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Welcome to the MW thread for the under-appreciated SQUARE franchise of Front Mission. Personally, my first exposure to FM was FM 3 for the PS1. I was totally hooked on that game; the appeal of piloting a squad of fully customizable mechs in a world where such vehicles had actually succeeded in being an integral part of a modern battlefield added to an ungodly amount of hours to be spent on one videogame. After FM3, I went to play FM1, FM Gun Hazard, FM4 for the PS2, FM5, and just recently FM2. I would be remiss to not mention the small group of super-fans whose work allowed me to actually play these games in English. A thorough tour of their website will reveal exactly why FM did not get the attention it should have, not to mention the full reach of multimedia that the West did not get to enjoy.

Regardless, I made this thread to gather fellow wanzer-heads, and to celebrate the acquisition of this bad boy, a hardly seen 1/35 scale resin kit of the venerable Zenith wanzer as depicted in FM2:


This looks to be quite a build, so if anyone else has built this thing, I welcome your insight. ^_^

In addition to FM2, I have also been enjoying the FM Dog Life & Dog Style manga. It seems to be a collection of vignettes that take place during the events of FM1. Its a great read, but it certainly deals with a lot more mature themes that none of the games have touched.

Guest davidwhangchoi
Posted (edited)

Oh finally i found someone who likes the same series!

i started with 3 as well and re-brought on ps3 as a digital title.

i have 4 as well. i didn't get to play 5 yet, supposedly the best in the series and i have the translation fansworks of 1 snes.

cool model!

Edited by davidwhangchoi
Posted (edited)

I agree! It's a very underrated game (Front Mission 3, I mean). FM3 was my first introduction to this series too and I enjoyed it. I don't believe I ever finished it but I got pretty far. I should pull out my disc and replay it sometime and finish it... :)

I have FM4 squirreled away somewhere too. Was FM5 never released in English?

I love the designs of the Wanzers (Zenith, in particular). I think I have a few of the ArtFX toys they released way back when sitting in a box at my parents house.

Edited by xrentonx
Guest davidwhangchoi

yeah, that was a disappointment 5 never came out west. i signed one of those petitions going around to get square to localize it. but it never came true. like yakuza 5.. there's a fans works front mission 5 project that did a english translation but it takes a little work to get going. (buying a specific early version of the japanese import (not a certain revision) and then apply the english translation.) it looks like i may have to ask valk hunter d how long did it take to do. i really want to play 5 someday.


I loved playing FM4, right up untill I got to the giant final boss at the port and smacked my head against the wall. :(

I own FM3, but I never got into it like I did 4. I guess the characters just didn't appeal to me like 4's did. There was something kind of awesome contrasting that untested rookie euro squad with the american veterans who had been around and seen some s***.

Just a thought, but what do you say about combining this thread with the assault suit Leynos thread and make a classic mecha videogame thread covering everything?


Incidentally my first experience with Front Mission was also FM3. Funny! ^_^

I should finish this game some day before my PS2 decide to break up on me. To bad there is no way to port ones collection over to the newer systems without buying the games again and again or having to rely on crappy ports. *shakes his fist in anger for the version of FF6 on the PS store*

So has anyone a recommendation what FM games to pick up that have the same look and feel that part three had?


Fantastic game series. My first experience was with the ROM of the first game. Even though I was only 12 or so at the time and the game had no fan translation yet I played through the entire thing and loved it. I later saw that 3 was coming out to North America and bought it on release and played the crap out of it. When 4 eventually came around I was in high school and didn't have the time to devote to it like I did when I was younger but bought it anyways and while its been almost 10 years since I picked it up I still haven't given it another chance it's sitting on my shelf next to the fan translation of FM 5.

One day I hope to get around to playing through 4 and 5 and maybe 2.


there's a fans works front mission 5 project that did a english translation but it takes a little work to get going. (buying a specific early version of the japanese import (not a certain revision) and then apply the english translation.) it looks like i may have to ask valk hunter d how long did it take to do. i really want to play 5 someday.

The longest part is tracking down the program to apply the patch, and IIRC, the file for the patch contains locations on where to find it. Just run it, apply the patch to the FM iso file, then play via modded PS2 or even a PS2 emulator. Despite the translation team's wishes, there are patched iso files already out there though. Feel free to PM me, I got that program around here somewhere.

I loved playing FM4, right up untill I got to the giant final boss at the port and smacked my head against the wall. :(

I own FM3, but I never got into it like I did 4. I guess the characters just didn't appeal to me like 4's did. There was something kind of awesome contrasting that untested rookie euro squad with the american veterans who had been around and seen some s***.

Just a thought, but what do you say about combining this thread with the assault suit Leynos thread and make a classic mecha videogame thread covering everything?

