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  On 6/27/2014 at 1:13 AM, Renato said:

What's the point of Hikaru without Arihiro Hase?

He was "another universe" Hikaru, according to Kawaori now ... :rolleyes: So no need.

  On 6/26/2014 at 4:53 PM, YF-29 Durandal said:

I would like a continuation of SDFM with Megaroad-01 and Hikaru & Co.

I would rather their fates remain a mystery. Otherwise you risk "mitichlorians" like Star Wars. Allude to them, but never reveal their fate...

  On 6/26/2014 at 10:59 PM, Duymon said:

I would settle for a more mature Macross like Macross Plus or Macross Zero.

No Moe, a darker feel and a main protagonist like Shin, Isamu or even Leon from Mac30.

If THAT is what you want then it is an OVA series you would be looking for. TV series are aimed at the younger demographic every time.

  On 6/27/2014 at 5:54 PM, VF5SS said:

Mayuyu already had Queadluun-Rau armor so AKB0048 is just Macross in a future time.


Found this for you, veef. I like to think every missile represents one of Itano's tears:



It would be great to see the old team back together again just for one last time and the same team that worked on Macross The Ride as well. I really wish they would have a little bit more action, make the female characters look a little bit more stylish/feminine. Please don’t let the main characters be under the age of 18 or let the love triangle drag on for too long. Have the music be either metal, blues or folk this time around. I would like for the story to be more of a tragedy. I know that most of what I said probably wont happen. As long as the new series is fun and creative I'll be happy with that.


I have watched SDFM, Plus, Zero, Frontier and five episodes of 7 (enough to know it's just a show about a song called planet dance.) and I think if the new series could maybe return to the same sort of serious themes as the original series and Zero with a blend of the light fun episodes they had in Frontier.

I don't know about anyone else but I'd like to see a Macross series go the same length as 7 did.


The level of 'seriousness' for Macross shows is kind of hard to pin down. Off the top of my head I guess I'd do seriousness as the follows (and I'm thinking more tone than subject matter):
1) Mac Zero

2) DYRL?
3) Mac Frontier (the OVAs would be ranked above the series)
4) SDF: Macross
5) Mac Plus (I might rank this higher if everyone didn't look like elves)
6) Mac7


This past weekend has really given me a better appreciation for the traditional forces working behind the scenes that help both greenlight and produce anime or any kind of media.

  On 7/6/2014 at 5:27 AM, jenius said:

The level of 'seriousness' for Macross shows is kind of hard to pin down. Off the top of my head I guess I'd do seriousness as the follows (and I'm thinking more tone than subject matter):

1) Mac Zero

2) DYRL?

3) Mac Frontier (the OVAs would be ranked above the series)

4) SDF: Macross

5) Mac Plus (I might rank this higher if everyone didn't look like elves)

6) Mac7

How do you define "seriouness?" I'd put watching the earth being razed as far more serious then ANYTHING in Frontier even with some of the silliness they had in SDF. Hell, I'd rank SDF higher then DYRL if only for the fact the story in DYRL is so convoluted and the Earth looks so alien that there's almost a complete loss of agency for that final battle.


I think seriousness in Macross is more about tone than about themes. What I mean is that all Macross series deal with a story where humanity, or the chunk of it we see in the story, is threatened with annihilation or subjugation (I'm admittedly hazy on what Sharon's plans were). Likewise, a war is going on in each (although Plus is again the outlier, as the war is somewhat distant). In any case, this is clearly serious business.

Where they differ is in the tone they take. Macross Zero, for example, is almost completely devoid of humor (the marriage sticks are the only thing that comes to mind), and has hardly any light-hearted moments. Plus is nearly as dire, with only Isamu's antics (and straight-man Yang) to lighten the tone in a few spots. Seven, on the other hand, is packed with gags and silliness in nearly every episode. The other series probably fall somewhere in between.

