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Posted (edited)

The weathering and the mod is beautiful. However I don't like the way how the pod was designed. 

If I were to make this pod, it should be seamless once retracted, the right hand guns would retract more and would touch each over, even I would make the inner part so it "closes" the design as a tail. 

The left hand guns looks good, but they could eventually be mounted on an additional axis so they can be deployed downward in fighter mod, like a gun turret, ala sv-262 gunpod. 

I think @Sanity is Optional Is on this model, let see how far he goes!

Edited by Xigfrid
  On 12/29/2017 at 1:04 PM, Xigfrid said:

The weathering and the mod is beautiful. However I don't like the way how the pod was designed. 

If I were to make this pod, it should be seamless once retracted, the right hand guns would retract more and would touch each over, even I would make the inner part so it "closes" the design as a tail. 

The left hand guns looks good, but they could eventually be mounted on an additional axis so they can be deployed downward in fighter mod, like a gun turret, ala sv-262 gunpod. 

I think @Sanity is Optional Is on this model, let see how far he goes!


Yeah, that's my next one to tackle, after I work up a bracket for attaching the rifle to one of the wing hardpoints that is.

Looking at the book images, I think the cannons are meant to retract straight back rather than in from the sides, but I'm definitely planning to get it as flush as possible, it looks like the custom one pictured didn't actually retract all the way.


Waiting on that attachment. The rifle on one of the hardpoint will look good. It can also replicate the traditional battroid look that has the rifle stored/attached in the arms


Posted (edited)
  On 12/30/2017 at 11:35 AM, chyll2 said:

Waiting on that attachment. The rifle on one of the hardpoint will look good. It can also replicate the traditional battroid look that has the rifle stored/attached in the arms


The traditional placement of under the arms would be analogous to the way it's mounted on the pod, which I can't replicate due to space. I'll pull out the calipers and see if I can bash something out tomorrow.

On a separate note, got the FED printed missile doors in from shapeways, which means I now have all the parts to assemble. Going to wait until the 31a shows up though so I can properly match the paint colors.

That said, I got the fit good enough I managed a snap-fit:







Edited by Sanity is Optional
Posted (edited)

I finished the speaker pod and placed an order to test it. It would be composed of 2 models: one for the main body in WSF and the other one in FUD for the speakers details.
You will need to cut 8 rods (1mm diam) and one screw M1.7x6mm for assembly. Optional to cut 2 plastic sheets to obtain the "window" as seen in the anime.
It shouldn't need glue since the FUD parts would clip into the WSF bodies. I will let you know how well fit they are when I receive them.









Edited by Xigfrid

Though it might help with some detail ideas

  On 12/31/2017 at 2:32 AM, Sanity is Optional said:

The traditional placement of under the arms would be analogous to the way it's mounted on the pod, which I can't replicate due to space.


You miss-read his post.  He's referrIng to how the gun pod is mounted in Battroid like on the VF-1.  Not fighter.  He's aware in fighter the gun pod won't be mounted under the carriage but on one of the hard points.

  On 1/4/2018 at 11:07 PM, Mommar said:

You miss-read his post.  He's referrIng to how the gun pod is mounted in Battroid like on the VF-1.  Not fighter.  He's aware in fighter the gun pod won't be mounted under the carriage but on one of the hard points.


Now that I think about, I guess I have seen the gun arm-mounted in battroid/gerwalk rather than the typical in-hand in any mode other than fighter.


Here is the assembly of the speaker pod, every thing was fine. BUT there was an unexpected gap when the Speaker Pod was closed. With some massage it tends to close better, but still annoying.

Thankfully the fix was easy and I have already changed my 3D files to avoid it. I need to fix my copy manually or I can order the "fixed" versions in my next order (which is not soon)












Looking good, the speaker detail came out very nicely.

What gap size did you design in? I've been using 0.1mm as a base, but it should vary (in more complex assemblies) by the number of components connecting the 2 parts and what material is used.

Also I wish Solidworks made it easy to combine multiple parts into one STL file (maybe I should import to sketchup for that). I had to separate everything out since it's non-trivial to attach them together with runners for printing.

  On 1/10/2018 at 11:19 PM, Xigfrid said:

Here is the assembly of the speaker pod, every thing was fine. BUT there was an unexpected gap when the Speaker Pod was closed. With some massage it tends to close better, but still annoying.

Thankfully the fix was easy and I have already changed my 3D files to avoid it. I need to fix my copy manually or I can order the "fixed" versions in my next order (which is not soon)




Not a big fan of the Speaker Pods here but that one looks nice, Xigfrid.  :good:  ^_^

Posted (edited)

The gap is produced by the lower part of the pod not sitting flush once closed, it is fixed by adding inside a clamp to lock it in closed position.

In general, I use 0mm tolerance in general, 0.2mm when it really needs some clearance to avoid friction by example.

About the sprues, I really don't make it clean, I just add cylinder between the parts, and Shapeways engine makes the outside skin. That would be too much time consuming to make all the sprues really!


Thanks @no3Ljm :p

Edited by Xigfrid
  On 1/10/2018 at 11:37 PM, Xigfrid said:

The gap is produced by the lower part of the pod not sitting flush once closed, it is fixed by adding inside a clamp to lock it in closed position.

In general, I use 0mm tolerance in general, 0.2mm when it really needs some clearance to avoid friction by example.

About the sprues, I really don't make it clean, I just add cylinder between the parts, and Shapeways engine makes the outside skin. That would be too much time consuming to make all the sprues really!


