Guyffon Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 In the past I do not remember NY having any issues with TWE, thus I guess why so many members here have raised concerns and thrown flak at NY, I have never seen them not being able to ship out within a week of the date they stated on their website of their expected release date, thus you really can't blame a lot of us whom are concerned that they will never get their copy and thus are investigating why this is happening. Anyway this is my info to add to the data Status : Not Shipped Date Ordered : 10-7-2017 10am(japan time) Shipping Method : EMS No. of copies : 1 Rank : 1 But from what I see, it does not matter when you order or where you are from, they randomly ship some ordered on the 7th and some on the 6th, too various countries, if someone had an order shipped from NY later than those dates ordered do chime in so to give some hope to those ordered later than those 2 dates. Quote
CharlesXavier Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 Managed to find only 1 Japanese collector's article about the 31A みなさんはプレバンの限定品を どのタイミングで予約してる? 予約が始まったら即効ポチる派? それとも締切ギリギリまで検討して 予約する派? 自分は待ちに待った商品化のロボット魂iconみたいに 凄く欲しい物は予約が始まったら すぐポチるけど、毎月の限定品は 各事業部ごとに発表のタイミングが異なる上 魂ウェブ商店だけでも情報は小出しで どんどん後から追加されるので、 ほぼ出揃った上で、取捨選択を行うことが多い。 予算の上限があるので、欲しい物が 複数あると、やっぱり締切ギリギリまで 考えちゃうね。 プレバンも基本は「早い者勝ち」で、 準備数に達すると、予約受付は終了だけど 締切前に売り切れると二次予約が始まるのが 基本なので、入手時期が遅れることはあっても 普通は買い逃すことは無い。 先日も早期に予約終了した物があったけど、 無事二次予約に突入iconしてる。 今回レビューするネタの DX超合金 VF-31Aカイロス(一般機)も 締切前に予約終了。 chogokin_vf31a_01.jpg 自分は2個買いするつもりだったけど、 3月のプレバンのアイテムには 選ばれた人が買える高額商品が (時価相場は6万円ぐらいするらしい) 含まれていたので、2個ポチる勇気を 出せないままでいた。 カイロスも定価は22,680円にするからね。 でもやっぱり2個欲しいので、意を決して 締切直前にカイロスの商品ページを覗くと… …予約が終わってる! ラッキー!! これは二次予約コースじゃん。 カイロスは来月以降に回せる。 助かったわ~ chogokin_vf31a_08.jpg そして、2次予約の告知を待ち続けるも、 プレバンは沈黙したまま。 あれ? 生産ラインの調整に時間が 掛かってるのかな? 前々月の超合金魂も締切直前に 売り切れて、そのまま2次に突入したから カイロスも同じパターンのはず… しかし、その後公式からは何のアナウンスも 無く、本来の予約締切日を過ぎ、 カイロスの件は完全終了。 こんなケース初めてじゃない!? 商品ページには、「ご要望が多数の場合は、 再度受注を行う場合があります」と書いてあり 今まではそれが実行されてきたけど、 再度受注されないこともあるのね。。。 受注生産品でも、絶対欲しい物は 予約が始まったら早めにポチるべし、か。。。 幸い、カイロスも自分の中では プライオリティの高いアイテムだったので、 予約開始時に即効で1個ポチっており、 難民化は免れたけど、ギリギリまで考えて 予約するスタイルだと、買えなかったケースも 多いみたい。 そのせいか、相場は爆上がり中で 我が眼を疑う価格も並ぶ。 まあ、これよりも2万ちょっとぐらい 安く買えるとは思うけど、安くはないか。 Translated by google gives... Everyone restricted items of Prevan At what timing do you make a reservation? As soon as reservation begins to be effective? Or consider deadlines School to book? I like the robotic soul of commercialization waiting to wait like icon What I really want is reservation Pochi immediately, but the monthly limited item Timing of presentation is different for each division Even soul web shops only information is dispensed Since it will be added more and more later, Almost everything comes out, often we choose sorting out. Because there is an upper limit on the budget, what I want is If there are more than one, after all deadlines I think about it. Prevan's basic is "First come first served" When the preliminary number is reached, the reservation reception is over but Secondary reservation will start when it is sold out before deadline Even though the acquisition timing may be delayed as it is basic Usually you will not miss buying. There was a thing that ended the reservation earlier the other day, I successfully entered a secondary reservation icon. The story of this time to review this time DX superalloy VF-31A chiros (general equipment) also Reservation is closed before deadline. chogokin_vf31a_01.jpg I planned to buy two of them, For preban items in March High-priced items that a selected person can buy (The market price is about 60,000 yen) Because it was included, two courage to spare I could not get out. Chiros also makes the list price 22,680 yen. But I still want two pieces, so never Just before the deadline I looked into the product page of Chiros ... ... The reservation is over! lucky! ! This is a secondary reservation course. Chiros can turn after next month. I was saved. chogokin_vf31a_08.jpg And, while waiting for the announcement of the secondary reservation, Pleven remains silent. that? Time to adjust the production line Is it hanging? Just before the deadline, the superalloy soul of the month before last It was sold out, I went through 2 as it was Chiros should also have the same pattern ... However, from the official thereafter any announcement Without the original reservation deadline, The case of Kairos is complete. This is not the first time for this! What? In the product page, "If you have many requests, We may order again once again. " Up to now it has been executed, Sometimes we will not be ordered again. . . Even in order made goods, what you absolutely want is As soon as the reservation begins, do you want to spot early? . . Fortunately, Kairos is also in herself Because it was an item with high priority, At the beginning of the reservation, one piece is quickly effective, I have escaped from refugee but I think until the end If it is a style to book, there are also cases where you could not buy it It seems to be much. Because of that, the exchange rate is rising The price that doubts our eyes line up. Well, it's about 20,000 more than this I think that it can be bought cheaply, is not it cheap? Quote