But I don't think the difference is one of themes. Macross is nearly always about serious concepts, it just approaches them in a more or a less playful manner.

Maybe I could have just said, "jenius has the right idea" ;-)

  On 7/7/2014 at 5:05 PM, Nekko Basara said:

Macross Zero, for example, is almost completely devoid of humor (the marriage sticks are the only thing that comes to mind), and has hardly any light-hearted moments.

Roy Focker gets a Big Gulp dumped on his head for hitting on a chick, because he is a smooth ladies man.

Guys, guys, patience! The announcement merely said that they had decided to do a new series. The fact that there wasn't a title, a logo, or any pre-production work to go along with the announcement means that they were no doubt in the very very early stages of preproduction.

It's coming. Thats a fact. And when theres anything to report, our comrades in Macross here at MW will be the first to know. This isn't some dubious kickstarter. It's locked in and is real. The wait may be long but at least we know theres going to be something at the end thats worth waiting for.

In the meantime, theres no better way to wait this out than by contemplating the sheer awesomeness of this picture.



Haha! Yeah that is an awesome pic! Yup. We are all going to have to wait patiently for news and whatever it is, we're going to analyze the hell out of it and wait for more news afterwards to verify our speculations. It's all part of the fun!

  On 7/11/2014 at 3:15 PM, Tochiro said:

Guys, guys, patience! The announcement merely said that they had decided to do a new series. The fact that there wasn't a title, a logo, or any pre-production work to go along with the announcement means that they were no doubt in the very very early stages of preproduction.

It's coming. Thats a fact. And when theres anything to report, our comrades in Macross here at MW will be the first to know. This isn't some dubious kickstarter. It's locked in and is real. The wait may be long but at least we know theres going to be something at the end thats worth waiting for.

In the meantime, theres no better way to wait this out than by contemplating the sheer awesomeness of this picture.


All I read here is Ironman/Macross crossover for the new series! Woohoo!!!

  On 7/11/2014 at 4:38 PM, EXO said:

All I read here is Ironman/Macross crossover for the new series! Woohoo!!!

It's a new EX-Gear. Customized for Basara. BOMBA! :lol:


Maybe the plan here is to have Disney buy the Macross title... That'd be a pretty brilliant move... lol. They can have Francis Underwood mitigate that deal.

  On 7/11/2014 at 5:46 PM, EXO said:

Maybe the plan here is to have Disney buy the Macross title... That'd be a pretty brilliant move... lol. They can have Francis Underwood mitigate that deal.

Then the head of Pixar would get a shot at it, not really a terrible idea.

Posted (edited)

I think the macross series would probably be best rebooted after the existing series came to an end through a space war and then almost everyone dies.

The few survivors genetically modify the alien, human and plants to become the new Protoculture and the cycle just repeats.

If the humans are the PC, then there is no need to answer the mystery of who the protoculture are. You could just say time did'nt exists for the PC. They were just the spirits (from another dimension) of creative beings that did not have physical bodies which gave the ideas to the living physical beings to go and invent stuff. (these could have been living machines they formed to do certain tasks like angels or something like that which lived in the dimension where time does exist)

Thus ends the macross series so it can be rebooted by people who are eager to see alternate universe stories. (ie macross II)

Bandai can milk all the money from multiple series. Much like Universal Century co-exist with all the other universes like Wing Gundam and Seed Gundam etc.

I think the best way to reboot it would be they do a prequel to SDFM which does not have to be accepted as canon, but could be it's own story. (I know Zero is a prequel but I mean something that took place thousands of years ago while the zentradi were fighting wars, earth was still primitive and space demons had not yet been seen as a threat yet as the pc were not knowledgeable of the "space magick" that let them out of the prison) Like it can loosely explain the reason for trying to control and brainwash others much like the star wars prequel trilogy explains how the republic transformed into the empire. (ie the sith were plotting revenge on the jedi who are their nemesis)

