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Holy crap. did you guys see tonight episode?

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Well, that certainly delivered. It was really nice to have a return to bearded, older Walt with the M60. I particularly enjoyed Walt's little "Hello Carol" :)

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Lydia is hot. Not sure why.. but she is. haha

Yeah it was pretty creepy to see "Heisenberg" painted on the wall.

  On 8/12/2013 at 1:48 PM, Mr March said:

Well, that certainly delivered. It was really nice to have a return to bearded, older Walt with the M60. I particularly enjoyed Walt's little "Hello Carol" :)

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Question: did Jesse ever figure out that Walt was mostly responsible for his girlfriend's death?

  On 8/12/2013 at 8:12 PM, myk said:

Question: did Jesse ever figure out that Walt was mostly responsible for his girlfriend's death?


I doubt he ever will as their is no reason for anybody to bring it up.

I think Walt's biggest worry right now is if Jesse finds out about Mike.

Also, Jesse throwing wads of cash around with his fingerprints all over them.

Posted (edited)

Nah. Jesse wouldn't do that. It was just some random kid like the skateboarders out back.

Jesse could be dead at that point.

Edited by Gakken85
Posted (edited)

Wow. Jesse and Hank! haha.

Great episode.

Here are my final predictions on how I think things are going to end:

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Edited by Gakken85

I think that Walt should've nuked Jesse a long time ago; he's always been the biggest threat to Walt. Actually, it doesn't make sense for Walt to NOT have done that already, and I see it as a sort of plot-hole, even though I realize they try to play Walt & Jesse off as some sort of dysfunctional faux-father and son team. Hank does have an interesting dilemma though: if he makes his suspicions official it will probably end up his career, possibly put him into legal trouble. If he DOESN'T and Walt's little business venture eventually becomes uncovered, then Hank will probably go to jail anyway.

I'll say it like I've said it before: Walt should've quit when he made that first $700K; his greed will be his downfall...


I reckon Saul will come out on top ,if even by default he's my fav character always adds abit of comic relief.

(516- call Saul... haha)

And it's ricin & bullets for everyone else!!!

Either way I'm lovin' the first 2 episodes. I was concerned about the troubles with AMC and cast/writers from The Walking Dead and how the last few episodes killed my love for that show to now only a vague interest in the next series.

I thought that would carry over into Breaking Bad as a slow burn with alot of episode fillers ...but so far this series has hit the ground running...makes me feel like the only tough decision I have left is to stop watching the series now until it's completely finished and knock it out in one night with back to back episodes OR anxiously await each week for the next episode.


Myk - Yeah, Jesse has brought a lot on himself, but people tend to forget that. haha.

Walt could have killed Jesse ages ago and made millions with Gus and never gotten caught. But he stuck up for Jesse and then he had to kill Gus.

Tryoness - the breaking bad writers are top notch. I expect nothing but good things.

Duke - I expect a lot of things will start happening next episode and then it will be insanity from their on out.

Chow - I'll read that for sure. Can't get enough BB :D


I want Jesse to get away so I really hope he doesn't give Hank crap. I don't see how he would either. After he was attacked by Hank, they'd have to write some miracle for Jesse to even spit in Hank's direction. But I suppose that's the great thing about Breaking Bad is amazing writing.


@gakken85- your right the writers have always been great and I'm glad AMC didn't f#*k with Breaking Bad!!!!!

This last season is gonna be intense!!!

@chowyunskinny-thanx for that , that was a great read!! the colors thing is too much for me to absorb lol..

@Mr March- I'd like too see Jesse come out alive and rich, he still has a conscience.... unlike Walt(but it's fun watching him spiral out of control)

I respect the writers for making this the last season instead of dragging it out with the same tired formula..(*cough* Dexter -hurry up and die or get caught or something..damn).


I'd be willing to bet both Jesse and Walt, but like you said, we never know...


Finally had a chance to catch up... amazing last 2 eps... so much tension without any need for action. Love it. For me the next 6 weeks will come too quickly cuz then it'll be over!

  On 8/26/2013 at 2:11 AM, Gakken85 said:

Jesse figured it out...Brock is a bridge too far.

Goddamn... next week.

One way or another, his days are numbered.

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