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Funny, I think that plastic colour is closer to what the colour should be instead of the one that is painted way too light.

  On 5/13/2015 at 2:06 PM, wm cheng said:

Funny, I think that plastic colour is closer to what the colour should be instead of the one that is painted way too light.

Couldn't agree more!!!

If it's close enough it's fine in my book, but in this case the colors previously shown are too light/pastel looking.

We'll see how it ends up looking.

Guest davidwhangchoi

Can't agree more!!!

the paint is great looking as it is. not sure if you're into the plastic color but the lighter color rules!

  On 5/13/2015 at 12:27 PM, ChaoticYeti said:

It is just whatever plastic was there to be shot into the mold. The painted sample from previous pages is a better indication of their color target.

And we all know how close their final plastic comes to their earlier painted samples.

  On 5/13/2015 at 5:06 PM, Gakken85 said:

Too much Vaseline.

PO cancelled.

LOL, I'm thinking Mr.K is a bit too into his valks. :blink:


Seriously tho, I wonder what he uses that for... Maybe even in the prototype stage the joints are too tight, haha


I am curious what missiles will come with this. The pictures shown on hlj show two groups of three on each wing in one of the photos and nothing on any of the others. I hope there will be extra missiles, for variety and to load up the third hard point on the D


The only mention of missiles in the description on the seller sites is "medium-range air-to-air missile" which is the group of three missiles you're talking about. I wouldn't be surprised if that's all they include if the VF-0D is any indication. As much as I love my 0D, man, they were stingy with the accessories. <_<


The only missiles that ever came with the original were the four clusters of three, so I wouldn't expect more really.. That's all that we saw it carry anyway.

Now, given the era that aircraft came from, there are a massive amount of things you could mount on it (modern day A/A or A/G weapons would fit nicely). I believe some may have been made available on Shapeways in the past, but I can't recall for sure.

No reason they couldn't be made now though. :)

  On 5/13/2015 at 9:33 PM, Garfinkel said:

I am curious what missiles will come with this. The pictures shown on hlj show two groups of three on each wing in one of the photos and nothing on any of the others. I hope there will be extra missiles, for variety and to load up the third hard point on the D

Watch out, Treatment will accuse you of "ricing out" your Valk if you want to put different weapon load-outs on it.

Guest davidwhangchoi

that's some super deformed 0A

Posted (edited)

There's so many nuanced things that come together to make this new 0A look much, much better.

I kinda want two now.

Edited by Mommar
Posted (edited)

thats a lot of blue for shin's valk. they seem to be interpreting the darker greys as blues. i like the painted proto scheme people are preordering based off of more than the current one.

from mmm


Edited by Mechapilot77
Posted (edited)

Love that SD pic :)

Wish other toy manufacturers could be as playful with their prototype toys. Imagine that!

Edited by xrentonx
  On 5/14/2015 at 4:31 PM, Ignacio Ocamica said:

Headpilot :lol:

ROFL, that will never die! Poor guy will always have to live with it around these parts.


It's starting to look like a real winner here. While I haven't kept up all 22 pages (except the last couple), anyone see any parts yet that might be issues, even repeats of issues from the ver. 1?

Posted (edited)

Maybe not Version 1 issues but looks like they're using the same OD arms with the gunpod holder farther back preventing the tail hook from lowering with the gunpod attached (unless I'm doing something wrong). Maybe they addressed it with those newer pics, hard to tell.

I'm liking that pic below.

Edited by wmkjr

Well, BiJ has responded to my query. Their answer is as follows:


Yes, Fedex is totally acceptable for this item. Our FAQ has not been updated yet since the introduction of Fedex and basically that rule is meant to indicate that SAL should not be chosen over 15,000 yen.


Big in Japan

Big in Japan is officially the least expensive source for acquiring the VF-0 (AE's price is the same but they require EMS on this), with a total delivered price of 32380 yen; however, there is a caveat, they require immediate payment of the full amount upfront because it exceeds 20000 yen.


I really like the look of this new Valk, but it blows my mind at how much these new ones cost. I have all the Yamato Zero valks, and keep them if fighter mode. The only reason I want the Arcadia valk is because I hope (big hope) that they come out with reactive armour which I suspect will not be backwards compatible with the yamato valks. Something has to entice people to pay this price for a re-mold...right? The VF-0D was new so I can see the price of that being high, but one can go get a bundled yamato/ghost set for less than the asking price of this. I read that the Yamato bundle sets are a bit tighter in tolerances and do not suffer from the drooping gunpod and cracked sholders. Like I said, still in for one, because of the color and the hope for some future accessories. Just hope I can snag a VF-0S as hero valks seem to go fast when that comes out.


I haven't posted for ages, but now i have to ask: Why the blue details on the VF-0a? Has it been seen somewhere before? If not it will annoy me and generally how not precise Arcadia's color palette choices seem to be in the VF-0 releases. Grrr!!!

  On 5/15/2015 at 12:42 PM, Dimis said:

I haven't posted for ages, but now i have to ask: Why the blue details on the VF-0a? Has it been seen somewhere before? If not it will annoy me and generally how not precise Arcadia's color palette choices seem to be in the VF-0 releases. Grrr!!!

Temporary use of VF-0D parts.

Guest davidwhangchoi

this is amazing, the vf-0A has "phase shift technology." i don't know how they incorporated it i love how the armor can change colors. can't wait!

  On 5/15/2015 at 10:49 AM, mechaninac said:

Well, BiJ has responded to my query. Their answer is as follows:

Big in Japan is officially the least expensive source for acquiring the VF-0 if you're not combining shipping with other items. (AE's price is the same but they require EMS on this), with a total delivered price of 32380 yen; however, there is a caveat, they require immediate payment of the full amount upfront because it exceeds 20000 yen.


  On 5/15/2015 at 1:34 PM, davidwhangchoi said:

this is amazing, the vf-0A has "phase shift technology." i don't know how they incorporated it i love how the armor can change colors. can't wait!

Haha too bad it's not in the tri colors

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