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  On 9/24/2018 at 2:24 AM, Trifalger said:

They don’t cover vertically mounting the gun there, only the horizontal mode covered in the instructions. Neither in the manual in the box or anywhere else has vertical mount been covered but there have been posts of it mounted that way in fighter mode that indicate that the tab that folds out on the other exposed piece of the arm cannon in fighter mode tabs in somehow. I’m not sure why it wasn’t in the written instructions or Bandai instructional video.


If you mount the gun vertically, it will not have enough clearance to land on its own wheels.  

  On 9/24/2018 at 3:40 AM, F360 said:

here's a new video that shows horizontal to vertical mounting of the gunpod. 


Good find! This is exactly what we were talking about. I love how they did it so that it retracts it into the body in the process of centering it vertically but still brings it very close to the ground. It looks like it clears by maybe 2mm and might be better 'bent-dick' in this case depending on preference.


It'll definitely clear the main gears, according to that vid but the front landing gear is another story.  Definitely going to still need that bend.

  On 9/23/2018 at 7:40 PM, Mommar said:

I’m surprised it took Ten this long to slap his 11B Fast Pack adapters on the new 19.




  On 9/24/2018 at 1:09 AM, Trifalger said:

Most advanced ULTIMATE YF-19!



Carries the military theme to the max! So much awesome that this DX can have so many looks from sleek to heavily armed.


  On 9/24/2018 at 3:59 AM, Trifalger said:

Maybe this is obvious to someone who's owned the VF-19 but I didn't think that you could store the gun on the arm in Battroid mode like this as shown in the vid F360 posted.



You just need to attach the gunpod to that arm slots for Fighter mode.


  On 9/24/2018 at 4:14 AM, Trifalger said:

It's obvious in hindsight but it just didn't occur to me until I saw it... or it would be dead obvious if it was sitting in front of me I guess.


But the thing is that it looks awkward attaching that gunpod on the inner side of the arm in Battroid mode. Bandai didn't designed it the way Arcadia designed how it attaches on the back of the shield in Battroid mode because of the neck cover railing feature.


  On 9/24/2018 at 4:17 AM, no3Ljm said:

But the thing is that it looks awkward attaching that gunpod on the inner side of the arm in Battroid mode. Bandai didn't designed it the way Arcadia designed how it attaches on the back of the shield in Battroid mode because of the neck cover railing feature.



Well when I found out that Bandai designed the shield without that feature I dismissed the idea of stowing the gun in battroid mode so I'm glad it's still possible; not nearly as elegant but still functional.


Actually, I wonder if you could deploy the arm cannon gunpod pin in battroid mode to hold the gunpod then. That would mean the lower missiles couldn't deploy but would still be very cool.

  On 9/24/2018 at 4:27 AM, Trifalger said:

Actually, I wonder if you could deploy the arm cannon gunpod pin in battroid mode to hold the gunpod then. That would mean the lower missiles couldn't deploy but would still be very cool.


I think you can. Check the screenshot that I took from the previous video posted. But yeah, you don't deploy the lower missiles. ;)



Posted (edited)

This shot seems to show the gunpod mounted vertically on the arm cannon in fighter mode and due to the angle it's dragging the ground so it's probably a good thing the gunpod has it's bendy gimmick to use here.


Edited by Trifalger
  On 9/24/2018 at 4:39 AM, no3Ljm said:

I think you can. Check the screenshot that I took from the previous video posted. But yeah, you don't deploy the lower missiles. ;)




It looks like it would work and it would be a lot going on with that arm but yeah another cool thing to pull off. If there is enough room to allow for the base of the gunpod grip you could even rotate it there to change the side it rests against and maybe still use the missiles or just allow for a more aesthetic position.

Posted (edited)

Hmm... idk. It seems like the grip could fit in there pretty nicely if you rotated the gunpod tab. Whether the butt of the stock would clear the larger cannon idk.


arm cannon gun tab.JPG

Edited by Trifalger
  On 9/24/2018 at 4:43 AM, Trifalger said:

This shot seems to show the gunpod mounted vertically on the arm cannon in fighter mode and due to the angle it's dragging the ground so it's probably a good thing the gunpod has it's bendy gimmick to use here.



Man thats a beautiful shot. Is there one with the gunpod folded to the side with clearance?

  On 9/24/2018 at 5:00 AM, Shukenzero said:

HLJ. Anyone got shipping from them yet?


The one of mine that I sold to another member got a tracking number late Friday (~noon Saturday in Japan), then arrived at Tokyo International on Sunday (~2am my time, 1400 Japan time).

