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  On 8/1/2018 at 9:21 AM, troyness said:

New video footage. Look at how detailed that pilot is!!....What those markings on the battroids leftside chest inside/above the cornered red stripe?




It's a sample and toy samples are usually marked.


Cool. Thanks Ignacio.

I don't know if someone's already done it.But could someone please post a side by side comparison pic  headshot of Arcadia 1/60 & DX 1J?..Thanks in advance. 


Ugh. I don't even want to think about the preorder madness when Focker's goes up. Does it really have to be so hard to get our hands on these things? I sincerely hope I'm wrong when the time comes.

Posted (edited)

Do the intake covers actually collapse up into the intake?  I see something that looks like the covers in the roof of the intake.

Edited by Mommar
  On 8/1/2018 at 1:37 PM, seti88 said:

Since this is the first edition with stand, there should be another release without the stand, keep your eyes open.

Like the HMR vf-1s release.


Isn't that a bad example since there hasn't yet been an HMR reissue without the stand?

  On 8/1/2018 at 3:49 PM, Mommar said:

Do the intake covers actually collapse up into the intake?  I see something that looks like the covers in the roof of the intake.


This could be deceiving since it'd make sense to put that detail in even if there wasn't a gimmick.

Posted (edited)
  On 8/1/2018 at 4:01 PM, jenius said:

Isn't that a bad example since there hasn't yet been an HMR reissue without the stand?


There hasn't? I tot it was part of the release on release day, after initial pre-orders. My bad then.
 I didnt pickup the first time cos was balancing the budget, so in the bright side, there is a chance roy would be re-issued? :D

but i aint holding my breath. 

Edited by seti88
Posted (edited)
  On 8/1/2018 at 4:02 PM, jenius said:

This could be deceiving since it'd make sense to put that detail in even if there wasn't a gimmick.


I considered that after I asked the question.

Those markings on the chest hear the intakes are obnoxious.

Edited by Mommar
  On 8/1/2018 at 4:01 PM, jenius said:

Isn't that a bad example since there hasn't yet been an HMR reissue without the stand?



  On 8/1/2018 at 4:12 PM, seti88 said:

There hasn't? I tot it was part of the release on release day, after initial pre-orders. My bad then.
 I didnt pickup the first time cos was balancing the budget, so in the bright side, there is a chance roy would be re-issued? :D

but i aint holding my breath. 


The Roy 1S was released with and without stand. See listings here: http://sp.tamashii.jp/item_brand/hi-metal_r/2/?number=20&character=&order=new&ck1=1&ck2=1&ck3=1#resultlist

Posted (edited)
  On 8/1/2018 at 4:24 PM, Mommar said:

Those markings on the chest hear the intakes are obnoxious.


Yuuuup... though, to be entirely fair, I can see why someone (Tenjin?) thought it was called for.  If I remember right, I think that's the panel Roy accessed to detach the nose section from the VF-1D. 

Doesn't mean I won't be rubbing those markings off. :p

  On 8/1/2018 at 4:36 PM, Slave IV said:

I don't think that was a separate release though.  It was only ever a Tamashii exclusive, and I think the trick for the stand was that you had to order by a certain date.

Making Roy's Valk an exclusive was one of the dumbest things they ever did with the HMR line I think, but at least it made it relatively easy to order.  If they do that again with a 1/48 one, I'm fully expecting VF-31A: The Sequel. <_< 

Edited by Chronocidal
Posted (edited)

Ah right, so there was a regular  roy without the stand issued on release day.

Then, for folks who missed the first 1j preorders, they would have another chance on release day to order the regular 1j, if of course the 1/48 follows the hmr pattern of release.

on the not bright side, guess it's back to the hunt if I want a roy 1s.

Edited by seti88
  On 8/1/2018 at 4:37 PM, Chronocidal said:

Yuuuup... though, to be entirely fair, I can see why someone (Tenjin?) thought it was called for.  If I remember right, I think that's the panel Roy accessed to detach the nose section from the VF-1D. 

