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Saw it last night.  Loved it.  This is a reworked Empired except bleaker plus clearing out of the old heroes to make way for the new generation.  Empire/FO counter attack.  Luke/Rey goes to find a master. Luke acted exactly as I expected him to when Rey shoved his old lightsaber into his hermit craggy face.  Poe getting some character building so he can help lead the "Rebellion".  Luke and Ben Solo flashbacks.  They're all correct....from a certain point of view.  Finns story felt forced and almost pointless until the ending scene.  Hope.  

Lastly no fricken flowery light saber battles.  

Posted (edited)
  On 12/16/2017 at 9:36 PM, Dangard Ace said:

Saw it last night.  Loved it.  This is a reworked Empired except bleaker plus clearing out of the old heroes to make way for the new generation.  Empire/FO counter attack.  Luke/Rey goes to find a master. Luke acted exactly as I expected him to when Rey shoved his old lightsaber into his hermit craggy face.  Poe getting some character building so he can help lead the "Rebellion".  Luke and Ben Solo flashbacks.  They're all correct....from a certain point of view.  Finns story felt forced and almost pointless until the ending scene.  Hope.  

Lastly no fricken flowery light saber battles.  


The entire Finn and Panda Express (sorry I don't remember her worthless character's name) sub plot was completely unnecessary, unless at 2:45 in the morning when I saw the movie I missed a critical detail of their adventure that says otherwise.  I do remember a forced political statement criticizing wealthy people, though.  It's such a glaring flaw in the movie that I can't believe they didn't have a better way to handle Finn's character.  Honestly, they should've just left him in a coma.

So, since Abrams and crew are only intent on re-hashing the original trilogy and not coming up with anything remotely original, will there be a new-style Jabba the Hutt and Sand Barge in the next movie?  Inquiring minds want to know...

Edited by myk

Really? On a forum dedicated to a Japanese animated show?

Posted (edited)
  On 12/16/2017 at 10:57 PM, jenius said:

Not sure that nickname is kosher.


ROFL!! She was insufferable. Except for Rey I really don't give a crap about any of the characters. 

That being said Disney should fire JJ Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy. Their films are Star Wars for people who don't like Star Wars.

Edited by TangledThorns
  On 12/16/2017 at 9:42 PM, jenius said:

They really did some good character building with Finn, Poe, and Kylo.


LOVED Finn's moment during the last battle sequence. Given how the movie had been progressing I hongestly thought that things would play themselves out to their "logical" conclusion.

Otherwise, as much as I want to enjoy Finn as a character, I think Boyega over-acts the hell out of his scenes making him borderline unlikable for me. Finn and Phasma are my two biggest complains among TFA and TLJ - otherwise still very much enjoying the sequel trilogy. The relationship with Finn and Rose* was forced, we'll see how that all plays out in IX.

*Rose's sister had one of the best moments in the movie IMO. In fact a lot of the Resistance/Rebel self-sacrifice scenes were pretty damn good, I'm surprised no one else got a Rogue One vibe in that regard.

And wait...I like Star Wars and the new movies. I just don't hold the OT to some impossibly high standard, as if looking at them through pure nostalgia like I'm a 10 year old kid.



Posted (edited)

I will be seeing this again, because it is a good movie. A little slow to the start, but once it picked up speed, I was with it all the way.

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Overall, what I was left with, was a desire to see Episode 9 as soon as possible!!

Edited by Thom
  On 12/16/2017 at 10:57 PM, jenius said:

Not sure that nickname is kosher.


I'm Asian and I'm not offended.  I didn't like the little butter goblin either.  Her sister on the other hand...mmmm....

  On 12/16/2017 at 10:28 PM, myk said:

The entire Finn and Panda Express (sorry I don't remember her worthless character's name) sub plot was completely unnecessary, unless at 2:45 in the morning when I saw the movie I missed a critical detail of their adventure that says otherwise. 



I for one am glad there's at least some Asian representation in a highly visible franchise and not as a background throwaway character.  Also that she's not one of those hot asian supermodels turned actresses but a normal person.    (.....thought the movie could use some hot asian supermodels.....)


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  On 12/17/2017 at 2:05 AM, Kanedas Bike said:

*Rose's sister had one of the best moments in the movie IMO. In fact a lot of the Resistance/Rebel self-sacrifice scenes were pretty damn good, I'm surprised no one else got a Rogue One vibe in that regard.

And wait...I like Star Wars and the new movies. I just don't hold the OT to some impossibly high standard, as if looking at them through pure nostalgia like I'm a 10 year old kid.




Well I was trying not to spoiler anything but I'm in the same boat.  I love the OT, hate the Prequels, loving the new trilogy.  Meaning Han, Leia and Luke have to die.  They're old now.  They're not going to be jumping around slashing and blasting shit up like in the OT saving the galaxy.  This trilogy is giving them their send offs while bringing in new blood.  The Force is NOT the Skywalkers.   "It's an energy field created by all living things.  It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together."  It includes them but they aren't the be all end all of it.   Goddamn prequels and their stupid midichlorians....


And yes those Resistance self-sacrifice scenes were pretty cool.


  On 12/17/2017 at 2:06 AM, Thom said:


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Posted (edited)
  On 12/17/2017 at 5:01 AM, captain america said:

Great little article. Contains spoilers, though.



