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Posted (edited)

Lots of people think this one will be expensive. Like "more than VF-4" expensive which was a small valk.

It's all just speculation because of all the accessories. So what do you think you'd pay for the YF-19 now that it is coming?

The pricing for this will be interesting since they got to keep things cheap enough to remain competitive with bandai, but also profit. (not clear how yamato died. maybe it had nothing to do with macross)

Does anyone care about the price or are you just going to buy one regardless of price out of desperation?

I'm hoping it will be cheap enough that I can at least get 2. 1 from mac+, and another hopefully in another paintscheme.

I think it is great we are getting it, but it is under the arcadia brand now which may mean higher prices for everything.

I could only afford 1 vf-4 when those were released. So I am hoping that there will be a standard "bare bones" release that doesn't include all the fancy missiles that are shown. This way I can get the base valk and FP as my second yf-19 valk.

We know they have the market cornered and they are the only game in town for yf-19, so they will probably price high at first. (no cheaper alternatives like bandai HiMetals to get in their way this time)

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

Mister K did not give details but he has hinted it will be reassuringly expensive. Look at the price for the VF-1S reissue. Do not be surprised if we get slapped with an astronomical sum.

Posted (edited)

Yes and that doesn't have fast pack or gbp. (although I think the stand is a good addition for those who just got into collecting and missed the golden age and now have to deal with post-yammie-age scalpers) Scary isn't it?

Please arcadia do not include the fold booster and force us to pay for it. I am happy just with arm weapons and missiles.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

The VF-1S ended to 13980 yen on pre-order, not so bad considering the packaging. The YF-19 v2 would be a must-buy item for any macross collector anyway. Should the price not be as high as the VF-4G, Arcadia would sell more 19s than VF-4 because it is more popular thanks to the great OAV, Plus movie and its apparition in Frontier movie.

Posted (edited)

Really, the price of the new VF-1S is about the same as always. $120, add the stand that's an extra $20 (I don't accept the idea that a stand isn't worth that much like some people have cried about.) So it's not like things are ridiculously skewed upward. The VF-4 was never expected to be popular and was barely known, it was expensive and I got lucky and got away with two just under $800. The YF-19 by comparison is known the world over, even by a lot of Robotech fans. Plus wasn't popular in Japan but it seems like the Japanese are at least fans of Isamu, enough that he was worth getting a nod in Frontier and pretty prominent feature (I'm told) in Macross 30. You would think that means it would be priced to move and stay as close to the VF-19 series as possible. They were, on average, $230 at start. Even with the extras that should only be an extra $50. Maybe there's a stand, maybe there isn't. Maybe production costs have increased and they'll have to pad it a bit more as well. With that in mind I'm betting this thing is right around the VF-4/VF-17D with Fast Pack price range. between $300 and $350. Certainly not cheap, and a far cry from where I used to be comfortable spending on these toys (the first two years I refused to even get the VF-11 because of its price and almost skipped the Milia and Max variants because they were $150 each..)

Edited by Mommar
Guest davidwhangchoi

yeah , i agree... i say 30000 yen plus shipping


I refuse to give them any idea of how much we are willing to pay.

I do know it's going to be very expensive, and I also know I'm going to preorder it and take it like a man :lol:


yeah , i agree... i say 30000 yen plus shipping

Me too, but for this i would expect multiple QC checks! As long as i can say this is the best YF-19 possible i don't mind too much. I've spent that much on rare VF-1s!


If they can keep it at the 300$ mark, they will suck casual collectors in.

Anything more and it's going to limit the market to Macross enthusiasts only.

I'm passing in many things I want this year, just to make sure I've got cash ready for this bad boy.


The 1/48s were going for $148 retail at conventions and Frank and Sons and now the 1/60s are going to be $160. I think it's time Yama... er Arcadia start making those 1/32s... lol.

My guess for the YF-19 is $249 initially with early bird discounts and retailing close to $300 once things settle.


In general I find it difficult to have such discussions when we talk in $$$ instead of Yen. A few things can happen before this toy is released regarding the exchange level so maybe the 30000 Yen *hint hint* will be below $300 or above. ;)


Guess it all depends on how many flavors it will be offered in....Yamato always seemed to offer a plain vanilla and one with sprinkles! ^_^

Perhaps Arcadia will only sell it as a gut-buster version!!!



The 1/48s were going for $148 retail at conventions and Frank and Sons and now the 1/60s are going to be $160. I think it's time Yama... er Arcadia start making those 1/32s... lol.