CharlesXavier Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 In the above article, the collector mentioned that 1. He POed 1 and then Poed another on a later date 2. Bandai's website mentioned it will open a round 2 PO if round 1 is sold out 3. The 31A PO ended before the close date 4. Bandai did not open another round of PO If anyone can translate or read that article better, do help to shine more light to the situation. Quote
Kinzoku VF Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 On 4/11/2018 at 7:52 AM, CharlesXavier said: Bandai did not open another round of PO Expand Thanks for the effort for summarising the translation CharlesXavier. m(_ _)m Lol Good one : - PO ended early ( as I've been pointing out forever, the windows stay opened WAY too long...goodbye anything placed after October or even earlier!) and again : for -"not opening another round of POs." Unless they (Bandai) are in the middle of doing another round to make up for QC and furious customers, I think only a tiny amount will ever receive theirs....As for dupes....even more unlikely by now. Anyway, good to know I had looked all over the Jp web for articles but couldn't find one that had any relevant explanation.. thanks again. Quote
chyll2 Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 re: PO closure of Bandai Site and NY. NY has never followed the bandai web deadline, they always go beyond it (except with a few exception) and this is only the first time (that I know) they had a problem. Since everything discussed here is about assumption, my assumption is that for every TWE item there is, NY order the maximum allowed in the accounts (usually 10 per account) that they have and just allocate that provision to their PO (making all orders not available for PO since they also ahve stock at release date to sell at marked up price). The closure of the TWE items in their site depends on popularity of the actual item, unpopular items even go as far back as one month before the actual release date. The 31A is just of a case of very weird release and unfortunately, we cannot really determine the cause of the delay or shortage. Quote
F360 Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 The preorder did end early but it was only a couple of hours from the closing date. There was no 2nd batch because it did not get sold out as quick as other high demand items. Those items were sold out within hours/days after opening. Quote
Kinzoku VF Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 if the timing of the PO windows and other stuff have nothing to do with the delays? What then? A cargo full of NY orders stuck somewhere.? I still really don't get how they could continue taking orders in when TWE window had closed fairly quickly? Even by ordering 10 per account. I know they always list extras at an inflated price when all POs have been shipped, (or as soon a the item is available). In this case it has never been available once on the site not even a few for like ¥50000. ( they'd be shooting themselves in the foot if they dared ) NY might've gotten complacent, not expecting their usual shady TWE 'ordering tactics' to let them down. They Just proceeded normally, and stuff happened they couldn't have anticipated. Every good business should have a back up plan for such eventualities....not hem it seems. Again, isn't odd that the NY's standard HMR Ostrich PO only stayed open 1 day (if that)... Maybe they're finally learning now...(kinda late for the Kairos). Hoping that bandai is actually producing additional batches to cover the additional demand and QC issues, but just can't seem to see it happening. Without that, how else could NY be expecting to fulfil their orders without stocks. ( 4 a week isn't stock, it's a joke...). I mean does anyone truly believe it'll happen? I personally want to, but have a hard time see how it could be done. It feels like stalling rather than anything. I truly hope that I'm completely wrong on everything. Quote
Kinzoku VF Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 Would contacting Bandai/TWE directly via their Jp site give us any more info? Typed in a letter in Erm..translated Japanese and wondering if it's any use contacting them? Quote
spacemanoeuvres Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 I think we have some Japanese language speakers on the board. Help us out? ”Dear Bandai, ...WTF? Sincerely, MWF” Quote
Kinzoku VF Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 "親愛なるバンダイ、 ... WTF? 敬具、 MWF " Seriously though, is it pointless? (I did say I used translate to type it...). Quote