Doesn't mean I won't be rubbing those markings off. :p

I don't think that was a separate release though.  It was only ever a Tamashii exclusive, and I think the trick for the stand was that you had to order by a certain date.

Making Roy's Valk an exclusive was one of the dumbest things they ever did with the HMR line I think, but at least it made it relatively easy to order.  If they do that again with a 1/48 one, I'm fully expecting VF-31A: The Sequel. <_< 


yeah that was the thing with the stand was ordering by a certain date


Bandai is really prepared this time for seeing those tab holes on the legs and arms for an upcoming GBP Option Parts.



Stupid question-at 29s into the toho.seesaa.net video, on the left shoulder there is a light gray marking on the hinge. That wouldn't/couldn't be a stress mark or anything right?

Probably not since it is a test/early release version, just wondering. Probably a casting line.

  On 8/2/2018 at 2:50 AM, Shawn said:

Stupid question-at 29s into the toho.seesaa.net video, on the left shoulder there is a light gray marking on the hinge. That wouldn't/couldn't be a stress mark or anything right?

Probably not since it is a test/early release version, just wondering. Probably a casting line.


Probably it is since it's a test unit. I was hoping that part will be a diecast or something. Either way, it's probably a stress mark since this model also have an etch marking in the chest. ^_^


  On 7/31/2018 at 9:46 PM, SuperSenpai said:

If you're referring to the hip transformation... I think some people are less interested in authenticity for the sake of authenticity and just want a toy that handles well.  Besides, I was always under the impression that the hip transformation as designed in the original art was more of a cheat to explain why the valk looked the way it did, vs. being an intended transformation from the get-go.


We still don't know how well this toy can handle. I don't see why a detachable bar won't "handle well" My only concern there, is if It would make this toy less durable. All we can do is wait for bandai, and see if they engineered this well, or not. 

Posted (edited)

Hum I have a grunge against the detachable hip bar because it reminds me so much of the Yamato V1. 

They even could have soldered a metal cable and it would have worked better than the opening jaws

Edited by Xigfrid
Posted (edited)

LOL, i still have some of my ver 1 1/60 Yammies. I think the planes look alright, specially the Elint, and Trainers. They are 1/60 scale too, so i kept them. I am not a fan of parts forming either, and i don't consider Bandai's 1/48 to be parts forming. I wish it was exactly as Kawamori envisioned it, but this is a close as it gets. It is a logical solution to an eternal problem. 

Edited by vlenhoff
  On 8/2/2018 at 4:24 PM, vlenhoff said:

LOL, i still have some of my ver 1 1/60 Yammies. I think the planes look alright, specially the Elint, and Trainers. They are 1/60 scale too, so i kept them. I am not a fan of parts forming either, and i don't consider Bandai's 1/48 to be parts forming. I wish it was exactly as Kawamori envisioned it, but this is a close as it gets. It is a logical solution to an eternal problem. 



The last time I took my only remaining 1/60 v1 out of the box it fell apart on me. The hinges for the chest transformation crumbled. 


If this VF-1J is solid as a rock in Fighter mode (like the Yamato V.2's) then the hip-bar for this DX is a non issue for me. 

@vlenhoff I kept all my 2-seater Yamato version.1's as well. VE-1, VT-1 and x3 VF-1D's. B))

Posted (edited)

You know, I'm changing my tune after hearing multiple people report that, in the videos and magazine interviews, the designer says removing the legs is optional. I'm taking a wait-and-see approach.

The way I see it is: I'm a hardcore "the entire figure has to be in one piece at all times!" purist, but I have no problems with a figure that can stay in one piece at all times but has the option of detaching and reattaching parts for a non-essential purpose.

Off the top of my head, let's take Maketoys' Starscream mold, which includes Meteor and Lightning. Display pieces showed a full jet, and a robot that had the nosecone removed, which resulted in a cartoon-accurate smooth backside that led many to believe there was some ingenius robot-mode storage for the nosecone. And then we found out the nosecone was a removable piece.

