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Posted (edited)
  On 4/10/2019 at 4:03 AM, no3Ljm said:

You don't say. :rolleyes:



This must have been an internal joke. Also we know cel animation is challenging and it takes a long time to produce. Drawing all those missiles on the tail, is just an unnecessary waste of time. The drawing itself is pretty poor, and not even colored. look at the poor nose cone, missiles, and the unpainted pilot in the cockpit.

BTW i have not ordered any misiles for my DX VF-1 line. Maybe i should grab a few in the future.

Edit in: Ha i do have a massive amounts of 1/48 missiles. Maybe i can paint and modify them for the DX version! I think i just saved me  a 100 bucks! Thanks @Duymon and others, for the info.

Edited by vlenhoff
Posted (edited)
  On 4/10/2019 at 5:36 AM, nathans82 said:

Dang, missed that VF-1A at HLJ. At least I got one through Amazon Japan (on a higher markup). Thanks @Shizuka the Cat for helping us.

  On 4/10/2019 at 5:38 AM, kkx said:

Second that. @Shizuka the Cat deserves a medal for her service to this community.


I was watching some YouTube videos anyways, so I figured I would scan thru store websites every few minutes.... you know, because it is not like I don't have school work or anything. LOL

But yeah, I did a double-take when I saw an "Add to cart" button on HLJ. Did not last long at all. I am guessing maybe just a single VF-1A was available?

Edited by Shizuka the Cat
  On 4/10/2019 at 5:42 AM, Shizuka the Cat said:

I was watching some YouTube videos anyways, so I figured I would scan thru store websites every few minutes.... you know, because it is not like I don't have school work or anything. LOL

But yeah, I did a double-take when I saw an "Add to cart: button on HLJ. Did not last long at all. I am guessing maybe just a single VF-1A was available?


You have done so much. We are grateful.

If you saw one again, maybe you can just get it. There will be a queue to get it off your hand.

  On 4/10/2019 at 5:42 AM, Shizuka the Cat said:

I was watching some YouTube videos anyways, so I figured I would scan thru store websites every few minutes.... you know, because it is not like I don't have school work or anything. LOL

But yeah, I did a double-take when I saw an "Add to cart" button on HLJ. Did not last long at all. I am guessing maybe just a single VF-1A was available?


Someone probably canceled their order. Which means HLJ knows how many they should have now and it's not likely anyone will receive a cancelation notice, if they haven't already. 

  On 4/10/2019 at 5:49 AM, Saburo said:

Thank you @Shizuka the Cat, what you do greatly benefits all the members. :good:


@Shizuka the Catwhat we speak is truth. Despite the lack of success or sleep I have been getting and missing every single second batch announcement, it doesnt take away from the work you have done to share this info as soon as you find out. Thank you.


NY got my money a fee nights ago, at a stupid mark up. But I start a new job next week that increases my income by a few grand a month. So an extra hundred is tolerable. 


Yeah, I also miss figinstock.  It was way better than the website notifications.

I have alerts/notifications set up on the various websites, but they are way too slow to get these 1-2 openings.  The only one that actually worked was the NY one, and that was for the price-hiked version.

  On 4/10/2019 at 3:20 PM, Mechinyun said:

FAAAKKKK, ok I bit the pillow and let NY have its way with me.  


The addiction is real! 



I wonder how much stock they withheld so they could sell for the bigger markup? It's still not sold out after 3 days. Either people are waiting and hoping it comes down a bit/getting one when it actually comes out or they held plenty back in their initial PO release. I"m guessing they held atleast 70% of their allotment knowing they could get more the following day.

Don't get me wrong I picked up the higher price too and honestly it wasn't much more than the initial PO and I think will still be cheaper once released with a higher markup along with the stress of searching for this guy for months on end day and night.

  On 4/10/2019 at 3:39 PM, RED WOLF said:

I wonder how much stock they withheld so they could sell for the bigger markup? It's still not sold out after 3 days. Either people are waiting and hoping it comes down a bit/getting one when it actually comes out or they held plenty back in their initial PO release. I"m guessing they held atleast 70% of their allotment knowing they could get more the following day.

