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So I picked up SCII the other day and I have to wonder why I didn't earlier. It's great! It's perfect for a button masher like me.

So who's your favorite characters? I prefer Taki, Talim and Ivy myself. Taki and Talim because they are fast and have dual weapons, and Ivy because she's got the long range.

Also, the game is 100x better with the Japanese soundtrack. The dubs are horrid.

Vostok 7


I'm a Mitsurugi god(see the avatar). I usually kill anyone with him, his SCUBs and mix-ups are hella rad.

I'm pretty badass with Ivy as well, I'm pretty good at buffering CS and SS and those are always crowd pleasers.

I'm good with Voldo also, but I mainly play him because of the humiliation factor.

I'm working on Taki and Yoshimitsu also.

Vostok, button mashing can get you only so far. Once your enemies learn to GI, they're going to own you.

I recommend visiting http://www.guardimpact.com if you really get into it.


I own the GC version, and i like using Link, Kilik, and Seung Mina.

Link and Seung Mina is just cool to use, Kilik is a fancy snamshy.

Posted (edited)

I own the GC version of the game. I like playing with Taki, Seung Mina, Sophitia, Xianghua, Voldo and Killik. Out of those I play best with Taki and Seung Mina (she is the best! ;) )

And btw..... learn how to read... its Soul Calibur! <_<

Edited by Abombz!!

Got the GC version. So I roll with Link, Kilik, Mitsurugi, and Cervantes.


I also spend quality time with the Gamecube version.....I've been using Link, Nightmare, and Taki the most. B))

  Abombz!! said:
Seung Mina (she is the best! ;) )

She's quite literally a neutered Kilik. Use Kilik, not only does he have almost all of her moves, but he has additional ones that make him a much more well-rounded character.


On SC1 I'll play as anyone but Maxi and Voldo.

Not very good with the large slow characters, though. My playstyle tends towards fast characters that don't do much damage, but do it fast.

HAven't played Soul Edge/Blade, and my SC2 experience is very very limited.

Posted (edited)
  Max Jenius said:
Mitsurugi and I go way back. Soul Edge. :D

Yeah, baby. No other game has a kick-ass intro like Soul Edge.


We all need to shine on to see

How far we've come on our journey

How far yet to go searchin' for our star

Deep in the night I pray in my heart

For that special light

To shower me with love

To shower me with power

To shine from above

I gotta get to the Edge of Soul

To carry on what I believed

In from the very start

I gotta get to the Edge of Soul

To carry on deep in my heart



Come strip down and face it, your all

'Bout time you broke down your wall

Free your mid, a brand new world

Waits for you, you'll find

Nobody can just do it for you

It's time that you knew

It's up to you to love

It's up to you to shine

The light true'n blue

You gotta get to the Edge of Soul

To carry on what you believe

In from the very start

You gotta get to the Edge of Soul

To carry on deep in your heart

You gotta get to the Edge of Soul

To carry on what you believe

In from the very start

You gotta get to the Edge of Soul

To carry on what you believe

In from the very start

You gotta get to the Edge of Soul

To carry on what you believe

In from the very start

You gotta get to the Edge of Soul

To carry on deep in your heart



Edited by areaseven
Posted (edited)

Cassandra! She's the hottest (although Seung Mina comes close) and highly deadly. I also use Kilik, Link on occasion, Voldo if I want to be cheap, and of course, Raphael. Maxi has got to be the most underrated character in the game, his moves look weak but he packs a wicked punch

Edited by Skippy438

One of the great things about the Soul Calibur series has been my inability to choose an absolute favorite due to the inclusion of so many charming and well balanced characters. However, ever since I first played Soul Calibur on my Dreamcast, I've always liked Mitsurugi, Kilik, and Taki. I've always liked Mitsurugi's versatility, Kilik's well rounded speed and range, and Taki's acrobatic strikes and dodges.

Of the characters in Soul Calibur II, I find myself very much enjoying Ivy. Her swinging whip moves and new combos are great. She has one hell of a move list at her disposal. I have yet to master many of the new characters, but Spawn (I own an X-Box, so I have that version) sure is a lot of fun. I must admit, I'm going to have to get good with Raphael. He's a fun character to watch in action.


X-box ver. I play with Mitsurugi Sueng Mina and Xhingchua (love her Tai chi sword movements) apologize for sp?

Posted (edited)

I haven't got Seung Mina yet.

I'm really warming up to Talim... She's got some nice moves (like the jump over backwards swing)... The problem with my friends is they find the heaviest or fastest strike they can and just use it over and over and over... I'm finally learning to guard and time my strikes to get inbetween theirs, but then it's frustrating when I time my guards wrong.

I like Taki's rushing strike... It's a good opener.

