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Saw this on Kotaku and it's real! 150 to Catch. Gotta catch them all! Works on iOS and Android Google Maps app.

Found some at

CN Tower x1

100 Infinte Loop (apple hq) x1

Eiffel Tower x1

Madison Square Garden x1

Sydney Opera House x a bunch.

A bunch near Google park.

  • 2 years later...

Official Pokemon Go thread?

OMG....everyone is playing this.

I love how it's getting everyone out of the house.

I just hit Level 6.


We had a problem with this Sunday night. I was working late and it turns out the walkway in front of the office is a major hotspot for this. At one in the morning more than eight cars crowded a parking area meant for only five and there were over thirty people of ages ranging from five to over forty. And the group was a chaotic mix of nerds, thugs and bums. Some of them looked totally harmless and others had that look like they had killed before. As soon as security would kick people out another group would show up from out of nowhere. And every group looked totally different from the last with whole families driving up to scuzzy weirdos riding up on bikes.


don't see it as to big of a deal but yeah it's pretty easy to tell who's playing and who's not. There's a hot spot not far from my work and a co worker and I went to check it out and see what we could find.....someone had set 4 lures out of the 6 pokestops there and must of been 50 people crowding in the middle. I went and I set a 5th lure to kind of seal the area and it caused everyone to crash and I just played innocent the whole time.


In about 3 weeks people will get tired of it and move on. We're talking about modern society, where most have a loyalty index and attention span of a nano-second. Besides, all of that work having to walk around and actually "go outside of their homes" to do things? A brave if archaic idea if I ever saw one...


The wife & I have tried this for the last few days. She works at a historic college, so there are a lot of critters & stops near her.

I've been home with a sick kid, and there are hardly any pokemon in my neighborhood. So far, I've only caught 5 pokemon, including a Venonat at my desk just now.

I agree, just like Neko Atsume, this will probably occupy everyone for about a month, then be forgotten. On the other hand, it's Pokemon, which has weathered the changes of the last 20 years surprisingly well.


First time I heard of this game was last night....dad was watching the news and apparently it made the news. Also saw it in the local paper this morning, apparently BBC has issued a warning of some sort? Super addicting?

I think I better steer clear, lol!

Posted (edited)

I work for a large company in my town, there are 5 landmarks that are some kind of collection points around the building, we've had tons of employees crowding the windows and going for " poke breaks". I imagine most 35+ year olds will wear off this fad quick, but the augmented reality piece of it is pretty fascinating, I've already heard a lot of buzz about ways to use this sort of "gamification" to get more work out of people.

Get ready rats, they are building the maze now, but don't expect good cheese, your'e gonna get the cheap stuff.

P.S. If you haven't seen the news search " Pokemon GO Dead Body" and you should find articles about the children finding dead bodies, stepping into traffic and getting hit by cars, muggers using the game to lure people behind abandoned buildings to rob them, myriads of car accidents from people playing behind the wheel, etc.

Common sense has completely left the building

Edited by Ghadrack

I think that the popularity of this game has surprised the media/general public simply due to the fact that a lot of people didn't know how popular Pokemon is.

If you're above a certain age range the game/show means little to you and all of a sudden its popularity is being shoved in everyone's faces.

But yeah, this is just a fad as well.

  On 7/14/2016 at 2:14 AM, Vifam7 said:

Maybe they should make a Moe Moe Anime Girls Go. Might get otaku to go out and get some exercise. :lol:

First of all: :lol::lol::lol: Second: Don't give them ideas!!!!


Wil Wheaton actually mentioned that episode in his Twitter feed the other day. Said he warned us all about those games in the '90s.


...after just one week, Pokemon Go has become the biggest mobile game in history


That's what happens when you give most of the people what they want.

Posted (edited)

What ever happened to playing Pokemon on a gameboy like a normal person?

Edited by anime52k8
  On 7/16/2016 at 7:01 PM, Dangard Ace said:

Damn you! Some punk took Dangard Ace and Dangard! Fragglesnadgasgasgagavaeradsf.

Some jerkface took my standard female character name of "JaneBob".

I was somewhat nonplussed. My exact thoughts were "Who would even WANT a stupid name like that?... aside from me, that is."

  On 7/16/2016 at 4:41 PM, David Hingtgen said:

It is now, despite being 2 years old. Re-titled thread.

Yeah, I think the original post was about Google's April First gimmick that year.

Joys of living in my neighborhood... there's something like six churches within easy walking distance, all of which have AT LEAST one pokéstop(two of them have two). You can hit all of them on a half-hour walk at a rather sedate pace.

Despite this, I saw six people drive slowly down the street in front of one of them, stopping for 30-60 seconds right in front of the church gate. Runbots! Hax!

  On 7/18/2016 at 7:43 AM, Graham said:

Was never into Pokemon, not my Generation. Never played any of the games and never watched the cartoon.

Hey, if your house is a gym or stop, you can literally tell these kids to get off your lawn.


I like the above comment, but this is a bit different than just one group coming by sometime in the day, they come by all hours of the night with ever changing groups. It is really creepy.

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