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I am interested in one set please..

I posted while on the first page of the thread. Please let me know if you can accommodate one more.

Of course I can. Criteria have been met and I'll start shaking you guys down for cash on Monday the 10th... Sculpting will very likely start on the 15th, if not slightly sooner.

Thanks guys!! :)


Well, cr4p. I don't have those funds fully budgeted out just yet. :-/


Hi guys!

As promised, here I am to shake you down for funds for the Baby Crabb project.

One set: $115.00


-Canada/USA: $30.00 CAD (up to 2 sets)

-International: $55.00 CAD (up to 2 sets)

Kindly note that payments need to be in Canadian dollars (which paypal can convert for you when you make payment.)

Paypal ID is the same as before. I'll send out some PMs as well and am happy to field any questions that you might have.

Ready... Set... GO! :D


I just can't check in on the boards these days the way I used to, If there is a list and I can still get on it I'm in for 2. If I missed the bus and there's a chance for some casts at the tail end of the molds, lemme know :)



I just can't check in on the boards these days the way I used to, If there is a list and I can still get on it I'm in for 2. If I missed the bus and there's a chance for some casts at the tail end of the molds, lemme know :)


Hi Zach, PM me and I'll shoehorn you in :D


Captain's log: Friday, after lunch. My breath smells like garlic...

So here we are once again, at the very beginning of another sculpting project. As per tradition, my very first task was to go and collect as much reference as possible on the Inbit Eager and thanks to teh interwebs, the task is a fairly simple and straightforward one. That being said, I always keep my old Palladium REF Field Guide book handy, as it has a wealth of drawings and sketches, some of which aren't so common online. Very useful indeed!

Once that is done, I sit down and draft some rudimentary plans for the larger shapes and components, so as to make construction easier and more precise. Once those have been printed to scale, I can now dive into the fun stuff!

DSCF5197: some printed line-art, tools, modeling board and putty: these are the building blocks (much pun intended) from which the itty bitty baby crab will emmerge.

DSCF5198: paper stencils are carefully cut and will be glued to modeling board, it just makes my life so much easier.

DSCF5200: before I can glue the stencils to the modeling board, I have to machine my various bits of it to properly squared shapes, which is where the mill comes in handy.

DSCF5201: so now that some blocks are prepared, the paper stencils are affixed with spray adhesive. You might notice that some blocks are cobbled-together with smaller bits, which I can get away with on certain things thanks to a good CA glue. Planks of modeling board are costly, so I try to waste as little as possible.

DSCF5202: using a band saw, I trim away as much excess material from the stencil as possible. I generally leave a little excess as it's easier to remove less at a time than repair a block.

DSCF5203: whatever the band saw doesn't remove will be ground-down with a large polishing stone mounted to my drill press. this is great for fine, precise work.

DSCF5204: this is what will become the space booster. It has gone from the mill to the band saw to the grinder, to the Dremel and back to the mill. Complex shapes require numerous operations, so this is nothing unusual.

DSCF5205: speaking of Dremel, here's where the bulk of the important but thankless work gets done. Even with a vacuum to suck away most of the dust, it's still extremely messy work.

DSCF5206: here are some basic parts which are starting to take shape. I've already started shaping the main crab shell with sanding blocks and rough sandpaper, with a few other parts being refined as well. Will have another update next Friday, so stay tuned! :D











Captain's log: Monday afternoon. I'm cold and hungry. Apologies for the tardiness in my updates: there's been a lot going on behind the scenes, so I'm a little bit slower in my sculpting than I would have liked to be. That being said, let's get the ball rolling!

Speaking of balls… In pic 01 we see one of the spherical thrusters that replace the legs in booster mode. I'm shaping it on the lathe along with a number of other ball-joint parts.

Pic 2: the ever-faithful putty smash method in use to shape the lateral thrusters on the booster. This is the best way I've found to get truly great fitting parts on complex shapes, just be sure to use a good release agent.

Pic 3: the forearm pincer undergoing some fit adjustments. While it was sculpted from two pieces, it will be molded as one, with the claw/finger molded separate.

Pic 04: the main crab shell as seen from below. The thruster will be on a ball-joint as with the other appendages. Pic 5 offers a top-view.

Pics 6 to 8: the pose is crudely held together, but we can see the Baby Crabb taking shape and the overall proportions look great.

Pics 9 to 11: the booster is also coming along quite nicely, despite the part being a tremendous challenge in the proportions department. The line-art makes it look rather elongated, flattened in some views and rounded in others. I was able to get a better grasp on the proportions thanks to my REF Field guide, which had some decent numerical values to accompany the line-art. That's about it for this week, I'll have another salvo of pictures next week, so until then enjoy the pics and stay tuned!













this is going fast!!! it seems like it will be ready on next week!!


So great to see this coming along, especially knowing I've actually managed to order one! :D

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