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I recently won a DYRL "special edition" DVD (bootleg obviously) on eBay to replace the one I let my cousin borrow (I still have his MGS2 :D ). The subs aren't too bad there some errors here and there but it's nothing to complain about; I've seen it enough times that I practicly know what they'll say and do next. Apparently the company that distriubte the DVD is called FX. Plus I know of Manga (not to be confused with Mangle) with their releases of Hellsing and Macross Zero 1&2 which I both own that also has subs on par with FX. If I came across another auction which has the better subs or is there better HK subs out there?



They vary. FX's titles are mostly R1 rips. Only very few are sub only. As for the rest, they vary a great deal. Manga International (MI), previously known as Anime Cartoon, mostly release sub-only DVDs. Most of their older releases have terrible subs. Though there're quite a few that's good, or great. Subs have problems like missing letters, sentences that skip, wrong names, bad grammar. They recently have started releasing R1 rips, too.

Other companies are Animation Video (not to be confused with Anime Cartoon, since their logo's the same, except AV's is RED, whereas AC's is ORANGE), Indian Video and Anime Studio/MAC. MAC's stuff are rips of MI's stuff, as well as quite a load of R1 rips. Harder to find however. AV's subs are pretty good most of the time, but they suffer from wrong names, bad sentencing, etc. Indian Video is very scarce.

All in all, you can only find R1 stuff from FX most of the time. MI releases a whole lot of stuff, the newer ones are mostly TV rips. The same goes for AV. When buying MI and AV stuff, you're basically randomly picking the odds. They either suck, or they're good. :unsure:


Are you talking about DYRL releases or just bootlegs in general?

As far as DYRL goes, the MI release had slightly better subtitles. Of course, the video/sound quality was much, much lower on release as well as missing a couple of lines.

In general? Don't expect good subtitles from ANY bootleg company. Occasionally they reach the level of "passable" but not often better.

The ones with accurate subtitles are usually direct rips of the R1 dvds, and if you're after one of those titles buy the proper real version instead of a bootleg for christs sake.

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