I posted this on another forum where that article was linked as well.

Descent article you posted. I agree with most of it but found as I was reading I started to be reminded of  millenials in the work place and the issues they brought/bring. The “I know better than you even though I haven’t done anything yet” or the “you have flaws but don’t tell me I’m wrong” mentality.... and then the article actually goes and says it! It also becomes hypocritical to this point as it also says Poe has to learn from Leia as she is more experienced and knowledgeable. So which way is it? Out with the old who didn’t do it right and to which the new generation must now suffer and make better, or learn from the previous generations to make a better place. The ARTICAL is trying to have it both ways to an extent, but started to really smack of the “poor me” entitled millennial crap by the end. I write this as someone who did like this movie, and as I said agreed with much of what the artical was saying. Maybe this is a movie more for millenials and that’s why it’s rubbing people wrong. Interesting.

Edited by Dobber
Posted (edited)

I’m thinking snoke is a created/manipulated life from the plagueis lore. 


Edit: after a little research my brilliant epiphany (of course) has been thought of before. 

Edited by ErikElvis
Posted (edited)
  On 12/17/2017 at 7:24 AM, Warmaker said:


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The Force Awakens stuff was always going to be deadends.  JJ's mystery boxes never contain anything.  He even gave a Ted Talk where he discussed his flawed belief about his idiotic mystery boxes and the isea that the contents don't matter only the existence of the question.  It works for marketing, sucks for storytelling.  And his history in media proves none of his mystery boxes have contained anything nor have they been ultimately satisfying.  Rian Johnson did exactly what he should have and the only thing he could have really done, removed them.

Edited by Mommar
  On 12/17/2017 at 1:31 PM, Dobber said:

I posted this on another forum where that article was linked as well.

Descent article you posted. I agree with most of it but found as I was reading I started to be reminded of  millenials in the work place and the issues they brought/bring. The “I know better than you even though I haven’t done anything yet” or the “you have flaws but don’t tell me I’m wrong” mentality.... and then the article actually goes and says it! It also becomes hypocritical to this point as it also says Poe has to learn from Leia as she is more experienced and knowledgeable. So which way is it? Out with the old who didn’t do it right and to which the new generation must now suffer and make better, or learn from the previous generations to make a better place. The ARTICAL is trying to have it both ways to an extent, but started to really smack of the “poor me” entitled millennial crap by the end. I write this as someone who did like this movie, and as I said agreed with much of what the artical was saying. Maybe this is a movie more for millenials and that’s why it’s rubbing people wrong. Interesting.




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  On 12/17/2017 at 9:47 AM, Negotiator said:





“Let go of the past. Kill it if you have to.”

  On 12/17/2017 at 6:01 PM, Negotiator said:



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Add to this that many people cling to notions/ideas/beliefs which are comforting, but not founded in truth or reason... Only to be blindsided when reality comes-a-knockin'. Rian Johnson took a baseball bat to many of the sacred cows in the SW universe, and I for one would like to thank him for having the guts to do so.

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Darkness rises, and the light to meet it. I could spend a whole podcast on that one sentence alone.


Saw it twice so far, once by myself, once with my son. Will see it a third time with a friend.

Loved it.

Some  very spoliery comments:

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I saw it with my wife this morning, and really enjoyed it.

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I've been contemplating something, having seen the film a second time.

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  On 12/18/2017 at 6:19 PM, captain america said:

I've been contemplating something, having seen the film a second time.

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  On 12/18/2017 at 7:01 PM, Focslain said:

{spoiler} Comment {/spoiler}

Replace {} with []


You are so much smarter than me. I tried to show someone one time but I just typed it in the correct way to show the format and of course it just came up as a hidden comment! Lol! I’m an idiot!:lol:

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  On 12/18/2017 at 10:27 PM, captain america said:

They may not necessarily have to. Off the top of my head...

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I'm never going to make it to a theater so I downloaded it. Random 10-hour days and the holidays are a bad mix. An hour here and there at home, I can swing.

It was beautifully shot and that's about it. Then Rian Johnson takes the last movie and tosses it over his shoulder by not answering anything or by doing his own spin. That's when you lost me. The story was while not-Empire was tonely the same as Empire. Rebels Resistance on the run (and I'll get to that below) with the Empire First Order chasing. Hope get's a good slap across the face which leads to the next movie where the good guys get their mojo back. The highlight character was Mark Hamill.

Now, from the top...

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The jokes did it in for me. The Luke scenes were good but then the jokes started and turned it to a *ugh* :rolleyes: -moment. Rian Johnson tried something new (compared to JJ who rehashed) and that should be commended (while JJ should be smacked and critizied) but the final product still left me saying "Meh." By continuing right where the last movie left off, it compounds the problem. The last movie setup the world then Rian Johnson gave it the birdie and did his own thing. After 2 films now, the prequels are better than this.

Posted (edited)

Agreed, the prequels are better and I think its because they stuck to the rules of the original films. I actually paid to see The Phantom Menace four times in the theater, a fifth in 3D, and I have no interest in paying to see The Last Jedi again, same went for TFA too.

Some may be cool with the new films 'breaking the rules' of the previous films but I'm not. It can screw up sequels down the line, its happened before in other film franchises.

Edited by TangledThorns

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