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1 hour ago, Convectuoso said:

That would be me. I just got the original trilogy on Blu-ray because I hate 2 out of 3 prequels, and decided to wait until 9 came out to decide if it was worth it getting a 3 pack of the new trilogy. I hate TLJ but TFA was watchable, at least.

Ditto. Original trilogy and Rogue One(depite some complaints{Bring back Kyle Katarn!}) only in my video library.

6 hours ago, jvmacross said:


I really don't mind getting spoiled...and for the most part it seems that most movies end up being just slightly different from the leaks, etc...

...but for TROS....they literally had "good" info on every single scene in the movie....I do not think I have ever read a full script leak that actually ended up being 100% FACT...the dialogue was just about the only missing bit...and they even leaked some of that too...it's almost as if Disney just didn't care

I read one amusing comment that actually mentioned that the leaks made a better movie than what we got, because they were pre-edit, and contained more details than the final cut.

8 hours ago, jvmacross said:

...but for TROS....they literally had "good" info on every single scene in the movie....I do not think I have ever read a full script leak that actually ended up being 100% FACT...the dialogue was just about the only missing bit...and they even leaked some of that too...it's almost as if Disney just didn't care

The only other time its happened that I've seen like this is for season 8 of Game of Thrones and the same reaction happened. Nobody could believe the leaks since they were so bad, yet as every episode was released they kept being proven true. It was quite the scene.

13 hours ago, Bolt said:

TROS could easily have been slotted into  episode 2. I enjoyed the ride and can go on over the finer points. But why bother, there's plenty of that and more to come:lol:

I will just say, as far as where did all the Sith come from, they are a secretive lot. It shouldn't come as any surprise there's been So many skulking around the galaxy for who knows bow long. And , mind you, there will be more..:hi:

Lol yeah where did all those hooded people come from @_@

12 hours ago, jvmacross said:

Has that been revealed...that they were Sith...or just "Sith worshippers"...like the non-force sensitive members of the Church of the Force that was referred to in TFA? 

It was quite a good visual to see them all gathered and chanting....although it just opens up another whole can of worms...

I suppose if some survived and actually had Force powers, they could be the basis of the next series of films....

Also, were all the Sith Star Destroyers destroyed?  I would think that the "Rebels" would have wanted to try and save/help the crews since many would have been originally abducted as children....:unknw:


 You mean they are gonna make more books? And make more money??? :P

I was almost tempted once to go into the 'dark side' of getting those SW graphic novels. Good thing I didn't like the art so I wasn't suckered in.

11 hours ago, Hikuro said:

God I didn’t like the film at all. I knew what kinda ah!t show I was in when the title roll came up.

Well, you can always uncannon them in your head (it worked for Star Trek V)...

16 minutes ago, TangledThorns said:

The more I read this thread the less interested I am in seeing this movie. Looks like I'll skip it just like SOLO.

Solo wasn't bad by the way.  More a victim of horrible marketing in the wake of the TLA release.  Really what were they thinking putting it out so soon after TLA?


I disagree. While I ultimately disliked The Last Jedi  more, Solo is the only film in the franchise that had me checking my watch out of boredom. I just didn't need a two-hour movie over-explaining Han's origin; "He's a smuggler" was enough to go on.

That said, Han and Chewie's adventures between Solo and A New Hope could make for an interesting TV show.


Solo is, by far, the worst Star Wars movie. 

I watched TROS yesterday and enjoyed it a lot more than episodes VII and VIII. It could have been a lot better, but I think I could watch it again, unlike TLJ which I'm avoiding like the plague 


"Creating new Force powers is tight."  :lol:

I liked TRoS, but seeing all its warts laid out in such a comical fashion  is both funny and disheartening. 



Well....Took a break from The Witcher to download and watch....this.

It was visually nice. Nothing to write home about but tolerable. And that's about it. That's the TL;DR. It was nice, not great to look at but ultimately by doomed by the story.

I did make notes of all the junk that caught my eye but rather than run the spoilery play-by-play, this time around I'm just go straight to commentary.


I've said many times Abrams is good for ideas, but when he needs to fill out those ideas, he either has the idea or he doesn't and leaves it for others to deal with it. While this works for TV, where time and resources necessitate having multiple writers on the show, movies don't suffer that. Having a trilogy under the creative control of 2 very different writers with no interaction ultimately leads to what we have here. This movie undoes the things that the last movie did which undid the movie before it. On top of it, it undoes 6 movies that came before all of it. The first 20 minutes are spent cutting back and forth from one place to another with some high octane action. :bad: Then the Abrams-isms starts and things start happening. Along the way, we get fan service but meh.

Things (sh*t) just happen, or objects just fall into place, magically. Palpatine returns with no reason why. He's just back. This working spaceship is just sitting out in the middle of wide open space and it hasn't been stolen, stripped for parts or whatnot. In working order with only cobwebs. If a car just sat on the street for any period of time, you'd have homeless sleeping in it or more likely, stolen or towed away. The Mandalorian was away from his ship for a week(?) and Jawas stripped that thing. The dagger just happens to match a section of the Death Star ruins, and then there's a pull-out in the crossguard that's also a map. Magically. Cuz of reasons. First Order troops just magically appear out of thin air when Kylo just finds out where they are literally 10 seconds earlier. Or hell, Kylo appearing out of nowhere. Force teleporting just magically happens now. You can pull objects from other rooms, other planets, other galaxies with the Force now. Luke's old X-wing still working after how many years underwater. And Poe's ex-GF showing up in a Y-wing. Where? How? Because reasons. No JJ, sh*t just does not happen.

