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  On 8/18/2018 at 8:48 PM, jorawar_b said:

Get the word out maybe we can get the 30 needed 


I thought this was on a Kickstarter. I would be shocked if 30 people wouldn't sign up for a Kickstarter for a hovertank toy. But then it would probably have to be official.


I want the hovertank mode more than anything else. I always displayed the old toy in the middle cannon mode. I'll see where I can post news.

Posted (edited)


  1. Palladiun Books , Mr. Brian Manning's incorrect interpretation causes inconsistency in deforming to Battloid mode (from the red to blue shaded part) .
  2. AJAC transformation sequence 01
  3. AJAC transformation sequence 02
  4. AJAC transformation sequence 03  ( The slide pylon transformtion sequence to the helicopter or Gyrodyne mode )


VFH-10 Auroran to VERITECH AGACs Comparison chart
Original lineart designed by "Studio Ammonite" (Designers: Hiroshi Ogawa, Hirotoshi Ohkura & Takashi Ono) in February 1984 at Tokyo JAPAN. The studio changed that name as "Studio Santa Claus " in 1987 later works "Red Photon Zillion" ( by Production I.G. )






Edited by yui1107

Shoulder articulation on that thing would be awful. It kind of suffers from the VF-4 issue. A solution (for both designs) would be to have the entire shoulder kibble detach from the body and become the top of the shoulder without a torso connection. Where the top of the arm mounts to the shoulder would also need the ability to angle outward but that's absolutely impossible as drawn. 

Posted (edited)

By Mr. Phil Hsueh his own painting color scheme: Mi-24 Winter forest camouflage and Vietnam forest painting ( deep green ) U.S. Army color scheme .

AJAC Auroran (Fixed winged mode only ) painting by Mr. Phil Hsueh his own painting artwork basis on Ms. Yui Yuasa ' s  single seat version (remove gunpod state  VFH-10C Auroran AJAC's)




Edited by yui1107

It's the work of a tiny group of unsatisfied Robotech fans trying to expand the tiny, unsatisfying mythology of Southern Cross, and I support their efforts wholeheartedly.  

After all, it's better than anything Harmony Gold's done with the property in the past three decades...  <_<

  On 8/22/2018 at 9:32 AM, anime52k8 said:

What is this cocaine fueled nightmare I'm witnessing? :huh:


The Facebook spam I alluded to in the "No Love for Southern Cross?" thread a day or so back... lots of enthusiasm coupled with a gleeful disregard for niceties like proper fact-checking or contextual appropriateness.


  On 8/22/2018 at 1:22 PM, tekering said:

It's the work of a tiny group of unsatisfied Robotech fans trying to expand the tiny, unsatisfying mythology of Southern Cross, and I support their efforts wholeheartedly.  


I'm not sure I'd call Wikipedia vandalism an effort worth supporting... 


  54 minutes ago, tekering said:

After all, it's better than anything Harmony Gold's done with the property in the past three decades...  <_<


Having beheld the "quality" of the work in question... that's a great big "NOPE".

I had never seen a "translation" with a legitimate, unexaggerated 0% accuracy rating until 1st Border Red Devil brought me some of her work and asked me to check it against the original document.  It turned out to be text paraphrased from a Robotech fanfic rather than any kind of translation of what was actually written in the Southern Cross advert in question. <_<

She's also responsible for starting the false rumor that the reason Southern Cross was canceled was that its toy partner went bankrupt rather than because its ratings were bad.  Said toy partner was a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bandai that was folded back into Bandai over a year before Southern Cross aired and continued to function as an operating division of Bandai through at least 1986 until the toy divisions were merged in a series of reorgs and mergers that produced the current Bandai boys toy division and Bandai's subsidiary PLEX corporation.

  On 8/20/2018 at 9:38 AM, Convectuoso said:

Some people said they would want multiples. Does that add up to the final goal? 


I would assume so?  I mean, $300 is $300... 30 orders doesn't have to mean 30 people.

Posted (edited)



1. VFH-10 (A, B, C, E, G ) &nbsp;Auroran (a.k.a. "AGAC" ) shoulder pylon structural drawing update history.

2. Sensor pod structural drawing VFH-10 Auroran AGAC.

Robotech Palladium Books artist  "Mr. Brian Manning" 's misunderstood ( and the aerodynamics theory misunderstood  ) to the TRUE original design trivirate group Ammonite in 1984.

