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Sorry for being lazy, but does anyone know where one can get a 1J or 1S for a reasonable price?

As Saburo pointed out, there's a few places you can still get them, but reasonable price is probably out the window. It seems if you're wanting anything Hi-Metal at a reasonable price you gotta get on them quicker, their aftermarket prices shoot up pretty quick, that armored 1J is almost climbing to Arcadia GBP 1J retail price.


At this point the Roy 1s may be cheaper, but I wouldn't give up on the 1j just yet. They had that voting thing and there was a decent demand for the TV version, which isn't that much different. It's also possible for rereleases to come up due to popularity.

Maybe someone here ordered more than they need and wouldn't mind parting with one for cost.

Anyway good luck these things are a fun add for most macross fans.


Any speculation as to why the Glaug was so easy to acquire? Is it the whole "bad guys don't sell well in Japan" thing, or was it something else?

A bit too expensive for the scalpers to buy multiples to flip.

Which should bode well for the later and more expensive Monster...

Posted (edited)

LOL, I guess to each his own. Those pose in gerwalk has me :lol: 'ing. I dont get why they put the packs on like that either.

Edited by Loop

question is the glaug and regult 1/60 ?

If you're talking the HI METAL ones that are coming out then no. Yamato made a resin kit Regult in 1/60 scale in limited quantities.


I think the reason for the glaug preorder being easy to get was due to a few factors. Bandai may have realized the previous items in the hmr line were massive sell outs and may have increased production. There were also a lot of items that were must buys for other toy lines that came up at the same time for collectors of Star Wars, Dragon Ball z, Avengers and other stuf I'm forgetting right now. The other items may be more relevant to more collectors than the glaug is to an old bastage like me. Those other preorders popped up at the exact same time creating a lot of competition and the earliest sell out item was Mace Windu, but dbz fans were right behind that followed by the other product that mostly were made by bandai.


I really don't think Bandai produced more of the Glaug. What you're seeing is the effects of price and demand. The Glaug is a bad guy, it's usually a solo soldier, and is expensive. It wouldn't surprise me if Bandai is making fewer of it than all previous HMR toys, people just don't have an appetite for it which is why there was never a 1/60 toy.


I just hope they did not make a ton based on previous hero toy sales. That could be bad because this one is moving slower, worries me they will go "These toys are not as popular as we thought".

I think Jenius is right though, this is a villain toy and those don't do too well in Japan as far as I know.

Guest davidwhangchoi

i hope they make it to the monster.


I don't know about that bad guy argument because the regult sold out rather quickly. Price could have been a factor though. Even in Japan bad guys sell. For gundam char products usually sell good even with those spikes clown bots around. Bandai also made the Star Wars sh figuarts toys and most of the non cannon fodder characters do well, with dbz vegita figures also do well and seem harder to get than most goku toys.

With the 1/60 items most of them were remakes or repaints of existing items, and Yamato seemed to want to take advantage of the size to show of their technique on transforming items. I think the fact that given more time as a company the may have tried to make more of the non transformable subjects. Although some of their transforming items were bad guys or at least antagonists.


Everyone I've ever spoken to in the toy industry in Japan about bad guys has told me "They don't sell." I spent some time lobbying for Inbit toys from whoever would listen and that's what I'd be told. That's why there's always more Autobots than Decepticons. Every rule obviously has its exceptions though. With the Regult I think it's two-fold: price, and armies. Regults work great as a trio. They're big on their own but their footprint isn't huge. The Regult is an officer so only one is necessary, it's big and wide so it demands more space, and it's so expensive that you really have to be a diehard to consider it.

Remember, Yamato also made incredible Destroid toys. People were like "Why would I buy that when I can buy a VF-1?" Nobody bought the Yamato Destroids and so they ended the line early.I would say that's kind of similar to what we're seeing with the Glaug. Nobody thought "I need an army of Defenders!" Some people bought one, most bought none.


the Glaug is one of my fav mecha of all times... but never acquired any good kits or models... so im extremely exited about this... :lol:

may May come quickly :ph34r:


So this is what I'm gathered from listening to the Macross Speaker Podcast. If I got anything wrong please let me know.

The Macross toys are being produced with the Japanese audience in mind. In Japan you have to problems. One personal space is severely limited. Two disposable income is not that high. This means Japanese fans have to think twice if they buy an collectible or not. When you have to decide to either buy the hero Valkyrie or the faceless enemy mech because you can't afford both I also would go for the hero mecha without a second thought.

I don't know about that bad guy argument because the regult sold out rather quickly. Price could have been a factor though. Even in Japan bad guys sell. For gundam char products usually sell good even with those spikes clown bots around. Bandai also made the Star Wars sh figuarts toys and most of the non cannon fodder characters do well, with dbz vegita figures also do well and seem harder to get than most goku toys.
With the 1/60 items most of them were remakes or repaints of existing items, and Yamato seemed to want to take advantage of the size to show of their technique on transforming items. I think the fact that given more time as a company the may have tried to make more of the non transformable subjects. Although some of their transforming items were bad guys or at least antagonists.

