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Posted (edited)
  On 8/2/2014 at 9:02 PM, Twoducks said:

R.I.P Robotech Academy

We never got to meet you but you gave us more entertainment that way.

I have eaten more popcorn during the last 3 weeks than I have in my entire life. :)

Edited by The Shade

One question that I guess is virtually impossible ot answer is: were the 3 musketeers (Yune, Yune, McKeever) surprised at the total amount of negativity in the KS page? We all know they banned everyone who said anything negative from the RT boards and pretty much only kept their die hard fans. One has to wonder if what they saw on their own boards truly made them think that it was representative of the whole world out there?


Wow such great news, a couple days in to this it looked like they had a good chance of making it. So glad this failed, next they need to go bankrupt or sell the rights to Macross err I mean robotech away. :p


You think this is over?

Not by a long shot! In less than 6 months time Harmony Gold will be back on Kickstarter with a new rehashed idea.

This time they'll only need $194,574 to fund a half an hour pilot.

  On 8/2/2014 at 11:40 PM, chrisk said:

Dedicated to all pioneers.

The best sacrifice ever!

(he died for the woman he loved)

  On 8/3/2014 at 12:28 AM, The Shade said:

One question that I guess is virtually impossible ot answer is: were the 3 musketeers (Yune, Yune, McKeever) surprised at the total amount of negativity in the KS page? We all know they banned everyone who said anything negative from the RT boards and pretty much only kept their die hard fans. One has to wonder if what they saw on their own boards truly made them think that it was representative of the whole world out there?

I think you are looking at what could be considered to be one of their greatest errors, and HG has made a LOT of big mistakes over the decades, as we all know.

By setting up their forums as an Ivory Tower for suck up fans and by making it seem that everybody else, including those of us here, to be the bad guys meant that at some point the HG people were going to start to believe their own bulllshit on the RT forums.

RT is an Orwellian "forum" where 2+2=5 and those who do not conform become "unpersons".

An intelligent company would use a forum like that to gauge support and gather opinions from fans on what they want to see. By failing to do so, HG has demonstrated that they have failed to enter the 21st century, don't know how to use the internet and social media probably still remains a mystery to them.

They have brought this failure on themselves.


OMG in the LatinAmerican community they're talking about "Hate Campaign"

Where is the leftover Popcorn...?


So I haven't been following this at all, I could care less about Robotech, I figured it's been dead for a decade now anyway, and the only actual bit of Robotech related media I've personally experienced is Robotech Battlecry. I've spent the last half hour reading back pages of comments, damn, this KS business is crazy, it's funny, sad, stupid, a whole mess of things at once, the main thing I wondered, and I'm sure it's been asked, is why didn't Harmony Gold fund this, isn't that kind of what they're supposed to do as opposed to asking the fans for money? I became intrigued, all of this is damn amusing, but I came in late, it's already cancelled, I missed the party. That said, I decided to go through the KS itself and read comments, hilarity ensued, then I decided to go the ye olde Robotech.com main site, just to get a glimpse at the much talked about forum, and damn, it did not disappoint. As others pointed out, lots of playing it down, they expected it to fail, it was just to gauge interest, yada, yada, yada, but then I came across this gem, and I felt I had to contribute before this sucker gets locked up.

posted by a dude named, of course, robotechisbetter:

Why did you cancel?
Maybe in the last day some rich guy would back all that is left.
We still had hope.

It is all macross fans fault, have you guys ever gone to a macross forum? They are all criticizing Robotech, they are all scheming against Robotech future plans. They are happy the Kick Starter got cancelled.

Look at this post:


Guess it's safe to call it...

Time of death... exactly 10am, Aug. 2, 2014


Joking about the failure of the KickStarter. Why can't they just let us be happy?

That's a quote from this thread here on MW, we truly are the ones to blame, these Robotech people have apparently been monitoring our escapades here, and they are angry. I needed this, good solid laughs were had. The blatant BS and crap being shoveled by that Mckeever guy is hilarious, not a single straight answer, and everyone's okay with that.

  On 8/3/2014 at 2:56 AM, taksraven said:

I think you are looking at what could be considered to be one of their greatest errors, and HG has made a LOT of big mistakes over the decades, as we all know.

By setting up their forums as an Ivory Tower for suck up fans and by making it seem that everybody else, including those of us here, to be the bad guys meant that at some point the HG people were going to start to believe their own bulllshit on the RT forums.

RT is an Orwellian "forum" where 2+2=5 and those who do not conform become "unpersons".

An intelligent company would use a forum like that to gauge support and gather opinions from fans on what they want to see. By failing to do so, HG has demonstrated that they have failed to enter the 21st century, don't know how to use the internet and social media probably still remains a mystery to them.

They have brought this failure on themselves.

Well said!

