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Christmas has come and gone, and so has the New years.


The promised bundle of news is not to be seen anywhere...

Some of you may reply with words like "be patient", "I hate whiners" or something to that extent, but damn am I missing something here?

Are we supposed to EXPECT release dates and promised news bits to be delayed?

OMFG. really... Is that standard?

What drives me even more insane is none of you say anything.... and if you guys do, you sugar coat everything with smiley faces and jokes in the end.

Is all this OK with you guys?

Fack.... Anyone know any other Macross sites out there that has some updated info?

I'm serious, I'm tired of checking 3-5 times daily for news that's updated once a millenia...

Whether it be NEGATIVE or POSITIVE replies, please feel free to speak your mind (agree with me , flame me, whatever)...


eh, they're just toys really. I figure whenever they (the companies) get around to releasing them, there will be so much noise here I shouldn't miss em. Besides, I thought yamato was being more tight lipped since some news that wasn't supposed to be released got out...


You could check the toy (Yamato, Hasegawa, Banpresto, Doyusha) sites daily, but you probably wouldn't get that much info. I guess if the only reason you come to MW is to get toy news, I guess it would be kinda frustrating. There is more to Macross World than just "Toy Release Updates". Everybody here is in the same boat. Sometimes we get lucky here and get the "Inside-Scoop". It's ultimately up to the companies who make the items who decide when the news will be released.

And there are those here who do know what is coming out, but have been reqested by the companies not to release the info.

You could come to Japan and go to the toy shows..but that wold proabably leave you disappoited as well because there is usually not much to see. Trust me I know.

"Buck up young lad, good things are a-comin' - More than you know :ph34r:

Rob MN

The promised bundle of news is not to be seen anywhere...

Some of you may reply with words like "be patient", "I hate whiners" or something to that extent, but damn am I missing something here?

Yes you are:

Nobody's gettin' paid to give you the news

yet you act like you're entitled to it?

You must be one of those spoiled-to-the-bone rich kids right?

"Mommy, I want my Macros toy-news NOW!!!


It seems that you have been on the forum only for two months!

If you really want news, make customs and sell them! :D

On MW, sometimes, weeks can pass without any news about toy companys. But all the time, some members create great customs and make us dream!

Try to make one! And if you're happy with your custom, you could put it on the forum. And if it's good enough, people will want to it. And you will sell it. And so much time will have passed that quantity of new toys will be aviable.


As far as I know MW is not a Toy news site.

And we are definetelly not a bunch of bailarinas who sugar coat everything with smiley faces and jokes in the end.

If you dont like this place and the members, PLEASE GO AWAY.


I too am craving news but the companies are very tight-lipped these days and even Graham's contact can't say much to him.

If you really want news, I'd suggest you hire a ninja or a Solid Snake/Sam Fisher type and do some espionage.


Here's a second mention:

Live with it, Shawn and Graham didn't have to create Macross World, and they sure as hell aren't doing this because they're paid to. Thank them and live with the delay because Shawn and Graham do have lives off of this forum.



What they said.

I know you said we should do this but;


This isn't a news site, its more of a shrine. Its Macross World, not Macross News Network. The news that we get here is gravy, in case you didn't notice; the majority of the main site is dedicated to modeling.

The reason we "sugar coat" our replies to people that sometimes endow us with exclusive content is that it is not their job to do so. They aren't just our personal industry insiders at our beck and call, they are members of this forum and friends to many of us.

Try ANN for your dose of news.

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