Then after the Prequel (which includes supervision army fights and PC, they can start other series which loosely follows the template set by the prequel which could be the hub of "where it all began". It doesn't have to involve anything from SDFM or DYRL or anything from the 80s shows. It can allow people who were not around when those old shows were made to go in with no knowledge and enjoy the future tv shows. (but mecha designs can be modernised to resemble what you saw from the older shows)

Since the prequel was set so far into the past it can get updated and changed and modified over the years. It doesn't need to be set in stone with details that anyone could remember. It is just the creation myth of "how it all began". Since they've already touched on music as a form of magick in macross 7, it would not seem out of place for them to have an explanation of the "God of the universe" (the great creator who spoke all the creations into existence with his mouth) for macross in a prequel imo.

If you see Macross as a Sci-Fi show, that is ok, because even those people who come from the various alie races have to have had some beginning or belief in a god before they became all materialistic and scientific and forgot about their folk tales and ancient myths.

The Halo videogame series do it well by merging the religious stuff with the high tech aliens and references to the Flood (which as we see are physically zombie monsters sent as punishment to stop powerful races getting too powerful. (ie much like the Great Flood of biblical times when Noah and his family were the only ones worth saving due to not having genetic mods done)

If macross took a more religious angle on the creation of the aliens and then explained it in scientific way people would not have problems with the floating rocks of Mac Zero and the space demon idea in macross7.

I can totally accept that a being is mechanical physically but the physical is like a wireless router for data coming in from another dimension which allows that mechanical being to be remotely controlled by gods who live in another universe where there is no concept of time. (kind of like the way humans have alien bodies to mingle with the blue-skinned aliens in the movie "Avatar" but the difference is that the controller of the machine-body does not have a physical body themselves. Instead, they just send the thought invisibly without any technology involved - like how dolphins just use sonar naturally to communicate in the sea, not with any man-made crap. This is what they were 'born'/designed/created with.)

In a lot of JRPG you have ancient myths tied to ruins found in the journey and the ruins become the keys to breaking the mystery of the past which is obviously covered up by the government or the characters in the story to protect those secrets from the bad guys. I think this is what I would like in the prequel. You have aliens that are the main characters who stumble upon the ruins in exploring the wrecks of older civilisations but they are attacked by governments and organisations who wish to grab the knowledge for themselves to have control over thier rivals. The main characters get into contact with the good guys who reveal the secrets of the past and how the universe is created and destroyed by ideas implanted into the music which creates actions in the people who hear it and shapes what they do in future. The ideas can't die. but the people can. That is how the knowledge lives from generation to generation. So all the technology you see is really old knowledge rebranded as new when the past advanced civilisations died off. "We are the protoculture" The dying of older civilisations and re-birth of new ones carries the ideas with it and it is much like how your grandkids will inherit certain things of their ancestors that determine their fate. It is not a linear line with a beginning middle and end point. The universe is more like a bicycle wheel spinning around and we are the monsters killing each other off in the wars, but spreading our culture into the future.

I guess the last space war would be between the competing versions of the "UN Spacy".

UN government = world government for humans and aliens of different races.

Alien UN government = all the rival world government set up by people just as advanced as the humans and aliens from past shows but butting heads with UNG for control over universe and its resources.

If there is a space war between two "universal governments" it would be like empire vs empire.

They put this into the prequel where PC were fighting other advanced civilisations but they were best at mind control and fell out of favour with their gods so turned to manipulation of the masses to empower themselves. Then resistence formed and started peaceful world government and they were artists and creative types who only had peaceful technology and used music to heal people and were very spiritual. (they communicated with their god to ensure they would never use knowledge to control people for selfish reasons)

This would explain why humans fight all the time but also explain why people react to the music as they inherited that creativity so they didn't have to destroy others to steal their resources. They could create something they could call their own and this was their "first culture". Instead of destroying and manipulating people using weapons, they sang, danced, invented things, created new ideas, wrote books, stored history, bred with people who hated violent solutions, shared their knowledge with others instead of hid it away selfishly and jealously guarding it etc Since all ideas come from their god and they attribute creativity to the creator of the universe, nobody gets to take credit for things they make. They did not fight for the right to own something. They willingly gave things to each other for free because they recognised hat fighting over something isn't as productive as combining knowledge to further and advance their civilisation.