Kinzoku VF Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 (edited) TF was up with that stupid font size.... *Sigh* Was concerned they'd ask me which retailer I used to get the order ( and like slap them a law-suit for not abiding to the TWE regulations or simply not allowing any future Bandai product to be distributed by them....). Although hey most likely wouldn't give a toss, and just ask me to contact the retailer as I gave the money to them...But if they start getting more and more request like that, might start realising that many other countries would like to access TWE stuff directly, and willing to pay the additional international shipping rather having to use scalpers or morons to order on our behalf and then not deliver..... Edited April 11, 2018 by Kinzoku VF Quote
rdrunner Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 On 4/11/2018 at 3:19 AM, Murphy said: 1. 10-07-17 2. 1 3. EMS Expand Congrats! I ordered 1 on 10/7 but because I chose Eco SAL registered shipping, I don't think mine will be high priority. But good to know that there is still hope, thanks! Quote
rdrunner Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 On 4/11/2018 at 10:50 AM, spacemanoeuvres said: I think we have some Japanese language speakers on the board. Help us out? ”Dear Bandai, ...WTF? Sincerely, MWF” Expand Hahaha that sums it up pretty well actually and they should be able to understand it in English, lol. Quote
Smacky Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 (edited) On 4/11/2018 at 1:54 PM, rdrunner said: Congrats! I ordered 1 on 10/7 but because I chose Eco SAL registered shipping, I don't think mine will be high priority. But good to know that there is still hope, thanks! Expand I don’t think shipping method matters. I also chose Eco SAL registered and mine was shipped on April 4, ordered on October 6. Edited April 11, 2018 by Smacky Quote
kajnrig Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 Remember, it's not just NY that has had problems getting stock of this item. ALL of the online stores had problems getting their stock, with the sole exception seeming to be Anime Export(? I forget the name...). And I forget specifically who, but at least two people here who live nearer to Japan (China and the Philippines) have talked about local stores and customers having trouble getting their toys, too. And now there's this Japanese article, which admittedly is a poor Google translation... So NY shouldn't be blamed for having trouble getting the items; that's entirely on Bandai and whatever production/QC/etc. problems they've been passing off to their customers. What NY should be blamed for, though, is their abysmally subpar customer service. This seems to be a unique scenario that demands a unique response, not the usual clamming up if possible and giving stock answers if not, followed by the "offer" of in-store credit and a threat of reprisal should the customer ask for a refund. Seriously, threatening to cut your other orders and punish your account is fraked up. Quote
funkymonkeyjavajunky Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 On 4/11/2018 at 2:30 PM, Smacky said: I don’t think shipping method matters. I also chose Eco SAL registered and mine was shipped on April 4, ordered on October 6. Expand Well, this gives those of us who placed orders weeks later some hope. Quote
Kinzoku VF Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 I really would expect some 'official' explanation by next week. As again, weeks just go by and nothing changes. How long do they expect people to wait before getting p'd off? Even though that person who called them was somewhat assured they're waiting for stocks. Really seems that they are stalling rather than genuinely waiting for those mysterious stocks to materialise. Like others have pointed out in that particular circumstance their customer services is appalling. Is it that hard to sent a proper explanation as to what the real issue is. Without having to chase for an answer. Really makes you think even they don't know a thing and still not clued in as to the lower amount TWE produced. Maybe they are simply waiting for their own refunds, and once they' en recovered most of it, we'll get a : - 'Sorry, we couldn't secure more than 20 copies of that particular item, here's a store voucher with ¥500 compensation. Sorry for the wait & don't forget we have other Macross items in our store" I'm inclined to believe that's what they are truly doing, just waiting for their own refunds before starting to issue the store vouchers around. As for the lucky few who got theirs mostly randomly, it was most probably to throw people on forums/FB etc off the scent. By relying on the good old' : "Well if some people got theirs, no reason why I shouldn't eventually receive mine, I'll wait in silence hoping it arrives soon" Really fuming if that's truly the case. Quote
