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I want things to be new as new can be. I don't have a "perfect" Macross tone and formula in mind, no preference for gritty or sweet, I just hope for something fun and interesting and not going backwards.

But if I really had to pick something...I'd like some strong, developed Zentradi stories, ones that don't lean so heavily on previous character types or homages. Macross the Musicalture shows the direction I'm thinking.

A reboot is a possibility, but I hope no one produces the "definitive" SW1 to officially and without question slot in before the other two Macross TV series. Not that I think the franchise's methods are preferable to the way other media does it, but just that I know my favourite parts of SDFM probably wouldn't survive a One SW1 to Rule Them All.

Pretty sure no one's going to directly revisit Hikaru, Misa, and Minmay again. Not that their ending was handled well, but a new hunk of story with them would just be excess.

Revisiting the world before SW1 I dunno...it could work, but I feel like the Protoculture are best left in the background. All we need to know of them is what they left behind. The Protoculture are something to react to, rather than characters themselves.

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Yes it has been confirmed that Kawamori will not be involved as Big West has trapped him at the bottom of a very deep well. The only thing that can save him is the power of Aquarion's Mugen Punch.

Are you sure??

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Huh, Kawamori not involved? That's.....interesting. It's Macross II all over again.

Hm....I dunno how I wanna feel about this honestly. I lost a lot of love for Macross last 3 months after sharing my passion for it with my now ex girlfriend who really got into it (cept 7, she wouldn't touch that. That's okay.) and now she's adios'ed. What horrible timing this is for me.

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Yes it has been confirmed that Kawamori will not be involved as Big West has trapped him at the bottom of a very deep well. The only thing that can save him is the power of Aquarion's Mugen Punch.

This sucks.

no Kawamori = no new Valkyrie

I guess we will probably just see variants of existing valkyries.

Unless it is Macross The Ride. Then we will see the VF-19 ACTIVE in action. :D

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Guest davidwhangchoi

This sucks.

no Kawamori = no new Valkyrie

I guess we will probably just see variants of existing valkyries.

Unless it is Macross The Ride. Then we will see the VF-19 ACTIVE in action. :D

he was just messing around

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LOLing at the people thinking Kawamori is not involved. You just need to read a few posts above you to know it's not true.

For the new series i think i'd perfer something between the SDFM era and the Plus/7 era. I think going to far into the future will stretch the credibility of the valkyrie. In Frontier the valkyrie is already getting to be way too advanced (especially the VF-27). It's hard to imagine how much more advance they can make the valkyrie without the viewer losing touch with it. Just my opinion though. Maybe they'll follow robotech and use Alphas/legioss? (Just kidding before anyone start raging).

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And people who are reading that Kawamori isn't involve are only proving my point that people are lazy and don't read anymore. Nor do they have any form of reading comprehension. :rolleyes:

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not 100 percent sure which I am looking forward too more.

Details about the new series or the table-flipping nerd-rage those details is almost certain to engender.
Either way, I got my popcorn ready. ^_^

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And people who are reading that Kawamori isn't involve are only proving my point that people are lazy and don't read anymore. Nor do they have any form of reading comprehension. :rolleyes:


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The next Macross series is going to be about an alien invasion by beings of extraterrestrial origin who are the adversary of the human race that possess an almost impenetrable anti-air defense thus necessitating the need to develop highly maneuverable Destroids that stick near the ground.

yay Destroids!

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For the record, it is midnight and I have just arrived home after an overly long session of recording the latest episode of Macross SpeakerPodCast, where we cover -- among other things like recent events and also some Lovers Again stuff, whatever that is -- the various reactions to this news (including what Japanese users of 2ch have posted) in fair depth. It should be coming soon so please look forward to it!

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For the record, it is midnight and I have just arrived home after an overly long session of recording the latest episode of Macross SpeakerPodCast, where we cover -- among other things like recent events and also some Lovers Again stuff, whatever that is -- the various reactions to this news (including what Japanese users of 2ch have posted) in fair depth. It should be coming soon so please look forward to it!

Can't wait to hear it :)

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no Kawamori = no new Valkyrie

He designed the VF-1 and told about it like those in the video.


