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Latest reports from EW state that the levity that was mentioned is not for the action sequences but rather the quieter moments to help flesh out the characters. It is still very much a war movie.

Reshoots are normal guys, I have faith it will still be a good movie. I will agree, though, that IF the tone is changed, it would be disappointing because this is the opportunity to make something a little different in the SW universe. Doesn't mean I won't like it still and it doesn't mean it would be better as a dark movie. The tonal shift may be a good thing. We just have to wait and see. ;)


I read the same thing. I'll stick with this version.


Hmm, inserting more levity.... Probably to try to bring it more in line with the prequels - just throw in some fart jokes and an annoying sidekick and it will be fine.... :)

Hope not - as others say fingers are crossed they keep this thing a war movie but I guess we shall see...


Hmm, inserting more levity.... Probably to try to bring it more in line with the prequels - just throw in some fart jokes and an annoying sidekick and it will be fine.... :)

Hope not - as others say fingers are crossed they keep this thing a war movie but I guess we shall see...

This has already been shot down. You guys need to read what was posted yesterday.

/Film - Rogue One Reshoots


This has already been shot down.

Ah hahahahahaha haaaaaa. I geddit.

Posted (edited)

^JarJar runs around aimlessly shouting "meessa gonna die!" when an AT-AT foot comes down -- SPLAT! (like Bambi meets Godzilla). For a brief moment thereafter, all hostilities between Imperial Forces and Rebels cease, then a couple of seconds of stunned silence followed by thunderous cheers from all combatants... :lol:

Edited by mechaninac

^JarJar runs around aimlessly shouting "meessa gonna die!" when an AT-AT foot comes down -- SPLAT! (like Bambi meets Godzilla). For a brief moment thereafter, all hostilities between Imperial Forces and Rebels cease, then a couple of seconds of stunned silence followed by thunderous cheers from all combatants... :lol:

Something like this classic scene, eh:


ya but you know jar jar would crawl out of the rubble after that AT-AT's legs' give and collapses on itself, because hey, that's jar jar's dumb luck.


Not sure how much water this holds, but it sounds like a really bad move if it's true.


That said, I know there's a big difference in the comics and the movies but Vader murdered a Stormtrooper in cold blood for seeing him without a helmet on accident in the new canon stuff. He's not exactly kids best friend.

Posted (edited)

Does every member of the rebellion, even the lowest grunt, "know" that the Empire is controlled by the Sith? Or is that info just known by the Rebellion's leadership?

Edited by jvmacross

I'll still have more confidence in something Disney conjures up, as opposed to George Lucas being the head of any project...


My god, anyone can post news about this movie and people believe it. This is coming from Reddit. The article even says it should be taken with a grain of salt. It's like everyone WANTS the movie to be bad because fans are so willing to believe every stupid thing that "someone" posts. Sheesh



Last news I heard was that the ewoks play a pivotal role in the handoff of the plans from JarJar to Princess Leia.



That would make a lot of sense seing as Jar Jar is such an important polotician, that he would need some outsiders to sneak those plans away.


meh doesn't matter. You'll never see these versions. Good or bad. In the end fans will vote with their wallets. Pretty tired of the reshoot fear mongering. I'm sure it's great for hits.


I think there's a lot of fear about this one because of the very stark split between opinions of TFA. Pretty much everyone went into that expecting perfection and about half of us came out as, if not moreso, disappointed as with the prequels.

I'm not going to believe some nonsense from Reddit but a lot of people who have massive doubts about Star Wars now probably will.


I'm curious where you get your statistics? "About half"?

His backside. Everyone I know loved TFA. A couple of people on a message board certainly don't speak for the fandom as a whole.


I'm curious where you get your statistics? "About half"?

His backside. Everyone I know loved TFA. A couple of people on a message board certainly don't speak for the fandom as a whole.

Yeah, you guys summed it up. Some really didn't like it and are very vocal about it.



Everyone I know at least liked tfa, some not as much as others and I never heard it being referred to as bad as the prequel films. If any harsh complaints I heard from people it was "at least it's not as bad as the prequels".


Missing the forest for the trees. The point is a bunch of people don't have faith in the Disney versions anymore (some were worried from the beginning too.)


Missing the forest for the trees. The point is a bunch of people don't have faith in the Disney versions anymore (some were worried from the beginning too.)

2 or 3 people on an anime forum do not a bunch make.


I think we all get your point, you and a tiny minority of vocal folks who hated it equal half of the people who viewed TFA. That's math that is incontrovertible.


I think we all get your point, you and a tiny minority of vocal folks who hated it equal half of the people who viewed TFA. That's math that is incontrovertible.

No, as a matter of fact you haven't got it. You've completely missed the point in favor of nit-picking an insignificant choice of words.

"I think there's a lot of fear about this one because of the very stark split between opinions of TFA. Pretty much everyone went into that expecting perfection and some of us came out as, if not moreso, disappointed as with the prequels.

I'm not going to believe some nonsense from Reddit but a lot of people who have massive doubts about Star Wars now probably will."

Do you see the fix? Does it help you understand why some people are losing their minds over a mundane reshoot schedule? Have it fixed it so you can focus on the subject or are you going to feel the need to further nitpick some other minor detail?


Well, 'people are concerned about this film' kind of describes every fan's feeling going into any sequel of an established series. The reshoots only add to this, warranted or not. That could also be said as 'people are excited about this film' too.

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