SuperDimensionalDave Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 31A just landed on Mandrake. Move fast Quote
Sanity is Optional Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 On 4/11/2018 at 7:50 PM, spacemanoeuvres said: Gone, that was fast! Expand It was up for less than 60seconds I think, since my alerts didn't catch it. Quote
spacemanoeuvres Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 On 4/11/2018 at 7:57 PM, Sanity is Optional said: It was up for less than 60seconds I think, since my alerts didn't catch it. Expand If a computer missed it then we are fraked lol Happy hunting everyone! Quote
Slave IV Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 Seems to be that same 2nd one that was listed since there are only three total still. Someone keeps screwing with them on that one. Quote
Moosey Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 I am so freakin happy right now. I wish all of you waiting for unfulfilled preorders will experience my current levels of happiness. I kinda feel like I’ve been waiting a long time for this valk. Not from preorder to delivery, but the first one in a while that has really lived up to all my expectations and preconceptions of what a valk should be. Its so goddamn good looking. (and that’s not the whiskey talking) Quote
no3Ljm Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 ^ What's that crap? Hahaha! Just sour graping I guess. Quote
Scyla Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 I was thinking that there is no indication that NY has the same stock issues that other retailers like MK have they could very well have all their stock secured but have another issue with shipping them out. We just have no other information besides speculation. NY is clearly to blame for not providing us with the information what is up with the delay in shipments for the VF-31A. Since they are based in Japan I assume that they can speak Japanese and are able to contact Bandai to get some information what is up with the stock. So they should be able to tell us what the actual situation is. If their claim is valid that they will ship out all orders than clearly communicate that you have the units and why you can't send them out. If it is an issue with the availability of the product you need to communicate that as well.Of course it could also be the case that Bandai is not stating clearly what the issue with the units is. From the reports here on the board there seems to be something not right with the production of the toy and we don't know what exactly. Since NY shipped my unit earlier this week they seem to get units in. From that situation I think two scenarios would be possible: Something went wrong with the production of the VF-31A. Maybe Bandai found an issue late in production which caused a higher rate of rejected product from the factory. Which means Bandai is not able to fulfill all the orders. Maybe they communicated this with the buyers of the VF-31A that there was an issue and will be produce more units but that will take time. Thus NY is sure that they will be able to fulfill all their orders but it will take time. NY messed up their orders of the VF-31A and they will try to acquire additional stock through other means like buying up local stock from other retailers like they did with the Renewal Valkyries. That orders are being send out at random times seems to be an indicator for that. Either way that NY doesn't communicate the current situation properly is leading to speculation and a loss in trust in NY as a reliable retailer so I'm not sure why we don't get a clear statement from them. I really hope for all of you that are still waiting for their orders to be fulfilled that NY can deliver as they claim in their responses from customer support. If not hopefully you will get your money back and maybe Bandai will release Arads VF-31A down the line with less hiccups. Quote
CeramicDragon Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 A local shop has it for $400. Is that a good deal? Or do you think they will make more? Quote
frankell05 Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 TRansform it!!!! I want to see it’s roboty goodness Quote
F360 Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 On 4/11/2018 at 10:19 PM, frankell05 said: TRansform it!!!! I want to see it’s roboty goodness Expand you don't drink and transform valks. Quote
Sanity is Optional Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 On 4/11/2018 at 10:16 PM, CeramicDragon said: A local shop has it for $400. Is that a good deal? Or do you think they will make more? Expand What country are you in? If you count shipping to the US, any of the ones I've seen sell on YJA would exceed that. The ones from Mandarake are pretty close (35000yen+4500shipping) Quote