  On 8/3/2014 at 2:56 AM, taksraven said:

I think you are looking at what could be considered to be one of their greatest errors, and HG has made a LOT of big mistakes over the decades, as we all know.

By setting up their forums as an Ivory Tower for suck up fans and by making it seem that everybody else, including those of us here, to be the bad guys meant that at some point the HG people were going to start to believe their own bulllshit on the RT forums.

RT is an Orwellian "forum" where 2+2=5 and those who do not conform become "unpersons".

An intelligent company would use a forum like that to gauge support and gather opinions from fans on what they want to see. By failing to do so, HG has demonstrated that they have failed to enter the 21st century, don't know how to use the internet and social media probably still remains a mystery to them.

They have brought this failure on themselves.

Tommy Yune = Big Brother?

Guest davidwhangchoi
  On 7/30/2014 at 12:28 AM, davidwhangchoi said:

I'll tell you what they are going to do:

"Guys, it was exciting to see so many fans come together to support Robotech, though we felt short of our goals because of the limited deadline and huge financial undertaking we took on as we tend to overdo it as perfectionists we are, we felt tremendous support and momentum from robotech fans all over the world." We're happy to announce that we're are going press on and go ahead and extend the campaign with a more flexible financial goal. we 're not here to cut corners but are listening to fans to bring you guys better rewards with less financial undertaking... to streamline the process faster and to begin working.

We want to continue this project as all of the actors, artists and especially you loyal fans have urged us to extend this campaign and not give up. we put up an initial goal of 250,000 and extended the deadline another 30 days to reach it and any financial contributions beyond will go into stretch goals of your choice.

this will get us started initially while giving you the power to back are more ambitious goals with flexibility." - HG Staff.

or they will just tank it. and spin the dvd's as the focus for the coming year and we will not give up on Carl's dream...

wow, they took my estimated guess of wording but didn't use my strategy to salvage this project:


I know its frustrating but keep on the high road.


Your help was monumental, and crucial to raising $194,574 USD in less than 35 days. Think about that for a moment: $194,574 USD, from over 2,284 backers, for a project that was unknown a mere 35 days ago!

So what have we achieved together? Well, for a start, what was once an obscure project at Harmony Gold has rocketed forward with new artwork, merchandise, and casting announcements.

But you, our supporters, have achieved even more than that. You proved that the demand for a new animated Robotech project is strong, and that you are willing to put your money up to help make the new series a reality. Thanks to your efforts, more people have not only discovered Robotech Academy, but new fans are also taking a look at Robotech for the first time ever!

this tells me that they do not believe in themselves. nor have any "go getters" in the group to elevate them to achieve and take them to the next level. Especially when there are setbacks or crisis, they just fold and make excuses by remaining optimistic about the next time.

i really felt if they had a strong lead guy, they could've finished the project. I think there's going to be frustration within their own staff pretty soon. in the near future...


The "Robotechisbetter" guy is pretty clearly mocking the Robotech fans there. He takes everything they say to an unbelievable extreme. I'd call or trolling except he's not baiting anyone into an argument. He's just making fun of them and none of them realize it.

  On 8/3/2014 at 3:26 AM, Gerli said:

Robotech is healthier than ever!

If they ever make that kind of statement at their next convention appearance, someone should point out this KS. Failin' so hard they had to put it out of its misery. Quitters.

They could have made it to $200,000 if they left it running for a few more days. :lol:

  On 8/2/2014 at 4:39 PM, Duke Togo said:

Every single thing you buy has an art major involved along the way.

If you're referring to Tommy Yune, he never graduated from Art Institute. At least that's what he mentioned when he was talking to another AI graduate and Macross fan back in 07.

  On 8/3/2014 at 4:03 AM, Jasonc said:

If you're referring to Tommy Yune, he never graduated from Art Institute. At least that's what he mentioned when he was talking to another AI graduate and Macross fan back in 07.

I wasn't at all.

  On 8/3/2014 at 3:02 AM, Gerli said:

OMG in the LatinAmerican community they're talking about "Hate Campaign"

Where is the leftover Popcorn...?

Where is this at? They want to do a hate macross thing? They should realize that many of them want to see RT/macross. I don't get the mind set of RT fans.

  On 8/3/2014 at 1:01 AM, Roy Focker said:

You think this is over?

Not by a long shot! In less than 6 months time Harmony Gold will be back on Kickstarter with a new rehashed idea.

This time they'll only need $194,574 to fund a half an hour pilot.

Wow dude. It's guys like you that make RT fandom so sad and pathetic. At least your post gave me a hearty laugh. :)

Posted (edited)
  On 8/3/2014 at 5:11 AM, cypherxv said:

Where is this at? They want to do a hate macross thing? They should realize that many of them want to see RT/macross. I don't get the mind set of RT fans.


I hope the Creavision guys get paid for their work but.... HG.

