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The Medicom - Mafex - RAH Thread

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33 minutes ago, Mommar said:

I'm only concerned it looks like pleather which will inhibit movement.  Otherwise every softgoods Mafex figure has been perfect.

I can’t really say perfect, but better than most companies for sure. The stitching is a bit obvious and a bit too fuzzy looking, but far better quality than others

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Looks good but you won't be able to put her in proper flight poses with any of those head sculpts.  Also permanent wind swept hair limits pose options.

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I was hoping this would be the one Rogue to rule them all but while there is no definitive face for her, this looks off.  I mean it still looks ok, just off. And is there really not another hair option? That’s kind of a deal breaker for me.

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1 hour ago, Negotiator said:

I was hoping this would be the one Rogue to rule them all but while there is no definitive face for her, this looks off.  I mean it still looks ok, just off. And is there really not another hair option? That’s kind of a deal breaker for me.

Hopefully there will be another. I still like it enough to pick one up just so Gambit can quit hitting on Psylocke. The other females had an extra hair piece if I remember correctly 

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Posted (edited)

She’s up at bbts. But over a hundred bucks and they won’t get it until an entire year from now.

I’ll wait and see how much she is at one of the Japanese sites. $100 is too much for me, especially when Gambit was less than $60

just saw she’s up at hlj. $85 isn’t much better especially with the higher shipping cost

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2 hours ago, Big s said:

She’s up at bbts. But over a hundred bucks and they won’t get it until an entire year from now.

I’ll wait and see how much she is at one of the Japanese sites. $100 is too much for me, especially when Gambit was less than $60

just saw she’s up at hlj. $85 isn’t much better especially with the higher shipping cost

I know HLJ will charge you once the item becomes available. Is there a way to pay it now if the conversion is still lower compared to when viewed it using dollar on the item page? Right now, Y11210 is $71.42 instead of $85. And like you said, probably shipping cost in the end will probably still hit you at $100 total down the line.

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11 hours ago, no3Ljm said:

I know HLJ will charge you once the item becomes available. Is there a way to pay it now if the conversion is still lower compared to when viewed it using dollar on the item page? Right now, Y11210 is $71.42 instead of $85. And like you said, probably shipping cost in the end will probably still hit you at $100 total down the line.

$71 ish at hobby search and I have some points there that will give me some savings, so I’ll probably order from there unless I see a fantastic price pop up. Inflation sucks and she doesn’t even seem to come with much other than the basics.

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well I got FOMO'd on rogue.   ordered from NIN-NIN.  checked out as Yen with 1-2 week air parcel.  total bank charge  $83.06. 


i just paid it up front now as who knows when this will actually be released and what the exchange rate will be.

still less than hlj before shipping. :blink:

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16 minutes ago, Mommar said:

Jubilee is disappointing.  I don't want to wait even longer for an iceman.

I’d like to see more pictures of her, I kinda expected they’d go more with the main cast. I am hoping for some more bad guys personally. One day they’ll probably get to Ice Man, but he’s unfortunately in the less popular category these days. I’d also like to see a lot more of the comic style dc characters, rather than their movie types 

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8 hours ago, Big s said:

I’d like to see more pictures of her, I kinda expected they’d go more with the main cast. I am hoping for some more bad guys personally. One day they’ll probably get to Ice Man, but he’s unfortunately in the less popular category these days. I’d also like to see a lot more of the comic style dc characters, rather than their movie types 

They've done all but one of the Blue Team and the first two of the Gold, why deviate to a non-team member?  Jubilee is also universally considered irritating.

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17 minutes ago, Mommar said:

They've done all but one of the Blue Team and the first two of the Gold, why deviate to a non-team member?  Jubilee is also universally considered irritating.

Because she was in the cartoon and the comics around that time. Sure,I’d rather have other characters like Colossus or Beast or a baddie like Mr Sinister or even a lesser character like Pyro, but Jubilee is the more popular character at the moment and back in that moment.

honestly, as far as good guys I’d like to see Nightcrawler more than any

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11 hours ago, Big s said:

Because she was in the cartoon and the comics around that time. Sure,I’d rather have other characters like Colossus or Beast or a baddie like Mr Sinister or even a lesser character like Pyro, but Jubilee is the more popular character at the moment and back in that moment.

honestly, as far as good guys I’d like to see Nightcrawler more than any

Iceman was in the comics then too...  None of this is based off of the cartoon at that time anyway, Psylocke wasn't in the cartoon at all and they made her.  And Jubilee is NOT more popular, she was a wildly irritating replacement for Kitty.

Nightcrawler, however, was relegated to Excalibur at that time.

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2 hours ago, Mommar said:

Iceman was in the comics then too...  None of this is based off of the cartoon at that time anyway, Psylocke wasn't in the cartoon at all and they made her.  And Jubilee is NOT more popular, she was a wildly irritating replacement for Kitty.

Nightcrawler, however, was relegated to Excalibur at that time.