At first, I was put off by the detachable nosecone piece. Nay, I was outraged. 

Well, I gave Maketoys Meteor a chance. You know, it can totally be transformed without detaching the nosecone. Doing so makes the transformation a lot more frustrating, and it ends up with a nosecone hanging off Meteor's back. But, darn it, several Starscream toys have a nosecone on the back, such as the G1 toy and the Classics toy, and so I don't think a nosecone on the back is a huge negative.

A few months later, I freaking love my Meteor and Lightning. 99% of the time, I transform it by keeping it whole, and I keep the nosecone attached during robot mode. Heck, I enjoy the challenge. 1% of the time, however, I save myself some frustration and just take off the nosecone when I transform it.

With the way I see it, I'll probably go through the same emotions for Bandai's VF-1J. I can keep the legs attached for a somewhat more-frustrating transforming experience, and I'll probably lose out on the waist rotation. Or, I can save myself some stress and detach the legs, and then I can use the waist rotation. As I said, I'm a hardcore purist for the figure being in one piece at all times, but I have no problems with options.

To a lesser degree, let's think of pretty much every toy based on the YF-19 and VF-25 transformation scheme. We've all been removing the shield from the jet and reattaching it to the arm. Come on. We've all been doing it for years. It's possible to transform the YF-19 (and its variants) by keeping the shield attached to the left arm, but come on, we've been removing it. I don't have my VF-25 toy in front of me (I'm at work), but I have several v1 and Renewal versions, and I don't think there's any way to get the shield onto the arm without removing it from the jet.

PS. I know there's better examples out there than Maketoys Meteor, regarding figures that have optional parts removal for transformation. Heck, there's probably figures in my own collection that are better examples. But I'm at work, and nothing else comes to mind at the moment.

Edited by Lord_Of_Tetris
Posted (edited)
  On 8/2/2018 at 4:54 PM, Sanity is Optional said:

I'll be honest, I care more about pulling stuff out of the box than I do about detaching/reattaching things while transforming.


Yup, I'm the same.  I don't really care about perfect transformation for any kind of "purist" sake; I'll take whatever works.  But when I want to repose something, and think "Well I have to go get those other parts..." that's when I start to care about how much parts swapping needs to happen.

I accept the HMR valks for what they are, but for something this size I want to be able to go through modes and different poses without having to get any parts out of the box; and I would like for it to look good without any part swapping.

Edited by HardlyNever
  On 8/2/2018 at 2:55 PM, vlenhoff said:

We still don't know how well this toy can handle. I don't see why a detachable bar won't "handle well" My only concern there, is if It would make this toy less durable. All we can do is wait for bandai, and see if they engineered this well, or not. 


You're right, it could be a non-issue for all we know.  The version Bandai implemented looks to be a more feasible transformation than the original line art.  My skepticism regarding handling had more to do with the original design, not Bandai's implementation of it.  That version has each leg being attached to the main body with a pair of pistons that telescope and extend to reach the nose cone, and then attach to the nose cone.  Even at 1/48 scale, a design like that looks to be fragile and difficult to handle.  So my comment was aimed more at being a stickler for having that exact design.  I'd sacrifice some amount of authenticity for having a toy that will handle well.  And it could be that Bandai's solution is the best compromise that preserves something like Kawamori's original design while making for a better handling toy.  We shall see.



The 1/72 plastic model did the line-art accurate transformation mechanism with the pistons.

I am very glad they did not try that again, even in the larger scale with metal parts.

  On 8/2/2018 at 4:20 AM, seti88 said:

i think its more of a nub cut/casting line of the piece, rather than a stress mark. But yea it doesn't look diecast on the shoulder joints.


I'm not sure which mark did you guy see, but I do see two right on the shoulder. I do agree that the one in the red circle could be a sprue mark, but the one in yellow circle raises my yamaphobia.


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