FM4 was all kinds of awesome. While the characters didn't have the youthful goofiness of FM3's, the gameplay had more depth. Besides, who DOESN'T want to see Wolverine pilot a giant robot?

I don't mind talking about Leynos or Valken here, although those games never reached the fame FM got.

So has anyone a recommendation what FM games to pick up that have the same look and feel that part three had?

Aside form the other FM games, track down Ring of Red. But be prepared for loooong battles.

Posted (edited)

So...for this fan translation of FM5, should I buy a copy off of Amazon to start? I'd like to give them my money somehow. B))

Edited by xrentonx

So...for this fan translation of FM5, should I buy a copy off of Amazon to start? I'd like to give them my money somehow. B))

I've seen FM5 for cheap on Ebay too, but do make sure that it's the regular release and not the "Ultimate Hits" edition. Apparently the patch doesn't work with that one. Of course there are other unscrupulous methods obtaining an ISO file.

  • 4 years later...

I've been starving for good Front-mission stuff ever since the good-ole FM3 days and those super fragile PVC wanzers I had everywhere.

I already have the Zenith preordered from HLJ. 

Also really looking forward to Front-mission: Left Alive coming to PS4 and steam later this year. With some vets from Armored Core and Metal Gear helping out it's starting to look pretty good.


I wish there were some plastic kits. I think kotobukiya did resin ones long ago, but I would absolutely love them to do modern plastic models.

On 6/6/2018 at 12:08 PM, Duymon said:

I've been starving for good Front-mission stuff ever since the good-ole FM3 days and those super fragile PVC wanzers I had everywhere.

I already have the Zenith preordered from HLJ. 

Also really looking forward to Front-mission: Left Alive coming to PS4 and steam later this year. With some vets from Armored Core and Metal Gear helping out it's starting to look pretty good.

I have reservations about any FM game that isn't a turn based strategy game ever since FM Evolved.  I haven't seen too much of Left Alive, but I hope wanzers have a more active component than just being in the background. 

I caved and pre-ordered the Wander Art figs-the preorder price didn't make it hurt as much.  I'm definitely getting the Frost wanzers as well later on.  No love for dedicated missile or melee builds, Squeenix?

9 hours ago, Big s said:

I wish there were some plastic kits. I think kotobukiya did resin ones long ago, but I would absolutely love them to do modern plastic models.

It's surprising that Kotobukiya didn't go straight into plastic kits like they did with Armored Core.  The resin ones are super rare with only three kits IIRC; Frost, Zenith, and Walrus.  I'm still trying to make a good build of my Zenith.


It surprised me too. For a wile I had a fantasy about a great line of kits with maybe some weapon sets since kotobukiya loves making extras.

  • 3 months later...
  • 6 months later...
Posted (edited)

It's official: Left Alive, the latest game to take place in the Front Mission world is on a new level of suck.  I already had a feeling it was gonna be bad, but reading a few reviews about it has led me to believe it's worse than I thought.  I love FM, but I won't be touching this game with a 10 foot pole.

Edited by Valkyrie Hunter D
3 hours ago, Valkyrie Hunter D said:

It's official: Left Alive, the latest game to take place in the Front Mission world is on a new level of suck.  I already had a feeling it was gonna be bad, but reading a few reviews about it has led me to believe it's worse than I thought.  I love FM, but I won't be touching this game with a 10 foot pole.

i'm going to get it when it's under 10^_^

  • 1 year later...

This was a pleasant surprise.  The WANDER ARTS figure line is back on track.

Grille Sechs in Centipede color scheme and in urban camo (Front Mission 3):EWbjMoLUwAIZIwZ.jpeg.jpg.45ff041a9aaee113dc1af4a1cf4a5d66.jpg


Kyojun in Glen's Special and urban camo schemes (Front Mission 5):se201221.jpg.6165ef1ca5a7fa1f51d4860ea881137b.jpg


Frost in red Hell's Wall and urban camo (Front Mission 1):EWbjK60U8AEXaiF.jpeg.jpg.318ba1179f95b4f4c839c910f6cb4057.jpg


I had thought this line was dead after HLJ cancelled my preorders. HLJ and even AmiAmi went on to say that after the first figure with its two variants was released, the rest of the line was cancelled by Square Enix.


They look nice, but Japan has priced me out of the toy collecting game. I just can't justify paying $100+ before shipping on something slightly taller than a GI Joe with similar points of articulation no matter how nice the paint app is.

  • 1 month later...

Great sculpts on this line, but 1/72 scale means approximately 3-4 inches for these kits. I would love them to be 1/35 scale to mesh well with existing tank and infantry model lines, but beggars can't be choosers when it comes to Front Mission goods.  Thanks for the heads up, Big s, I'll probably pick up the Zenith for gits and shiggles.


