man, I was tired when I typed that.

  Opus said:
Lamborghini probably wouldn't give out a liscence. Just like VW. :(

Yeah that has been discussed before. VW doesnt want death machines or some crap.

  Solscud007 said:
  Opus said:
Lamborghini probably wouldn't give out a liscence. Just like VW. :(

Yeah that has been discussed before. VW doesnt want death machines or some crap.

Yeah, given VW's history and how it was started, that's really suprising from them. It was probably more $$$ related.

BTW, BBTS still has Silverstreak in stock. I got mine on Friday. I'm still debating whether or not to give it an anime Bluestreak style black hood and roof.

  Solscud007 said:
  NERV said:
  Mechwolf said:
I've got 2 quick dumb questions:

What is the difference between the Subaru WRC & the WRX?

& other than 1 is the Japanese version & the other is the U.S. version, what is the difference between the Binaltech & Alternator Transformers?

someone correct me if im wrong but i believe the wrcs are the official subaru rally cars so it would have more in common with the sti, while the wrx is a mid-level comsumer sedan better than the impreza but not as good as the sti

ok here I come to correct all of you.

Subaru WRC is a rally car. It is a Race car. Think what is teh difference between a Pontiac GTo vs a Nascar Pontiac GTO? well duh one is a race car while the other is not.

WRC stands for World Rally Championship.

The WRX is not better than an Imprezza. The WRX is an Imprezza. Imprezza is the model of car. The WRX is a trim level. Like Integra. You have RS, LS, GSR, and Type R.

The WRC has nothing in common with the STI. Everything has been changed on the rally car. Such as Front mounted intercoller, stripped out interior, full frame roll cage. Even the spoiler is different. But yes the STI does have more in common with the WRC than the regular WRX however it is no where close to the Rally car.

Well to a certain level.

The WRX is also Turbo charged vs the Naturally Aspirated engine in the base Impreza RS.

And yes the WRC is a race car not for sale with extreme differences to the street car. The STI is a very finely tuned WRX with more horsepower and a .5 litre engine displacement difference(in the US anyway)

WRC=World Rally Car

WRX= World Rally X (X=inspired or type..no specifics were really named by Subaru)


  • 2 weeks later...
  waylandcool said:
Chicago seems to be at the end of the list of TF's. I finally found a Alt. Smokescreen two weeks ago while everyone and thier second cousin's uncle got theirs for Christmas. If Alt. Sideswipe is out now, It'll be at least three weeks before he shows up in this area.

Actually, Alt Silverstreak is popping up at Walmarts everywhere now, it seems. He's been found around Columbus, Ohio, but I haven't seen or heard any sign of him in the northwest corner of the state. Which, of course, makes me want the toy even more.

I think he's coming evenly distributed with Sideswipe, although I don't know how many of both are in a case. <_<

  chowyunskinny said:
Guess there IS a good reason to buy the new Smokescreen repaints.

They included a missle launcher this time!!

Smokescreen pic from Tokyo Toy Show

from ToyBoxDX


Although I like the idea of him having a shoulder mounted missle launcher like the G1 characters used to, I also liked how for the Binaltach/Alternators, Takara was trying to keep everything contained within the vehicle, with weapons from engines, exhausts, etc...

It just felt cleaner and smarter than having arbitrary weapons attached to a normal looking car mode. But that's just my opinion. :D

But since they decided to do it, I wonder why they didn't use 2 shoulder mounted missle launchers instead of 1 like the OG G1 characters had?

  dr_vandermeer said:
  chowyunskinny said:
Guess there IS a good reason to buy the new Smokescreen repaints.

They included a missle launcher this time!!

Smokescreen pic from Tokyo Toy Show

from ToyBoxDX


Although I like the idea of him having a shoulder mounted missle launcher like the G1 characters used to, I also liked how for the Binaltach/Alternators, Takara was trying to keep everything contained within the vehicle, with weapons from engines, exhausts, etc...

It just felt cleaner and smarter than having arbitrary weapons attached to a normal looking car mode. But that's just my opinion. :D

But since they decided to do it, I wonder why they didn't use 2 shoulder mounted missle launchers instead of 1 like the OG G1 characters had?

It supposedly has a new front bumper too. <_< I hate it when they do this.

Posted (edited)

New tracks and smokescreen pic. Lot of black at least to compensate for the yellow. Not too bad. Sculpt rocks. I still don't like yellow cars though.

Smokescreen has a shoulder cannon now on the new version.


Edited by Anubis
Posted (edited)

Looks like the Insecticons may be the next reissue. I always liked the insecticons.


Edited by Anubis
  Anubis said:
Looks like the Insecticons may be the next reissue. I always liked the insecticons.

Hmmm, I may have to get those. I wonder what price point they will be at? Weren't they cheaper than the "car" transformers ( a size level under) or am I mis-remembering?


Tracks looks nice in car mode, even with the yellow being as bright as it is, I would have rather seen Blue though.



is it jsut me or does smokescreen look stupid with that missle launcher on the spoiler? I think I will skip this one. But tracks I will get

  dna said:
  Anubis said:
Looks like the Insecticons may be the next reissue.  I always liked the insecticons.

Hmmm, I may have to get those. I wonder what price point they will be at? Weren't they cheaper than the "car" transformers ( a size level under) or am I mis-remembering?

i read somethere around 30 bucks

10 bucks each?



:lol: i just noticed the shoulder cannon on smokescreen they could have did a better job than that, I can not beleive the weapon is visiable like that in car mode they should have made it like the gun that turns into the engine and made it more a feature of the car. it looks utterly stupid like that.



As much as I prefer the concept of all the weapons becoming parts of the car and therefore keeping the car looking normal (and not have them going into subspace or whatever the old logic claimed), I actually don't mind the missiles sitting on the sit of the spoiler. At least they don't disappear and I like the idea that they're sort of optional 'heavy firepower' addons that the Autobots would attach if they knew they were going into a big battle and didn't really care about the 'robots in disguise' part as much as 'robots who have a faster alternative mode'.

I'll have to agree that Tracks is growing on me in yellow, especially with the amount of black in robot mode, but I almost think that a yellow/black combination would've made a better Stunticon color (Dragstrip maybe, despite the fact that I'd rather see him as a Mirage repaint).

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