Here are some problems. First I think Char and Vegeta are not perceived as villains (probably because they are hot :p) but if you look at guys like Freeza or Cell you have to go through the web shop exclusive route because the audience for those is limited.

Regarding the Regult releases. I think one of the reasons why they where sold out rather quickly was the fact that there was still a hype going for Macross merchandise. Ever since the Renewal releases the market was overheated with several scalpers in place and people who bought the hype (like me :p) who thought this would be their only chance to get an item. I think now the market realized that they might not be that desired so the hype is coming down slowly. Also as jenius stated Regults are a good army builder set and you can see that because most people who posted about their orders said that they bought multiple units.

When I look at these points it makes sense to me that the Glaug was not that desirable. It is a huge toy for a high price that was never piloted by the hero and the Macross hype is cooling off.


regults sold well because they are like storm troopers. you almost need to troop build them IMO. as for bad guys not selling i think thats true in general BUT i think that is changing. the glaug while 10x cooler than a regult....you only need one commander and y maybe backup inc ase you mess up the first copy. lol. i just ordered one this time. he will be leading a squad of 3-5 regults {(probably 3) or dueling one on one with the vf-1j.


I have to say that i'm again very disappointed in this line. When it was announced I had high hopes of collecting a variety of VF-1 variants for something approaching a reasonable price (~$100).

The first couple of releases were pre-order madness and now the aftermarket is jacking up the prices to near Yamato V2 levels. The 1S Hikaru is trending on eBay for $130, which is about what I bought my Arcada 1/60 Hikaru for in early 2014. (I found a dented box one at a discount)

I love Macross and collecting toys; it's been enjoyable for a long time, but lately I feel like selling off my collection as there really is no hope of it going anywhere. Arcadia's ~$200 entry free for any toy is ridiculous and it's impossible to get any of these smaller toys at anything approaching MSRP.

Sorry for the rant.


I have to say that i'm again very disappointed in this line. When it was announced I had high hopes of collecting a variety of VF-1 variants for something approaching a reasonable price (~$100).

The first couple of releases were pre-order madness and now the aftermarket is jacking up the prices to near Yamato V2 levels. The 1S Hikaru is trending on eBay for $130, which is about what I bought my Arcada 1/60 Hikaru for in early 2014. (I found a dented box one at a discount)

I love Macross and collecting toys; it's been enjoyable for a long time, but lately I feel like selling off my collection as there really is no hope of it going anywhere. Arcadia's ~$200 entry free for any toy is ridiculous and it's impossible to get any of these smaller toys at anything approaching MSRP.

Sorry for the rant.

So you're not disappointed in the line itself, but in the availability? That's understandable, but also, that is Bandai. You really gotta get on these quicker if you want them at decent prices, I'm just as surprised the VF-1s sold like they did. Glaug is still quite available though, so that's something.


I have to say that i'm again very disappointed in this line. When it was announced I had high hopes of collecting a variety of VF-1 variants for something approaching a reasonable price (~$100).

The first couple of releases were pre-order madness and now the aftermarket is jacking up the prices to near Yamato V2 levels. The 1S Hikaru is trending on eBay for $130, which is about what I bought my Arcada 1/60 Hikaru for in early 2014. (I found a dented box one at a discount)

I love Macross and collecting toys; it's been enjoyable for a long time, but lately I feel like selling off my collection as there really is no hope of it going anywhere. Arcadia's ~$200 entry free for any toy is ridiculous and it's impossible to get any of these smaller toys at anything approaching MSRP.

Sorry for the rant.

no worries, you just need to plan better that's all. The key to get these easily is to be ready and up to preorder them on their announce preorder date/time. which is normally whatever date 4pm japan time. If you are in the bay area that's 11pm. The date when preorder starts are always announced at least a week before, you can get the info here, or on the tamashii website.

Once it starts you will see them posted here and at all the normal webstores, in least than 30 minutes you'll have already secured at least 1 or 2 or more , depending on your preferences or store. If one solds out, there's others.

Just be on-time and you will secure a pre-order for sure. I haven seen anyone that wasn't able to get a preorder in if they were here at the correct time. :D


I've been so out of the loop.... can someone fill me in?

So what's the difference between the Hi-Metal R and the original Hi-Metal line?

Correct me if I'm wrong: the only Hi-Metal R's that have been released so far are the VF-1S Strike Valkyrie (Red/Black) and VF-1J Armored Valkyrie?

Do the two above have the same plastic color (off white/grayish)?

Is a Hi-Metal VF-1S (Black/Yellow) coming out soon?

Thanks so much in advance. I've done research on the net, but I still want someone from this forum to clarify for me.

Appreciate your replies in advance. :)

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