Until this one, there were actually some transformable robots/ mechas, but they never fly (because of the design).

Just have a boxed shape with the wings...

They were not considered their air resistance or some sort.


Considering the contents, at least Kawamori-san thinks of it in designing every Valk.

I want to know who can do it but Shoji Kawamori.


Edited by antibiotictab
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And people who are reading that Kawamori isn't involve are only proving my point that people are lazy and don't read anymore. Nor do they have any form of reading comprehension. :rolleyes:

You are damn right. I was lazy and only did a selective reading.

Did I read now everything? still... nope. :p

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Speaking of Destroids that would be reallly cool to see some epic ground battles,just to change it up abit. I'll be all for it.

I had a wierd dream last night that Minmay was shaking me saying that she wanted to be in the new series. yelling "Am I in it? TELL MEE" "i dont know!"

I think I had too much cheese before bed.

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If they get Minmay in it at all, I think it would rock to get in a *significantly older* Minmay. With the original voice actress, of course.

A young Minmay with present-day Mari Iijima won't sound right (the 2006 dub has that problem, I think - the girl on screen is 15, the voice, while beautiful, is decidedly middle-age). And a Minmay without Mari is not Minmay in my opinion - at best she's the Minmay character as played in an inworld movie by someone like Ranka Lee. But an older Minmay with Mari's voice would rock, in my view. (I imagine her when listening to some of Mari Iijima's more recent work).

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And people who are reading that Kawamori isn't involve are only proving my point that people are lazy and don't read anymore. Nor do they have any form of reading comprehension. :rolleyes:

In the middle of euforia, what can I say? :p

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Except you forgot that Ozma was unaffected by the pineapple cake.

Hence the cake is the "non-lethal" version.

Hhhhmmmmm, how about a succesful, independent, cute, pink haired VF Pilot and her on again off again relationship with a David Coverdale looking Rocker Boyfriend...

So a sequel to M7 focusing on Mylene?

Edited by d3v
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(including what Japanese users of 2ch have posted)

All of the contents of the 2ch boards and threads are now reproduction prohibited.
Don't you know that?
Its rule was changed about March 21 according to this news story below.
Check the top page, too. "無断複写●転載を禁じます"
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Yeah, but that is to curb the proliferation of matome-blogs, which just take the 2ch content and copy-paste it, so they can get lots of clicks. We did not copy or redistribute any of the text from 2ch.

In our case, we are just talking in general about what kinds of reactions the Japanese users of 2ch have had, in broad terms. We're not reproducing anything.

For example, it is illegal to copy and upload an episode of Macross Frontier on the internet, right? OK, we do not do that. But on the podcast we do talk *about* Macross Frontier, and its content. So, is that redistribution/reproduction? I do not think so.

We just talk **about** stuff, that's what a podcast is.


Edited by Renato
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I have shared this with some other Macross fans, what do you guys think? I have always been curious about the Protoculture, Supervision Army and all that transpired before the Macross crashed on Earth. There is potential for such great drama in that time period where the Protoculture realized the armies they created to fight one another was spinning out of control and that little by little the great culture was falling fast into the void. I can envision protagonists on both sides either trying to save what they could or revel in the destruction that was looming. We can see the errors and faults in that ancient race and relate to how our imperfect world can achieve such greatness and yet live in such disharmony. Romance, music, mecha...yes all of that can be there. A true paradox that we can say, it happened before it will happen again. Deculture!

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I have shared this with some other Macross fans, what do you guys think? I have always been curious about the Protoculture, Supervision Army and all that transpired before the Macross crashed on Earth. There is potential for such great drama in that time period where the Protoculture realized the armies they created to fight one another was spinning out of control and that little by little the great culture was falling fast into the void. I can envision protagonists on both sides either trying to save what they could or revel in the destruction that was looming. We can see the errors and faults in that ancient race and relate to how our imperfect world can achieve such greatness and yet live in such disharmony. Romance, music, mecha...yes all of that can be there. A true paradox that we can say, it happened before it will happen again. Deculture!

Great review!!! I think it would be a great OVAS prelude to such stories coming events.

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