My guess for the YF-19 is $249 initially with early bird discounts and retailing close to $300 once things settle.

Except the only 1/60 that is actually $160 is the 30th Anniversary tampo nightmare. The 1S is selling for $140.


Another YF-19 thread? =)

$300 is what I will pay but I guess I don't have a strict upper limit. This is the valk I've been waiting for. I'll probably sell off a few things to pay for it. I can quit after this one, until Macross comes out with a new series.


The 1/48s were going for $148 retail at conventions and Frank and Sons and now the 1/60s are going to be $160. I think it's time Yama... er Arcadia start making those 1/32s... lol.

My guess for the YF-19 is $249 initially with early bird discounts and retailing close to $300 once things settle.

i hope you are right, and actually there is a line of thinking that would agree. I think people are overstating the importance of the VF-4G in their recent memory as a good "data point" on what yamato/arcadia does with it's pricing. People need to remember that it was a low production model that they knew they could not sell enough of, therefore sale price had to be higher to offset the tooling cost etc. While M+ isn't as popular in japan as say M7 or frontier, its popular enough that this will be a "high quantity" type production run for them which should bring pricing down to more reasonable costs. Also the demand for it might NOT be THAT high due to M+'s lack of popularity....therefore they can't overcharge too much for it as it certainly isnt say vf-1s popular. So in summary its popular enough to get made in not so small quantities and not popular enough to command a premium over other fighters of similar size and complexity. Add in the extras and this wil lbe ~$300 or so as compard to the $280 or so of the more popular (in japan) VF-19 and VF-17 .

Posted (edited)

It doesn't seem much more involved, materials wise, over the VF-11's. 180-230 should be plenty.

Edited by Gakken85
Posted (edited)

It doesn't seem much more involved, materials wise, over the VF-11's. 180-230 should be plenty.

Wait, are we still talking about the YF-19? :huh:

On the other hand, it's not exactly the materials what makes the difference.

Edited by Reïvaj

Wait, are we still talking about the YF-19? :huh:

On the other hand, it's not exactly the material what make the difference.

My feeling as well. Considering the VF-19's were at a base $230 and this thing already includes several extra gimmicks plus additional accessories the old VF-19's didn't there's no way it would be below $230 and there's every reason to believe it will be above it.


here's a thought:

the original Roy VF-1S v2 was 9800 yen retail. the Arcadia re-issue is 16,800 yen.

that's a bit over a 70% increase in price.

so given the VF-19's 22,000 yen retail price it could very well be as high as 37,400 yen.


here's a thought:

the original Roy VF-1S v2 was 9800 yen retail. the Arcadia re-issue is 16,800 yen.

that's a bit over a 70% increase in price.

so given the VF-19's 22,000 yen retail price it could very well be as high as 37,400 yen.

makes sense......and that's for a plain one with no armor, ordinance, booster, arm cannon, or ghost......lube will also be extra! :wacko:

Posted (edited)

I wonder what the chances are that the price drops if the toy sells poorly though?

They start off pricing really high. just to see who the desperate guys are and milk them of money as long as possible, then it gradually goes down in price to rake in more people when they realise that all those who were willing to pay at that price have already got what they want?

Or just release very few and never release it again at all by interpreting the low sale number as "low demand". (then deciding "let's just make macross man dolls" :p)

Lot of different things we can speculate they'd do. Personally I know I will get at least 1 at a high price. But hope later the price is low enough so that if they do a repaint like a VF-X scheme, I can get another one. But I don't want all the extra accessories for the second one. Because in my mind I think the YF-19 design is supposed to be a stealth mech that sneaks behind enemy lines and does its thing within a strict time limit. Not a main fighter.

That's how it was described in the show at least. Sort of a spec ops valk for things like hostage rescue missions and such. (no nukes/reaction bombs allowed for political reasons)

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

Mister K did not give details but he has hinted it will be reassuringly expensive. Look at the price for the VF-1S reissue. Do not be surprised if we get slapped with an astronomical sum.

This actually concerns me that they might price themselves out of the market. Everyone thinks that people will pay $400+ for a Valkyrie due to the Bandai insanity last year, and primarily the shortages of VF-25S, followed then by the Yamato panic when they converted to Arcadia. However just because people asked and occasionally got insane prices on what was supposed to be a ~$150 toy doesn't mean consumer demand is there for sustained $300+ purchases.