The prequel would not feature any valkyires but there would be mecha that looked like the alien weapons from Macross zero where levitation of objects and mind powers formed the basis for settling disputes.

If you have levitation you would not need jet engines and primitive WWII tech. lol

Of course that does not mean people could make the mecha for convenience so they did not need to use their minds. Robot servents (golems) that look like they belong in nature could be used as their version of a destroid for instance. It could pick up items, guns, throw things but it would be almost like a living version of a robot. (the closest things would be a transformer, but it would not be made of only metals. These are technologies that have science behind them but so advanced that it appears like magic because knowledge was not lost in those times when people share knowledge freely and openly)

Big problem with macross is the original can't be topped in terms of scale. All these later shows have the same message but they draw us really close into the characters but leave out what is happening in the background.

The background should be just as important as what the main characters are doing. What happens in the past relates to what is going on in the present. "Why do people fight?" "What's the need for weapons if people are peaceful and that's the difference between aliens and human?" "Is fighting good if its for protective purpose?" "Is it selfish to want to run away from responsibility if you know the world is going to end?" All this is in the original shows. Can you say that the later shows beat SDFM in scale? I'd say they get the ideas from the original in there but if you had no interest in the characters or the cool mecha or music, you couldn't say the show was worth watching by itself.

I thik a prequel would allow us to view something outside of the perspective of humans. Since humans are part of the problem as they were fighitng world war 3 before the alien ship came down. Show us the idealistic peace that people wanted that might have existed in ancient times long before space war I. Could the society that existed known as the PC at one time had no need for weapons or control, or to invent battleships which can kill people in one single hit? If so explain how they fell from grace and spread their wars to earth when the ship crashed and drew giants to investigate it. That story would be far more interesting to me (the origins of alien wars) than retread of the series with new teens. Aim at everyone who likes Sci Fi. Not just fans of robots or teenage girls who want to be pop princesses. It's great junk food entertainment. But maybe they should aim for bigger audience other than the one they target? (perhaps something you could watch with your grand dad and appeals to anyone, not just people who watch soap operas and read romance books? lol)

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
  On 7/11/2014 at 5:14 PM, Nekko Basara said:

I'm imagining Fukuyama with a mega-sized, Nendoroid-style helmet, to avoid messing up the hair.

Which is AWESOME!

I would so totally throw big money at that.

  On 7/12/2014 at 4:27 AM, 1/1 LowViz Lurker said:

I thik a prequel would allow us to view something outside of the perspective of humans. Since humans are part of the problem as they were fighitng world war 3 before the alien ship came down.

That's Robotech. In Macross, all evidence indicates humanity was at peace(or what passes for it 'round these parts) before the alien spaceship crashed down. And THEN global war broke out because everyone wanted a piece of that ASS(-1).

The Unification Wars only happened BECAUSE of those jerk aliens littering the galaxy with their broken war machines.

Posted (edited)

Yeah but the humans fired the first shot in space war I dude. No excuses. You saw what they did to the giants who were peaceful creatures before the SDF-01 went into auto attack mode in episode 1 Humans will forever be shamed as the aggressors of the war who attacked the aliens unprovoked. At least to the truth community.

If humans didn't let the ship attack the peaceful zentradi warriors who only wanted to teach humans cool fighting tactics and show them their chicken walking vehicles and spread their warlike culture and be best buddies with humans, then we could have avoided fighting over the ship and share its secret without the whole planet getting shot by lasers.

I bet a human hacker was the one who actually made the main cannon fire automatically and not the alien crew who crashed landed the ship to earth as believed by many humans. It wa humans who made the macross movies and we all know the victor of the wars gets to write the history books.