Don't get me wrong I picked up the higher price too and honestly it wasn't much more than the initial PO and I think will still be cheaper once released with a higher markup along with the stress of searching for this guy for months on end day and night.


It's a moral dilemma to me.  Do they (meaning N-Y) sell all stock allocations they have on day 1, get sold out in minutes, knowing that >50% (or more) of the volume sold will go to scalpers who then turn these around for an immediate profit on day 1?  Or do they keep some stock and release a second batch at prices slightly below the scalpers on YJA, and give us a chance to get them at an inflated price, also keeping some potential profits that might otherwise have gone to the scalpers?

Personally I can see both sides of the argument, but the fact is that at 27.5k, a few fellow members were able to secure a PO in the end and get the peace of mind.  And I think that's a good option to have.

  On 4/10/2019 at 3:58 PM, rdrunner said:

It's a moral dilemma to me.  Do they (meaning N-Y) sell all stock allocations they have on day 1, get sold out in minutes, knowing that >50% (or more) of the volume sold will go to scalpers who then turn these around for an immediate profit on day 1?  Or do they keep some stock and release a second batch at prices slightly below the scalpers on YJA, and give us a chance to get them at an inflated price, also keeping some potential profits that might otherwise have gone to the scalpers?

Personally I can see both sides of the argument, but the fact is that at 27.5k, a few fellow members were able to secure a PO in the end and get the peace of mind.  And I think that's a good option to have.


Maybe this is naive of me, but is it possible that these stores have a certain quota for pre-orders in order to ensure a certain amount of stock at release?  Supply based on demand.  If so, it would not be a stretch to consider N-Y or Nin-Nin hit that pre-order quota and are now keeping things open for anticipated release day at release day prices while calling it "pre-order" on their site.  Other vendors may not want to gamble with those numbers and will just wait until release.  I really don't think either store is withholding pre-order stock.  They've had it opened at higher prices for days now.  It's not uncommon for stores to take pre-orders on anticipated stock.

  On 4/10/2019 at 3:58 PM, rdrunner said:

It's a moral dilemma to me.  Do they (meaning N-Y) sell all stock allocations they have on day 1, get sold out in minutes, knowing that >50% (or more) of the volume sold will go to scalpers who then turn these around for an immediate profit on day 1?  Or do they keep some stock and release a second batch at prices slightly below the scalpers on YJA, and give us a chance to get them at an inflated price, also keeping some potential profits that might otherwise have gone to the scalpers?

Personally I can see both sides of the argument, but the fact is that at 27.5k, a few fellow members were able to secure a PO in the end and get the peace of mind.  And I think that's a good option to have.


I hear ya. But I think that in the end I can't worry about what others do.

Example: If I give a homeless person some money for food they in turn buy some alcohol or drugs with it should that prevent me from giving them some funds?

I mentioned this in the past, but in real truth I feel Bandai's DX Chogokin 1/48 line is way too cheap for what it is. The issue we are used to seeing/wanting that cheap PO price and once it sells out and the price goes up we second guess our purchase. This line should really start at $249-$299. Compare what we are getting versus the competition. The valks are larger, painted, tampo'd, new engineering. Yes I know we don't have missiles, but to me that is negligible. 

Glad that we have options on whether to pay the higher price if you missed the PO, which was impossible or wait it out until release day.

Posted (edited)
  On 4/10/2019 at 3:39 PM, RED WOLF said:

I wonder how much stock they withheld so they could sell for the bigger markup? It's still not sold out after 3 days. Either people are waiting and hoping it comes down a bit/getting one when it actually comes out or they held plenty back in their initial PO release. I"m guessing they held atleast 70% of their allotment knowing they could get more the following day.

Don't get me wrong I picked up the higher price too and honestly it wasn't much more than the initial PO and I think will still be cheaper once released with a higher markup along with the stress of searching for this guy for months on end day and night.


I think that’s a pretty accurate guess. I think they typically save around 50% of popular items to sell later. Cases like this where it is a practical guarantee, they probably bump up the number a bit. 

