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Are you in the Military or did you join?  

104 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you in the Military or did you join?

    • Yes: Army
    • Yes: Air Force
    • Yes: Navy
    • No, but considered it
    • No

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So my wife and I were discussing this in bed one night, and ther eare a few trends we noticed about the Macross fan base here at Macrossworld and I wanted to do an "official" survey...

Here is the second:

Are you in the Military or did you join?

Not sure how strong of a suspicion this is, but I did notice a trend in the Mass CG thread of air force folks... wanted to see if the trend extended beyond that.



Hey! you forgot two other branches: the proudest mofos of them all- the few, the proud, the Marines, and them Coast Guard guys... Yups I think most of us (from both branches) would be too proud to click on THE NAVY! :p:p

You might wanna fix that before them hard core jar-heads come :p:ph34r:

Of course this thread maybe considered OT and one of the mods will come to lock it soon too...


Considered it....

...for about 5 seconds, then I realized that it wouldn't be like GI Joe, I'd get bored of it too quickly and I'm just too darn bone lazy.



Does having a wife who runs my life like the military count? :D We don't discuss things in bed no more, ever since she made herself a captain, I've no choice but follow orders. :(:lol:


I think a lot of Macross fans are interested in aviation, either because of or as a result of them being Macross fans. Macross does have a stronger flying and aviation element than just about any other anime, so it's pretty natural to see the spill over in terms of interests.


Again, nothing wrong with the topic , but it really has no relation to toys, so does not belong in the toys forum.

Also, IIRC, didn't we have this exact same topic just a few weeks ago?



I would've loved to have joined the armed forces, but my bad hearing kept me from doing that or even law enforcement for that matter....


My vanity kept me from joining the navy!

I was 17 and went to the local recruiting office and took an aptitude test. After getting the results I was told I could do anything except go on a nuclear submarine because it messes with the reproductive organs. I was all set to join when I watched a program on bootcamp. I was horribly shocked to see girls getting their hair whacked off. At the time my long hair was very important to me and the thought of having it cut was too much. So I decided not to join.

Posted (edited)

No, but I really considered it in my senior year of high school. However, after college I worked in the defense industry building military hardware (Aegis destroyers, nuclear subs, etc). I'm out of the defense industry now, I didn't like the work culture. Pursing a career in bionics/biomedical engineering now.

Oh, here's a fun fact. When I was backpacking in Kenya, the children thought I was a Nepalese Gurkha! :D

Edited by J A Dare
Posted (edited)

I seriously considered it... my family had a long relationship with the Navy, but my generation seems to have broken it.

I don't think I would have done well in the military, anyway. I don't much care for being told what to do.... I usually listen, and then do my own thing, which I understand is frowned on in the military...

edited for spellin'

Edited by gnollman
  gnollman said:
I don't think I would have done well in the military, anyway. I don't much care for being told what to do.... I usually listen, and then do my own thing, which I understand is frowned on in the military...

Yeah, I kind of have a problem with authority too.


I considered it for a time, but I'm completely deaf in one ear and have a wierd tendency to totally misinterpret what I hear - if I made it past the physical ol' sarge probably would have beaten me to death before I made it through boot-camp.


I was in the US Marine Corps, which of course I see you do not have listed in this poll. How could you have omitted the finest military force the USA has? I was an 0311 infantryman who was the automatic rifleman in his fire team. I carried the M249 SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon). I eventually became squad leader before i got out.

Posted (edited)

Yeah, I think I'm gonna call the Gunny and have him come beat up whoever forgot the Marines!

Seriously, though, i'm thinking about the Army. I took ASVAB and got a 96, so I can do just about anything. SO I'm gonna hold off for a while and get my civillian helo license, which will help me get accepted into the Army helicopter program, so I can be an attack helicopter pilot.

Edited by Commander McBride

Nope, drafting was cancelled just before I had to get my medical

only thing I find interesting about the military is the cool hardware

and, though I'm not a Pacifist, I'd rather not be taught how to kill another person.

Not only that, but a job I'm not allowed to think for myself untill I reached a certain rank is no job for me

Posted (edited)
  Noriko Takaya said:
I was in the US Marine Corps, which of course I see you do not have listed in this poll. How could you have omitted the finest military force the USA has? I was an 0311 infantryman who was the automatic rifleman in his fire team. I carried the M249 SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon). I eventually became squad leader before i got out.

Aren't the Marines officially part of the Navy? That's why Naval Medical Corpsmen used to fight with the Marines....

I mean, that's what Marines originally were... infantry who were based on naval ships....

Edited by gnollman

Joined the Army right out of High School. MOS - 19D Cavalry Scout (armored recon). I would recommend the military to anyone considering it.


if you look on the marine seal it says department of the navy. I use to mess with my marine friends about that. And said they worked for us. lol

I was an AM2 in the navy. Aviation Mechanic Structures and Hydraulics for f/a-18c's for 4 years.



I was in the Army from 95-99, MOS 31S-1C satellite communications operator-maintainer, satellite network controller. I highly recommend the military for anyone who wants to get a good start on their life. I have no regrets from being in the Army :D

Posted (edited)


No need to include a separate spot in the poll for the Marines or Coast Guard. Marines are basically a section or department under the Navy. Hell, we even have to provide someone to patch them up. The Coast Guard is under the Department of Transportation, so technically they are not really a "military" branch.

