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It's the head. That orange just looks slapped on.... I mean, if they'e going to make the Alternators series a throwback to G1, KEEP with morethan a head design..

....what's the opinion over at TF forums?

....does hasbro have a tendency to modify designs when protos are ripped apart?

I LIKE the sculpt; I just hate the color.


I am hoping the final yellow is toned down.

Overall though the Sideswipe is awesome.


Posted (edited)

Real 'vette yellow is pretty vibrant as cars go. Decidedly lighter than the "rich" Mustang yellow, but not quite the nearly-neon yellow you also sometimes see. It's right in the middle. "Millenium Yellow" I believe is the current version.

PS---no jets? THAT IS THE SUCK! :p Guess we'll just have to rely on Yamato for transforming planes.

Edited by David Hingtgen
  Dangard Ace said:
Hmmm....ya know, if they made a white mustang with blue stripes and called him Jazz..... <_<:oB))

They would have to change his name to "Classic Rock",dude. B)):lol::rolleyes:<_<


That made my day right there! Alternators are beginning to disappoint me. And I think it's just the prevalence of American cars at this point, yeah we've got the Impreza, and an RX-8 is somewhere in the distance, but where're the Honda's? The Mitsus? Muscle cars were never really my thing.


screw cars where are my damn seeker planes? damn it all!!!!!!!

I realy hiope that kobayashi dude in japan is working up some good shi* with jet alternators and a megatron at least./ Damn it we need bad ass decepticons not menasaru wannabes whjo cant combine!

  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
screw cars where are my damn seeker planes? damn it all!!!!!!!

I realy hiope that kobayashi dude in japan is working up some good shi* with jet alternators and a megatron at least./ Damn it we need bad ass decepticons not menasaru wannabes whjo cant combine!

I've heard the Bin/Alts referred to as many things, but...Menasaru wannabes? Wow. :huh:



I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for a Ford Mustang as well, but I also won't get my hopes up.

I think it is great that they are using American cars, such as the Corvette and Viper.

Personally, we kicked Japan's ass in WWII, and companies like Mitsubishi used to make the "Zero" propeller driven plane that killed a lot of Americans starting with Pearl Harbor, and a lot of Asian people in China and so forth.

Imports with cheesy oversized spoilers, and big tailpipes welded on to tiny exhaust pipes are an unfortunate part of life, and I refuse to buy a toy of one.

I was looking forward to seeing jets as well, but now that does not look like a possibility.


Christopher B))

  ChristopherB said:

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for a Ford Mustang as well, but I also won't get my hopes up.

I think it is great that they are using American cars, such as the Corvette and Viper.

Personally, we kicked Japan's ass in WWII, and companies like Mitsubishi used to make the "Zero" propeller driven plane that killed a lot of Americans starting with Pearl Harbor, and a lot of Asian people in China and so forth.

Imports with cheesy oversized spoilers, and big tailpipes welded on to tiny exhaust pipes are an unfortunate part of life, and I refuse to buy a toy of one.

I was looking forward to seeing jets as well, but now that does not look like a possibility.


Christopher B))

I know, wouldnt a f22 starscream be the sweetest thing

  ChristopherB said:
Personally, we kicked Japan's ass in WWII, and companies like Mitsubishi used to make the "Zero" propeller driven plane that killed a lot of Americans starting with Pearl Harbor, and a lot of Asian people in China and so forth.

Dont forget that particular win is tainted by the use of the atom bomb. It was dropped twice on non-military targets. Japan was already defeated and close to surrender. This is historically proven by facts. The myth of "the bomb saved lives" is not fact.

In terms of Mitsubishi they arent the only ones who make death making machines.

ABC And GM own and make the Patriot missle. Tose werent exactly life giving creations either. Daihatsu makes guns in Korea. Saab is a fighter plane manufacturer in Scandanavia

Also dont forget GMC makes the Hummer (screw H2 that could hurt anything) but the Hummer was rigged with rockets and guns. As well as thegood old jeep. we an other foreign countries have done plenty of killing too. So dont single out a country please. :)

Posted (edited)


It makes you think that if they can accomplish so much with the cars in vehicle mode, as compared to the originals we had as children, imagine how cool the jets would be.

No matter how much we complain though, it probably won't do any good. (1) version of each of the releases I'm interested in will suffice.

I'm glad that Ford is on board, and I hope that means we will see a Mustang or something similar as opposed to a Mazda.