The savage zentradi always look scary and menacing. What about the zentradi that like puppies and kittens and help old ladies across the street and sing war songs and help with disaster relief by removing rocks and rubble during severe earthquakes? Ever considered they didn't need human's help? Are they so helpless we need to give stuff and they can't make it on their own and form their own zentradi nation which is peaceful and do well in business selling giant genetically modified fried chicken cooked with the laser technology they used to kill people in battle and sell to humans who want to be macronised and learn zentradi mixed martial arts and enter zentradi fighting tournaments? The animes are biased takes on the real thing imo. :p An OVA needs to be made where the zentradi rogues kicked the un spacy butt because they are the good guys for once in the story. Juist because they don't like the UNG doesn't necessarily mean they are evil. Maybe the UNG want something from them that they have and use the fact that they are zentradi rogues as a excuse for murder? Loads of stories we are probably not being told about in space or that are being censored by the network tv. What if the rogue zentradi are actually the good guys in many of the battles and only attack in self defence with no intention of hurting the humans before humans shot at them?

Nobody ever considers that. Much like the mutants in x-men the humans (who fear the power of the mutant) could be the bad guys for once. Britai in the original series even had the decency to only attack max and hikaru with his BARE hands instead of picking up guns to shoot the human pilots. While Max Kakizaki and Hiakru were armed with guns trying to kill him and even tried to burn his face off with the thrusters in the feet of the VF-1.

Pretty sure the Zentradi are the peaceful ones! Brainwashed, but that doesn't mean they are evil just because they get scared of porn and naked chics because of mind control. (fact is maybe it is good for them as aliens as it prevents them from being distracted from fighting better which as we all know is how you protect innocent people.. by killing the enemy before they kill you off without having to like the duty.

If th antiUN and rogue zentradi formed their own UNG and recruited new youg pilots I think they would be able to beat the UNG run by humans who are obviously afraid of the other races.

The AI beings who have become "self aware" ad want independance from human bosses could probably help too since as cold, unfeeling machines they could teach the uneducated rogue zentradi how to repair crap and make automated repair factories that can fix themselves and make machines do all the work for the rogue zentradi while they concentrate on fighting and killing and eating humans when food supplies run out and all the giant cows run out and beef prices go up. Humans as food source is one survival tactic out in the wild since giants consume much more food.

If the rogue zentradi built their own SDF01 with the guidance of an AI, they could take on the human-run UNG and be the leaders and clone human factory workers to make toys and model kits at small scale for them to feature in war movies that the zentradi want to make to retell previous battles they fought in. The war movies need minitures (think of it like how we have godzilla movies with miniture cities built for the action scenes) and the humans are smaller than them so their smaller size is suited for this work as well as scientists working in labs to make better genetically-modified killing machines. (combine the aliens with alien animals to make monsters that can be sold as biological weapons to other governments in the galaxy who don't like to fight directly and prefer pokemon style battles to settle disputes)

There is a lot of things human can do for the zentradi like study all the plant and insect life for them while they concentrate on building their empire to conquer the galaxy with force to demonstrate that "if you ever shoot at them first again, we will take over your nation and your planets and enslave your butt by laser bombardments."

"We have to protect the humans from extinction as they are like violent gangs that have gone out of control and if we let weapon of mass destruction in their hands they could have enslaved everyone and erased their history/culture to make them feel inferior and want to give up their traditions. Some freedoms like the freedom to not be taxed by NUNG are things the other alien races had before the humans started coming along spreading their seed. But if the humans are controlled by the Zentradi, then there is less chance you will be shot at first like what happened in the first space war, which is what almost cost them their entire culture and history and almost made them extinct."

