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I'm sorry but that Megazord is crap.

You can't even tell which of the animals that is when combined. It doesn't even look like a mecha...looks like

a superhero.


I was in high school when Power Rangers started, so I watched it but I was never super into it. After suffering through what Bay did to my beloved Transformers, is kind of weird to see Hollywood raping someone else's childhood.


I was in high school when Power Rangers started, so I watched it but I was never super into it. After suffering through what Bay did to my beloved Transformers, is kind of weird to see Hollywood raping someone else's childhood.

Tell that to the Jem fans.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a die-hard MMPR fan, so I was seeing this either way, but this trailer was MUCH better then the last, far more fun. I hate the Kanye music, Goldar looks dumb, as does the Megazord, but overall this looks much better then before, much more colorful and less emo seriousness. Also, Heisenberg as Zordon works for me.


The first trailer intrigued me.  This one remains intriguing.  I have no doubts there will be camp and cheese in the film, I just hope not enough to overshadow the other bits.


Also, Goldar?  Now I have to rewatch that trailer again.  And again.  And again... B))

2 hours ago, CoryHolmes said:

The first trailer intrigued me.  This one remains intriguing.  I have no doubts there will be camp and cheese in the film, I just hope not enough to overshadow the other bits.

 My thoughts too. I really like that these kids aren't perfect goody-two-shoes heroes right from the start. They have the heart, but circumstance has tempered it, kept it from showing. They are diamonds in the rough, as it were. 

I did like seeing the individual robots fighting. Nice to see they are useful for something other than forming feet and legs, arms and body this time out.


  • 2 weeks later...
18 hours ago, JB0 said:

Ugh. That is a terrible poster. So darn cluttered.

What choice do they have, though?  There are 5 main characters, plus 5 main robots to advertise.  There's only so much poster space to be had, and I'd hate for them to focus on just one ranger as the hero and the rest as sidekicks...








And roundhouse kicks.  And snap kicks.  And ax kicks...  (I tried to stop myself, I really did).

9 hours ago, CoryHolmes said:

What choice do they have, though?  There are 5 main characters, plus 5 main robots to advertise.  There's only so much poster space to be had, and I'd hate for them to focus on just one ranger as the hero and the rest as sidekicks...

And roundhouse kicks.  And snap kicks.  And ax kicks...  (I tried to stop myself, I really did).

No apologies necessary. I laughed.



I'm just sure that featuring all the rangers could be done less... chaotically. The Avengers posters weren't the most exciting things in the world, but they did manage to fit everyone in without looking like an explosion in a Skittles factory.



While I'm thinking about it...

I PROBABLY would've gone for an homage to the original Power Rangers movie poster, with the side-view of all the ranger heads. It is simple, but it worked. And they are banking heavily on name recognition and nostalgia here. They can afford to do a simple poster, especially one that is such a strong callback to "the good old days". 

Alternatively, I'd follow up on the teaser posters the new movie had out earlier. Instead of a bunch of posters each featuring one ranger on a portion of their respective zord, put all five rangers on top of a portion of the megazord(much like the teaser posters, JUST ENOUGH robot that you can tell what they're standing on). And because I am an old fart, throw in that rainbow effect from the Star Trek Beyond: The Motion Picture poster, which actually makes SENSE for a Power Ranger poster. 



However, I definitely agree with the marketing campaign's move to keep the new megazord design a secret. It is, of course, already a failure thanks to the toy line, and was never going to last past the first screening, but... It is almost certainly going to be the climax of the movie and deserves to be seen first IN the movie.  It shows a respect for what ought to be an awesome moment. I like that, and appreciate that they didn't decide to just break out the big guns for this poster.


Also appreciated: The new poster isn't pushing "GO GO" as their marketing slogan anymore. That was an awkward choice from day one, and was largely a failed homage.   "It's morphin time" works FAR better, even if it is hard to arrange prettily around a stylized lightning bolt*. I'm glad they laid that down in the one piece of clear space that poster has(and lined the T. Rex and pterodactyl heads up so they effectively underline it!).




*And it doesn't escape my notice that "Power Rangers" feels pretty lopsided around that lightning bolt, especially as the text is styled.  While it could be balanced better, that was always going to be a hard sell, aesthetically.


They forgot the apostrophe on Morphin'. You know, as in "morphing," as in "metamorphosis." Might as well put a # on it while they're at it. And get off my lawn. :angry:

22 hours ago, Dio said:

They forgot the apostrophe on Morphin'. You know, as in "morphing," as in "metamorphosis." Might as well put a # on it while they're at it. And get off my lawn. :angry:

I noticed the lack of '  as well. I was just too busy worrying about poor art direction to drop the grammar hammer,


Posted (edited)

I'm actually kind of excited for this. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. :mellow:

Edited by anime52k8

I think both are true. The property is still popular with kids, but the movie itself is banking extreeeemely heavily on nostalgia. Angel Grove, original characters/Zords/setting, etc.

3 hours ago, TangledThorns said:

It may be because I was an 80s kid but I never understood the appeal of the Power Rangers. Is it still considered popular with kids or is this film only trying to bank on nostalgia?

Well, all the '80s big screen revivals would have to give way eventually to '90s junk.  I mean, the first Bay Transformers movie was almost 10 years ago, so if it got made on '80s nostalgia then the target audience for '90s nostalgia is the same age as the '80s kids were back then.

But hey, I'm an '80s kid and I liked Power Rangers.  Of course, at the time I had no idea what a sentai show was, but the idea of five people with mecha that combine to make a giant robot that fights giant monsters?  That description was close enough to Voltron to get me watching (although I was out before Turbo).


Well, that new poster is better than the other one. It feels like there's a coherent design in it, though it has an air of contemplation and fantasy questing I don't typically associate with giant robot shows.  But given what I've seen in the trailers, the fantasy quest feel is oddly appropriate.


I'm still feeling more and more like a black poster that just says "It's morphin' time" is the direction they should be going for these things. It worked well enough for DC. (Throw a Superman or Batman logo and a movie title on a sheet of paper and you're golden).

3 hours ago, mikeszekely said:

But hey, I'm an '80s kid and I liked Power Rangers.  Of course, at the time I had no idea what a sentai show was, but the idea of five people with mecha that combine to make a giant robot that fights giant monsters?  That description was close enough to Voltron to get me watching (although I was out before Turbo).

I was the other direction. I thought the Power Rangers were a cheap Voltron knockoff.

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