Christopher B))

(Previous post edited to maintain the integrity of the thread. Just doing my part to keep it real, and do the right thing. :mellow:)

Edited by ChristopherB

since when did japan try to take over the world? wasn't that germany and japan was their ally? also VW made german war machines, and now they dont want to be associated with violence and wont let their cars be used to make transformers. besides, things change, and people change, you tihnk the same people who ran mitsubishi during ww2 are still in charge? thatd be like blaming colonel sanders for kfc's recent advertisement trying to pass it off as health food.

Posted (edited)
  Solscud007 said:
Dont forget that particular win is tainted by the use of the atom bomb. It was dropped twice on non-military targets. Japan was already defeated and close to surrender. This is historically proven by facts. The myth of "the bomb saved lives" is not fact.

Geez that is bullshit. You have any idea how bad it is in occupied region near the end of the war? With busted supply lines, do you expect the Japanese troop would still play nice and give out token rations? Ever heard about human meat bun in Hong Kong in 1945? Yeah when people dead on the street was the only meat source, a few sicko made a business out of it. Shanghai, which had a large population, was scheduled to be attacked and retaken by allied force shortly after the A-bomb. It is impossible to guess how many more life would lost if the war drag on for another month.

As for Mitsubishi, well what do you expect them to do? Even if the owner was against the war, could you expect him to just stop the factory only to get him and his family beheaded?

Please don't bring up political crap in a toy thread again. Neither of you know much about what you are talking about.

Edited by CF18
  Myriad said:
Will Hounds doors come off..........

yeah, thats the best way to drive a jeep,,

so it is completly confirmed that thier will be no jets for decepticons and they will be cars?

Posted (edited)


I'm in awe of your historical knowledge. Judging by your highly informative post, and my detailed post prior to the obligatory edit I did, it is obvious who knows what. By the way, there is a plural of the word "life," next time try and check your grammar before you post. ;) You should be proud of yourself for taking your own advice by not continuing to post non-transformers related comments. Great job!


Think of it as a temporary mutual symbiotic relationship. Check out some books on WWII and then PM if you have anymore of your self explanatory/rhetorical questions.

Anyway, this thread as I said is getting derailed. I was wrong for responding to another MW member to substantiate my opinion, when I could have sent a PM.

In my effort to be a good MW member, if you want to constructively discuss WWII or another war please feel free to PM me, but please know the subject matter.


Christopher B))

(Edited to shorten, so that further space is not wasted by me.)

Edited by ChristopherB
Posted (edited)

OK, let's talk about Transformers here. I don't want to read half page argument spreads about WWII. Again. <_< It's already in the Reaction Weapons thread too.

About Hound, it looks like there is a pin through the door hinge to me. May be able to get it out with the right tool.

I don't really mind the doors though. I admit It would look almost G1 without them though.

Edited by Anubis
Posted (edited)
  Dangard Ace said:
Politics?  Not in this forum.  Next person/s to do so gets mod-slapped until they look like Daniel.   <_<  :p  :ph34r:

I should run for govenor of Michigan :p:ph34r:

edit - Hiiiii----yaaa!!! Pow! Whap! Slap! Slap! Slappity-slap! wapow! Woooo-aaaaahhhhhh!!!! (Stomp for good measure.) That's learn ya. Now you look like Daniel-san. :lol::rolleyes:B)) DA

Edited by Dangard Ace

Hey Dangard you're a mod? Cool. But yeah, wouldn't it be cool if they made binaltech of the constructicons or any of the other combiners?! That would be soooo badasss!

Posted (edited)
  pfunk said:
  Dangard Ace said:
Politics?  Not in this forum.  Next person/s to do so gets mod-slapped until they look like Daniel.   <_<  :p  :ph34r:

I should run for govenor of Michigan :p:ph34r:

edit - Hiiiii----yaaa!!! Pow! Whap! Slap! Slap! Slappity-slap! wapow! Woooo-aaaaahhhhhh!!!! (Stomp for good measure.) That's learn ya. Now you look like Daniel-san. :lol::rolleyes:B)) DA

ouch,,,,that hurt :blink:

SQUISH just like grape

Edited by pfunk
  Tiny said:
Hey Dangard you're a mod? Cool. But yeah, wouldn't it be cool if they made binaltech of the constructicons or any of the other combiners?! That would be soooo badasss!

Yup. Me wear big shoulder pads, dress in black and pretend I have an english accent. :lol:

As for TF Alts....much as I want Stunticons/Constructicons it seems more likely to me that we'll be getting Runabout or Runamuck.

  Opus said:
QUOTE (Dangard Ace @ Feb 18 2004, 05:19 PM)

Hmmm....ya know, if they made a white mustang with blue stripes and called him Jazz.....   

They would have to change his name to "Classic Rock",dude.   

