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Custom 1/60 Zentran and Meltran Figures, LIMITED

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FINALLY got these up for sale - FS Thread here:


After 2 Years and about $2,500+ of my own $$ - done at last. Phew.

Wanted to do something unique where we got something not seen much, plus have them completed ( as opposed to a kit you have to finish yourself ) - and ready ship around the time of the announcement ( instead of having to wait a very long time ).

1/60 Scale TV VERSION Meltran Millia Fig --



1/60 Scale TV VERSION Zentran Regult and Glaug Figs --



Here is the box art:





Dude those things blow my mind. Worst timing ever for me since I just bought the house.


Dude those things blow my mind. Worst timing ever for me since I just bought the house.

Thanks B - and everyone's compliments.

Might have to go evilBay to recoup my costs, and / or I may never get back the money I put into them. Possibly end up keeping most of them myself, or eventually reducing the price.

Will not regret the experience no matter. Was a great and mostly enjoyable challenge, but I have to move onto the next thing, I'm behind schedule.

Here are a few more fun pics . . .









OMG there's a Jem and the Holograms thread? What am I doing here??

One of llfe's little ironies for me: way back in the day (circa 1986), Jem and dem other hoes was the show that replaced Robotech after my local TV station dropped it because it was too violent. As a kid, I was one sad panda after that one let me tell ya.

Back on topic, Darrin, those figures look absolutely fantastic! Well done sir.


These are great, Darrin, wish I had the funds too. I didn't expect, between the Masei helmets, the 19, the Prophecy, the Tornado packs, and the Isamu 29 parts, that I'd be spending so much, so fast. Not only that, I've been working on finishing up projects of my own, which has been kicking my behind. love the pics, too. They look great. It only makes it that much more difficult that I can't afford them.


Thanks Jason - appreciate the compliments.

The biggest accomplishment is I managed to create them with a full time job and 4 kids!

( anyone with little ones deserved big props for getting anything else done - at all imo )

I did not miss any time with them through the course of the project.

And the pics are fun to do - endless possibilities if I had more time . . .



I got the brown Zentradi soldier and Milia in the mail from DarrinG. Thought I’d do a mini review in case some of you are on the fence.

Zentradi brown soldier:


See comparison pics with TV screen shots below. I had initially thought that this is based on the ultra limited T-REX mold from a few years ago, but it turns out it’s completely unrelated. According to Darrin, it is a scratch build kit bash. It does a great job capturing Zentradi’s bulky armor. The mask on the helmet has cutout (unlike the T-rex one), and can be flipped down. I also like the gun with the gun strap (note that the gun is glued to right hand). I wish he is a little bit larger size-wise, as it is on the small side if compared to the Macross Chronicle scale chart. However I believe the size was designed to be compatible to the Yamato 1/60 Regult. Overall great sculpt.


He can pull off most normal poses. Need to be pretty careful during posing, as its left arm and both elbow joints can be easily dislodged if not careful (can be easily put back). No waist, mid-section joints and no extreme poses, but does have all the swivels at the right places. Face shield is articulated and can come all the way down (I noticed that I didn’t have it flipped all the way up in some pics). He is very stable and pretty fun to pose.


It’s high quality plastic, not resin. So far it seems sturdy for what it needs to do.

Paint work:

Excellent! Paint was expertly applied and detailed with light weathering. I can tell Darrin really put a lot of work into it.


It’s a kit. It’s supposed to be fragile and it is. Handle with care. Some of the joints can come off during posing if not careful but can be easily put back. Having said that, I’d rather joints pop off rather than break. As mentioned earlier he is very stable.

Overall impression:

I’m very happy to finally have a Zentradi soldier in my collection! This adds another dimension to my collection that no ordinary valkyrie can match. It adds perspective when placed next to a 1/60 human figure, showing how intimidating the Zentradi would be when seen by a human. I can also appreciate the hard work that Darrin has put into this with the great paint detail and great sculpt. It is a wonderful display piece!

While the price tag may scare many away (though I admit Darrin sold these two to me at less than what he asked for), there just isn’t any other option if you are looking for a completed model of a 1/60 Zentradi solder. The fact that only such limited numbers of these are available makes it more worthwhile. I’m stoked that a Macross fan made these for other Macross fans. J I do wish I could army build the soldiers……..but not all dreams come true. If you can afford it, grab it while you can!!













Posted (edited)



See comparison pics with artwork from Macross Chronicle below. She is a little bustier than the on screen Milia, but who complains about that? The face is beautiful with a pointy nose exactly like Milias. The hair looks good, and can be swapped out to put the helmet on, which also looks good with a nice transparent green face shield. I am not sure if its my piece, I feel like her left leg is a tiny little bit shorter than her right (by may be a couple millimeters), as I have trouble posing her with symmetrical pose while staying straight (not veered to left or right). It could be (and probably is) just me not having figured out the crotch joint system yet.


She can pull off most normal poses. As with the brown Zentradi soldier, need to be pretty careful during posing, but I havent had anything fallen off during posing. No waist, mid-section joints and no extreme poses, but does have all the swivels at the right places. Her head is on a ball joint, but the hair prevents head articulation and kind of forces her to look down a little. With the helmet on this issue is eliminated. She is not as stable as the Zentradi soldier given her tiny feet and high heel, but does stand pretty well. She does also come with a closed eye face and two extra pairs of hands (not pictured).


Its plastic, not resin. So far it seems sturdy for what it needs to do.

Paint work:

Excellent! Paint was expertly applied and detailed. I can tell Darrin really put a lot of work into it. The face was wonderfully painted with all the right shades of colors. She has that Im bright and Im determined look to her, which is very Milia.


Milia is a conversion from another toy with custom parts, and thus sturdier compared to the Zentradi soldier. Although the pictures show that the helmet has a gap, thats just me not wanting to force it to close all the way, which can be done, resulting in a much smaller and less noticeable gap.

Overall impression:

Its Milia, my favorite Jenius (my favorite family in the Macross universe) after Emila. So of course Im ecstatic about finally owning one! She is beautiful to look at, and can do a lot of poses. Just being able to pose her with Max makes her totally worth it! I was most impressed with her face and its likeness to Milia. I think Darrin did a great job here.

With the Zentradi soldier and Milia, I finally have a representation of Zentran, Meltran, and Micron in my collection. Its a quality piece of work and Id recommend it! If youre on the fence, but have too many Valkyries on your want list, rethink your priorities! Once these are gone they are gone. These wont ever show up in Mandarake!!













Edited by locidm



Looks like I will be moving soon and I want to send these custom figures out to good homes ASAP






THANKS locidm for posting the great reviews! The Regult Pilot has his lid a little low in some of the pics, but other than that, all the photos came out great. Guess he wanted a unique look to set himself apart from all the other clones : o

9 Figs are gone or spoken for - hope to ship the rest in the next 2 weeks . . .

Posted (edited)

By the way - in the size chart above - how is Kamjin supposed to fit in the Glaug?

If he has the interior room shown in the anime, he could only be as tall as his knee in that illustration . . .


Edited by DarrinG

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