Here is what the word "M.A.R.I.N.E.S." stands for"

My Ass Rides In Navy Equipment Sir

Muscles Are Required Intelligence Not ESsential

(5) years in the Navy as an Operations Specialist. (We do a little bit of everything: radar, navigation, identification friend or foe, firing Tomahawk Missiles, act as air controllers for carrier based fighters.)

Places I got to go:

Alcapulco, Hawaii, Thailand, Phillipines, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Dubai, American Samao, and Australia. Basically an all expense paid world cruise.

Now I work at the Veterans Administration and help other veterans, widows and dependents.

By the way, "N.A.V.Y." stands for:

Never Again Volunteer Yourself.

Just remember that veterans gave life and limb so to establish our country and project our freedoms. While we sit warm and safe in our homes, they are out there, far from home and loved ones protecting us. ;)


Christopher B))

Edited by ChristopherB
  ChristopherB said:
Hell, we even have to provide someone to patch them up.

So the Navy still does that? My father was a medical corpsman in the fifties...

Posted (edited)
  ChristopherB said:
Here is what the word "M.A.R.I.N.E.S." stands for"

My Ass Rides In Navy Equipment Sir

Muscles Are Required Intelligence Not ESsential

You forgot one...


Uncle Sam's Misguided Children :lol:

Anyone know what the Marine word for "helicopter" is?

You point at the sky, make circular motions skyward with your index finger, and go "UUhggh!, UUUggh!" increduously. :lol:

Edited by Mechamaniac
Posted (edited)

I did consider the Navy and the Marines after high school. I even talked to a Marine recruiter at my house that summer. I decided on the JuCo route instead. I regret it every now and then since my grandpa, dad and one of my uncles all served in the Army. Then I hear about the latest deaths in the middle east and suddenly I feel better.

Edited by waylandcool
Posted (edited)

Yeah, yeah, the Marines are a department of the Navy, the mens' department! Or so the saying goes. And for those of you kind enough to remind me, Gunnery Sergeant Hartman has a special message for you (Do not take offense; this is a joke). :) As for corpsmen stationed with infantry units, I do not consider any of them to be squids. They are as hard charging as any grunt who has served in a frontline unit. And you'll find that any grunt will treat a corpsman in the field differently than the normal Navy boys he runs into.

So, in closing, I'd like to say "Semper Fi" to all of my brothers who served in our glorious Corps. Oorah!!

By the way, USMC can also stand for:

U Suckers Missed Christmas

U Start Mountain Climbing (Any Marine will know what I'm talking about here)


Edited by Noriko Takaya
  oneredlude said:
I was in the Army from 95-99, MOS 31S-1C satellite communications operator-maintainer, satellite network controller. I highly recommend the military for anyone who wants to get a good start on their life. I have no regrets from being in the Army :D

Army here... still am. I didn't "join". I just kinda fell into it. Don't regret it though, I LOVE my job. ^_^

oneredlude, I'm Signal too ;) Do you still work in the satellite field in the civilian world?


Air Force Tech Sergeant here, all day every day.

I'm an Aircraft Mechanic (Aircraft Fuel Systems Repair - Fuel Muth F&@kin' Cell) and have been one for 8 years now. I love my job. Wouldn't change a thing. Aviation got Kawamori to do Macross, Macross got me to do aviation. No doubt about that.

I've served in Operations Allied Force, Northern and Southern Watch, Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. I've been all over Europe, Southwest Asia, Alaska and ALL over the States. I've yet to go to Asia itself, but I'm PCSing (Permanent Change of Staion) to Misawa, Japan in a few months.

I've worked KC-135s, EC-130s, A-10s and now F-16s.

We'll see where military takes me now ... so far it's been good.



USMC M1A1 tank commander. Deployed for Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. Back from Baghdad. :)

Oo-rah to the other Marines.

The Squids can find their baby blue shirts and bell bottoms and leave their posts (machine guns) like they did on my last float when the weather got bad. ;) Army? Ain't Ready for Marines Yet. :lol: Jk, anyone putting on a uniform has got SOME respect for me... even if they're weak and undisciplined non-combatants in girlie uniforms. jk. ;)B))

  ChristopherB said:
No need to include a separate spot in the poll for the Marines or Coast Guard.  Marines are basically a section or department under the Navy.  Hell, we even have to provide someone to patch them up.  The Coast Guard is under the Department of Transportation, so technically they are not really a "military" branch.

That's true about the Coast Guard being under DOT, but I thought in times of war the CG takes direct orders from the Navy? I say this because I know CG Cutters augment Carrier Groups and other naval groups to do such things as coastal survelliance, interdiction, convoy escort, intelligence gathering, etc.


USMC/10 years/Sgt, my respects to all those who served. Sorry to hear about the misconception about the USMC/NAvy affiliation. As the world knows, United States Marines are the most respected and feared service and even at only 275 thousand strong, has the most presence on any battlefield. So I am sure that anyone who is jealous of our USMC service will no doubt look for reasons to belittle us and not show proper respect :D



i'm actually moving on JAN 10 to pensacola, for an enlistment to air force.

hey, anyone know how bad or hard is it to move from enlistment rank to officer? cuz i heard only officers fly, and i didnt stay a whole 2 years on this @|@##€ hole for my pilot license for nothing.

so what's the catch? or should i try to grab a scolarship on a FROTC instead?


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