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On 7/5/2024 at 8:14 AM, Tking22 said:

I think the first two episodes were a bit slow, but it's been a solid season overall, the last two episodes were great. 

edit: I see a lot of people online complaining the newest episode is a bit too gross and pervy, but honestly, that's not even remotely close to how insanely over the top and nasty, and pervy, and gross Tek-Knight's story was in the comic, everything in the comic is beyond next level, much to it's detriment most of the time. 

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I get the feeling that a lot of people forgot about the previous seasons or something as far as pervyness. Although it is getting to the point where female nudity never happens anymore and all you’re gonna see from now on are gonna be sausage and man buns.

As far as this season, I do feel that it kinda lacked focus in the beginning, but the last two episodes were really great.

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53 minutes ago, TangledThorns said:

Won't be long till we see a real X rated scene in this series, lol. That being said, its still good but has to be the most cynical series ever made.

I think that’s pretty far away. The last episode barely showed a lady’s butt. They seem so afraid of female nudity these days.

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I woke up early before work to catch the finale and I really liked it, things are officially in place for a big final season. 


No going back for Butcher, he's in the endgame now and has made his choice, same with Homelander. Soldier Boy will be returning, so it seems obvious Homelander is going to wipe out the president to become a dictator and make his supes the leaders of the new world, they've already got official power, he's still going by the book to a degree for now, but he clearly wants another big weapon then he'll make his push. Not sure what they'll do with Ryan, he's an unknown entity, and not a thing in the comic so he's all brand new territory story and character-wise, has been since it was revealed he was alive, so we'll see there, anyone's guess really. The Boys are clearly no longer a thing as they were, Butcher is on his own and he's pretty damn powerful, and he's basically already dead so the supe virus is a non-factor for him. I hate that Frenchy and Kimiko are back together, it's weird and I've never liked the idea of them as romantic interests, they're mentor and mentee in the comic and that works. Also, what was the point of his relationship this season if he was going to just end up with Kimiko again? That's my biggest issue with most seasons, it's such a big cast several characters just sort of twiddle their thumbs and waste time doing things that don't matter because they just send up in the same place they were in in the first place, especially Kimiko and Frenchy, she lost her powers then immediately got them back, they were together then they weren't, now they're just back together again? Hughie just eats crap and has to deal with tragedy and being a bit of comic relief, MM, I just don't know, he's all over the place, and not to be a dick but I hated his new look this season, he lost a bunch of mass and muscle and no moustache is a big no for me. 

It was an okay season overall, clearly they had to set up a big final season, and I'm mostly okay with that, the worst thing I can say is it was a bit middling, it felt like not much happened and that's mostly true, they're really banking on the final season being big and bombastic, I just hope it pays off. 

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Just caught up on the last episode. This season definitely suffers from a slow unfocused start, but definitely gets things rolling. It was an interesting end, but not quite as epic as the previous ones. Either way we’re left in an interesting spot here and hopefully it won’t be such a slow build in the next season.

On 7/18/2024 at 8:51 AM, Tking22 said:

, MM, I just don't know, he's all over the place, and not to be a dick but I hated his new look this season, he lost a bunch of mass and muscle and no moustache is a big no for me. 

His facial hair was the mass and muscle

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On 7/20/2024 at 10:53 AM, azrael said:

Laz Alonso lost weight for health reasons and they weaved the story around his change so that it fit.

Ah I see, in that case it's totally understandable, gotta prioritize your health and do what's best. Big visual shift though, he was seriously bulky in those earlier seasons, either way, he's still a great MM.

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8 hours ago, kalvasflam said:

Have to say, not sure who is scarier, Sister Sage or Butcher.  One is a super genius, and the other is super committed.  Poor Homelander, what will he do.

I think it's hilarious Sister Sage's, uh, alternate self just wants Taco Bell and backdoor action, they're pretty much two different characters. 

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49 minutes ago, Tking22 said:

I think it's hilarious Sister Sage's, uh, alternate self just wants Taco Bell and backdoor action, they're pretty much two different characters. 

Taco Bell is back door action 

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1 hour ago, Big s said:

Taco Bell is back door action 

So true.

The Boys is probably my favorite show right now. I read an interesting article (I thought I was going to scoff at) about how the writers didn't really think through how Hughie would really react to the realization that he'd been sleeping with a shape-shifting, homicidal stranger and how no one else seemed to act naturally to that news. I could nitpick a few elements of Season 4 but I still loved it. The person who originally told me to start watching the show surprised me by saying he had given up on it. Apparently, the political machinations of the show were starting to seem to similar to real life to him and it moved from being a fun escape to an exagerration of all the stuff that was already stressing him out. I'm still loving it and bummed we're heading to the final season. I think I'm going to have rewatch Gen V because I was surprised to see some of those characters return in the capacity they did return. 

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