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  On 10/18/2014 at 3:12 PM, Hikuro said:

I was excited to see shipp play a role in the series AND remaining an Allen on top of that. I squealed like a girl and was surprised my mother even recognized him from the old short lived series. i hope this version lasts more than 22 episodes.

Guess who's also coming back? Yep.


Yeah, I really loved Ollies declaration to John at the end of last weeks episode. Amell's delivery was very well done. Simple, yet poignant.



This season of Arrow has been awesome, and while I saw the game changer coming this last episode, it still is a game changer. Seems like every episode is ending with one, by the end of the season it'll be a whole different show if they keep that up.

Amell is a heck of an actor, dude should win an emmy, my wife is even getting into the show, but she wants him shirtless more *sigh*

  On 10/22/2014 at 1:17 AM, Hikuro said:

trying to get my girlfriend into arrow. I dunno WHY she won't!

Maybe she needs abs?



  On 10/23/2014 at 3:31 PM, terry the lone wolf said:

Any new info on Supergirl on CBS or The Titans on TNT? Don't forget Constantine premieres this Friday on NBC..

Supergirl is in development. Titans is still being thought up. Constantine TV on NBC-thread.

  On 10/23/2014 at 3:57 PM, terry the lone wolf said:

Grodd confirmed for The Flash!

Pretty sure we knew that from the pilot. It's just a matter of how were they gonna pull it off.


I liked last night's episode, I always enjoy seeing Ollie and the team in civilian clothing, and in different locales, and still doing their thing kicking ass. Now I'm wondering what the angle with Thea is, is she loyal to Malcom, how good of a fighter has she become, and will she become Cheshire or perhaps Speedy?


Been kinda wondering myself as to what she'll become, yeah, Chesire, Speedy, Artemis, who knows? And even Laurel, she's now wanting to be taking over as the Canary but I dunno, she's had a lil self defense training but she couldn't even handle a drunk using a bat. So season 4? or Season 3.5? I dunno.

I thought we were going to see Rhas Al Ghul last night so I was very disappointed in that!

Posted (edited)

We'll see Ra's Al Ghul next week...

Geoff Johns talks everything DC including Supergirl, IZombie, Gotham, DC Movie/TV universes included in the DC Multiverse, & even teases possible Green Lantern TV series..


Edited by terry the lone wolf
  On 10/24/2014 at 3:10 AM, terry the lone wolf said:

Geoff Johns talks everything DC including Supergirl, IZombie, Gotham, DC Movie/TV universes included in the DC Multiverse, & even teases possible Green Lantern TV series..


Multiverse....yeah the mentioning of that smelled like one thing: Crisis on Infinite Earths.


Emily Bett Rickards is .... wow. Nice black dress.

Flash......iceberg hoy Captain!

....plus a guy getting a flame gun called Mick. I wonder who that could possibly be.

  • 1 month later...

So the two crossover episodes were pretty great, like really great in my opinion. I liked the Arrow episode more though I must say, Captain Boomerang was more badass then I imagined, that was some more spot on casting, and also like the 5th former Spartacus alum to join the cast. Damn good stuff overall, I can't wait for next weeks finales, a certain immortal Demon and a certain man in a yellow Flash suit should make for some exciting TV.


Liked them a lot too. During the Flash episode I thought the Dr. Wells said "BATMAN deals out brutal justice" when he and Joe were talking to Barry about the differences between him and the Arrow...but he only said "THAT MAN". Got all giddy for a sec. Lol!



SO who wants to place bets on the ID of Reverse Flash in this universe? I am still going with Dr Wells, I am Harry Wells, HG Wells? He is either reverse flash or a time traveler, possibly even HG Wells himself.


I'm sure the two are the same. If I remember right Professor Zoom thought at one point he was the original flash....but I also remember it was the suit that gave him his super speed not the same type of chemical accident that did it to barry. I dunno.

I liked the crossover but the only thing that bugged me was there was no fight to get Prism, it was just commerical break and then he's in the prison.


Oh I didn't think of Eddie....hm that's interesting I wonder how that would work? Obviously having the Speed Force slows down the aging process since the headlines in Well's secret room shows an news paper article of Barry at his current age marked 2045. But if that were the case then Eddie would know who The Flash was the whole time. And he didn't know I think that Joe was researching the Allen case again.

Wouldn't it be a kicker if the dad had done it the whole time? I mean what a treat that would be if Shipp dawned the suit one more time!


I'm sure the bombshell will drop at the end like when they revealed Malcolm Merlyn was the Black Archer of Arrow.

  On 12/7/2014 at 5:12 AM, Hikuro said:

...Well's secret room shows an news paper article of Barry at his current age marked 2045.

The year of the newspaper article is 2024.

As for this week's crossover...

-"That man deals out brutal justice"... I thought I heard Batman as well. Oh well. But it does correlate to Batman and Superman where Batman also dispenses a cruel form of justice vs. Supes. Kinda brings to light how DC's human heroes see the world vs how the meta-humans do.

-Color/Emotional psychology. :D Tee hee.