It's such a great game until you're getting owned by your button mashing first time playing friends <_<

And is it just me or is Heihachi nearly usless? <_<

Vostok 7

Edited by Vostok 7

aww...nobody likes Maxi? man, just get to know how to play as him and u wont pick anybody else, he's the fastest guy in the game with the right combos, and half of his combos will catch you off guard too (not to mention being pretty powerful)

  Lightning 06 said:
aww...nobody likes Maxi? man, just get to know how to play as him and u wont pick anybody else, he's the fastest guy in the game with the right combos, and half of his combos will catch you off guard too (not to mention being pretty powerful)

Well, I'm not very good at the genre, and I usually get owned after comitting to a move that misses.

Typical example: Maxi moves in, swings his nunchucks, misses, and sits there spinning them while the other person uses the (large) oepning to smack him in the head with a sharp pointed object.


Hey, Li Long was way better than Maxi will ever be. :)

Anyways, I've been using Sueng Mina since Soul Edge, as well as Hwang. Picked up Nightmare and Xianghua on DC. Can use Sophitia decently.

  areaseven said:
I haven't played the PS2 version yet, so how hard is it to fight Heihachi, even though he's unarmed?

I haven't played as him yet, but I've seen him in action. He's got some nice moves, but seems basically useless against the weapons.

It's too bad really. I think he's the worst of the cameos. In a game full of, and all about weapons, he gets zip. :rolleyes:

Vostok 7


He's basically just like Tekken Heihachi.

Not really that fun to play for me.

The basic rule of thumb between my friends and I is "[Anyone but Heihachi]"




Sango(Skin for Taki)

assorted Naruto characters who's names I don't know...

Darth Vader

Luke Skywalker

Obi-Wan Kenobi


Anyone but Heihachi

Could Strife


Gundams (DeathScythe etc)

Evangelions (Prog knife, whatever...)

Stikfas(replacement for the lame Charade)

Immortals - Duncan/Connor Macleod/Ramirez/The Kurgan

Nicholas D. Wolfwood


Anyone but Heihachi

A Giant Bee




Bruce Willis w/ Katana (Pulp Fiction)

Anyone but Heihachi.

See? It really works!

  Max Jenius said:
He's basically just like Tekken Heihachi.

Not really that fun to play for me.

The basic rule of thumb between my friends and I is "[Anyone but Heihachi]"




Sango(Skin for Taki)

assorted Naruto characters who's names I don't know...

Darth Vader

Luke Skywalker

Obi-Wan Kenobi


Anyone but Heihachi

Could Strife


Gundams (DeathScythe etc)

Evangelions (Prog knife, whatever...)

Stikfas(replacement for the lame Charade)

Immortals - Duncan/Connor Macleod/Ramirez/The Kurgan

Nicholas D. Wolfwood


Anyone but Heihachi

A Giant Bee




Bruce Willis w/ Katana (Pulp Fiction)

Anyone but Heihachi.

See? It really works!


Vostok 7


Or in the "obvious thing they missed" category, is that half the time in various Tekken games, Heihachi is walking around with 2 katanas, yet they couldn't "come up with" a weapon for him in SC2...

(Or does he have a katana and a wakizashi? Always looked like 2 katanas to me)

  JB0 said:
I've heard they were discussiong putting DigDug in at one point.

That would've been awesome beyond words.

OMG they SO should have!!!

Vostok 7

  areaseven said:
  JB0 said:
I've heard they were discussiong putting DigDug in at one point.

That would've been awesome beyond words.

At least he'll find some use for his pump. :lol:

Oh my dirty mind.

Vostok 7

  Max Jenius said:
He's basically just like Tekken Heihachi.

Not really that fun to play for me.

The basic rule of thumb between my friends and I is "[Anyone but Heihachi]"




Sango(Skin for Taki)

assorted Naruto characters who's names I don't know...

Darth Vader

Luke Skywalker

Obi-Wan Kenobi


Anyone but Heihachi

Could Strife


Gundams (DeathScythe etc)

Evangelions (Prog knife, whatever...)

Stikfas(replacement for the lame Charade)

Immortals - Duncan/Connor Macleod/Ramirez/The Kurgan

Nicholas D. Wolfwood


Anyone but Heihachi

A Giant Bee




Bruce Willis w/ Katana (Pulp Fiction)

Anyone but Heihachi.

See? It really works!


It's funny because it's so true.


Let's see, I've played as Xianghua since SC1 because she wields Soul Calibur. I like Nightmare, ok with Mitsurugi and Talim is fun with the Up, Kick, Kick, Kick, Ring Out combo. I think I'm like the only one who likes Heihachi cuz I play like a cheap bastard with him.

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