Hey if they don't have the Porsche license that's about the only vehicular substitute that I'll accept for Jazz.....er....Meister/"Autobot Jazz". :DB))


Well, if they were to make each constructicon about the same size as a normal binaltech like smokescreen... and then combine them, that'll be kind of like having a masterpiece Devastator! oH YEAH!!!

  Tiny said:
Well, if they were to make each constructicon about the same size as a normal binaltech like smokescreen... and then combine them, that'll be kind of like having a masterpiece Devastator! oH YEAH!!!

OMG that thing would be 2 feet tall,,,,,,,how a bout a metroplex in 1/24,,it would be as tall as my little brother B))

Im still perterbed about the no jet thing and probably no megatron gun :angry:


Alternator devastator would be awesome. I would have no reservation buying constucticons. Pose prime fighting THAT B))

I would even settle for stunticons if the decepticons "have" to be cars, so long as they combine.


keep politics to PM guys. LEts get this thread adjusted...i read on tfans.com that theres a rumor takara is showing something big at totfest......since we saw their crap before we he domesti stuff like streak alternator....maybe they will show alternator jets? thats certainly big.


I'm still under the impression that there will be no Alternator Jets. Although a new line of all jet transformers could be in the works, somewhere in the ether. Transformers: Afterburners??? But licensing would be a bitch

Posted (edited)

My hope/guess: There is another line, like Alternators. But NOT *Alternators*. See, they keep saying all *Alternators* will be cars, and 1/24. Well, that rules out Decep jets.

But, they could make another line (hey, MP Prime's his own line) of nothing but 1/72 jets and tanks. (1/48 would make nicer tanks, but HUGE planes--look at the cost of a 1/48 transforming VF-1---Hasbro couldn't cut the price by 80%, but 1/72 is a lot more feasible). So I'm hoping for "Transformers: Obliterators" or something. :)

edit:: Heh, I see skippy438 already had a similar idea. And as I've posted in other forums, Northrop/Grumman is easy to work with on licensing, AFAIK. That gives us the F-5, F-14, F-20, YF-17, YF-23, A-6, and B-2. Plenty of neat stuff to work with. Lockheed seems easy enough to work with, but they do want EVERYTHING licensed. Boeing can be a total b*tch regarding licensing models, they will look at the shade of grey paint used to represent windows. And since they now own McDonnell, Douglas, Rockwell, Vought, and North American's designs, that's pretty much every US plane ever built, asides from the ones I mentioned above. You will see "Boeing P-51 Mustang" nowadays. Blech.

Edited by David Hingtgen

not really. Kobayashi can do it he can design jet planes.....crap either that or I will lol. David I do agree with you to an extent...the original seekers were 1.72 and while I think that was cool for back then I do wish now for either 1/64 or i lucky...a 1/48. That would kick ass. Maybee the line can be called Transformers Alternators:skywars or something like that. I am glad as hell gruman is easy to work with...makes my dreams of an F-14 jetfire a lot more feasible. Since boeing owns mcdonall douglass i believe the seekers might be hard to make in F-15 alt modes...so A f-22 is more likely....and the 2nd seekers(thrust dirge ramjet) could be JSF F-35s!

Hell maybe this time around we can get powerglide as an alternator A-10 as well....alternators is the fan line so its really STUPID not to have jets and at least dinobots as well as other characters...they are nice as cars i will never diagree with that...however for a line to succeed u need variety and transfromers has never survived with cars only....teh first series in g1 already had jets and even car robots had differnet stuff as well. THe current rumor is thjat hasdbro is planning them but at the same time is not finalized on scales yet. aking a jet to scale to the current alternators would not only be stupid but cost shitloads of money. (a lot of people dont realizze that this would be craploads bigger than a 1/48 VF-1...who ends up being the same scale as the old g1 cars) so imagine...a 1/24 Vf-1 is big enough as is...HUGE...but a F-15 is bigger than the F-16 size VF-1 in reality.,..so a 1/24 F-22 15 is gonna be HUGE adn colosally expensive. U cant tell me otherwise and say itll be cheap the damn thing is a huge ass plane at that scale.

Me and david should work with hasbro in finalizing scales for jets and choosing jets. that would be fun. Hell we even came up with color scheme ideas earlier in this thread going as far as to suggest the hiko klyodotai scheme for the Weekers if F-15 alt moders are selected...however at this point I think the F-22/JSF or F-16 combo is far more likely. MAybe to make variety throw in an f1117.

David would it be hard to aqquire the YF23 license? hey wait..mayeb a NATF license wouldnt be hard to snag.....

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