  On 4/10/2019 at 3:58 PM, rdrunner said:

It's a moral dilemma to me.  Do they (meaning N-Y) sell all stock allocations they have on day 1, get sold out in minutes, knowing that >50% (or more) of the volume sold will go to scalpers who then turn these around for an immediate profit on day 1?  Or do they keep some stock and release a second batch at prices slightly below the scalpers on YJA, and give us a chance to get them at an inflated price, also keeping some potential profits that might otherwise have gone to the scalpers?

Personally I can see both sides of the argument, but the fact is that at 27.5k, a few fellow members were able to secure a PO in the end and get the peace of mind.  And I think that's a good option to have.


Really great point! What they are doing is actually a deterrent from scalpers buying up all their stock. Raising the price and requiring up front payment definitely makes unattractive to someone buying just to turn a profit. 

Despite all the complaints about NY, even by me recently, they seem to be the only store actively making changes to their practices and website with the intent on improving the overall market and experience. Some of the changes might be initially more infuriating but with some adjustments and better understanding of how they work, they might end up truly being better. 

The last few pre-order madness items were nightmares at all the stores (DX VF-1J, GoLion, MB Zulu) but I took those experiences and it worked out for me this time at NY and the whole process went by a lot smoother. 

Bottom line is how many people here got an order in with NY without any site crashing or errors at checkout compared to all the other shops (not counting AJ)? I’m thinking more were successful at NY compared to all the others combined. 

Edited by Slave IV
  On 4/10/2019 at 4:28 PM, Slave IV said:

Bottom line is how many people here got an order in with NY without any site crashing or errors at checkout compared to all the other shops (not counting AJ)? I’m thinking more were successful at NY compared to all the others combined. 


Though it sucked for people stuck in the waiting line when the product page dropped with pre-order status, it prevented the site from crashing as well as from being cart jacked for those able to submit an order.  As someone (along with you) who were "live" on the site when it dropped, it was a relief to get through the process without hiccup.

Posted (edited)
  On 4/10/2019 at 4:08 PM, RED WOLF said:

I hear ya. But I think that in the end I can't worry about what others do.

Example: If I give a homeless person some money for food they in turn buy some alcohol or drugs with it should that prevent me from giving them some funds?

I mentioned this in the past, but in real truth I feel Bandai's DX Chogokin 1/48 line is way too cheap for what it is. The issue we are used to seeing/wanting that cheap PO price and once it sells out and the price goes up we second guess our purchase. This line should really start at $249-$299. Compare what we are getting versus the competition. The valks are larger, painted, tampo'd, new engineering. Yes I know we don't have missiles, but to me that is negligible. 

Glad that we have options on whether to pay the higher price if you missed the PO, which was impossible or wait it out until release day.


Stop telling Bandai to raise prices!!!:p

The reason they can have lower prices is because of their competitive advantage of being a larger, multinational corporation with a lot more resources that allow them to produce more items at a lower per item cost than Arcadia. This type of economy has a lot of issues I won’t get into here but as long as we are using it, we should let the good parts about it play out. 

Bandai’s job is to produce and distribute their items to retailers. It’s the retailers job to provide a good experience and deliver these products to the end consumers. Any issues with the market should correct itself if each part does their job well. Right now, based on the last year of experience with all the shops, it seems like NY is the only shop trying new things to make it better for all of us. 

Don't get me wrong, I was ready to throw NY on a pitchfork and wish them to Hell like many people after the last few items I mentioned in the last post but now I’m seeing the changes they are making might be for the better. 

Edited by Slave IV

It boils down to greed and on the vendors side and the scalpers side.   The pre-oder price, without markup already has a profit margin for the vendor built in, they would make "ok" money all day selling it for that but It is plain as day that NY, among others have held their stock and raised their pre-order prices out of greed because they can.  