Humans had nuclear power and reaction bombs. They used the WMD out of fear that the giants would want to harm them but the giants were more scared of humans than the humans were of giants. As soon as the giants saw male humans having sex with females, as discovered by spies, that was enough to make the giants fear them and not want to attack as this is part of the prophecy "don't harm miclones, they have the power to stop you from fighting. Keep away from them.". Yes the command was brainwashed into them by the PC who were obviously small so they needed to have a safety measure in case the giants turned on them similar to "Directive 4" command in the 1980s movie "robocop", but at least it would not have resulted in laser bombardment of earth which almost wiped out all humans from their home planet, right? .

The humans are not saints either is all I'm saying. And if they ARE descendants of PC then that means they are the seed of a race of ancient advanced aliens that wanted to brainwash the Zentradi into fighting all the wars for them as clones. So naturally the giants should not trust them as they are Satan's Puppets/Dolls" Should the Dolls who just do what they are commanded be blamed for something the puppet master created? Or should we hang/arrest the puppet MASTER who manipulates the puppets (who are victims too) due to all the damage the caused?

Should we arrest the AI personality for hacking the SDF1 in Macross Plus? or should we blame the mad scientist who used the AI to kill off humans using drones? (that guy was human too btw) All Sharon Apple was doing (like the Satan's Dolls) was what the creator wanted. It's not the AI that can be held accountable. It's the human bad guy that made it so he is the guilty one. Same thing with PC creating giants to do all the work for them. The humans who it is speculated might be descendents, are guilty since their ancestors would have been reknown as slave makers. Why then would Rogue zentradi have to put up with crap from the guilty humans who take after their dads from the past? Better to form your own government and warrior culture outisde their system instead of being bossed around by them just in case. Like a backup government for all the rogue zentradi who feel mistreated by human society. (similar to Xavier's school for gifted children in the x-men comics, This is where all the mutant kids go whose abusive non-mutant parents couldn't handle because they fear the mutant but were kind enough not to abort before they were born)

If there are half breed zentradi and humans living in peace, they are not likely to be trusted by pure humans and there is a possibility there for discrimination since there is fear the "giants are taking over and breeding with our daughters". Think about it: in sport the best atheletes are going to be the aliens since they have stronger bodies to resist damage in full contact sports and other things. Humans can't compete with that if they are pure blooded. Do you think pure humans like to lose to aliens who win all the olympic events? It sends a message that "zentradi are the superior race".

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

I was unsure about your post. So...

  On 7/13/2014 at 10:11 PM, 1/1 LowViz Lurker said:

Yeah but the humans fired the first shot in space war I dude. No excuses. You saw what they did to the giants who were peaceful creatures before the SDF-01 went into auto attack mode in episode 1 Humans will forever be shamed as the aggressors of the war who attacked the aliens unprovoked. At least to the truth community.

No. No they didn't. The Macross's automatic systems fired the first shot. I'll grant you that it seems a bit suspect that they never found this program in the computer after an entire decade but I suppose it could happen. Point being that the did not deliberately start that war.

As for the rest of your post tl;dr all sounds like fanfiction. So yeah, serious or joking. Which is it?

Posted (edited)

All Sharon Apple was doing was what the creator wanted. It's not the AI that can be held accountable. It's the human bad guy that made it so he is the guilty one.

No, I'm pretty sure Sharon was doing what Sharon wanted. I don't think her sole objective being to kill one guy above anything else was the point of installing the bio-neural chip.

Edited by D.D. Ivanov

How many months since the announcement and no more official news? Speculation can be fun but it's tiring with no more information..Starting to feel like vaporware..


It's not vaporware, they're just taking their own time. I would suspect they might announce something in October. Might not even be 'till early next year. We'll have to see.


It might still be a while so I recommend patience.

The last couple of shows that Satelight has released (Nobunaga the Fool and M3) have been disappointing and have had poor sales or like in the case of M3, have had to delay the BD releases in order to "improve product quality." They really, really need a hit with the upcoming Macross so taking their sweet time with developing a good story and characters might be a good idea.

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