The issue is that in Solidworks I'd have to have all the parts present inside a single part file, rather than in an assembly, any time I save an assembly to stl it saves the individual parts instead. Haven't figured out how to import bodies into an existing part file yet. Think of it like an engine limitation, Solidworks treats every body as an individual part and saves them all separately.


Wow, this sneaked in under my browsing, I didn't realize you'd gotten the speaker/projector pod going that quickly.  Looks beautiful! :good:

How much did those run you to print on Shapeways?  If Bandai doesn't make any, I'll have to grab at least one and paint it up.


now we just need the monster cannons and maybe a 1/72 Radome

Posted (edited)
  On 1/10/2018 at 11:19 PM, Xigfrid said:

ere is the assembly of the speaker pod, every thing was fine. BUT there was an unexpected gap when the Speaker Pod was closed. With some massage it tends to close better, but still annoying.

Thankfully the fix was easy and I have already changed my 3D files to avoid it. I need to fix my copy manually or I can order the "fixed" versions in my next order (which is not soon)



Hey Xigfrid, outstanding job on those speakers details !!!. What material is that ?. The new FXD by any chance ?. Looks tack-sharp for a 3D print out  !!.

Edited by ivorysniper

Thanks guys, well the overall pod is around 35$, that includes both WSF part and the expensive FUD part. 

I used standard FUD for the speakers&projectoes details, But as you noticed the definition is top notch because I also used the optimal print orientation. I think that later option is still in Beta stage, not sure if anyone can use it. It comes semi-transparent, I primed it in grey to make the details pop. 

Well NZEOD, I am pretty sure Chuck's 31 is coming in last after the armored Arad. These E variants always come last ...

Posted (edited)
  On 1/10/2018 at 11:44 PM, Sanity is Optional said:

The issue is that in Solidworks I'd have to have all the parts present inside a single part file, rather than in an assembly, any time I save an assembly to stl it saves the individual parts instead. Haven't figured out how to import bodies into an existing part file yet. Think of it like an engine limitation, Solidworks treats every body as an individual part and saves them all separately.


Haven't worked with solid works in a while but I'm pretty sure there was an function that would allow you to do that. Try searching the help menu for "insert part"; I think that was the function name.

I know in Inventor I can either insert a solid into an existing part or convert an assembly to a multibody part so solid works should have equivalent functions.

Edited by Jaustin89
Posted (edited)
  On 1/12/2018 at 1:14 AM, Jaustin89 said:

Haven't worked with solid works in a while but I'm pretty sure there was an function that would allow you to do that. Try searching the help menu for "insert part"; I think that was the function name.

I know in Inventor I can either insert a solid into an existing part or convert an assembly to a multibody part so solid works should have equivalent functions.


Insert part is an assembly command rather than a part command. The combination has to happen at a part level to be in a single stl file.


[edit] Found the command sequence: http://help.solidworks.com/2017/english/solidworks/sldworks/t_creating_a_joined_part.htm

Edited by Sanity is Optional

I forgot to consider that the command I was thinking of would have been burried under help topics related to the assembly command.

Here's the one I wss remembering: http://help.solidworks.com/2017/english/solidworks/sldworks/t_inserting_a_part_into_another_part.htm


Though getting the parts oriented and positioned with constraints then creating your sprues and joining everything togethrr with the command you linked will probably be your best bet.

  On 1/11/2018 at 11:03 PM, Xigfrid said:

Thanks guys, well the overall pod is around 35$, that includes both WSF part and the expensive FUD part. 

I used standard FUD for the speakers&projectoes details, But as you noticed the definition is top notch because I also used the optimal print orientation. I think that later option is still in Beta stage, not sure if anyone can use it. It comes semi-transparent, I primed it in grey to make the details pop. 

Well NZEOD, I am pretty sure Chuck's 31 is coming in last after the armored Arad. These E variants always come last ...


I'm impressed with the printing quality of FUD on these speakers !. This opens room for a lot of ideas (micro missile pods, strike packs, etc., etc.), although I definitely agree with you on the fact that it's an expensive material. I wonder what will be the price per cc for FXD once it's available.

Posted (edited)

Thanks to @wmkjr who point me to a few unpleasant details. I decided to take the 3D file again and moves things around to obtain a better front speaker shape and finally I think that this version is better than the previous one with better closing tabs and good -looking front speakers.

I have already updated the Shapeways file to this new version (that I call version R)






Edited by Xigfrid

I like this version better.  I know it's a compromise to flip the notched speakers to the rear but I'd rather have the full speakers facing front since it'll be facing that way most of the time. 

Posted (edited)

I think this is impossible to have both top and bottom flaps identical because the bottom ones would be longer and be in collision with the wings and the super pack on the wings too

Edited by Xigfrid

Sorry, I meant the full round main speakers itself.  The flaps are all good as they are now. The V1 had the front main speakers notched with a cutout for the hinge. I like that you swapped it with the rear ones as I wouldn't care as much about that cut out speakers since it'll be rear facing.



I work with Pro-E and it exports to STL from the assembly environment without any problems; it allows for the selection of a single assembly component, all components  within any sub-assembly or multiple sub-assemblies, all components, or selected components from the assembly or sub-assemblies as the user sees fit... no restrictions.  I'm sure Solid Works must have similar capabilities; if not, that'd be truly cumbersome.


After 1 primer layer + sanding, then the pictures when taken after the second primer layer. The surface is quiet rough, thankfully, I don't plan a lot of sanding for the inside since the FUD speakers are great as is 




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