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I don't think comic book movies are going anywhere. They are the new sci-fi, which has become a staple of entertainment ever since it was first created. Fantasy comes and goes in popularity, easily sliding in and out of the popular culture, but comic book movies seem to be here to say. I will agree that the TYPE of super hero film that is currently popular is already getting stale. There's only so many origin stories that I can find entertaining before they all start bleeding into each other. But just like certain formats of othere films, they will adapt.

I'm really glad they are doing Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet in two films. They'll really cover the story well over two film. And speaking of fantasy, it's cool how the two Infinity Avenger films are being released back-to-back from 2018-2019 like LotR. THat's cool.


Oh yeah, Marvel onslaught!!! And they are taking their time in doing it good... GREAT!! This story does deserve to be split up.


I've never actually read the Infinity War though just looking at the comic listings online I apparently own the last two of the series. Not sure why i don't have the rest. Maybe because I never found the cosmic stuff all that interesting so I never pursued the rest?


I've never actually read the Infinity War though just looking at the comic listings online I apparently own the last two of the series. Not sure why i don't have the rest. Maybe because I never found the cosmic stuff all that interesting so I never pursued the rest?

For me it was Silver Surfer (#50 with the foil cover), Thanos Quest and Infinity Gauntlet. After that Marvel had begun to dip into the well one too many times and started pumping out Infinity This, That and the Other and I lost interest.

At the time it was originally published Thanos Quest was a really good limited series and is what kicked off all of the Infinity Stone series and sagas.



For me it was Silver Surfer (#50 with the foil cover), Thanos Quest and Infinity Gauntlet. After that Marvel had begun to dip into the well one too many times and started pumping out Infinity This, That and the Other and I lost interest.

At the time it was originally published Thanos Quest was a really good limited series and is what kicked off all of the Infinity Stone series and sagas.


I'll check that out then, thanks.


I second Kaneda's endorsement. The Silver Surfer comics (starting at #34) that build up to the Infinity Guantlet, the Thanos Quest 2-issue series and the Infinity Guantlet 6-issue series itself are all amazing with a strong build up, great battles and a very personal finale. The saga still stands as one of the best cosmic cross-over events in Marvel's comic history.


Man, that is effing weak. A HUGE selection of the Silver Surfer stuff isn't available with Marvel Unlimited. No go on #50. They do have Thanos Quest however.


Man, that is effing weak. A HUGE selection of the Silver Surfer stuff isn't available with Marvel Unlimited. No go on #50. They do have Thanos Quest however.

Yeah, that is weak sauce, enjoy Thanos Quest though. I now feel the need to go and track down M/NM copies.

My biggest fear for these movies is that Ultron will have set the bar too high w regard to movie-verse villains. That trailer is so creepy and does such a good job establishing him as something to be fearful of that I already have more "fear" of him than I do of movie-verse Thanos.



Yeah, that is weak sauce, enjoy Thanos Quest though. I now feel the need to go and track down M/NM copies.

My biggest fear for these movies is that Ultron will have set the bar too high w regard to movie-verse villains. That trailer is so creepy and does such a good job establishing him as something to be fearful of that I already have more "fear" of him than I do of movie-verse Thanos.


Well yeah, murderous AI seems like a threat we could face. Big purple guy in love with Death is a bit too fantastical to feel like a threat.


Well yeah, murderous AI seems like a threat we could face. Big purple guy in love with Death is a bit too fantastical to feel like a threat.

Well when you put it that way... :lol:



Oh, it gets better. One of the reasons the Infinity Gauntlet is so much fun is because a part of the subtext is a great morality play about young comic book fans; a critique of single, socially awkward males that make up a lot of the younger comic book consumer base and their unrealistic, romanticized perceptions of women. Get ready for a ride :)


Actually, I found it rather stupid. Essentially it's just a guy who doesn't like himself trying to impress a woman who was never interested to begin with. Not really a ride or necessarily even a critique of comic book nerds but anybody with low self esteem.


*insert why so serious meme*

Glad I read this as a kid, I just thought it was a cool comic book story centered around a pretty kick-ass bad guy. Sorry you didn't like it Mommar.


Posted (edited)

*insert why so serious meme*

Glad I read this as a kid, I just thought it was a cool comic book story centered around a pretty kick-ass bad guy. Sorry you didn't like it Mommar.


The problem is that I'm an adult now, who may or may not have experienced something similar (without all of the Universal Destruction.) When you were a kid it was probably cool as hell watching reality be dismantled but from my perspective it's like she doesn't like you, time to move on dude.

All I think is why doesn't Thanos like himself, poor bastard.

Edited by Mommar

Yeah, for sure our own personal experience will color our perspective on things.

I want to say give it a go again somewhere down the line now that you know what to expect (adult-vision vs. my childhood nostalgia-vision) - I thought it was cool that despite the interaction between Death and Thanos that he was able to still put a beat down on the entire universe.


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The footage began with the Guardians. “We are arriving,’ says Mantis as the Milano pulls into an uncertain territory. Quill pipes up, “Don’t forget this might be dangerous, so let’s put on our mean faces.” Suddenly a body slams into the front of the ship. It’s Thor! His face is all smushed against the glass (nice callback to doctor’s office in the the original film). The Guardians haul his unconscious body inside, lay him out on a table, and Mantis wakes him up. Thor comes out of it swinging, and the Guardians point their weapons. He looks around confused and asks what’s going on.

The scene transitions to Scarlet Witch, dodging an energy blast that slams into the truck behind her, cleaving it in half. Loki stands among ruins, holding the Tesseract cube. Riding on a school bus, Peter’s Spidey Senses (confirmed!) kick in, standing up the hairs on his arm. Iron Man is with the Guardians, gearing up for battle. “We have one advantage,” he says. “He’s coming to us.”

Thanos’ voice booms in. “Fun isn’t something one considers when balancing the universe, but this does put a smile on my face. Gamora is standing amongst wreckage, looking terrified, tears in her eyes. From here the shots get quick. A spacecraft crashes to the ground. Thanos warps into frame, walking through a portal. Doctor Strange is casting magic. Star-Lord is battling Thanos. That sick suit we saw at the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming? Spider-Man flies into scene wearing it, a glinting metallic update of the classic suit. Bucky and Black Panther are leading armies.

Cap steps into frame, with a BEARD and looking like he’s seen some crap. Hulk Buster makes an appearance. Vision looks stressed and maybe like he’s stuck in a cage? Could just be framing though since Vis ain’t too fond of walls. Thanos grabs Thor by the top of the head, crushing his skull. Black Widow has bleach blonde hair. Thanos punches Iron Man right in the face, sending him flying. Wielding a partially assembled Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos reaches towards the sky and pulls down a moon, sending the fractured comets flying at our heroes. In rolls the title card, and scene.

It looks dark and dramatic, and utterly epic. It’s clear Marvel is trying to do something different here, not just through the visual cues like Cap’s beard and Natasha’s hair, but to pay off a decade’s worth of narrative and world-building. While it’s impossible to tell from two minutes work of footage, it certainly looks like that gamble paid off.


Edited by sh9000

Impressive, but with a cast that big the characters we know and love will get lost in a giant soup bowl of personalities...

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