  On 9/24/2018 at 5:00 AM, Shukenzero said:

HLJ. Anyone got shipping from them yet?


I also got a shipping confirmation from HLJ Friday evening.  Ironic part is that I tried desperately to cancel my HLJ order after seeing the Amazon price but was too late. 

So as I wait a month to get mine I'm gonna check out of this thread so that I don't have to see all you Amazon folks get yours tomorrow (and for $30 less than what I paid shipped! grrr!!!!)... :p


Got mine in. No QC issues. I think kanjnrig was right in his summary of the Amazon reviews. Most people who rated it low seem to have little to no experience with these toys.


Thanks guys. I guess it was the wee hours of Saturday morning when I got charged but didn’t get round to ask for shipping until noon the next day. Probably why I’m still waiting (Monday afternoon here).

  On 9/24/2018 at 4:54 AM, seti88 said:

Man thats a beautiful shot. Is there one with the gunpod folded to the side with clearance?


I think maybe I’ve only seen it attached to the arm cannon sideways in two instructional videos with no clear shot but it does sit much closer to the bird giving a lot of ground clearance. I couldn’t help but feel it looks weird being off-center.

Posted (edited)
  On 9/22/2018 at 2:58 PM, onnasake said:

Well I bitched and moaned and cried like a spoiled child cause I had to wait 24 hours for my stupid toy.



It's a stupid toy. Don't buy toys in future.

And if it vexes you so much I'm sure there'll be willing buyers here to take it off your hands. ^_^

Edited by eXis10z
  On 9/24/2018 at 12:54 AM, kajnrig said:

I'mma go ahead and post the Google translations of the 13 reviews so far into spoiler tags to save space.

tl;dr -

1-star reviews:
- difficult transformation
- tail fins are loose (whether one or the other or both)
- some joints too loose, many too tight
- one reviewer complains that it's a bad DX because you can't play with it
My general impression: These folks didn't know what they were getting into.

2-star reviews:
- same complaints as above: tight joints, broken head antenna, difficult transformation, etc.
- one reviewer says it feels lower-quality than Advance
- tail fins are a different shape from the Advance (maybe talking about corrected paint job?)
- tan color is "1 to 1.5 steps brighter" than Advance
- has same problems as Advance (including a tight foot extension?)
- same complaints about the heels as have been mentioned here
- one reviewer suggests keeping a screwdriver on hand to tighten the screw on the bottom side of the main wing to keep it tight
- accessories are nicely molded/painted with no flash, sprue marks, etc.
- packaging is good
- one reviewer includes pictures: https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/customer-reviews/R2ANAQU2V9OWB0/ref=cm_cr_getr_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B07CMT92SS
My general impression: More reasoned criticism than the 1-star reviews. They were more disappointed than not, but weren't looking for a bad time, if you know what I mean.

3-star reviews:
- emphasize you're best off sticking with one mode and leaving it
- one reviewer complains about their love/hate cycle with DXes
- one reviewer compares it to Arcadia, says this is more like a model, Arcadia is more like a toy (easier to transform)
My general impression: 2- and 3-star reviews are where you should look for good reasoned critique.

4-star review:
- recommends loosening tight heels with a hair dryer and gentle rocking
- transformation is easy to get used to if you're familiar with earlier YF-19 toys
- repeats the point that it's not a toy you should play with casually
My general impression: Reviewer knows what they're doing, what they got themselves into, what to expect.

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I doubt it's the first DX for the majority of people who are willing to drop the kind of money on this thing. Why would you assume they had no idea what they were getting into? 

The perceived difficulty of the transformation will vary from person to person, but when they all say it, there's probably something to it. "Best left in one mode" does not scream "easy to play with and transform." :p

Super floppy and ridiculously tight parts are par for the course for Bandai DX, but that doesn't mean we should give Bandai a pass. Let's not normalize poor QC, shall we? I'm not taking a hair dryer to my plastic toys. 

Getting a broken head laser out of the box is 100% unacceptable. 

"It's not a toy you should play with casually" is just a ridiculous statement. 

While I do keep a screwdriver handy when I'm messing with my valks, I need to emphasize that I'm a weirdo and that that is not normal and should not be a requirement for playing with these toys. 

  On 9/24/2018 at 1:09 AM, Trifalger said:

Most advanced ULTIMATE YF-19!



While the fold drive on the arm shield kind of makes the shield useless for defense, I do imagine that punching an enemy ship with the fold drive, jettisoning it, and turning the drive on could cause devastating damage.... particularly if the ship in question is too massive to be fully transported by the fold drive, causing a portion of the ship to be folded away.


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