Personally, I’ll probably get them all. It looks like there are some nice weapon options and at that size it won’t take too much space to display them. 

Who knows, maybe if the little guys sell well there may be a chance at larger kits. All I know is that for years I’ve been wanting plastic kits and I’m just glad it’s happening in some form.


So the preorder is up on Hobbysearch and it looks like $60 for all 4 kits and I guess there’s an extra weapon as a first run special. They are sold as a pack of 4 rather than individually. There’s also more pictures showing front back and sides of each kit and they have different hard points for weapon options as well as extra alternate heads for each type.


That's cheaper than I anticipated.  I guess this line gives you a better chance to assemble your in-game squad, especially if you mixed up body parts a lot (My wanzers often ended up keeping their stock parts).  Seeing the Numsekar and Giza in this line gives me hope they'll make more non-satndard wanzers.


I think the standard price is closer to $80. The $60 seems to be the preorder sale price, which does seem pretty good, so I preordered a couple sets. Since they look like they all have alternate heads and weapon accessories, I figure I’ll do one set as customs. I also noticed a few 1/76 tanks that will probably look close enough in scale to have a battle diorama.

they do say volume one for this set, so I have a feeling a second set is probably at least somewhere in the planning stages. Hopefully there will be more 

  • 3 weeks later...

I stated that I wouldn't be touching Left Alive, but I was too curious about its premium bundle for the PS4 - the so called "Mech Edition", which had considerably gone down in price to low sales of the game itself. 

I went through the game once, and I would compare my experience to that of playing a generic shooter on a PS3.  I certainly didn't play it how it was meant to be played where you would sneakily make your way past augmented soldiers and wanzers while defending yourself by using bombs and traps constructed from all the scrap material strewn all over the place.  I tried it that way for a few hours of gameplay and it was just no fun with the dumb enemy AI, the clunky menus, and inconsistent enemy reactions.  So for the rest of the game, I opted for the "Casual" setting where ammunition and firearms would be far more plentiful than usual.  It's a real damn shame, Left Alive had a a lot going for it: great atmosphere in an eastern European setting, friggin Yoji Shinkawa as a character designer, a decent story, and wanzers-wanzers everywhere!  It seems like Left Alive was trying to be the hot new Splinter Cell or Metal Gear experience, not only with Shinkawa's work, but also with certain sound effects and musical cues.  The execution was just terrible, and gameplay is no where near the depth of any of the later Metal Gear games.  Wanzer combat rounds are too far and few in between, and feel like watered down Armored Core bouts.  It was a real trudge of a game.

The Mech Edition package contains a vinyl stationary keeper, a steel case for the crappy game, a decent artbook containing containing concept and character illustrations, and most importantly-the star of the show: a toy of the new wanzer design introduced in the game-the Volk:


At approximately 7 inches, I would estimate its scale to be around 1/48.  The Volk comes with an assault rifle, a shield, a shoulder mounted multi-missile launcher, and a shoulder mounted rail gun, plus an alternate pair of hands:


The instruction sheet indicates that this figure is part of Square/Enix's Wander Arts line, and it shows with its excellent paint apps.  It has a nice matte dark green scheme and the printed details are crisply applied.  It's all ABS and PVC, no die cast here.


Articulation at the major joints is regulated by ball joints and swivels which all seem secure for now.


Just a couple of notable gimmicks here like the extendable rollers attached to the upper legs and the foldable shoulder mounted rail gun which is as long as the figure's height itself.


I love the design on this thing. It certainly looks like it belongs in the Front Mission theater, and it reminds me of a Landmate from Shirow's Appleseed.  As a huge Front Mission fan, I can confidently say the Volk is a great toy, I would go so far to say that it would be worthy of a release on its own.  In my head, the Left Alive game was the bonus in this package.

  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

Oh hells yes:

Edited by Valkyrie Hunter D
Part 2 is supposedly coming also, which would make it the first time it would get an official translation. My head would explode if they take this all the way to part 5.

Oh, I didn't know we had a dedicated FM thread. Nice. Did the Direct mention if they were ports of the PS1(?) originals, or remasters, or full-on remakes?

Incidentally, I was getting ready to sell my Structure Arts Vol. 1 1/72 kits. Still prepping pics and organizing a FS thread, but if anyone wants a set, lemme know. I've got 2x complete sets of 4 kits, one set snapped together, one set unbuilt. Haven't considered price yet, feel free to PM me an offer.


1 hour ago, kajnrig said:

Oh, I didn't know we had a dedicated FM thread. Nice. Did the Direct mention if they were ports of the PS1(?) originals, or remasters, or full-on remakes?

Yeah, we got one. it's just that the whole franchise has gone into a lull. I was hoping Left Alive would change that, but it was wishful thinking.

No news yet regarding details on the remake, just the annoucement teaser.

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