For example I've paid so much for Valkyries this year that my wife gave me no slack today when I picked up two Sig pistols at ~$1200 each. Why? Becuase that's money damned well better spent than on another piece of plastic, albiet a very pretty piece of plastic.

I don't think the right balance for business success for Arcadia is going to be to just reissue what they've already done and ask more for it this time around; which is exactly what they've shown a desire to do so far. Look at what Bandai is doing in contrast; the V2 Renewals are such a significant retooling that it is actually worth replacing your V1s, even if you loved them and had no issues, and on top of it they introduced the 171 Alto,171 CF, 25A, new Tamashii packs, etc. Arcadia is giving us a reissue (Roy) and another reissue in a completely awful color scheme (VF-1J 30th). I am absolutely willing to give them a chance and support their future release, but so far I'm a bit underwhelmed. Maybe the YF-19 will be such an amazing retooling, like the Bandai renewals, that it makes my Weathered YF-19 and Bird of Prey look like junk; but the last thing I'm about to do is say "please charge me X amount of money for something that may only be worth Y".

Posted (edited)

Mmmmm ideally I would LIKE to pay less than $300US. Realistically I know I'll pay ANYTHING even if I have to sell my left nut.

On a serious note, Arcadia shouldn't price this thing above the $350 range. Most buyers would settle for one or none. If it was more affordable, most of us would probably buy multiples. If it is marked at $300 - I'll buy 3. Less than $300 I'll buy 4. Above $400 - "F", I'll take only 2.

I'm going to predict this baby will be about the $430 range - Called it! I hope I'm wrong. :unsure:

Edited by Isamu Dyson

I got a feeling that all this talk is just to mentally prep ourselves so when the price is 28k yen or so you guys will be like "OMG SO CHEAP ITS ALMOST FREE BRB GONNA MORTGAGE MY DOG BUYING 5!!!"

And it's ok. ;)

Posted (edited)

here's a thought:

the original Roy VF-1S v2 was 9800 yen retail. the Arcadia re-issue is 16,800 yen.

that's a bit over a 70% increase in price.

so given the VF-19's 22,000 yen retail price it could very well be as high as 37,400 yen.

you are forgetting that the original roy was released in 2008 whereas the vf-19 was just last year, so inflation probably has something to do with those numbers. i think the reissue vf-1s was more than 9800 the least time they released it. Also, i think percentages are irrelevant. What is relevant is "what is the targeted consumer willing to pay"? For me, 37400 yen is a F*CK NO, unless the yen starts to plummet.

Edited by Mechapilot77

I would wish that this Arcadia YF-19 would be a nice introductory price to gain fans at a nice $169.99 USD. But everyone's gotta eat, I will guess that Arcadia will charge between $214.99 to $245.99 USD.


This actually concerns me that they might price themselves out of the market. Everyone thinks that people will pay $400+ for a Valkyrie due to the Bandai insanity last year, and primarily the shortages of VF-25S, followed then by the Yamato panic when they converted to Arcadia. However just because people asked and occasionally got insane prices on what was supposed to be a ~$150 toy doesn't mean consumer demand is there for sustained $300+ purchases.

For example I've paid so much for Valkyries this year that my wife gave me no slack today when I picked up two Sig pistols at ~$1200 each. Why? Becuase that's money damned well better spent than on another piece of plastic, albiet a very pretty piece of plastic.

I don't think the right balance for business success for Arcadia is going to be to just reissue what they've already done and ask more for it this time around; which is exactly what they've shown a desire to do so far. Look at what Bandai is doing in contrast; the V2 Renewals are such a significant retooling that it is actually worth replacing your V1s, even if you loved them and had no issues, and on top of it they introduced the 171 Alto,171 CF, 25A, new Tamashii packs, etc. Arcadia is giving us a reissue (Roy) and another reissue in a completely awful color scheme (VF-1J 30th). I am absolutely willing to give them a chance and support their future release, but so far I'm a bit underwhelmed. Maybe the YF-19 will be such an amazing retooling, like the Bandai renewals, that it makes my Weathered YF-19 and Bird of Prey look like junk; but the last thing I'm about to do is say "please charge me X amount of money for something that may only be worth Y".

Agreed 100%


Well, none of us really know do we? So we'll have to wait and see.

Considering the VF-11's were right at $200, and the VF-1s are now about $150, I don't think it would be more than $250.

But it's not a big deal if it's 300. As long as the quality is there.

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