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My friend told me today that he read on another forum that some IMAX theaters are showing, after the ending credits to RotK, an exclusive secret trailer for SW EpIII, where they actually show Anakin donning the DV mask for the first time!

Can *anyone* confirm this?

My friend told me today that he read on another forum that some IMAX theaters are showing, after the ending credits to RotK, an exclusive secret trailer for SW EpIII, where they actually show Anakin donning the DV mask for the first time!

Can *anyone* confirm this?

no. i was there. nada.

Posted (edited)

Dude, Episode III is at least a year and a half away, there's no way any kind of trailer would be presented yet.

Edited by eriku
:huh: Uh, Lucasfilms is still in post-production with Ep3. The earliest we might see something would be the OT SE DVD release this summer and more realistically something between November 2004 to January 2005.
Posted (edited)
Anakin is Darth Vader??!

Put some spoiler warnings up dude!

^Teh funny. :lol:  :p

this is not a secret....even before eps 1 was shown, lucas told about this....

ali sama....i don't know why but i feel like i'm being hypnotized by your avatar.....hmm...boucie..bouncie

Edited by dyowelb

ali sama....i don't know why but i feel like i'm being hypnotized by your avatar.....hmm...boucie..bouncie

you shall buy me a vf1j!!!!

you shall buy me a vf1j!!!!


Yeah Roy, at least your avatar is a few inches higher and not animated ;)

But in the mean time, since I got my 1J I can dream of what else I'd like in my stocking this year . . . .

Suddenly I have an urge to play with jello.

Once there is an offical complaint that avatar is history.


I think you saw the preview for Austin Powers II.

if there is one. it;s harmless. a clip from star trek lol.

Anakin is Darth Vader??!

Put some spoiler warnings up dude!

^Teh funny. :lol:  :p

this is not a secret....even before eps 1 was shown, lucas told about this....


It was a joke, obviously. "Luke. I am your father." sort of blew that surprise 20 some years ago.

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