-I liked Ollie's speech at the end of the Flash-part of the crossover. Reminds me of Identity Crisis where Ollie made the same speech to Wally West about why they wear the mask.

-Which brings up the nightclub scene in Arrow where the Flash-crew realize that it isn't a game. Nice of them to bring up how the 2 shows see the world. It's one of the things I like about the 2-sides of the same coin.


Also enjoyed the little jokes. Captain Lance calling Barry Bart, Oliver being asked about how Speedy is doing and thinking of Roy for a second.


Besides John Wesley Shipp and Amanda Pays returning for this incarnation of The Flash, Mark Hamill will also return.



"Mark Hamill returns in a brand new interpretation of James Jesse (aka The Trickster), a role he originated on the 90's 'Flash' series. In this new iteration, The Trickster is an anarchist terrorist con man serving a life sentence in Iron Heights who helps Barry (Grant Gustin) and Det. West (Jesse L. Martin) to foil the city-wide attacks of a wannabe Trickster eagerly following in the original's deadly footsteps. The episode will reunite him with John Wesley Shipp who went up against him as the original 'Flash' on the CBS version."

"Flash" executive producer Andrew Kreisberg said, "Having Mark reprise his role as The Trickster was on our original wish list when we were planning our version of The Flash. Christmas and Chanukah came early for us this year when he said yes! We are beyond humbled and excited to have him joining us for another round of deadly trickery!"

Which likely means they'll be using the new Trickster/Axel Walker-character for the show.

Also, a commercial for this week's Arrow shows us that Ray Palmer's Advanced Technology Operating Mechanism-suit will be showing up before we hit the winter break. :D


I just read the news on hamill and I think that's really cool he was able to take the time from his schedule to do return.

I'm actually going to be watching the old flash series once the mid season finale is done....kinda just help pass the time.


I am loving how well DC is handling their TV properties, they have always seemed to do better on the small screen, when given a movie they tend to try and tell too big a story and it all goes tits up, *cough* man of steel *cough*

In some wild fantasy of mine these remain separate from the movies except possibly fitting into the Nolan'verse, since WB/DC has said that the Nolan movies do not play into the new films. Of course I realize that won;t happen since Neeson is not playing Ra' Al-Ghul, le sigh.

  On 12/8/2014 at 6:08 PM, Knight26 said:

Of course I realize that won;t happen since Neeson is not playing Ra' Al-Ghul, le sigh.

Yes. Curse people and their "work schedules".


my body is ready for the mid season of flash tonight.

in other news Clark Gregg has a wish list for a cross over of AOS and ARROW. even Stephen amill said he'd be interested.

however marvel and dc fanboys have been blasting about mixing two different universes and the impact of supposedly having them one in the same.

I for one would say do it but have it set up that some shield hydra tech opening portals to other parrell earths. that way it doesn't f up either side

Posted (edited)

OK, I'm going to risk looking like a moron here because I've made the mistake of watching the latest Arrow (episode 8, I think), before watching any of "The Flash". I forgot all about the new series, to be honest. Episode 8 had me completely lost. I felt like it was one where the plot all of a sudden took a massive dive into "target audience: Teens" territory. I didn't get it.

What's worse, my wife has been tolerating the series so far. She rolls her eyes a lot for last season and this one, but she's been loyally watching it with me just the same. Episode 8 lost her. Her words, "I'm never watching that stupid show again." To her, it was that bad.

So the obvious question for me: Should I have watched the Flash episodes that preceded this crossover? Did it add enough that I'll have some credibility if I suggest we watch them? My reputation with my wife is at stake here so help me out! ;)

Edited by mickyg
  On 12/9/2014 at 10:41 PM, mickyg said:

So the obvious question for me: Should I have watched the Flash episodes that preceded this crossover? Did it add enough that I'll have some credibility if I suggest we watch them? My reputation with my wife is at stake here so help me out! ;)

Recommended but not entirely necessary. You should have watched the end of episode 7 of Arrow as that's the lead-in to the Flash/Arrow-crossover.


See, I think I did. That's what has me confused. Maybe I missed it. That would certainly explain the feeling of "What is going on here?" that we felt when watching 8.


Well the only thing that you would of needed to know really between the Flash episode and Arrow episode were that the two characters have a VERY DIFFERENT style of dispensing not only justice, but how they get their bad guys and how they go abouts in their day to day super hero persona's. Barry is more mellow roll with it but not afraid to throw punches while Oliver is gonna stab you in the knee cap with an arrow and punch the crap out of you until you give him the answers he wants.

Joe was very clear in the Flash episode that he had heard of The Arrow and certainly didn't want him in Central City.

A little bit of comedy in the mix, lil bit of sexual tension between certain c haracters blah blah.

So yeah like said, Episode 7 of Arrow had more direct link onto itself for Episode 8 versus the Flash's episode 8. I do admit, there's been some very cheesy stereotypical bad drama stuff and chinsey action this season compared to last.

  On 12/10/2014 at 5:05 AM, Hikuro said:



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Oh, the paths we could go down this rabbit hole....

And Firestorm. :D

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