I meant the 90’s cartoon and she was in the comics around that time, usually partnered awkwardly close to Wolverine, the most popular of the X-Men. She basically was his Robin for a bit. And she’s also in the 97 show, so definitely more popular. Ice Man was more popular of a character up til the mid 80’s though and I remember him more fondly from that era and being in Spider-Man. Psylocke was kind of an odd one in that she turned up in only a couple episodes of the old cartoon series and seemed to be popular due to hotness in the comics more around the late 80’s early 90’s comics.

but one of the big reasons they probably aren’t going to do Iceman anytime soon may be the difficulty of an action figure. You’d almost need a double pack for him, and a massive pack for effect pieces like his ice ramps. He’s kinda stuck between being a tough toy to produce and not being as relevant outside the comics. Psylocke is an odd choice, but she’s easy to do accessories with mainly having an effect piece for her psychic knife and he swords.

While Nightcrawler may have been shoved to lesser comics and fewer big appearances in the comics around the late 80’s, Early 90’s, he did make a major appearance in the Pyde of the X-Men pilot and several of the old episodes of the cartoon and a much bigger role in the 97 show. 

I don’t want it to sound as if I personally don’t like Ice Man or anything. I grew up with him when he was more relevant and I liked his character a lot, definitely more than Jubilee, but medicom is trying to cash in on characters that are more recognizable over likeable and Jubilee has unfortunately become a household name with appearances outside the comics. That and she’s easy to produce. Just a basic figure with a yellow rain coat and some goofy effect bits

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2 hours ago, Mommar said:

The cartoons have nothing to do with these figures.

They actually do. The popularization from the shows is what makes a character relevant, although they are more stylized to the comics than the cartoons, the recent 97 show is more than likely why they finally made a rogue and are also doing jubilee. It’s kinda like with Batman stuff. The fact that Harley Quin gets featured heavily in movies and shows and other media is why we see so much of her. She was only a cartoon add in, but her popularity means that if a company is doing a Batman related line that they’re guaranteeing a Harley at some point. Or there’s the popularity of Deadpool. He’s in current media, so he’s getting a toy.

It’s unfortunate that a lesser character like Jubilee is getting the other media attention while bigger comic characters are being ignored, but Medicom is a business and they want to cash in on something while it’s popular. Before the 97 show, they were more adventurous with Psylocke, but now they want to get that popularity cash. 

I wouldn’t be super surprised to see Morph if it wasn’t for the difficulty of his effects over a character like colossus even though Morph wasn’t even a thing until the animated series. But he was featured in the 97 show, so it wouldn’t surprise me at all.

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4 hours ago, Big s said:

They actually do. The popularization from the shows is what makes a character relevant, although they are more stylized to the comics than the cartoons, the recent 97 show is more than likely why they finally made a rogue and are also doing jubilee. It’s kinda like with Batman stuff. The fact that Harley Quin gets featured heavily in movies and shows and other media is why we see so much of her. She was only a cartoon add in, but her popularity means that if a company is doing a Batman related line that they’re guaranteeing a Harley at some point. Or there’s the popularity of Deadpool. He’s in current media, so he’s getting a toy.

It’s unfortunate that a lesser character like Jubilee is getting the other media attention while bigger comic characters are being ignored, but Medicom is a business and they want to cash in on something while it’s popular. Before the 97 show, they were more adventurous with Psylocke, but now they want to get that popularity cash. 

I wouldn’t be super surprised to see Morph if it wasn’t for the difficulty of his effects over a character like colossus even though Morph wasn’t even a thing until the animated series. But he was featured in the 97 show, so it wouldn’t surprise me at all.

Bro, it takes at least a year for a figure to be developed.  They didn't develop either of those figures with the thought of X-Men '97 being a thing at all.  None of the other X-Men figures were made based off of that show, they're labelled as Comic Versions for a reason.  Why does everybody keep attributing every single damned X-Men thing to that show these days?

The fact remains the single highest selling comic of all time featured Iceman and did not feature Jubilee.  The X-Men were wildly popular as a comic before that show and the comic versions of their figures are the highest selling outside of Spider-Man. 

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1 hour ago, Mommar said:

Bro, it takes at least a year for a figure to be developed.  They didn't develop either of those figures with the thought of X-Men '97 being a thing at all.  None of the other X-Men figures were made based off of that show, they're labelled as Comic Versions for a reason.  Why does everybody keep attributing every single damned X-Men thing to that show these days?

Rogue wasn’t even announced until after the show and is still in development and won’t be out til next year. Jubilee isn’t even up for preorder yet, but I guarantee that the decision to go with her is based on her appearance in the 97 show. Sure , they may be doing comic style but they’re trying to do a cash grab for anything with a bigger media attention. Medicom is trying to strike while the iron is hot and occasionally luke warm.

And trust me, I totally get why you think there should be an Ice Man figure, but it’s probably gonna be a while, if they do it at all. As I’ve stated above, there’s a certain difficulty of making that figure cost effective and then there’s gonna be the question of relevance in the modern era. If he were to pop up as a regular appearance in the show or even a movie spot in the upcoming marvel films, then there’d definitely be a higher chance we’d see him sooner.

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On 7/23/2024 at 8:32 PM, Mommar said:

Iceman was in the comics then too...  None of this is based off of the cartoon at that time anyway, Psylocke wasn't in the cartoon at all and they made her.  And Jubilee is NOT more popular, she was a wildly irritating replacement for Kitty.

Nightcrawler, however, was relegated to Excalibur at that time.

There’s your Iceman 

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The majority of the X-Men releases are comic versions.  Jubilee having yellow gloves means it's most likely the animated version.  Same with white costume Storm.  Missed opportunity to release a comic silver costume Storm as a lot of the X-Men figures have metallic paint.

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