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Just created a small bayonette to fit my low viz gunpod. I always tought that once the ammo is depleted, hand to hand combat would be so much improved with this minor mod, just like the VF-11's gunpod, I just added a removable bayonette to my low viz gun pod.

Here's a pic


  Zentrandude said:
make it bit thinner and longer like on my sks. but you proly cant since it looks like its off another toy/model

Yeah, that's basically a mini version of that giant Buck survival knife that came out in the late 80's. I can't remember what it was called.

On the subject of bayonets, here's the one I added to my Heavy Weapon Command Gundam. The gun just ended in this plain round end, so I dressed it up a bit with a pseudo flash suppressor, and made a bayonet out of an unused bootleg Eva knife



Not bad... but I do think it would look better as an integral item... a la the VF-11b gunpod...


Pretty snazzy!

It'd interefere with transformation, though. Guess that's why it's removable.

I'd like to see a gunpod similar to a VF-11's. With the flipout bayonet.

Bayonets and GU-11s have been on my mind for quite sometime. ^_^

Good job.


Not bad at all. And more appropriate than a russian or chinese SKS style one IMO (leave that for the SV-51). Any Americanized design deserivative of the F-14 needs a bayonet like that. ;)


I once did a drawing of a retractable bayonet similar to one I saw on an old SKS rifle that retracted into a slim bulge under the barrel of the gunpod. Basically it was mounted flat side up (90 degrees from Mechamanic pic) and extended out from the end of the barrel. I'll have to findit and post of a scan of it here, it looked pretty cool.

  aarbain said:
Good work.

What's the logic behind the knife (unless it can penetrate steel) ;)


Uh, it can penetrate more than just steel. The VF-11 in Macross Plus used an anti-mecha Bayonet that could penetrate Over-Technology armored mecha.

  Mr March said:
  aarbain said:
Good work.

What's the logic behind the knife (unless it can penetrate steel)  ;)


Uh, it can penetrate more than just steel. The VF-11 in Macross Plus used an anti-mecha Bayonet that could penetrate Over-Technology armored mecha.

also it can puncture a zentradi


Excellent idea, I approve. Still, I think it would look better if it had a more 'mecha-sized' feel to it. It looks like you nabbed it off one of those 12" G.I. Joe figures. It has that look like it should be held in a human hand. You know?

I agree with the others, too. Longer and thinner. I'd probably go with a less flashy looking blade. Something simple. Stabby-stabby.

  pfunk said:
  Mr March said:
  aarbain said:
Good work.

What's the logic behind the knife (unless it can penetrate steel)  ;)


Uh, it can penetrate more than just steel. The VF-11 in Macross Plus used an anti-mecha Bayonet that could penetrate Over-Technology armored mecha.

also it can puncture a zentradi

And a melon.



... neat...

... but weird.

Bayonets are a lost piece of military hardware that have been on the outs since Korea for most modern armies. The logic being: when the rifle runs out or the enemy is swarming your position in close quarters attach the bayonet. It's funny but even in the American Civil War, a war famous for it's use of the bayonet, bayonet combat deaths only amounted to less than 2% of the total combat deaths. In modern American military history (wars since WW2 and Korea) the bayonet has been adapted to be more of a general purpose knife (like the one Monty has attached to his GU-11 there) and were used as such. A good bayonet was usually used to open C-rat cans, cut wire and in the worst of all situations stab someone.

I myself would like to see some sort of leg or arm mounted sheath that that bayonet goes into for storage. That would be pretty boss. I can upload or email you some pics of my M8A1 and M7 attached to my SP1 if you need them for reference...

... or you could just call me a kook and move on to something else! :p

  Montarvillois said:
I actualy thought it would be really helpfull to chop vegetables

Don't forget apples. It could be useful for peeling apples.

The one in that magazine looks too small, and maybe too short...

Your second try looks good...but it only looks like a peice of metal sticking out... =\

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