At first , I start artwork basis on palladium books Brian Manning Brian Munning's redrawing lineart.
But I found Brian's artdesign cannot transform any mode of the three ( Fixed wing aircraft / Helicopter or Gyrodyne / Battloid ).
Thus I seek TRUE original lineart design, and revised and improve my own initial artworks  from old artworks to the latest improvement status  that date of JST 10:10, August 25 (Sat.) 2018 !

Please watch AGAC Auroran shoulder pylon update history!

"Studio Ammonite" (Designers: Hiroshi Ogawa, Hirotoshi Ohkura & Takashi Ono) in February 1984 at Tachikawa City, Tokyo JAPAN. The studio changed that neme as "Studio Santa Claus " in 1987 later works "Red Photon Zillion" ( by Production I.G. )

In the production warehouses of Tatsunoko production or Harmony Gold, there are a true original line art in helicopter mode which has not been released yet, fixed wing aircraft mode with high definition quality, and original line art of Battloid mode more can see it asleep .

Brian would not be able to draw a misunderstood adaptation in helicopter mode unless it actually gets this material.
However, I do not have access to the true original high definition quality linearts archives of  the future at present.



Edited by yui1107
History image file updated
Posted (edited)



From : ADV Protoculture Collection  Extradisc volume 04
Mecha Southerncross designs 12 of 29, 13 of 29

The line drawing characteristic of Ammonite, original Japanese lineart unique Handwriting analysis.





Deviantart 目隠し a-PNGロボ-ヘッド 0831 1415.png

Edited by yui1107
  On 8/31/2018 at 8:54 AM, yui1107 said:


  On 8/31/2018 at 9:28 AM, JB0 said:

The Gelgoog and the AJAX share a head!



  On 8/22/2018 at 7:15 AM, yui1107 said:


This site and this site say AJACS, this site uses AGAC, this site says AGAC/AJAX, and this site uses AJAC and AGAC interchangeably.


How about we drop the inconsistent acronyms and Robotech nomenclature and just use "Auroran," eh?

Posted (edited)
  On 8/31/2018 at 9:28 AM, JB0 said:

Gasp! The Gelgoog and the AJAX share a head! Gundam ripped off Southern Cross!


And yet Discount Char Seifreit Weisse never got to fly one... more's the pity.  At least he got his red Imitation Zaku Bioroid, right?


  On 8/31/2018 at 1:30 PM, tekering said:

This site and this site say AJACS, this site uses AGAC, this site says AGAC/AJAX, and this site uses AJAC and AGAC interchangeably.


C'mon, it's Robotech... inaccuracy is practically its calling card.

Points to Jaymz for being the only consistently correct one... but then, since he actually does his research (incl. the OSM) it's not surprising he got it right.



How about we drop the inconsistent acronyms and Robotech nomenclature and just use "Auroran," eh?


By all means.

Edited by Seto Kaiba
Posted (edited)




  1.  VERITECH Fighter / Helicopter " VFH-10  Auroran "  and  " VFH-12 Super Auroran " ( a.k.a. : AGAC  , Super AGAC ) :   Fixed winged mode or Helicopter / Gyrodyne mode , the nose sensor head revised drawing in JST 22:14 (Saturday) 2018 uploaded !
  2.  AGAC Auroran shoulder pylon update history




Deviantart 目隠し a-PNGロボ-ヘッド バイファム風 2018年9月2日_午前零時pdn.png

Edited by yui1107
main file chamge revised history
Posted (edited)

If you are sierously prodocuing resin transformable kits of the SPARTAS, id be up for one, depends on cost, i was considering getting the matchbox ver but that thing's too bulky, if be willing to pay 70 for one but, ik resin kids cost quite a bit and are sold pretty quickly, hope this becomes a reality, im personaly a southern cross fan, so having a kit representing the series would be great!, im personaly new to resin kids (never bought them cus of the usual costs being high) but im interested

Edited by Darkspire17
  On 9/8/2018 at 12:04 AM, Darkspire17 said:

If you are sierously prodocuing resin transformable kits of the SPARTAS, id be up for one, depends on cost, i was considering getting the matchbox ver but that thing's too bulky, if be willing to pay 70 for one


IIRC, the preorder price is $300 (if we can get 30 preorders).



  • 3 months later...
  On 12/13/2018 at 4:14 AM, captain america said:

Expect some Southern Cross kit news early next year, but perhaps not quite what you might be thinking.


That's the Zor Bioroid Dropship we've been seeing elsewhere on these boards and on Facebook?


  On 12/13/2018 at 2:29 PM, Tober said:

How close to the 30 Auroran orders did we get? :unsure:


'bout halfway.

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