Exposition. Jar Jar,  it works for TV to have that one episode explain something but this whole movie felt like it. Rey's origin, Poe's origin, why Leia gave up Jedi training, the purpose of the wayfinder, etc. And on the subject of Leia's training, if Jedi training is like real learning, you never stop learning. Going from Padawan to Knight to Master is a learning process. There is no "last night of training". Much to learn you still have. Anyways...This is what happens when you rely on others to or more importantly, DON'T have a plan when you are intentionally making a trilogy. This flick is filled with exposition as it crams 3 movies-worth of exposition into 1 film.

Did anyone else find Rey and Kylo's Force Skype calling a little awkward? It's that same feeling that you're listening a random person making a phone call on the street. When Vader and Luke did it in Empire, it felt more like emotions being projected out through the Force and more of quiet reflection. Kylo and Rey's was a full on skype call which I felt like we the audience were intruding on.

Whatever Marvel-esque humor they sprinkled in just felt wrong like it did in TFA. Then the arguing between Rey and Poe just doesn't help anything.

On the subject of the lightsaber fight (singular). It's basically 2 people swinging bats at one another. I felt more enjoyment watching a 30-second fight scene from The Witcher than this.

I got the same feeling watching this as I did with TFA. TROS is garbage. It's watchable garbage, but nonetheless garbage. TLJ was just garbage. TFA was nostalgic garbage.

10 minutes ago, azrael said:

Well....Took a break from The Witcher to download and watch....this.

It was visually nice. Nothing to write home about but tolerable.

Hehe, did the same. 

Actually, I think I like this movie.  Could have been so much worse in my book.

I don't mind how the whole emperor story arc was wrapped up.

God knows the Expanded Universe rode that horse into the ground.

This reminds me of that, if done a bit better, given the Johnson/Abrams cruft it had to lug around.

13 hours ago, TangledThorns said:

The more I read this thread the less interested I am in seeing this movie. Looks like I'll skip it just like SOLO.

I have the tiniest reason for not seeing Solo. I didn't think the actor looked like a young Han Solo. He looked more like the parody Han Solo from Blackstar Warrior, and I would TOTALLY watch a Blackstar Warrior movie with him in it. But not a "real" Star Wars film.

6 hours ago, Mazinger said:

God knows the Expanded Universe rode that horse into the ground.

Except they used clone-Palps instead of zombie-Palps, which feels less contrived.

6 minutes ago, Bolt said:

Zombie Palps making clone snokes..it all makes such perfect sense..:lol:

Sure it does, most were to snack on.


I managed to channel my inner 15 year old self and enjoyed this movie. It got rid of the train wreck of TLJ that was tied to it's leg pretty quickly, and made the most of what was left of the arcs started in TFA. Writing was all over the place, but Abrams gets a much better performance from his main actors than Lucas could ever dream of, and the visuals were spot on.

Looking back, a lot of the sequels' material should have been left on the cutting room floor - I think you could take 15% of TFA, 5% of TLJ and 30% of TROS and get down to a pretty solid 3h Star Wars movie with the Ben/Rey arc at it's center.


It is my hope that someday in the SW universe they stop doing the damned cutaways in the extended fight scenes.  Those have made SW much worse.  Kenobi v Skywalker in ep 3 should have been a stand alone fight without cuts into Yoda/Palp or whatever other garbage they put in.  


I Saw it, I liked it, I enjoyed myself despite your collective best efforts to ruin it. You all still suck.

25 minutes ago, anime52k8 said:

I Saw it, I liked it, I enjoyed myself despite your collective best efforts to ruin it. You all still suck.

Yeah, this forum has taken to railing hard on things in recent years.

1 hour ago, anime52k8 said:

I Saw it, I liked it, I enjoyed myself despite your collective best efforts to ruin it. You all still suck.


1 hour ago, Keith said:

Yeah, this forum has taken to railing hard on things in recent years.

Being too much of a hater is not fun for others, i agree;)


1 minute ago, pengbuzz said:

They should have made Star Wars a "No-Snoking Zone.




Liked it a lot. I thought it was a good wrap up for the arc that suffered too much because of TLJ than it's own merits. If I think about it, I can be real disappointed about how the Emperor, the Knights of Ren and Rey's true parentage were not foreshadowed in the Last Jedi, but I'll take it as it is, lumps and all. I like RoTJ despite the Ewoks after-all...;)

4 hours ago, anime52k8 said:

I Saw it, I liked it, I enjoyed myself despite your collective best efforts to ruin it. You all still suck.

If anyone is that easily swayed by a simple forum, then they deserve whatever they get.  As for enjoying it... that’s your opinion, it certainly was better than TLJ.

6 hours ago, Keith said:

Yeah, this forum has taken to railing hard on things in recent years.

Well, we can't flamebait over Mac7 anymore, and we gotta let our rage out SOMEWHERE!

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