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What's your most prized possession....

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..in your toy collection :) ?

Mine happens to be what started it all...the DYRL movie. I saw it at a friend's house and have been collecting, albeit slowly, ever since. It's becoming an expensive hobby but I enjoy it every single minute. To the searching on ebay for macross items...browsing the online stores...and reading the boards here on MW. Thanks guys and gals for your inspiration. MW has become my "second" home and all of you my cyber buddies :rolleyes:;):D:) B) . (starts to compose himself and wipe tears away). Sniff..sniff. Oh yeah, tell me your prized possession and why.


Hard to choose just the one prize possession in my Valk collection. I love them all.

BUT if I had to choose just one; it would have to be my Bandai Super Vf-1S. Just because of the nostalgia factor. (Reminds me of the Jetfire I had.)

Posted (edited)

My most prized toys would be all the "TV" 1/55 Bandai reissues, and my 1/55 VF-1D custom. I never thought I would be able to own all these in good condition because of the prices they were going for a few years ago. The 1/55's are what started it all back in the 80's so I love them the most. :wub:^_^:wub:

Edited by NSJ23

My most prized possessions used to be my original Takatoku and Bandai 1/55 Valks, but I got rid of most of them since the 1/48 came out.

I don't really have a single most prized possesion, I love them all.



My prized possession is my Taka 1J wearing some GBP armor that I had since 1984. Paid $20 for it. Hard earned money for a 9 yr old back in those days . . . ;)


Since my collection isn't all that great I guess it'd have to be my two 1/48 Yammies. :(

  UN Spacy said:
Since my collection isn't all that great I guess it'd have to be my two 1/48 Yammies. :(

Two 1/48 scale Yammies is all I've got. I had a 1/60, but sold it.


Mine is my original jetfire that was only transformed like 5 times, still minty white and in perfect shape. I just wish I had a box to put it in. Other than that, it would have to be the macross tv dvd's.


Ishould be the Takatoku GBP-1S and the reissue 1990 super VF-1S that i bought for a bomb. :unsure: And the 1/48s. but i would like to add that the 1/60 collection add weight on my macross collection that somehow makes that display complete. :lol::lol::lol:


Hmmm, does it have to be Macross?

If so, my most prized Macross possession are my two 1/48's. At first I was only going to get one, but then the low viz happened, and like Graham, I sold off my Chunky Monkeys to get more 1/48's, opting to streamline my collection to the best representation available of the valk.

My most prized non-macross possession would probably be my Bandai Musha Gundam RX-178 MKII with Samurai Armor which is still MIB, NRFB, and complete with the elusive poster. This is the only one of my toys that I have never taken out of the box, I just can't bring myself to do it.



Mine are the 1/72 Hasegawa super and strike valks as well as battroids, no price could be worth the effort, time and work put in to build those model kits. Next in line would be the toys category, first are the 1/48 range followed by the 1/72 scale all from Yamato, sorry no bandais in the Macross category. :lol::p.

Lastly would be followed by the non Macross range is my SOC range, Mazinger, Grendizer, Evangelion and so on.




Since I don't own any "vintage" valks, It would be my whole macross toy collection - great variety and as a kid I always dreamed of owning at least one transformable valk :) Now I've got all the Bandai/Yamato/Banpresto releases. I also admit to owning 3 MPCs :unsure:


Too many to list.. but if I had to pick one.. it would be my 1/48 Focker VF-1S.


For now, it would have to be the 1/60 Hikaru Super VF-1J; it's all about 1Js.

I wouldn't be surprised to see this eclipsed in the near future by the 1/48 Hikaru Super VF-1A, or the YF-19 FP.


My most prized possession is my restored 1970 1/2 Z-28... my most prized toy is my custom made 12" GI Joe scale Vietnam Huey that takes up most of a table in my "basement"...

My most prized macross toy is most likely my set of 1/48s as they are the most intimidating and noticable of the collection.

Posted (edited)

Gotta be my Yamato 1/72 YF-19.

I still remember being absolutely amazed that someone was able to figure out how to make this thing transform and look good (admit it, when you first saw it you were floored!) in all modes.

Just fantastic work.

(Editted for spelling)

Edited by RicePiece
  s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d said:
tuff call but I would say my 1/35 legioss collection by a razor thin lead to my 1/48 Yammies.

I would have to agree.I am a sucker for the alphas of old. :lol:


My most precious macross possesions are ( because of the monetary investment and availability):

-The Macross Gold book

-My resin kit collection (G-Sys 1/48 ultimate VF-1J Strike; SDF-1, 2 modes; Yellow submarine kits all of the 1/144s)

To me, everything Macross is precious otherwise I wouldn't be spending my paychecks on them.


Yeah, as all of you have stated in one way or another, is very hard to choose just ONE thing. I also love all my valks and transformers, but if I had to choose one, that would be my weird, nearly broken, pinture chopped off, full of hardware patches Astrotrain. I have it since 1985, when I was a little kid. :rolleyes:

Ah, those times.... so many hours playing... :lol:

And from my yammies, I should choose my original yf-21, even it lacks poseability... a little bit.


Posted (edited)

I am admittingly a CF junkie so I love my 1/60 CF. The two 19's I have are also way up there. A 1/48 CF Fast Pack would probably become my favorite fast though. Or a Yammie 17 if they ever make one.

I am also rather partial to my MG Sazabi and Nu Gundam.

Edited by Anubis

Hmm well my most prized possesions were my Takatoku 1/55 VF-1S and VF-1J...sold those to buy more 1/48s....I know sacriledge :lol:

The 1/55s don't do it for me anymore. I'm in the process of selling the rest of my 1/60s and 1/55 reissues. 1/48s only for me.


i dig my new 1/48. it's by far the sickest of my valks. but... i have to say my most prized macross possestions are my max and milia 1/55's. they are bandai, but when i saw the two valks together in an anime store in like 88', i knew i would own a set one day, takatoku or not. it's just a nostalgia thing i guess.


The first time I ever knew about the Takatoku Macross Valkyries was back in 2001 when I started using eBay. I was floored by them, but couldn't afford it at the time. I quickly did some research and learned of their origins and existence. What brought me to them was my search for a Transformers G1 Jetfire. I had seen the Macross movie and the Strike Valkyrie was my most wanted so I eventually got one MIB complete and unused. I guess that would be my first most valuable next to the G1 Jetfire I got later, also MIB complete and unused. I got these two items off ebay so I am a bit appreciative for ebay and for finding these two items that I have. Now, they uh, just sit in their packaging tucked away in another box for safety.

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