Posted (edited)

DX Chogokin 1/48 VF-1A TV Max pre-order madness:  April 8, 2019



249.99 usd  @ Loopaza  https://www.loopaza.com/dx-chogokin-macross-delta-vf-1a-valkyrie-maximilian-jenius-custom.html

27,500 yen  @ Nippon-Yasan  https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/27881-super-dimension-fortress-macross-dx-chogokin-vf-1a-valkyrie-maximilian-jenius-custom.html

278.13 usd  @ Nin-Nin-Games  https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/japanese-import-hobbies-toys-game-character/31513-macross-vf-1a-valkyrie-maximillian-jenius-use-dx-chogokin--4573102567222.html 

29,399 yen  @ CDJapan Proxy Service   http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/agency/yahoo/product/puremiamuserekuto_4573102567222



16,280 yen  @ Nippon-Yasan  https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/27881-super-dimension-fortress-macross-dx-chogokin-vf-1a-valkyrie-maximilian-jenius-custom.html

17,100 yen  @ Hobby Search  https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10605111

18,000 yen  @  AmazonJP   https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B07QC9VHJC/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=AN1VRQENFRJN5&psc=1

18,000 yen  @ CDJapan  http://mag.cdjapan.co.jp/?4_--_3284216_--_1885_--_9

18,000 yen  @ HLJ  https://hlj.com/dx-chogokin-vf-1a-valkyrie-maximilian-jenius-use-bans56722

18,000 yen  @ Anime Export  http://www.anime-export.com/product/43703

18,450 yen  @ AmiAmi  https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-047859

18,468 yen  @ Nin-Nin-Games  https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/japanese-import-hobbies-toys-game-character/31513-macross-vf-1a-valkyrie-maximillian-jenius-use-dx-chogokin--4573102567222.html 

18,470 yen  @ PlazaJapan  https://www.plazajapan.com/4573102567222

259.90 usd  @  Kurama Shop  https://www.bandaionline.com/dx-chogokin-vf-1a-valkyrie-maximilian-jenius-custom-action-figure/

Edited by Shizuka the Cat
  On 4/10/2019 at 4:39 PM, Mechinyun said:

It boils down to greed and on the vendors side and the scalpers side.   The pre-oder price, without markup already has a profit margin for the vendor built in, they would make "ok" money all day selling it for that but It is plain as day that NY, among others have held their stock and raised their pre-order prices out of greed because they can.  


Again, I'm not going to get into that too much here but greed is the capitalistic way. There is no scenario in capitalism where you can fault someone for trying to maximize their profits unless they are breaking some law to do so. Even with the price hikes, as people have pointed out and I also noticed, the NY prices are still usually below secondary market prices. 

Posted (edited)
  On 4/10/2019 at 3:58 PM, rdrunner said:

It's a moral dilemma to me.  Do they (meaning N-Y) sell all stock allocations they have on day 1, get sold out in minutes, knowing that >50% (or more) of the volume sold will go to scalpers who then turn these around for an immediate profit on day 1?  Or do they keep some stock and release a second batch at prices slightly below the scalpers on YJA, and give us a chance to get them at an inflated price, also keeping some potential profits that might otherwise have gone to the scalpers?

Personally I can see both sides of the argument, but the fact is that at 27.5k, a few fellow members were able to secure a PO in the end and get the peace of mind.  And I think that's a good option to have.



  On 4/10/2019 at 4:39 PM, Mechinyun said:

It boils down to greed and on the vendors side and the scalpers side.   The pre-oder price, without markup already has a profit margin for the vendor built in, they would make "ok" money all day selling it for that but It is plain as day that NY, among others have held their stock and raised their pre-order prices out of greed because they can.  



As much as it may seem from the lack of stock, to sudden price spike, I do not think NY withholds stock. They are in a biz of clearing stock not holding more as it costs money (shop space, handlers, power etc) to store stocks.

The more stock they hold, the bigger the risk they can not clear them. NY are not macross fans, they are a business and they don't have time to micromanage what toys might be popular or not.

Not to mention that word may go to bandai if any vendors arent pushing the sales, and there would be consequences.

The spike in prices is more likely N-Y acting as a middleman to procure orders from the secondary market for the buyer and just get a smaller cut from it. They could perhaps have identified a local area with local sellers they are familiar with and leverage their advantage there to sell to others.

The other clue is that the higher priced pre-orders normally have pay upfront, whereas actual bandai pre-orders have pay later options.

N-Y's only problem is not communicating to their customers that these are secondary market products. This is normal practise but declared by others as proxy shopping like via CDJ and even sites like buyee/fromjapan thru yahoo auctions.


Edited by seti88

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