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Evolution Toy - VF-2SS Valkyrie I 《MACROSS II ~LOVERS AGAIN~&#1


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Thanks Scyla! I was thinking of cancelling my pre-order, but now that you've mentioned about possible repercussions...

I'll think on it a bit more. I was leaning towards getting the Fairie Squadron version with the SAP instead of the naked Sylvie. Oh well. :mellow:

Well it doesn't hurt to ask NY directly about canceling. They have a chat service on their site. You could ask them kindly there if it would be possible to cancel your order. If they don't want to lose you as a customer maybe you can get a deal from them.

I have cancelled quite a few items with NY and its never seemed to upset or make a difference with them. But then again I have purchased a considerable amount of stuff through them which might offset their attitude a bit. I also just cancelled my VF-4G pre-order with them and they responded with a pleasant happy to help email! Maybe cancelling items very close to release date might be a different story though..?

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Woot! NY agreed to cancel my order! Thank you! :D

Pre-ordered the Fairie Squadron custom from Ami-Ami! Not really a fan of Macross II, but the Valkyrie II with the SAP is one of the valks whose design appeal to me, even though its not designed by Kawamori-san himself.

Besides, the yellow-striped version is the closest I can get to the Skull Leader/Fokker color scheme. :lol:

Here's hoping that this will be a solid release by Evolution Toy. ^_^

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Woot! NY agreed to cancel my order! Thank you! :D

Pre-ordered the Fairie Squadron custom from Ami-Ami! Not really a fan of Macross II, but the Valkyrie II with the SAP is one of the valks whose design appeal to me, even though its not designed by Kawamori-san himself.

Besides, the yellow-striped version is the closest I can get to the Skull Leader/Fokker color scheme. :lol:

Here's hoping that this will be a solid release by Evolution Toy. ^_^

hehe! I knew it was going to be a happy ending! ;)

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The default gunpod (not the custom one Nexx uses) seems to have an open area on the underside of the front quarter of the barrel.

The Bandai model kit is of Nexx's fighter, but it does have a standard version of the pod as well as the special version. I no longer have the standard pod for my model I've had since 1992, but the parts I have in an unassembled kit look like if the gun pod is put together it has something like an open area along the front quarter of the barrel.

The main cannon is definitely open on the bottom all the way up the barrel. The lineart uses the same crosshatching to represent this open area as is used on the standard gunpod to represent what is going on in the front underside quarter.

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This nearly always happens to me.

I know. Knowing that I'm just keeping my VF-0S with them for this one. And even if I try to reason with them since it's just days apart, they'll just give me the '60-day automated' excuse. :unsure:

Oh well, I think I will ship it with the other stuff by Feb. VF-0S will do solo flight for now.

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On the show floor at Wonder Festival now.

-Sylvie due out in just under 2 weeks time.

-Nexx due out in summer.

-The Nexx sample is much closer to the final product - the Sylvie on display is still the old prototype. Note the difference in plastic colour and detail.

-Over 20 changes have been made since the prototype shown at the last Wonder Festival. Most changes involve the transformation. Gerwalk now stands/poses better. Added diecast. Etc.

-Pilot figure looks to have a lot of paint detail.

-SAP does open up to reveal missiles. (The ones on display weren't painted yet).

-Gunpod can be stored in the arm.

-Possibility of stand along SAP in summer for Sylvie. Details not decided yet.

That was the most I could get before getting yelled at by a guy behind me for hogging the display f^_^;)

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On the show floor at Wonder Festival now.

-Sylvie due out in just under 2 weeks time.

-Nexx due out in summer.

-The Nexx sample is much closer to the final product - the Sylvie on display is still the old prototype. Note the difference in plastic colour and detail.

-Over 20 changes have been made since the prototype shown at the last Wonder Festival. Most changes involve the transformation. Gerwalk now stands/poses better. Added diecast. Etc.

-Pilot figure looks to have a lot of paint detail.

-SAP does open up to reveal missiles. (The ones on display weren't painted yet).

-Gunpod can be stored in the arm.

-Possibility of stand along SAP in summer for Sylvie. Details not decided yet.

That was the most I could get before getting yelled at by a guy behind me for hogging the display f^_^ ;)

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Is it the same time as the Faerie exclusive one?

Thanks for the photos Tochiro. Looking forward to it. ;)

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Wonder which new MII VF they would tackle next? Icarus or Metal Siren?

Seems like sales of these must be doing well enough to have gotten this far.

Wouldn't be surprised to also get the green -2SS.

I would, however, be surprised to get the red and orange versions....hope they do release them!

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They should really add some dulling coat to make it look better.

Will patiently wait for the v2, hehehe

Flat coats are good for model kits and customized toys you don't intend to touch too often. I do agree, however, that a dull finish would have done wonders to make the toy look more sophisticated, less "cheap" -- for lack of a better word. The problem is that a flat finish, any surface finish aside from paint application, is built into the mold tools, and ET clearly decided to go with high polish for a high gloss effect.

Think of it this way to see how it works: Take a wad of modelling clay and press it against a piece of wet (so it won't stick) mirror; the resulting surface will be smooth and "shiny"... gloss. Press the same piece of clay to the business end of a sheet of sandpaper (say 320 grit) and the clay will assume a rough texture... flat. Molten plastic behaves just like clay when injected into an injection mold tool; it will inherit the surface finish of the tool's cavities, resulting in a gloss or matte finish.

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As bad as I have wanted this, I'm gonna wait and see a review first. . .

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I think I'll go fire up my PSP. I've got Thexder as one of my main games there. :D

Please make a stand alone SAP. Please make a stand alone SAP. Please make a stand alone SAP. Please make a stand alone SAP. Please make a stand alone SAP. Please make a stand alone SAP. Please make a stand alone SAP. Please make a stand alone SAP. Please make a stand alone SAP. Please make a stand alone SAP. Please make a stand alone SAP. Please make a stand alone SAP. Please make a stand alone SAP. Please make a stand alone SAP.

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