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Evolution Toy - VF-2SS Valkyrie I 《MACROSS II ~LOVERS AGAIN~&#1


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Huh that's odd. NY states it should be coming in on the 18th. :huh:

Yup. Sad to say HLJ changed it once again. Not sure if this is ET's call or HLJ's call. But the rest of the Japanese stores still says February. The good thing that came to my mind after seeing that is that we now have less than a month to see and check all the reviews from Japanese collectors (assuming that it's going to be out this Feb) and decide later on if we need to kill the PO over HLJ. Hehehe. :lol:

But... yeah, I'm still gonna keep it. Atleast I can decide if I'm going for the Faerie one or the Nexx one since I like the leg armor on the Nexx better than the Faerie because of the slot for the big rifle. ^_^

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I don't get it it, NY still has the 18th Feb as a release date...I've had it on preorder for ages and it gets pushed back every month.

If HLJ pushed it back it's not because they want to see how the Japanese public is going to approve or not. Either they cannot fulfil the preorders they had, and want everyone to get it at the same time ( doubtful but who knows...)

Last week I did get a reminder from NY to say that it would be the 18th requesting payment. (2 weeks before, that the date was 29th Feb, then, they brought it back to the 18th)

Like many of you out there, I'm really not too sure about it....I was so looking forward to finally get a "proper" VF-2....But it looks so much like the old Bandai kit,( albeit in a slightly improved 1/60 scale kinda way.... ).

The finish (if that's s how it's going to be) is bare. Panel lines and details poor, articulations look primitive. The pose-ability supa' rigid ( or else they would've have shown pics of it in battle action poses, kneeling etc etc....not the case.....)

And I can already spot a few fragile looking joints, like part of the elbow swivel one....cracks and stress marks coming right up.

I mainly display my VFs in Fighter mode, but even in fighter mode it looks 'messy' , especially under the fuselage. The metal bars showing up, parts don't look like they can stay aligned....And those landing gears (O_0); .... Again model kit springs to mind....

Maybe, just maybe, the delay is being used to rectify all these aspects. ( but somehow I don't think that's the case, pretty sure by now they would've already been manufactured,probably just late meeting up the initial demand or whatever)

I want to support Evolution Toys etc etc, but feeling disappointed before having it in my hands.... not a good omen...

I think by tomorrow (18th) if NY sends another 'it's been pushed back' reminder, I'll just pass on this one.

(And then a year later it will cost 5 times more to get one).....ARGHH....what to do? Never hesitated so much to get a VF! (>_<);.

Sorry, rambling too much...thinking out loud....

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I think by tomorrow (18th) if NY sends another 'it's been pushed back' reminder, I'll just pass on this one.

(And then a year later it will cost 5 times more to get one).....ARGHH....what to do? Never hesitated so much to get a VF! (>_<);.

Sorry, rambling too much...thinking out loud....

If it's going to get released on the 18th as per NY's release date based on your post, shouldn't you already paid the item a week or two ago? Coz they sent out payment request 2 weeks prior of the release. So you're saying you haven't paid the item yet, correct?

If so, then basically we can see something in the next day or two. Getting excited now. Somehow. :rolleyes:

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I preordered it in August 2015.

But every time it was getting close to get released they changed the date. I did get a payment request just a bit before the 1st planned release date, and the same day, the date got pushed further...(so did the payment request.)

Eventually after 3 different delays, I got a mail to say they would send me a 'payment request' when they would have the 'proper' release date. As I still haven't received it, I assume it won't be out today. :-/

I did want to get it, I still do, like most of you, I want this to be good. But the pics we've seen so far are really not inspiring.

It just does not look like a 2016 'High end' VF....

Pics aside I own other Evolution Toys robots, to be honest, all feel like built model kits with magnets for joints. Poor paint jobs on most of the ones I own. The finish is really disappointing.

Forget that it's not die cast, I don't care, but the least they can do is improve their overall build and quality ( I'm not asking for the moon, but different tones of the same colour on some of them is not acceptable imo). But well, they do have some interesting Giant Robots that no other company has released so... Beggars can't be choosers I guess.

Anotner thing, have you seen the amount of releases that they have lately?? It's non-stop. Several at a time, as soon as they are out 3 more are announced.... Unless you're loaded it's impossible to follow. Ok..you could if you only collected their line! They would have to up their game considerably to get more of my $$$ or lower their prices. If they continue playing the Yamato "let's give the collectors tons of average, poor QC , highly priced stuff" , they will eventually burn out....

Anyway, getting carried away..Macross is a different line, so maybe the plastic and finish will be different....one can only hope. But from what I've seen it doesn't look that way (;_;). Keeping everything crossed though!!!

Also...maybe they don't want to 'intrude' on the 4G re-release date either.... If you could only get one ( and did not already own the Yamato 4-G) who would you give your hard earned cash to?

Rambling ...again...no wonder I'm a lurker, I ramble too much (-_-);

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For whatever reason I thought the 18th was today. (-_-)

Anyway, just got a reply from NY regarding the release date:

- "Date: 2016-02-17 00:32:21


Thank you for your message

We will check with our supplier and come back to you soon we got the information

Please don't hesitate to send another message if you need anything else. "

There.... Lol , could mean anything...but most likely pushed back again....

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Man, I haven't done a toy review in years.

In fact, I've no idea how to even post one since the Macrossworld website got updated and went all new-fangled.

If I did do one, it would probably just be a video review straight to Youtube, as video reviews seems to be all the rage these days.......hahaha.

Plus, I'm too lazy and lack time to do a written and still photo review these days


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I may just buy one, But it may be about 2 months till i can buy one :wacko: that VF-4 Pre-order is killing me and this may just be THE last Valk I buy ever. But it may not just be till i see a review on this to make my conclusion.

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Well...as to be expected, I did get it too.... On the other hand I might give the 4-G a miss now....( I already own the Yamato Ver, and doubt that Arcadia's will be much different.... I just want another 4-G as * cough* 'investment purposes' , you know to put on Evil Bay for $900 in a little while.....)

Anyway, now, let the 'waiting game' begin....praying that the EMS package won't get stuck in customs for a month (-__-).

Thanks for posting the packaging pic too, had not seen it until today...it's not that bad, "functional". Not much different from their other stuff to be fair.

A nice painting would've been 10x nicer fer sure...but hey...this is Evo Toys, not Mr B...

Gotta say the main reason that made me get it is the aftermarket price. I can sort of justify myself the current asking price.

But if it's a "so-so" release (like most of us are expecting), shelling out $700 in 12 months time to get it would be a killer. Might not happen, but most Evo Toys rise in value relatively quickly. Better safe than sorry.... :-P

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