Edited by Gerli

Man, so sorry it didn't last longer. It was entertaining. I've learned quite a bit from Seto. I re watched Frontier and do see the connections to Zero now. It was right there, in MY FACE!

Thanks for the popcorn guys, can't wait for the next one in 5 years.

Posted (edited)
  On 8/3/2014 at 5:14 AM, Gerli said:


I hope the Creavision guys get paid for their work but.... HG.

It won't let me see it. Can you copy an past what was said. Thank you.

I saw this posted on the final RTA update. It's sad and funny at the same time.

"I feel a physical change in my chest. A certain tightness which comes before tears. While it may not be heartbreak, it is still a profound sadness which reaches deeply into my heart. For the 42 years of my life, Robotech has been something for which has been close to my heart for a very long time. I hope that things work out in the future so that you, Harmony Gold, and all of of your fans will be able to see this happen.

Okay, tears time now."

Edited by cypherxv

Sorry to see it's over. I would have liked to see it funded purely for the comedy/incompetence that would ensue. I just had a read of the most recent page on RT and counted 3 posts calling for the Academy idea to be scrapped for what the fans really want: Rick Hunter! (Shock!) Also more calls for Shadow Rising to be abandoned and left where it belongs. Good to see the Robotech future as bright as ever.

  On 8/3/2014 at 5:11 AM, cypherxv said:

Wow dude. It's guys like you that make RT fandom so sad and pathetic. At least your post gave me a hearty laugh. :)

If only you watched this spectacle play out over the last few years. Academy is nothing by comparison.

Posted (edited)
  On 8/3/2014 at 6:24 AM, BeyondTheGrave said:

So how long until seto gets blamed for this?

Not long I guess, as the rest of us will get blamed too. Now that this... odd surrealism has passed, will HG be returning the funds?

Mr. Mckeever said so himself right guys?



Edited by Flaming Guantlet
Posted (edited)
  On 8/3/2014 at 6:40 AM, Flaming Guantlet said:

Now that this... odd surrealism has passed, will HG be returning the funds?

Mr. Mckeever said so himself right guys?

No funds will be returned, because no funds were collected.

Everyone would be out two hundred grand if it weren't for Kickstarter not collecting any money until the end of the campaign IF the goal is met.

Also: What the heck am I supposed to do with my evenings if I can't watch the Kickstarter implode?

Edited by JB0
Posted (edited)

It's basic Kickstarter policy, if a project doesn't reach it's goal, no funds are collected. HG doesn't have a choice.

Edited by Phyrox
  On 8/3/2014 at 6:51 AM, JB0 said:

No funds will be returned, because no funds were collected.

Everyone would be out two hundred grand if it weren't for Kickstarter not collecting any money until the end of the campaign IF the goal is met.

Also: What the heck am I supposed to do with my evenings if I can't watch the Kickstarter implode?

  On 8/3/2014 at 6:51 AM, Phyrox said:

It's basic Kickstarter policy, if a project doesn't reach it's goal, no funds are collected. HG doesn't have a choice.

Ah gotcha wasn't clear on that and now I know, thanks guys.

Well after all this, I gotta say these next few days will pretty boring now. Nothing like a premature finish to ruin your popcorn party eh guys? I can only imagine what's happening at HG....

  On 8/3/2014 at 6:51 AM, Phyrox said:

It's basic Kickstarter policy, if a project doesn't reach it's goal, no funds are collected. HG doesn't have a choice.

HG's legal department is looking into how to challenge this in court as we speak :D

  On 8/3/2014 at 6:40 AM, Flaming Guantlet said:

Not long I guess, as the rest of us will get blamed too. Now that this... odd surrealism has passed, will HG be returning the funds?

Mr. Mckeever said so himself right guys?



Just saying because it's in there, the post above his was an attempt to explain to a Robotech fan asking for "Sentinels" that Harmony Gold does not own the rights to animate Hikaru Ichijo. He's one of the people led on with their "we own the derivatives" ****. He didn't answer. I can only assume they really do want to see the continuing adventures of Rick In Name Only, and his friends who are totally not from Macross, and refuse to comprehend that Robotech Academy was Sentinels. It was HG's legal Sentinels.


Man, everyone RT.com forums is posting like this Kickstarter is the greatest thing that ever happened to Robotech. Which it probably is and will be for a long time. But man... it's like they just finished watching a whole series and a movie version was announced. Haha... awesome... popcorn!


No offense but it does seem a lot of people on this site and RT.com are more than willing to stir **** up with the others thus fueling more ****. As someone who likes both RT and Macross I just want to see more produced of both....and hopefully DYRL on blu ray here in the states with a proper dub in my lifetime.

Anyway the Kickstarter failed SSDD, people hate HG SSDD, no new Macross in the states SSDD. Business as usual.

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