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My e-mail inbox is getting blasted by the forum notification system. I checked in my settings and found " Someone comments on something I follow " but the toggle to turn off e-mail notifications says "the toggle is disable by the administrator"

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4 hours ago, Loop said:

My e-mail inbox is getting blasted by the forum notification system. I checked in my settings and found " Someone comments on something I follow " but the toggle to turn off e-mail notifications says "the toggle is disable by the administrator"


I'm not getting spammed yet, but I really rather that any of the notifications feature be turned off altogether. 

Or at the very least, make it disabled by default unless the member specifically check-enable it.


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Is there a way to change the color of the time stamps of when the last reply to threads are for the mobile version? On my phone (Note4) the grey color is hard to see against the white. Either that or change the box colors to grey instead of white.

Edit: Sorry forgot to say this was for the new theme and not the classic one.

Edited by wmkjr
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If you are having problems with the dark blue theme, I would highly suggest switching to the WhiteBlue theme. This seems to cause less browser rendering issues. Yes, it is a browser issue.

13 hours ago, sh9000 said:

The new site looks great on my phone and even better on my computer.  Is there a way to view the site from mobile to full format on my phone like the old site was able to?

The mobile site uses the same theme as the desktop site. The new version of IPB now merges the 2 versions for a more seamless experience.

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Found numerous issues with the MWDarkBlue theme...but it was free, so can't really complain.
Just installed a new dark theme which should fix the majority of the issues. Has a lot of custom features that everyone can adjust, will dig in deeper this weekend. Right now just wanted it to work and be readable.


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4 hours ago, Convectuoso said:

Hi. With the previous version, when I clicked on an unread topic (on mobile), it would take me straight to my unread posts. Now it always takes me to the first post on each topic.

Struggled with that one, too.  Both mobile and desktop are affected.  The workaround I got was (for desktop.  Not sure if mobile differs):

1. Click 'unread comments' (upper right)

2. Under the "Unread Comments Header": select the filters that you want from the horizontal option bar (to select the unread posts, click on: Read Status > Unread Item Links take me to the first unread comment)

3. Click 'Save as new stream' (it appears under far right of the option bar after modifying the filters), and save it with some catchy name.


Selecting your newly created filter isn't as easy anymore:

On the upper right of any page (Browse / Activity / Leaderboard):  Activity > My Activity Streams > [your catchy name]


Hope it works for you, too!


Edited by sketchley
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Yeah, turned off almost all the notifications by default. Might turn off another one or two, like the PM one...as you already know you have a message by looking at the message icon.

I enabled user control over all of them, so everyone can do what they wish

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For the idiots (like me) who couldn't find it at first, the preview post feature is no longer a button next to the "Submit Reply" button.

Instead it is the right-most icon in the formatting menu bar above your typed text.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there a new way to open up the full editor? The default quick reply is nice for previewing as you write, but I'm having problems formatting posts, especially when multiple quotes are involved. Pointing me to the option to use the basic editor (where everything's in basic text) would be nice, too.

Thanks a lot. Otherwise, liking the new forum.

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2 hours ago, kajnrig said:

Is there a new way to open up the full editor? The default quick reply is nice for previewing as you write, but I'm having problems formatting posts, especially when multiple quotes are involved. Pointing me to the option to use the basic editor (where everything's in basic text) would be nice, too.

Thanks a lot. Otherwise, liking the new forum.

Agreed.  It's especially desirable as the current arrangement isn't very easy for editing hot links or removing pictures in quoted posts.

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I think when Invision Board went from IPB 3.x to 4.x, that the concept of "Full Editor" has disappeared when creating a new reply.
Only posting, then editing it afterwards does it bring back anything close to the older type editor.

Will keep looking for a better answer, right now got nothing...


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Thanks for looking into this.

There has also been some grumbling on one of the older topics in the modelling section about images not being displayed automatically (clickable links are being displayed instead).  I believe this is where the conversation gets constructive about it: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?/topic/28142-172-bandai-vf-25f-messiah-build-up-step-by-step-sort-of/&do=findComment&comment=1317619


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Not sure if this has been mentioned. But the images posted in post via image servers became a link or just a filename hours after the post has been posted. 

I always use the Insert other media drop down menu to select insert image from URL. And the image will show up properly. But after some hours when I went back to the post, it became just a link or sometimes the filename. 

Is there a settings for this or we're eliminating the option of posting images from an external URL link?


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I've got remote images enabled, and for them to cache indefinitely, so once posted they should stay live.

We always prefer a local uploaded file, because almost all external linked pictures get abandoned at some point, but the board lives forever (LOL)

I was mucking around with that settings in that area last night trying to fix our thumbnail issue from older posts, so perhaps I tripped that during the time you were doing the post, or just after. It (IPB) says in the settings " A copy of the remote image will be downloaded to your server and stored for the specified length of time. After this time, the stored image is deleted and will be downloaded again if it is viewed again.  " which sounds like it might be what you experienced.



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Regarding the older post thumbnails, I rebuilt everything (took about 22 hours), and physically see the new thumbnails generated in the upload folder, but the posts links are apparently bad, and can't resolve. Going to need to see what I can fix via sql updates.

This update was the most painful one we've done, but we will get it sorted out, just hang in there a bit longer.

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5 hours ago, Shawn said:

I've got remote images enabled, and for them to cache indefinitely, so once posted they should stay live.

We always prefer a local uploaded file, because almost all external linked pictures get abandoned at some point, but the board lives forever (LOL)

I was mucking around with that settings in that area last night trying to fix our thumbnail issue from older posts, so perhaps I tripped that during the time you were doing the post, or just after. It (IPB) says in the settings " A copy of the remote image will be downloaded to your server and stored for the specified length of time. After this time, the stored image is deleted and will be downloaded again if it is viewed again.  " which sounds like it might be what you experienced.

Thanks Shawn! Saw the old pics once again. ;)

I noticed today on regular computer that the full edit capabilities of posting comments are back. Thanks! I always love that feature! :good:

But that specific feature is not available for mobile, yes? And there's also no way to view anymore the full desktop site in mobile like it used to, correct?

Again, thank you so much for this, Shawn! Highly appreciated. :)


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Not sure this is the right place, but the MW Legacy forums are down. Getting this error (so no checking out my old post count for me:lol:):

Ikonboard CGI Error
	Ikonboard has exited with the following error:

Can't connect to mySQL database. Access denied for user 'macrossw_arch01'@'localhost' (using password: YES) 

This error was reported at: Sources/iDatabase/Driver/mySQL.pm line 60,  line 64. 

Please note that your 'real' paths have been removed to protect your information. 

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Yeah...Legacy is still offline until I bring it up again, sorry!!
I want to see if I can find a way to migrate them into the current board software, and then after I bang my head for a couple weeks not getting anywhere, I'll just turn the thing on again. ha!

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FYI update regarding the thumbnail issue, its been escalated up the IPB support chain, they found a minor bug in the conversion, and are working on a solution for us, should be resolved very soon.

RedWolf, could you please provide us with some additional information on what you did(an example post we can test here), the behavior you saw, and what you expected? Just need some more info to help troubleshoot.

Thanks again everyone for your patience through the transition.

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Thanks Shawn, your work so far has been exemplary!  The site looks and functions really well. I'm sure you'll have the other little bugs ironed out in due time.  Really appreciate all the tech time and effort you put into this place!

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