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13 hours ago, pengbuzz said:

Perhaps the reception to this cut could re-stoke the fires for another Justice League movie with Cavill, Affleck and Gadot....

I'd be up for that! Just not something that rushes into the future story line from the SnyderCut. Just have them all together to face another Big Bad.

15 hours ago, pengbuzz said:

Perhaps the reception to this cut could re-stoke the fires for another Justice League movie with Cavill, Affleck and Gadot....

That'd be great but I doubt it. Especially with a new BATMAN release on the horizon. Thanks Afflek! Ugh.

On 3/28/2021 at 12:49 PM, TangledThorns said:

That'd be great but I doubt it. Especially with a new BATMAN release on the horizon. Thanks Afflek! Ugh.

After watching the video and looking up "restore the Snyderverse", it just might happen, you never know.

I think the studios are too afraid of losing fans' money at this point...

  • 2 weeks later...

Though I really liked the Snyder Cut, I think it would have been better without the lead-ins to anything further than the three that he did. Anything having to do with Superman being turned by Darkseid and the Anti-Life Equation, in effect anything having to do with the dark future they showed, should have been shelved. Esp since they (WB) probably won't do anything with it from here on out. Leaving those out would have left us with a nice, buttoned up trilogy, rather than teasing a future series that, more than likely, will not happen.

Considering that it is about 6 hours long, it wouldn't be hard to trim the fat a little, and even splice in some of Whedon's version (apocryphal, I know), such as the end scene showing WW coming out of the shadows. A more up-peat ending rather than, again, something that hints to nowhere...

I wonder if anyone would do a plice like that..?

  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got a chance to watch the whole thing.

No longer feels like it's trying to be "Avengers but done with DC characters."

It's definitely long, but a tighter story with more moments for all the characters to be given more depth.  You could probably subtitle this cut:  Justice League:  Daddy/Father-Figure Issues (half-joking, half-serious).

I can see why Ray Fisher was ticked:  In this cut, Cyborg's absolutely front and center to the core of the story and grows the most out of all the heroes.  They also spread the wealth, so that each of the main heroes and the Amazonians get their "boss" moments.

TL:DR Version:  Bit of a slog to get through, but a solid story.

All that said though,


Still don't like the idea of Bruce being Lois' baby-daddy.


7 hours ago, Mog said:

All that said though,

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That was the original plan but I do believe that was already discarded as partly evidenced by Bruce's congratulations remark.

IF the full Knightmare story does get made, I do wonder how they'll change the story to still give a reasonable explanation why everything is Bruce's fault. 




You could have Bats think he dodged Darkseid’s Omega beams, and have Darkseid say, “I wasn’t aiming for you.”

Or twist the knife on the trope, and have Batman do all this planning, but nothing stops Darkseid from killing Lois. . . unless he puts himself in harm’s way and gets himself killed.




I gave it the old college try, and oy vey, I had to tap out after... I think it was when Cyborg confronts Diana for the first time? I don't know what some of y'all wanted in a Justice League movie, but this can't have been it.

So. Much. Slo-mo.

The. Movie. Could. Have. Been. An. Hour. Shorter. If. Only. It. Didn't. Stop. To. Linger. On. Every. Third. Shot. Like. It. Was. The. Most. Important. Thing. Ever. But. You. Know. Snyder. Man. Needs. Us. To. Know. That. This. Scene. Is. E. M. O. T. I. O. N. A. L. A. N. D. O. R. S. Y. M. B. O. L. I. C. D. O. Y. O. U. S. E. E. A. M. I. G. E. T. T. I. N. G. A. C. R. O. S. S. H. O. W. A. N. N. O. Y. I. N. G. I. T. W. A. S. T. O. S. I. T. T. H. R. O. U. G. H. A. L. L. T. H. A. T.?

Like I get it, he wanted to emphasize how sad Lois is, or how sad Cyborg is, or how sad Martha is, or... basically how sad any one character is, but this couldn't possibly have been the most effective way of doing so, right? This one-trick pony of slow motion footage set to pop ballads?

And I admit it's a bit a-hole-ish to nitpick on a stylistic choice like that, but it just happens SO MUCH and I was so bored by everything else in the movie.


Speaking of everything else in the movie... It's still bad. The writing is still awful. The actors still do all they can to act the crap out of this script, but their efforts are being wasted. I agree with I forget who here mentioned that it's important to keep in mind this movie isn't the movie Snyder originally set out to make. But I also think that, whatever differences between the Snyder cut we got and the one we didn't, it's still a bit of a wash because they're still fundamentally bad movies. The original Snyder cut is bad. The Whedon cut is bad. And this, the third version of the movie and the second Snyder cut, is bad.

I thought I might try to finish it before my subscription lapses at the end of the month, but I dunno. We'll see, I guess.


It’s definitely a tough watch and you really have to love the characters to want to invest that much time watching a movie that’s still just not that good. I think A movie about making this cut would actually be far more entertaining with all the human drama to the great disappointment to the almost dr Frankenstein madness to try and get a version that turns out a bit better than the original and kind of ends up an oversized monster of a movie that somehow the fans really loved.

On 4/26/2021 at 6:56 PM, kajnrig said:

it's important to keep in mind this movie isn't the movie Snyder originally set out to make.

Well as one of those that made that statement, I finally watched it.  It is a VAST improvement, I actually enjoyed it quite a bit.  Excising the Whedon sense of humor resulted in a much more cohesive film.  And honestly I would probably be interested in a continued "Snyderverse"  That being said.....


-I think Superman, Batman, WW, and Aquaman were cast very well.  Maybe it was just writing and direction, but Cyborg felt like a petulant teenager, not a big fan of how he was presented.  Barry Allen was well, "Whedonish".  Just felt goofy and a bit out of place in the cinematic world.

-The Paradeamons felt very generic, Stepenwolf was better, but still not a great compelling villain. 

-Including Darkseid was an improvement, but it was also a bit cheesy that his goal is "anti-life".  Which is never explained. 

-The Knightmare future was pretty compelling. 

-Resurrecting Superman was in my opinion a big mistake in writing, and more than a little morbid.  The original comic explanation of the Kryptonian tech recovering his body and allowing him to recharge would have been much better. 

So those are some of my thoughts on the film.  As I said a while back, If Snyder had been able to finish the film originally at best this would have been released as a Directors cut after a seriously cut down theatrical release.  But even then VFX, editing decisions and the few additional scenes shot were for better or worse informed by the Whedon release.  Just accept it.

Finally, even though I may be interested in where this might go, remember this is the same writing/directing team that brought us.

-Grimdark depressed Superman (honestly, anyone who can adapt Watchmen, shouldn't be let near Superman in the first place).

-Plot device throwaway Doomsday (I still have those old Reign of the Supermen comics, and this is worse than Spiderman 3 relegating Venom to third seat villain).

-Jesse Eisenburg Lex Luthor

-And lest we forget,  "Your letting them kill Martha!"

  • 4 weeks later...
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