Tober Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 On 4/11/2018 at 10:22 PM, F360 said: you don't drink and transform valks. Expand After a big night out, a young Shoji Kawamori came home and transformed his VF-1 prototype, but passed out mid way through. The next morning he discovered gerwalk mode. Quote
Kinzoku VF Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 Decided to spend the rest of my monthly toy- budget, bought more stuff (no,no Macross stuff I have everything I want aside from that F'ing 31-A, ). ¥45000 for 5 small figures. Could've put it on that cursed DX but out of principle I won't. Also, giving up on that Sentinel Mospeada PO. They're not honouring their Preorders on time, why should I bother paying on time. They'll just cancel it do whatever to my rank. Stuff that. Kept enough for the HMR. That'll be it from NY this month. Whether it's they're fault or not, shouldn't be our problem. We paid right away, 6 months ago, shouldn't be expected to wait weeks with no valid explanation.... NY have really lost the credibilty they had in my eyes. Whether they deliver or not, to me, the damage is done. The "we did not get all our stocks yet" or whatever bull crap ain't flying. How are they supposed to get stocks when there aren't any??? Said it before : They are most probably waiting for THEIR OWN F'ING REFUNDS. Then, they'll be able to come clean and refund/shop credit or whatever they're going to do for all the unfulfilled order. Looking like heroes for having tried for so long to get us our orders, (when all other shops refunded right away.) Does anyone really believe for 1 second that they are actually sourcing the VFS from other stores/sources and paying the considerable price hike from their own pocket just to send us our DXs. LOL. They probably did get their stock, but only a few pieces. They know what people are saying on FB and forums. So by sending out a few here and there they are just buying time. Otherwise, why only send so few, and spread it like they are doing? Win time and get their money back maybe?! Did anyone who ordered on the 6th or 7th even 8th had dupes? Hum....why didn't they sent those ones out then? Might sound pessimistic, and hope i'm just completely wrong but it's starting to look more and more obvious that most orders aren't gonna get shipped. Quote
Slave IV Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 On 4/11/2018 at 10:48 PM, Tober said: After a big night out, a young Shoji Kawamori came home and transformed his VF-1 prototype, but passed out mid way through. The next morning he discovered gerwalk mode. Expand LOL! Quote
F360 Posted April 12, 2018 Posted April 12, 2018 On 4/11/2018 at 11:19 PM, Kinzoku VF said: Also, giving up on that Sentinel Mospeada PO. They're not honouring their Preorders on time, why should I bother paying on time. They'll just cancel it do whatever to my rank. Stuff that. Kept enough for the HMR. That'll be it from NY this month. Expand For you to not pay your preorder on time can be a nice excuse for them to CANCEL your current VF-31a order and any other preorder you currently have with them. They probably won't, but just saying that they can. Since they are already short on VF-31a as is, and let say they have a couple and your name is next on their random list of fulfillment a NONE-Preorder payment pops up when they are finalizing your order. Guess what's gonna happen? Quote
Sanity is Optional Posted April 12, 2018 Posted April 12, 2018 Frankly, my own suspicion is that Bandai realized the production/yield issues, and offered large buyers a discount for delayed delivery, and NY took it to save some cash. Quote
Kinzoku VF Posted April 12, 2018 Posted April 12, 2018 On 4/12/2018 at 12:08 AM, Sanity is Optional said: Frankly, my own suspicion is that Bandai realized the production/yield issues, and offered large buyers a discount for delayed delivery, and NY took it to save some cash. Expand I still don't get this. How can Bandai give companies any kind of discounts for TWE orders? Aren't TWE only sold to individuals as opposed to businesses? Or am I completely wrong here. How can a bulk buyer ask Bandai for let's say 2 crates of 100 when they're only sold to individuals and private addresses? Am I missing something here? (Like Bandai knowingly dealing with proxies?) On 4/12/2018 at 12:04 AM, F360 said: For you to not pay your preorder on time can be a nice excuse for them to CANCEL your current VF-31a order and any other preorder you currently have with them. Expand Yeah, that did cross my mind. But again....we might all have received out store credits by then right? . So I'll use that..... And In case of a miracle ( like a huge influx of Vf-31 A suddenly appearing on the market)...I'll figure something out when that happens. (Hopefully before that Sentinel release....) Quote
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